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Porch Dweller 05-15-2014 06:02 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind

ArgusP2 05-15-2014 07:18 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
My baloney has a first name,
It's O-S-C-A-R...
Posted via Mobile Device

tsolomon 05-15-2014 09:49 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
The woman I've been lovin'
Left with my best friend
That joker got lucky
Stole her back again

icehog3 05-15-2014 11:08 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
The silicon chip inside her head.
Gets switched to overload,
And nobody's gonna go to school today,
She's going to make them stay at home,
And daddy doesn't understand it,
He always said she was as good as gold,
And he can see no reason.
'Cause there are no reasons.
What reason do you need to be sure.

Porch Dweller 05-15-2014 11:38 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Going to the city
Got you on my mind

mk05 05-15-2014 11:47 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
na na na na na na na,
na na na na na na na,
na na na na na,
na na na na na, yeaaaa

guess that and get a prize

dave 05-15-2014 12:18 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
reminds me of very stoned day in the 80's I actually tried to count the na's at the end of Lovin Touchin Squeezin

mk05 05-15-2014 10:21 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1962117)
reminds me of very stoned day in the 80's I actually tried to count the na's at the end of Lovin Touchin Squeezin

LOL Dave, you will hate me more after all the Taylor and Miley. That one was from Natalie Merchant - Kind and Generous.

Porch Dweller 05-16-2014 06:44 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
If you ever go back in the Wooly Swamp
Well, you better not go at night

tsolomon 05-16-2014 10:03 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Well, I don't know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down those stairs

Porch Dweller 05-17-2014 01:35 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Is he alive or dead? Has he thoughts within his head?

RevSmoke 05-17-2014 04:22 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Burning the booze just destroys my soul,
but there's one thing about honey,
when you're cold, you're cold...

AdamJoshua 05-17-2014 04:26 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
10 words

Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world....

Porch Dweller 05-18-2014 07:01 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Two all-beef patties
Special sauce
Lettuce cheese
Pickles onions
On a sesame-seed bun

RevSmoke 05-18-2014 02:33 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
John Jacob Jingleheimer....

pektel 05-18-2014 10:55 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
1 Attachment(s)
Yes, I also sing the guitar solos.

dave 05-20-2014 01:41 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by mk05 (Post 1962224)
LOL Dave, you will hate me more after all the Taylor and Miley. That one was from Natalie Merchant - Kind and Generous.

Cool...gonna go give it a listen. I love her voice. Natalie, that is. Not sure I've ever heard the other two. Maybe something from that awards show twerk video with the son of the Growing Pains dude. Sigh....get off my lawn.

yourchoice 05-20-2014 02:00 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Get a haircut and get a real job.
Clean your act up and don't be a slob.
Get it together like your big brother Bob.
Why don't you get a haircut and get a real job.

dave 05-20-2014 02:24 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Oh, my. I'd never watched Natalie Merchant vids before, but always loved her voice back to the 10K Maniac days. wow....I'm

AdamJoshua 05-20-2014 04:38 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1963141)
Oh, my. I'd never watched Natalie Merchant vids before, but always loved her voice back to the 10K Maniac days. wow....I'm

Great now I have Dave's rambling stuck in my head :r

I'm falling down a spiral, destination unknown
A double-crossed messenger, all alone
I can't get no connection, can't get through, where are you

icehog3 05-20-2014 05:27 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
People say I'm the life of the party
'Cause I tell a joke or two
Although I might be laughing loud and hearty
Deep inside I'm blue

Porch Dweller 05-21-2014 09:07 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small

markem 06-02-2014 07:07 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.

Porch Dweller 06-02-2014 08:18 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
I got a pocket full of quarters and I'm heading to the arcade

TXSmokey 06-02-2014 08:32 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
the last one to know, the last one to show, I was the last one you thought you'd see there. and I saw the surprise, and the fear in his eyes as I took his glass of champagne.

kugie 06-03-2014 06:25 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Oh my darlin
knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
twice on the pipe if the answer is no
oh my sweetness
means you'll meet me in the hallway
twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show

markem 06-03-2014 09:31 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Hold me now - oh, hold me now
Till this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Diemen's land

dave 06-03-2014 10:10 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Mark, I know it was unintentional, but now I've got the fn Thompson Twins stuck in my head....gonna go rinse my ears out with soap....and maybe some Led

markem 06-03-2014 10:19 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1966351)
Mark, I know it was unintentional, but now I've got the fn Thompson Twins stuck in my head....gonna go rinse my ears out with soap....and maybe some Led

It's a two-fer! :wo

dave 06-03-2014 10:33 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
All that's what's swirling around in that vacuum of mine now:

And if I say to you tomorrow
Take my hand, child, come with me

Ye Olde Phart 06-03-2014 10:39 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
I want to go back where the space is wider,
To ride on horseback and roll my own smokes,
Longing to go back where people seem politer,
I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go.

I've been away so long I think this is the right road,
But it's changed so much don't know for sure,
And the day will come when I'll be on the right road,
I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go.

I can send off a letter to 'em but that would leave no surprise,
No, I got to wait, wait for that look in their eyes,
And I'll sit by the creek where the water runs cool and I know I'll
have such a good time, I'm sayin' hello, and evening I'll go.

I can smell the coffee brewing,
I'll take mine black, you know it's good, it's good to be back,
Go on and tell me how you folks been doing,
I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go.

Hey Bill won't you tell me when that train does stop,
I want to get off and say hello to a couple of people I think I
still know,
And I ain't one to mince my words, I'll take a piece of that cake
that they
Make, I can't be late, you got to get what's on the plate...Odle
ladie oh! -(P

Gimme some room, you can't do it too soon!

TXSmokey 06-03-2014 02:18 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
are ya ready kids

;aye aye captain;

I can't hear you!


ooooohhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


absorbent and porous and yellow is he


if nautical stupidity be something you wish


then drop on the deck and flop like a fish


dave 06-03-2014 02:37 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
I suppose I'm lucky that it doesn't bring any tune to does take me back to....

Seventy-three men sailed up
From the San Francisco Bay,
Rolled off of their ship
And here's what they had to say.

By the way, TXS, I don't know what pic's in your sig, but when it doesn't come through, it squeezes your post into a small margin on the right.

Porch Dweller 06-03-2014 08:11 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Spineless from the start
Sucked into the part
Circus comes to town
You play the lead clown

AdamJoshua 06-03-2014 08:29 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride

Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
He reserves the quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river

What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift

mk05 06-03-2014 11:04 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
If it makes you happy
It shouldn't be that baaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaad
If it makes you happppyyyyyy

Then why the hell are you so, sad

icehog3 06-03-2014 11:21 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
I kept the right ones out
And let the wrong ones in
Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins

Porch Dweller 06-04-2014 06:18 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
You put your right foot in
You take your right foot out
You put your left foot in
And you shake it all about

dman4505 06-04-2014 10:58 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Yeah yeah
I bet you haven't heard
A word I've said
Yeah yeah
If you've had enough
Of all your tryin'
Just give up
The state of mind you're in…

If you want to be somebody else,
If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself
If you want to be somebody else
Change your mind...

icehog3 06-04-2014 11:01 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
And the men who hold high places, must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality, ................

dave 06-04-2014 12:02 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
There's so many fish in the sea
That only rise up in the sweat and smoke like mercury
But they keep you hanging on
They say you're so young
Your mind is made up but your mouth is undone

dave 06-04-2014 12:07 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1966599)
And the men who hold high places, must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality, ................

:) Impossible to read those words and not hear the Peart's tubular bells

I think I need a programmable doorbell that will play those nine notes

Porch Dweller 06-04-2014 12:10 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1966608)
:) Impossible to read those words and not hear the Peart's tubular bells

I think I need a programmable doorbell that will play those nine notes

That would be awesome!

There is trouble in the forest
There is unrest with the trees
For the Maples want more sunlight
And the Oaks ignore their pleas

dave 06-04-2014 01:57 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today - Ya

icehog3 06-04-2014 02:17 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields
Sold in a market down in New Orleans
Scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright
Hear him whip the women just around midnight

dave 06-04-2014 02:29 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
It's like trying to drink whiskey from a bottle of wine

Well I read some books and I read some magazines
About those high class ladies down in New Orleans
And all the folks back home well, said I was a fool
They said oh, believe in the Lord its the golden rule

icehog3 06-04-2014 02:48 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans,
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood,
Where lived a country boy named of

AdamJoshua 06-04-2014 07:45 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
he could play that guitar just like ringing a bell... go johnny go go go ...

yup that one stuck

8zeros 06-04-2014 10:34 PM

Re: Your earworm is ...
The Rocky Mountain way
was better than the way we had.

icehog3 06-05-2014 12:01 AM

Re: Your earworm is ...
The first two letters are the same but the last is something different
It's the longest, loveliest, lean- I call it the leanest
It's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest
I won't get into that, I'll do it...ah...sorta properly
I say the last P...hmmm...stands for property

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