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Re: LOST Notes
The more questions that get answered, the more things get complex.... This show is as frustrating as it is fun to watch.
Re: LOST Notes
But it looks like this thing is just getting started!!! |
Re: LOST Notes
No, things are getting worse!
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You know how things change though. |
Re: LOST Notes
I wonder if Jack's father is Jacob?
Re: LOST Notes
Subject: Monday's LOST Podcast
I listened to the latest Podcast during lunch yesterday. Here is what the producers said that I thought was important: 1. This season's ending is reminiscent of season #1's ending (remember when the hatch light flicked on?). It will reveal much but also leave us dying for the next scene. 2. The compass - Richard noted in 2007 how it was rusty but still works, however when Locke gave it to him it was not rusty... so it's a bit of a mind bender since it's in a loop and seems to get rusty and then looks new again in 1954. They said that it is intentionally perplexing, it has no origin, Locke gave it to Richard then Richard gave it to Locke, an infinite loop, very intentional. Whatever the hell that means... 3. The Faraday/ Chang video from Comic Con is not cannon to the show... they had an intention to branch the story in an online game but the game fell through when the economy collapsed... so they had Faraday go to Ann Arbor rather than play out Faraday in 1977 Dharma where he would create the video. They said that the only thing that we can ever rely on as being cannon to the show is the show itself. 4. By the end of this season, and the end of the first episode next season, we should have enough info to theorize how the whole show will end. Don't forget it's a 2-hour finale tonight (9-11pm) with a recap show at 8pm. |
Re: LOST Notes
I'm betting either Sayid or Juliet bites it in this one. Let's hope it's not Juliet, she's too foxy...
Re: LOST Notes
:dr I still argue with a female coworker about why Juliet is hotter than Kate..but either she doesn't get it or I such at arguing. |
Re: LOST Notes
Does your coworker resemble either of these women in any way? Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that Juliet is by far the foxier dame--and also much more intelligent. Kate is just some conniving "hot" girl--selfish, irrational, wishy washy. Such an annoying character. |
Re: LOST Notes
Juliet is more of an overall packaged deal. :dr |
Re: LOST Notes
Juliet is the real deal. Hot hot hooooot :)
Kate is just bad girl eye candy. Fun to look at but no one you'd bring home to mother. Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: LOST Notes
WOW! All I can say right now... WOW!
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Re: LOST Notes
Ok. So we know now that the big picture here is some sort of chess match between Jacob and The Man In Locke's Body. |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Well, I knew Juliet wasn't returning next season. Nice way to go out and making sure zhe doesn't return at all!
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Re: LOST Notes
There was something in Entertainment Weekly about the actress (Elizabeth Mitchell) who was working on new pilot shows for next season. The speculation was that she wouldn't be on the final season, and usually they would be killed off to close the character line.
Re: LOST Notes
That was the best season ending cliffhanger of any show that I have seen in a long, long time. Excellent!
And I have to admit: I did get a little choked up by the final Juliet-Sawyer scene. :( Noooooooooo!!!! |
Re: LOST Notes
Wasn't this the first season finale without a Walt sighting?
Re: LOST Notes
Indeed. I know it's a tv show and certain things are out of their control, but I hate knowing that stuff that seemed very crucial in the first few seasons turned out to be so irrelevant. Like the numbers, Walt, etc... |
Re: LOST Notes
Great season finale. Of course, they raised more questions than they answered. Now we just have to wait 7 or so months to see how it all comes together.
Re: LOST Notes
Jacobs Last words their coming. This was an awesome ending the best.
And a heads up The Kate and Juliet topic. I would do them both again. :wo:wo:fu:dr |
Re: LOST Notes
Any notes? Thanks Bao! :tu
Re: LOST Notes
No podcast? I'm curious to read stuff now :D
Re: LOST Notes
go here for a fix - -> http://forum.lostpedia.com/index.php
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Re: LOST Notes
5 Attachment(s)
Subject: LOST 5, ep. 16 "The Incident" part 1
I have a lot about this finale... I'll save the larger theories for the next emails. They mostly relate to Jacob and anti-Jacob (that's what I'll call the man in the black shirt from the beach who later takes Locke's form). The morning after the show I was sure this was a Christ/ Anti-Christ story but now I'm thinking it won't be that specific. I think the whole show is about good vs evil (personified as these 2 men) with many different religions/ philosophies being combined. I got most of this information from a DarkUFO blog and the Doc Jenson analysis... sprinkled with some message board debate and my own thoughts. Part 1. 1. The statue is still up for debate: It's either Sobek or Taweret. See attached photos. Quick summaries... it was Sobek who first came out of the waters of chaos to create the world. Sobek also came to symbolize the produce of the Nile and the fertility that it brought to the land. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddesses required for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. He was also shown with an ankh (as seen in Paul's necklace), representing his ability to undo evil and so cure ills. Sobek was a morally ambiguous god who oversees dark waters and preys on sinful souls in the afterlife (like Smokey?). Even worse, Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and evil, was a shape shifter who often morphed into crocodiles and hippos in his clashes with archenemy Horus. Set was linked to infertility and was partial to fish and lettuce. We first see Jacob eating fish wrapped in greens. Taweret was depicted as a composite of all the things the Egyptians feared, the major part of her being hippopotamus, with the arms and legs of a lioness, and with the back of a crocodile. On occasion, later, rather than having a crocodile back, she was seen as having a separate, small crocodile resting on her back, which was thus interpreted as Sobek, the crocodile-god, and said to be her consort. Taweret became seen, very early in Egyptian history, as a deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth. 2. Jacob and Anti-Jacob on the beach: Jacob wants the Black Rock ship to come to the island. Anti-Jacob does not. He claims that people have always arrived bringing corruption, war, etc. Jacob has more faith in humanity and says that he chalks all that up to progress, meaning that there will be an end... eventually visitors will come and CHOOSE to do the right thing. He feels that man keeps getting it wrong but eventually will get it right. In that beach conversation the Anti-Jacob was trying to convince Jacob that man/mankind simply wasn't worth it. However, it appears that Jacob has been bringing people to the island for a very, very long time. "They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt"... these are the points Anti-Jacob makes to indicate once again that Jacob will fail to prove him wrong. Anti-Jacob seems to suggest that the darker sides of human nature won't allow the circle to be broken. No matter who's on the ship, or the next ship, (or the airplane...) "It always ends the same". Jacob's response: "It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress". The dark man is resigned to the fact that LOST's loop will never be broken. He argues that man's destructive history and propensity for war will never allow anything but corruption. And with that he wants Jacob dead... but must find a loophole to make it happen. Apparently they cannot physically kill each other. The Biblical story states that Jacob was the younger brother of Esau. Esau was a hunter and his father's favorite, Jacob was more of a thinker. When their father was dying, Jacob tricked him into giving Jacob Esau's birthright. That could be the significance of the name Jacob. Maybe the guy we saw at the beginning hated Jacob because Jacob stole everything that was his (the island). It says in the Bible that God wanted Jacob to be the leader and receive the birthright. I don't think the Anti-Jacob is Esau but I wanted to include this story as it may have some relevance. In the Bible Jacob blesses his children by touching them and subsequently makes them leaders. As we see later, LOST's Jacob touches the 815ers in flashbacks. 3. The Tapestry: See attached. Jacob is weaving it... much like he is weaving (intricately) the Losties' lives so they will subsequently come to this island. I think he wanted to bring this group of people to the island all along... with them John Locke, who he knew would be used as a vehicle for his enemy to kill him. I think Jacob planned for this all along. More on that in another email. Also, he left part of the tapestry in the cabin as a signal for where Ilana's crew can find him. The phrases on the tapestry have been translated. They are from Homer's Odyssey. The top quote reads "may the gods grant thee all that thy heart desires". Another passage is woven into the middle of the tapestry. It can be only partly seen, but the passage in full reads, "may the gods grant thee happiness". It occurs twice in the Odyssey. |
Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST 5, ep. 16 "The Incident" part 2
Part 2. 1. Rose and Bernard (and Vincent!) at the cabin: So cute. Rose "It's always something with you people." :) 2. Lapidus, Bram and Ilana: What is Lapidus a candidate for? To be on the "good guy team?" I love how his eyes/ eyebrows do as much acting as he does. Bram and Ilana surprisingly do appear to be "good," and are on Jacob's side. There goes the "they are Dharma trying to reorganize" theory. So does that mean Widmore is aligned with Anti-Jacob, as Bram warned Miles that he should NOT go on Widmore's mission? Oh, remember how Bram said that it was Miles' choice and that Miles needed to NOT WANT TO GO? Bram is, like Jacob, depending on free will... the right to choose, the ability to do the right thing. That being said, Widmore still confuses me. 3. Smokey/ Anti-Jacob: I think they are one in the same. I think Smokey/ Anti-Jacob can only take the form of dead people (Yemi, Alex, Christian, Locke) who are not buried. That might explain why it was so important to Richard and the Others that the bodies of the hostiles who were holding Amy and Paul at gun point needed to be buried. Also, the Others gave Danny Pickett's wife (who Sun shot) a Viking burial (set her on fire at sea). This was all to keep Smokie from using their forms. Smokey used Alex to convince Ben to follow Locke or Ben would be destroyed. Fake Locke (Smokie/ Anti-Jacob) brought Ben and Alpert to the beechcraft plane so Alpert could convince Real Locke he had to die, thus allowing Anti-Jacob to use Locke's form. The loophole (referred to on the beach in the opening scene) was getting Ben to do his dirty work, because Smokie/ Anti-Jacob can't touch Jacob himself. He realizes that he needs to get Real Locke off island in order to kill him, then use Christian to manipulate Real Locke into turning the wheel and returning to the outside world, where it knows Real Locke will be killed, while at the same time planting seeds in Real Locke's head that he'll need to die in order to come back. Ingenious!!! Fake Locke was the one who told Richard to tell Real Locke that he needed to die to bring the 815ers back! I love it! 4. Sayid: He's close to death and realizes his soul can never be saved. It doesn't really matter what Jack does, the sum of Sayid's past sins is just too great. Even if he makes it, he can never atone. As Ben said "You are a killer. It's what you do." 5. Riddle: What lies in the shadow of the statue? Translated as "He who will save us all." 6. Jacob reading Flannery O'Conner's book: As Locke was being pushed out that window, Jacob was reading the book Everything That Rises Must Converge. O'Conner typically writes stories where the righteous are skewed and exposed as hypocrites, while the worst sinners end up becoming unwitting or unwilling conduits for God's grace. The book is titled Everything That Rises Must Converge - from a phrase coined by a Catholic provocateur named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who concocted a theory of evolution called "Omega Point." Basically, it's the idea that there is some kind of transcendent entity or consciousness that is guiding everyone and everything toward greater complexity and enlightenment, until everyone and everything becomes transcendent, too. More simply, it's Jacob's view: There is a single end; everything before then is progress (as he said in the beginning). Chardin believed his Omega entity was basically Jesus Christ himself. His phrase, "everything that rises must converge," is a poetical expression of a key Christian idea known in the Greek apokatastasis. It's like the opposite of apocalypse, or rather, what comes after apocalypse. Apokatastasis is the idea that in the end, Satan will be defeated and that all of creation will be redeemed and unified under Christ. 7. Jacob in the 815ers' flashbacks: If you think Jacob is good, you can see these events as him being there when these people were at pivotal moments in their lives. An argument can be made for Jacob being the evil one, but since I don't believe that I'll spare you those details. I think Jacob did what he could, intervening in their lives, to ensure that eventually they would get on that original 815 flight, knowing that they would prove him right... mankind can redeem and use free will to do the right thing. Kate: He paid her debt, telling her not to steal again. Sayid: Jacob saved Sayid from getting struck by the car along with Nadia. Perhaps Jacob knew that Nadia had to die to help direct Sayid down his "killer" life path, working for Ben. Locke: He walked over to Locke's body, after the fall, and touched him on the shoulder - and suddenly, Locke was very much alive. Offering an apology: "Don't worry. Everything is going to be all right. I'm sorry this happened to you." Sawyer: Jacob offered Sawyer a pen so that Sawyer could write that infamous letter to the real Sawyer (aka Anthony Cooper). 8. Miles: When Dr. Chang's arm was injured I was so excited! The prosthetic arm explained... 4 years later! Miles suggested that Jack's suicide-bomber act would actually produce the very ''incident'' they were trying to subvert - that they would be fulfilling history, not re-making it. At the same time, Faraday was correct with his ''human variable'' theory. There was a free radical among the time travelers, and her exercise of free will in last night's episode made all the difference: Juliet ''I changed my mind'' Burke. As a result of her Jughead-blowing anarchy, history has been rebooted. The Swan will never be built; Oceanic 815 will never crash. But the shape and form of the new time line will be determined by now-former castaways, thanks to the two gifts given to them by Jacob in the finale: a second chance at life - and the freedom to create their own destiny. Whatever that means. You could argue that the nuke itself was always part of the original incident. Maybe this is why so much cement is poured on top of the Swan site. Maybe this is why the area gets quarantined, and everyone stationed there gets yellow suits. Maybe this is why Desmond needs to inject himself with serum every time he wakes up. All decent arguments. We'll have to wait to find out what happened when Jughead went off. 9. Seasons mirroring back on themselves: Remember how I sent out the theory that the seasons are mirroring back on themselves. 'Here's more on that from Doc Jenson... 'The Incident'' confirmed for me one of the few correct theories I've come up with this year: That season 5 was a mirror to season 2, they've been setting up a sixth season that will resemble season 1, thus completing the moebius strip narrative of Lost. ''The Incident'' certainly resembled season 2's finale, the title of which, ''Live Together, Die Alone,'' was name-checked by Juliet last night. There was a story line involving castaway treachery (Michael = Fake Locke). Both episodes shared the Four Toed Statue as a plot point, although ''The Incident'' gave us a better look at what it once looked like back in the day. Both episodes culminated with the destruction of the Hatch, perpetrated in each case by lovelorn characters hoping their sacrifice would somehow, someway save the lives of their friends. And finally, both episodes were about activating ''quibbles''. As in: A plot device, common to fantasy/science fiction, that allows a character to cheat the literal obligations of a promise, contract, or prophecy. Also see: loophole. Desmond had the failsafe. I think Jacob's failsafe is the 815ers... using Jughead, using free will, redeeming themselves. After all, he has faith in humanity whereas Anti-Jacob does not. |
Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST 5, ep. 16 "The Incident" part 3
Part 3 of 3 1. Jacob's death: I think Jacob knew/ planned on dying all along. This is why he helped the 815ers find their way in life so that eventually they would be on that 815 flight, experience everything they have experienced on the island, time-travel, the Oceanic 6 left - then came back, Locke turned the wheel, died, the Ajira 316 flight... I think Jacob knew about all of it and that it would culminate in his death. I also think that he allowed Ben to stab him for a greater purpose (think Obi Wan in Star Wars who allowed Darth Vader to strike him down). That was the significance of Fake Locke/ Anti-Jacob's gloating line: "And you have no idea what I've gone through to be here." But what he didn't know was that Jacob had been doing some plotting of his own to counter all of his enemy's moves. 2. Jacob's cabin: Though nobody ever came right out and said it, I think we were suppose to infer from the episode that the entity that we thought was Jacob in Jacob's cabin was actually not Jacob at all. We have speculated that the cabin, with its circle of ash, is a kind of prison for the being inside it. But during Jacob's visit with Hurley, he specifically said he had never been in jail. There was also Ben's confession that he was just pretending to communicate with Jacob. In truth, he had never seen him. So, was it actually Anti-Jacob in the cabin all along? And as part of his loophole conspiracy, he duped both Locke and Ben into thinking it was Jacob inside. 3. Anti-Jacob/ Fake Locke knows he's defeated when Jacob mutters "They're coming." I don't think Jacob was referring to Ilana and Bram's group. I think he meant Jack and the 815ers. I think Fake Locke/ Anti-Jacob completely understood the significance of what Jacob was saying - and it pissed him off. which is why he angrily kicked Jacob into the fire. 4. Ben: What about me?" When Jacob redirected the question back to Ben - "What about you?" it catalyzed Ben's anger. Again, I think Jacob knew that he had to die so he goaded Ben into it. Fake Locke/ Anti-Jacob has been setting Ben up for this the whole time they've been on the island together in 2007. 5. Hurley: never corrupted by the money, nothing to repent for... he's untouchable and Anti-Jacob's worst nightmare! And what is in that guitar case??? 6. Another note about Anti-Jacob as Smokey: This fits well with all the judging we've seen Smokie do throughout the show. He abhors Jacob constantly bringing in all these tainted outsiders to violate the sanctity of his island. He killed Eko for refusing to repent. He destroyed flight 815's pilot before he could radio for help... to keep other slimy corrupt humans from finding the island. 7. At the end of the show, the colors of the final LOST logo were reversed: black on white intead of white on black. LOST. |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
I thought the guitar case was Charlie's guitar, I didn't even consider reading more into it. Hopefully it's something awesome like a tommy gun.
Re: LOST Notes
Greatest show in history.... Period ... I am so looking forward to a box set riddled with extras lol after the series ends.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: LOST Notes
Great stuff.
The next season had best be the best |
Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST: more items to ponder
1. Volcano: Previously (maybe season 3?), in a Ben-centric episode we see Ben as a child in Dharma school. The teacher was showing the kids how to mix chemicals for the model "volcano" in the classroom and mentions that the island has a volcano. The teacher says it hasn't been active in a long, long time. Apparently, in the bonus features on that season's DVDs the producers say the volcano will be something that comes back in the story. 2. Smokey's water prison: Perhaps Smokey can't touch water and that's why water blocks the drain that hold him in? Maybe that's why he's on an island and cannot reach people off-island? 3. Infertility on the island: Did the island create the infertility problems because Ben stole Alex from her mother? Or after Ellie Hawking shot and killed her own son, Faraday? Is this some sort of punishment? 4. LOST baby apparel: http://www.cafepress.com/squirtshirts/2084779 I like the one that reads "I think I found the Black Rock in my diaper: :) 5. Regarding season 5's finale: a) It's kinda sad to think that John Locke really did die in that hotel room at the hands of Ben Linus. Locke died as he lived... a pathetic, failure who was easily manipulated. The only time he was really successful was on the island after the crash of 815. b) Why did Jacob touch everyone in the flashbacks? Was it to "mark" them so that when the bomb went off they would be brought to the present time on the island to help defeat Anti-Jacob/ Fake Locke? Or is it the Harry Potter Horcrux idea. Jacob was transferring a part of himself to each of the castaways. Now that he's been stabbed and thrown in the fire, he's going to summon the castaways to the present to collect his missing pieces to heal himself. Probably not, but I like the Harry Potter tie-in. :) 6. Wired Magazine: A producer/ writer of LOST was the guest editor of Wired magazine's most recent issue. He placed clues within the magazine to reveal something about the show. Someone solved the clues which spelled the sentence "The four toed statue is Tawaret". So, no more guessing there. It's Tawaret, not Sobek, after all. 7. The Dharma Initiative: If you look at the history of the island maybe the Dharma Initiative really has no significance. As Anti-Jacob said it's just another group that came to the island for selfish purposes (greed, war, corruption). Perhaps they were brought here, initiated by someone who had been banished from the island but knew how to get back (Alvar Hanso started the Hanso foundation which funds Dharma... Magnus Hanso's diary was purchased by Widmore, it was recovered from the Black Rock. I think it's a fair assumption to think that Magnus Hanso was on the Black Rock, discovered the island's powers, wrote about them in his diary, was somehow banished, then the story was passed down to his relative Alvar Hanso, who funded Dharma to find/ study the island.) 8. Jacob is bad theory: There is a theory out there that Jacob is actually the bad guy. Some supporting evidence: a) Young Kate steals a lunch box. Jacob gets her out of it, preventing real punishment. b) Young Sawyer is encouraged by Jacob to write his revenge note. Thus encouraging/ promoting Sawyer's life of crime. c) Jacob holds Sayid back at the intersection, but allows Nadia to get hit by the car. d) Jacob tricks Hurley to come back to the island, telling him what he wants to hear. That he is not cursed, that he is not crazy. e) Anti-Jacob is actually the good guy, and the loophole is that he figured out how to kill the evil one. f) Anti-Jacob, representing good or a God-like figure, uses Locke to lead his people to kill Jacob, subsequently setting them free. Ben even referred to as "Moses" at the end of the episode. In the Old Testament what did Moses do? Set his people free. g) Remember when Karl was being brainwashed in Room 23? One of the statements was "God loves you as He loved Jacob". Why does it say "loved?" Is Jacob like a fallen angel??? For the record, I don't believe that Jacob is the bad guy, but wanted to pass this theory along. 9. Season 6 theory: Here is someone's theory on what season 6 will be like. I thought it was pretty good so wanted to share... SUMMARY: In short, the bomb goes off in 1977, the Swan hatch is never completed. However, Flight 815 does not go to LA, but instead lands on the island as it was always intended to do. The theme for Season 6 will be why the Oceanic 6 were brought to the island, and the coming war. DETAILS: So we know the island has a way of course correcting itself. We also saw in season one a strong hint that major characters were PLACED on the plane (e.g., Claire and Sawyer each given tickets, Kate placed on the plane against her will, Jack absolutely must take this exact flight back as it is the last one that will get his dad's body back to LA in time for the funeral). In season 4 Lapidus tells us he was supposed to be flying flight 815. In season 5, we are shown flight 316 make a landing on a landing strip that was built on or before 2004/2005 (with Kate, Sawyer, and 4 Others chopping rocks to either finish the new runway, or simply maintain the existing runway). Since season 2, I have advocated that Flight 815 was coming in for a landing to the island, but Desmond screwed things up by failing to enter the numbers, thereby causing the low-flying plane to break apart and crash. Now to season 5 ending....Season 5 does in fact end with the bomb going off, leaving us thinking (as was planted in our heads in Episode 515 "Follow the Leader") that flight 815 will continue on to LA and land. HOWEVER, this assumes the pilot of 815 was planning to fly to LA. However, if the pilot was intending to land the plane on the island, then after the hydrogen bomb explodes in 1977, Desmond will in fact never fail to turn the key because the Swan Hatch was never finished, and Flight 815 will (course corrected) fly into the island for a landing as was planned all along. And finally, Season Six begins with a plane coming in for a seamless landing and as the opening scene pans back from the inside of the plane where Jack and Kate and Sawyer, et al are riding, we see an island with a rough runway and Others (perhaps even Jacob) outside waiting to greet those selected to come to the island. Side note: Some have said there is not enough time in one season to cover what seems to amount to a reset of the entire show. HOWEVER, in season 5 when Desmond goes looking for Faraday, the janitor protector at Oxford mentions that Faraday's experiment involved sending rats memories into the future through the radiation. If a hydrogen bomb goes off, this is exactly how this will be solved for the show continuity - It will not involve a reset, but the Oceanic 6 will carry their memories with them as Faraday's mice experiments proved could happen. We have already seen an example of how a historical change in time suddenly appears in the future of those impacted as sudden memories - When Faraday bangs on the Swan Hatch door and Desmond comes out, suddenly the next scene Desmond awakes in 2007 with a NEW memory - Not a dream but a memory. Thus the events in 1977 will suddenly be in the heads of the Oceanic 6 as memories. |
Re: LOST Notes
Awesome job as always, Bao! The two things that struck me the most in your post:
I still don't have a handle on Jack's rationale or desire for resetting time. He obviously wants a better life, maybe even the better life that he had for a while with Kate--does he think that he has a better shot at that if they all go back to their pre-crash state? He wouldn't know Kate at all, though--not without these memories from the island. He doesn't have Desmond's knowledge, so I can't figure that one out... |
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Re: LOST Notes
Here is a chronological list of the Whispers heard on LOST so far.
There were a few other episodes where Whispers can be heard but they are not listed here as the audio was too difficult to translate. I underlined a few that I thought were extra creepy. "Many of the audio geniuses agree that it appears that there are only one or two female voices in the whispers. It has also been noted that the female voices have empathy for the crash survivors. In Sayid's and Sawyer's jungle encounter with the whispers, the female voice seems to want the whisperers to reveal themselves. An interesting note about the first time that Sawyer hears the whispers is that one of the voices is actually Frank Duckett (the man he killed) saying "It'll come back around," which is the last thing Duckett said to Sawyer after he is shot by Sawyer. Of course we also know that the Whispers usually come before or during peril. As noted below, the Whispers use the name Elizabeth over and over again in one instance. The name of Libby's husband's boat, that she gave to Desmond to sail was named "The Elizabeth." Another seldom used/known name that the Whispers spoke was "Sarah." Of course, Sarah was Jack's wife back on the mainland before they divorced. When Sarah's tire blew, she was in an accident that also involved Adam Rutherford. Adam was Shannon's dad and Boone's stepdad. When Sarah and Adam come into the ER, Jack has to make a decision whether to save Adam or Sarah. Of course he saves Sarah and Adam dies." Season 1, ep. 16: "Outlaws" When Sawyer is looking for the boar who stole his hut roof. "There goes another poking his head in here" "Yeah, let's see what he's doing" "Let's" "Let me decide" "Come back" "Wait" "I see another one" "It'll come back around" (Frank Duckett's voice) ------ "Oh my god there's a guy out there" "Dennis (?) find out what's going on" "Did he see us?" "Maybe" "Open it" "Did you see what direction he went?" "Right through those trees" "Go and get him" '"There is an explanation (resolution?) and I bet you haven't thought of it" "What is it?" "He's been in a plane crash" "Are you sure?" "I know what it's like for a plane to crash" "Complain, complain, complain" "I want to get closer" "I know what you said, but he's looking around" "What if he shoots us or something" ------ "There may be something, but it may be....." "Let's go" "Has he seen us?" (Alarms go off) "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" "Intruder, Intruder" "Hide against the bushes" "Open the door" "I know what it's like for a plane to crash" "Complain, complain, complain" "I know what you said, but..." Season 1, ep. 16: This is also from "Outlaws" when Sawyer is in the jungle. These are the left, center and right audio tracks that were played simultaneously. "How could you say that? I knew he was American" "It was a large group" "It'll come back around" "Now listen. Here's what we should do. Nothing. It's not the one. He's coming up on the gate." "How could you say that, I knew he was American" "Hey listen, come on let's go" "Go and see what he's doing" "Duetch/Dutch/Deutsch negg or Joice leg" (perhaps another language or reversed) "Like it's your choice" "He's coming up on the gate" "My guess is to shoot the pig" or "Guess he'll shoot the pig" "Yes" "My [hand/head] is free" "How could you even say that, I knew he was an American" "Hey listen, come on lets go" "Go and see what he's doing" "He's coming up on the gate" "My guess is to shoot the pig..." "Okay" "Maybe we should just talk to him" "No if he see us it will ruin everything" "What did he see" "They could help us" "Can't trust" "Come back around" "What did he see" "Nothing, he was following it" "Speak" "Nothing" Frank Duckett's Voice- "It'll come back around" Season 2, ep. 6: This is where Sayid and Shannon are in the jungle in "Abandoned", just before Ana Lucia shoots Shannon, when Shannon sees wet-talking-backwards Walt. "Relax dude" "She likes the guy" "She's coming" "I don't know if I can run, but I can (or can't) yell" "Shannon sighs" (Scream) "Dying sucks" "Hurry up" "Shh..." "She likes this guy" "Dying sucks" "Hi sis" "Here she comes, here she comes" "His mouth" "She drives me crazy" "Hurry up" "I see eye to eye" "I see..." "Relax dude" "She likes the guy" "What do you think we should do?" "She's coming" "We should hide, we should run" "Heard some voice" "See ya" "Hide the scope" "Hurry up" Season 2, ep. 6: This is also from "Abandoned" but this is where Eko, Libby, Ana Lucia, Sawyer, Michael, Jin and Bernard are in the Jungle. "Who's this in the woods" "Sawyer" "Ana" "I'm in someone's dream" "Ich weiß nicht" (German for 'I don't know') "She's heavy" "Black Rock" "Bring the boy" "I'm in someone's dream" "Look in the eyes, right?" "Do you see her?" "It's the brothers that help us" "I can see eye to eye" "Sawyer" "Did she see?" "Bossy eh missy?" "I'm in someone's dream" "I know it all, I know it all" "It's the eyes" or "Lucia" "I can see eye to eye" "I'm in someone's dream" "I know it all, I know it all" "Do you see her? (or possibly 'Lucia') "I can see eye to eye" "Did she see?" "Shannon" "Hide behind me" "Bossy eh missy?" "I'm in someone's dream" "I know it all" "Under the eye" or "Eye to eye" "It's the eyes" or "Lucia" "I can see eye to eye" "She's bossy" "I'm in someone's dream" Season 2, ep. 10: This comes from "The 23rd Psalms" and is when Eko faces Smokey: "Who are you and why are you here?" "Report, report!" "Saw Charlie with him" "There's Charlie" "Go to hell" "Steadily" "He's trying here" "Nothing yet" "Now try him from here, okay" "Those are the roles (or rules) you accept" "Go to hell" "Nine" "Where" "Seven" "He's hiding something" "He's hiding from me" Season 2, ep. 21: ? This is one of the creepiest and is taken from Charlotte Malkin's autopsy, when she "woke up" after supposedly drowning. Remember that Eko was sent to investigate the miracle of her resurrection. This transcript is of the doctor's autopsy tape. The Whispers heard on the tape are in "quotes." Doctor: This is a Caucasian female. She's 161 cm, 51.3 kilos, body prepped and washed by the very lovely Valerie McTavish Assistant: Ian, stop it Doctor: Commencing with the post "That's her" Doctor: This is a clear case of drowning. I'll begin with a thoracic... Charlotte Malkin, coming back to life: John! (screaming) "She's alive!" "How will we know" Assistant: Oh my God! Doctor: Valerie! Assistant: She's Alive! Doctor: I think she's trying... Charlotte Malkin: Let John Locke go (on)! "She's not dead" "I found it" Doctor: Try and calm down (Assistant screaming stop, stop) Doctor: Valerie get... she's crying, don't just stand there do something! "We're sending them in" (or) "Let's hear what she says" Season 2, ep. 23, 24: "Live Together, Die Alone" and occurs just as the Losties are being ambushed by the Others: It is with Michael, Sawyer, Hurley, Jack and Kate: Jack, Kate, Michael, Hurley, and Sawyer are walking to the Others' camp to get Walt back. Jack understands that Michael has betrayed them again. They then hear the Whispers. They all look around and point their guns. Sawyer is then shot in the neck with an electric shocker. Jack then tells them to run and he and Kate run away. "This is no good (or) Let's do something (or) We're near them" "He's asking him something" "Yeah but what happened" "They saw a smoke signal" "Elizabeth" "Did (does) somebody see you (or) It looks like her but" "You' re on her right" "Behind you" "I'll have to listen to the dreams (trees) to learn (find) something" "He'll need to instruct you (or) Do we ambush" "Why can't you (two) do it (or) Can't you see" (Sawyer gets hit with dart) "Got to have a team with you" "Okay crank it up" (Kate: Sawyer!) "I knew that something bad would happen" "I assume this is how you would do it" "Don't tell anyone he wants it done (or) Don't want anyone to die" "Lets assemble them (or) This is similar (or) What's this symbol of" (Jack: Run! Go! Go!) "It was her" "So she was never taken. Said I was about to (or) Someone attacked them" "Get your butt out of there" "Try the sequence" "Had to be given lessons" "Turn it on beside you" "Don't do it" "Don't see" (Gunshots) "You're gonna have to do it" "You are too" 'Why can't we choose (or) I can't reach it" "Two more people (or) Too young people" "I'm frightened" "Please" "Come on it's simple" "Intruder alert" "Do you think I should lock this" "No, I've seen them before" "Close the door" "You all need me" Season 2, ep 23, 24: "Live Together, Die Alone" "Elizabeth" "Elizabeth" "Elizabeth" "Him" "Michael" "Elizabeth" "Stop!" "Elizabeth" "Michael" "Gun" "Elizabeth" "Michael" Season 3, ep. 1: "A Tale of Two Cities" Jack is using the intercom where he is being held prisoner in the Hydra Hatch: "Has she tried to talk to him (or) shall we talk to him " "Look on " "Has he answered (or) His head is hurt" "Don't (won't) talk " "We're not sure if he knows that much (or) We're not sure if we'll find out much" "That's what I was thinking" "Let him go free" "It's not easy keeping something that secret (sacred) " "What are you gonna do (or) go on and do it " "Let it go Jack" (Christian's voice?) 'Now I can tell what you're doing " "Bring it back to her" Season 3, ep. 5: The Cost of Living. These Whispers occur after Eko is thrown to the ground by Smokey: "It's over" "Right now/here" "What happened" "Shhhh" "what's happening " "Now we got his. I don't want to kill him " "What just happened?" (Eko: I will guide you. I'm going soon) "What'd he say? " "Help me up " "is she following " (Eko to Locke: They're coming next for you!) Dies. Season 3, ep. 20: "Man Behind the Curtain" This occurs as Little Ben is at the sonic fence: when he sees his dead mother: Man: "Look at me" Ben's mother: "Look at me. It's all right, it's okay, I'm here. Look at me." Man: "Ben, You're my prisoner and- (inaudible, but most likely: "and we are ready" or "and you are mine".) Man: demonic laugh. (Ben: I'm scared mom) Mom: "It's all right, don't worry, patience Ben." "Talk to him" "Tell him that you're his mother" "Tell him to be patient" "That will just make it worse" {Ben: Mom?} Mom Vision: "Ben Don't!" {Ben: Mom...} Mom Vision: "It's not time yet, Benjamin." "What's happening" "If we can go over there we might be able to see it, but I don't know" "Help us come through the fence" "We're sending one, don't argue" "I'm glad you decided to see me/to send me" "Because I love him" "That's right, that's what I mean/That's right that's what I need" "Don't worry about it" "Your'e the one...." Season 4, ep. 1: The Beginning of the End" near the cabin. Hurley hears them: "Come to me, I need you. You're an alchemist and uh..." "I need-" (Sounds like Christian Shephard): "Sarah, Is somebody coming?" "They must be coming, you-" "Hush! One of these-" "Richard!" "Come with us." "Here's the recipe." "Oh thank you, I thought I'd lost-" Season 4, ep.1 : "The Beginning of the End" where Hurley is at the cabin: "You have to believe it's me, Nikki" "Shush" "Did anyone say something?" "I said nothing" "You better not say a friggin thing or talk about Desmond" "It's Me" "I'm not going to listen to them" "It's January 7th" "I see somebody" "Do you recognize him?" Season 4, ep. 6: This is from "The Other Woman" Right before Juliet runs into Harper in the jungle: "Sarah is having another..." "Is that the other woman?" "Look out" "Sarah is having another..." "Did you hear that?" "If she won't save us then who is?" "Sarah, somebody's coming" "There is somebody coming" "Hold on one second" "There is somebody coming" This is where Juliet runs into Harper (Goodwin's wife) in the jungle. "He can die" "You never Know" "This is Lipidis?" "I told you" "There is no way to stop them" "I Know" After Jack runs into Juliet and Harper: "Look out" "Sarah, it's someone we know. Sarah, it's someone we know" "I'm not answering" "Answer them" "We have our answer" "Can we trust her?" Finally, a very faint whisper can be heard right before Juliet uses the pulley door contraption at the Tempest Station. "It's Juliet" |
Re: LOST Notes
Summer TV is killing me....I can't for real programming again. :bh
Re: LOST Notes
1 Attachment(s)
Lots of hints and such regarding season 6. These are not necessarily spoilers, but hints and things to look forward to. However, if you don't want to know stop reading now.
Comic Con is a conference that showcases sci fi, comics, fantasy-genre games, tv, movies, and books. The LOST producers were there to answer questions and show some videos. Points of interest:
Re: LOST Notes
Excellent, Bao, thanks for the update! The wife & I are going to re-watch the last half of this past year's season later this month. A lot to look forward to in the new season!
Re: LOST Notes
I cannot wait!!! |
Re: LOST Notes
watched the final 8 episodes of season 5 last week. Season 5 started weak imho, but it got interesting later on.
Re: LOST Notes
With only a few weeks left before the final season begins, I thought I'd give Bao's thread a bump!
To add to ComicCon info above, here's an interesting tidbit I found: Season Six is the first and only season of Lost to not feature any kind of preview or official promotional material (such as sneak peeks and promo pictures for future episodes.) The Lost producers consider any scene from the first few episodes to be too revealing. According to Lindelof, "even a single scene from the show would basically tip what it is we're doing this year, and what it is we're doing this year is different than what we've done in other years." Should make reviewing & analyzing this year's episodes very enjoyable--and time consuming! :D Looking forward to it! |
Re: LOST Notes
I can't wait...I hope to preview last season before we start in February.
Re: LOST Notes
I can't wait to find how everything is tied together! :banger
Re: LOST Notes
Oh man, I'm SOOO excited! I don't think they'll wrap it up, but hopefully we'll get plenty of answers.
Re: LOST Notes
I feel like I'm expecting my first born child on Feb 2nd!
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