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4WheelVFR 02-09-2010 10:11 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 753819)
Nice to see you 'round these parts again, Hoon.

I agree. Howard should have done better but the way Liverpool has struggled this year, I'll take the win. Would be sweet to beat the Gunners tomorrow.

I'll be rooting for Liverpool tomorrow!:D

pnoon 02-09-2010 10:22 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR (Post 753827)
I'll be rooting for Liverpool tomorrow!:D

Me, too, Ray. Me, too. :)

4WheelVFR 02-09-2010 10:32 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 753838)
Me, too, Ray. Me, too. :)

Should be a great match regardless of the results though.

mastershogun 02-20-2010 11:05 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
Anyone watch the the everton/manu game? Woohoo!
First Chelsea then ManU

D. Generate 02-20-2010 01:01 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
My football desires are simple.

I don't want West Ham relegated.
I don't want Man U to win.
I want the U.S. or Spain to win the World Cup.

2 out of 3 are definitely doable.

Partagaspete 02-20-2010 01:36 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by D. Generate (Post 766131)
My football desires are simple.

I don't want West Ham relegated.
I don't want Man U to win.
I want the U.S. or Spain to win the World Cup.

2 out of 3 are definitely doable.

How is this or 2 out of three...

I do want Man U to win.
I do not want West Ham relagated
I do want the U.S. or Portugal o win te world cup

you typical londoner who wants chelski or Arse-null to win :fu

jdakine 02-20-2010 01:40 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
Go Liverpool

4WheelVFR 02-24-2010 09:56 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
There've been some good Champions league games lately......although both Real Madrid and Chelsea lost.:td

The friendly between US and El Salvador was a lively match too. El Salvador's goalie had some great saves until the end where it looked like he and that defender just quit.

mastershogun 02-27-2010 11:59 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
anyone watching the stoke-arsenal game? i missed the tackle and they are not showing it again. anyone know what happened?

reggiebuckeye 02-27-2010 12:36 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by mastershogun (Post 775412)
anyone watching the stoke-arsenal game? i missed the tackle and they are not showing it again. anyone know what happened?

It looked like nothing big until you saw Ramsey laying there with part of his leg dangling. The result looked bad. Two people going in two different directions collided. Ramsey lost big time. I really hope he will be ok. Not for the sake of Arsenal, but for his own health.

Jason 02-27-2010 09:15 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by reggiebuckeye (Post 775478)
It looked like nothing big until you saw Ramsey laying there with part of his leg dangling. The result looked bad. Two people going in two different directions collided. Ramsey lost big time. I really hope he will be ok. Not for the sake of Arsenal, but for his own health.

It looked like nothing, the ref sauntered over to Ramsay and saw his leg hanging and his eyes got big as saucers and he started flailing for the physios. THe he went and presented a red card.

I didn't have the stomache to watch any replays so I dunno if it was a bad tackle or not but I'm pretty sure the ref thought nothing of it til he saw the damage.

Unfortunate, hope he recovers quick, he's got a lotta footy years in front of him

TheRiddick 02-27-2010 09:40 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
Mistimed tackle, not a deliberate one. Although still same very bad result. And the defender (offender?) was picked for the England's team a couple of hours after the game by Capello, so obviously a very good player simply in a bad tackle.

GreekGodX 03-15-2010 08:49 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
87 days until the World Cup!

hotreds 03-15-2010 09:24 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

mastershogun 03-15-2010 01:54 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
Looks like Becks is out of the world cup... at least we no longer have to hear about him anymore
Do you think this will retire him all together?

TheRiddick 03-15-2010 03:47 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by mastershogun (Post 794879)
Looks like Becks is out of the world cup... at least we no longer have to hear about him anymore
Do you think this will retire him all together?

He is still one of the best passers around, I can't see why he won't be able to play for a few more years. Speed was never his attribute to begin with. But stamina he does have, plenty of, he is a product of MU academy and wimps do not survive for long.

Your post is almost full of glee? Why?

mastershogun 03-15-2010 04:02 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 794995)
He is still one of the best passers around, I can't see why he won't be able to play for a few more years. Speed was never his attribute to begin with. But stamina he does have, plenty of, he is a product of MU academy and wimps do not survive for long.

Your post is almost full of glee? Why?

Just tired of how his quest for the world cup almost monopolizes what little coverage of all soccer we have in the states. Nothing against him just tired of hearing about him when there is so much more to the sport.

True, he never relied on his speed but he its getting injury prone with his age.

TheRiddick 03-15-2010 05:50 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
Achilles happens to young guys as well, I don't think it is age. I tore my MCL back in August having never ripped any muscles or ligaments before in my life, not because of age, but because of a late (hard) hit on my knee from someone stupid.

I think all the England players have lots of coverage lately and Becks is just one of them. I read daily reports on all the England players and do not see "favoritism" for any, IMO. Be it Terry, Cole (both or is it 3 now), Rio, Bridge, Rooney, etc. Plenty of news on all...

Problem is, who is going to play that side now? SWP is the only decent choice left, the rest are either injured or cannot play consistently. Oh well...

DragonMan 03-15-2010 07:37 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 794664)

+1 :tu

kazzaca 03-15-2010 07:44 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 795133)
I think all the England players have lots of coverage lately and Becks is just one of them. I read daily reports on all the England players and do not see "favoritism" for any, IMO. Be it Terry, Cole (both or is it 3 now), Rio, Bridge, Rooney, etc. Plenty of news on all...

Problem is, who is going to play that side now? SWP is the only decent choice left, the rest are either injured or cannot play consistently. Oh well...

The English media has always had a special place for Beckham in its pages, whether it's for good or bad if he's involved it's always a top story.

Funny thing is, you're completely right that the big story right now isn't really that Beckham is hurt but that the only option to start in that spot is SWP...and he's just not good enough to make an impact at that level. Personally, I think the fact that Lennon is hurt is a bigger issue because Beckham was never going to be a starter anyways.

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