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timj219 01-10-2011 07:38 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Brazil yellow bourbon sul de minas. City roast french press. The beans have a milk chocolate and nut like aroma and the brew is slightly fruit/citrus. A beautifully smooth coffee. Never had this bean before a couple weeks ago but this is my second pound and I'll keep buying it as long as my local roaster has it.

mobarbq 01-10-2011 09:49 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
RE: The coffee I got at Sam's.

It's been my experience that Sam's won't keep anything nearly that long if it's not selling. They are not bashful to get rid of it and chalk it up to experience. I first saw it on their shelf about 3 months ago and it was considerably higher then. Although it apparently didn't sell well, (no name recognition) it is "Farmer Friendly" coffee out of the El Recreo Estate in Jinotega region of Nicaragua and roasted by Mayorga Coffee out of Maryland. For those whose tastes are not quite as exclusive as using hand-roasted coffee, or those who don't have their own garage roaster, I found it more than adequate. Living on a fixed income, I like to find a good buy myself. Ground coarsely and in a french press, it tastes like "cafe" coffee to me, but I may be wrong. I know it paired quite well with the Frank Llaneza 1961 I had today.

mobarbq 01-10-2011 09:56 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Further, if I am not mistaken, the Mayorga Coffee company is also the same company that makes Mayorga Cigars. Check your last J.R.'s catalog- both their coffee and the cigars are shown there. I'd like to hear from anyone that's had the cigars.

BSB 01-11-2011 09:23 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 1127752)
RE: The coffee I got at Sam's.

It's been my experience that Sam's won't keep anything nearly that long if it's not selling. They are not bashful to get rid of it and chalk it up to experience. I first saw it on their shelf about 3 months ago and it was considerably higher then. Although it apparently didn't sell well, (no name recognition) it is "Farmer Friendly" coffee out of the El Recreo Estate in Jinotega region of Nicaragua and roasted by Mayorga Coffee out of Maryland. For those whose tastes are not quite as exclusive as using hand-roasted coffee, or those who don't have their own garage roaster, I found it more than adequate. Living on a fixed income, I like to find a good buy myself. Ground coarsely and in a french press, it tastes like "cafe" coffee to me, but I may be wrong. I know it paired quite well with the Frank Llaneza 1961 I had today.

If you found it "more than adequate" and are happy with it, then it's cool. You could be creating nirvana in that french press though. :D
The Panama Voc Est, is better with 1 more days rest. Cocoa powder, some nuts, better body, fuller flavor, this is good coffee.

MarkinAZ 01-11-2011 06:48 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Some Armenian coffee fresh grind from a nice local Armenian market in Glendale, CA (Its a Mediterranean Blend. Basically half medium roast and half dark roast that is ground to a powder). Great taste:

BSB 01-12-2011 10:10 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
I'd like to see a bigger picture, please? :D
Pan Voc Est, with 4 days rest is VERY nice.

Volusianator 01-12-2011 10:15 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 1128984)

OK, that just looks freakin' delicious! :dr

MarkinAZ 01-12-2011 10:50 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by BSB (Post 1129668)
I'd like to see a bigger picture, please? :D

:D...Sorry if it spilled in your lap Bob.

BSB 01-12-2011 03:55 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
No problem, didn't get on the keyboard :banger

BSB 01-13-2011 09:12 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB's Experimental Mocca Java Blend, today with 5/8 Yemen Moca Matari and 3/8 Bali Organic Blue Moon. Good stuff. Yesterday with 75%-25% I liked it better though. Gonna play with some Sumatran in the mix tomorrow.

BSB 01-14-2011 08:26 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Colombia - Tres Payasos de Tolima AAA Lot, roasted 36 hours ago to city+, drip, splash. Good stuff!

BSB 01-14-2011 11:09 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
2nd pot, Yemen Moca Matarri, roasted almost 5 days ago to FC, drip, splash, awesome. Earthy, leathery, it's got that certain twang. These Yemen's really require a lot of rest to hit their peak.

novasurf 01-14-2011 03:51 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
SL 28 varietal.

MarkinAZ 01-14-2011 06:20 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by BSB (Post 1132718)
Yemen's really require a lot of rest to hit their peak.

How much rest do the Yemen's need where they are just starting to peak in their flavor profile Bob?

BSB 01-14-2011 09:34 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by novasurf (Post 1133053)
SL 28 varietal.

That sounds interesting :banger

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 1133184)
How much rest do the Yemen's need where they are just starting to peak in their flavor profile Bob?

I try to finish a coffee within 3-4 days after roast. Yemen doesn't even start to peak until after 4-5 days. I'm thinking this Yemen should be peaking days 6,7,8. Hoping anyways. Let you know tomorrow.

novasurf 01-15-2011 07:05 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
2008 Panama Esmeralda roasted for Christmas Day. Leftovers.:D
Slight fade, still a great cup.

BSB 01-15-2011 09:31 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB Mocca Java Blend, 2/3 Yemen, 1/3 Sumatra Mandheling. This is really, really good. The chocolate is very dark, the earth and leather and funk of the Yemen is there. Smooth, good balance. I like, but it could use a little sweetness, maybe. Dang, this is fun.
This is day 6 for the Yemen and it is going strong. Still a little de-gas when I opened the airtight canister.

BSB 01-15-2011 10:35 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
I tweaked the blend, now 1/2 Yemen, 1/4 Sumatra, 1/4 Bali Blue Moon. Still good, not as good, needs something else.

BSB 01-15-2011 11:04 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Tweaked again, 2/3 Yemen, 1/6 Sumatra, 1/6 Colombia Tres Payasos. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for. Maybe I'll start an all new thread about blending.

MarkinAZ 01-15-2011 11:18 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
What type of roast did you place on the Yemen and the Sumatra?

jcruse64 01-15-2011 11:21 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Kenya AA. Not my favorite, just a little harsh for me. But I like trying what's out there to see what does suit me.

BSB 01-15-2011 11:49 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by jcruse64 (Post 1133783)
Kenya AA. Not my favorite, just a little harsh for me. But I like trying what's out there to see what does suit me.

Not a big fan of Kenyans, either.

timj219 01-15-2011 08:22 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Just finished the last of the El Salvadoran Malacara that I picked up in the recent coffee and cigar pass. It came from from Barefoot Coffee Works in San Jose. Thanks mariogolbee!

BSB 01-16-2011 06:53 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Bali Blue Moon, roasted a full week ago, drip, splash. Wonderful, smooth, mild, milk chocolate, nuts, light spice. Very nice coffee.

BSB 01-16-2011 12:13 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB's Mocca Java Blend, 50-50% Yemen and Sumatra. I've messed around and I can't make it better than this.

novasurf 01-16-2011 12:42 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by BSB (Post 1134949)
BSB's Mocca Java Blend, 50-50% Yemen and Sumatra. I've messed around and I can't make it better than this.

You can try this:

50% Yemen
25% Sumatra (roast slightly lighter)
25% Mano Negra :D (roast to second crack)

BSB 01-16-2011 02:43 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by novasurf (Post 1134959)
You can try this:

50% Yemen
25% Sumatra (roast slightly lighter)
25% Mano Negra :D (roast to second crack)

I'm on it. I've NEVER tried the Mano Negra as a drip, even though I've roasted many, many pounds to be used in espresso. My Brother's absolute favorite.

BSB 01-17-2011 09:18 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB's Mocca Java with a Novasurf twist. Now mind you, the new Sumatra (Tarbarita Pea) and the Mano Negra, were roasted less than 24 hours ago, but it turned this blend into a superbly balanced gem. Just wonderful, thanks to Norman :banger

novasurf 01-18-2011 03:23 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB....let us know how that settles in.
This morning...perfect Ethiopian Amaro Gayo.

JDTexan 01-18-2011 06:02 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Mocha Java the traditional way. Each of these were roasted separately and then I mixed them 50-50, I love this coffee.

BSB 01-18-2011 08:54 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Straight Yemen this morning, 8 days since roasting. Seems to be on the decline. Still very, very good, smooth, rich, good finish. But the funky, earthy, leather is less distinct.

BSB 01-18-2011 09:52 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
2nd pot is the new BSB blend and it is awesome, it has a really nice sweetness to it. Nothing is jumping out, everything is blended together perfect! Thanks, Norman.

BSB 01-19-2011 09:38 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
I decided to break out the components of the new blend. Today is the Mano Negra and as a drip, it is very good. Huge body, nice sweetness, chocolate. I can see why my Brother likes this so much as espresso.

BSB 01-20-2011 07:51 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
BSB's Mocca Java, new blend. 50% Yemen, 25% Mano Negra, 25% Sumatra Harimau Tiger. Perfect!
I'm starting to see a trend on this thread, soon, I'll own it :D

htown 01-20-2011 10:11 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Starbucks Breakfast Blend using Toddy Cold Filter system.

BSB 01-21-2011 11:17 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
1st pot Brazil DP Bahia Chapada Diamantina, good body, chocolatey, nice
2nd pot Ethiopia Amaro Gayo Natural, this coffee has been vac sealed and frozen for a year, ultra smooth, hints of cherry, excellent.
Both coffees were roasted yesterday morning to FC.

timj219 01-21-2011 12:04 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Rwanda Nkurubuye city roast. Picked up a bag of Moka Java for the weekend. The Moka is Moka Harrar from ethiopia the Java is jampit estate coffee. Looking forward to it my local roaster has been tweaking this blend for the last couple months. They're very excited about this latest version and stopped me as I was about to pick up a pound of their Yirgacheffe. I think he's been reading this thread!

BSB 01-21-2011 03:50 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by timj219 (Post 1142741)
Rwanda Nkurubuye city roast. Picked up a bag of Moka Java for the weekend. The Moka is Moka Harrar from ethiopia the Java is jampit estate coffee. Looking forward to it my local roaster has been tweaking this blend for the last couple months. They're very excited about this latest version and stopped me as I was about to pick up a pound of their Yirgacheffe. I think he's been reading this thread!

:D :tf Please keep us updated. Love a good Mocca Java

chand 01-21-2011 04:19 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Going thru the second to last bag of Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Spice. I need to stop being lazy and order a couple bags of Rainbow Roast from Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters.

novasurf 01-22-2011 04:30 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Costa Rican Candelilla Gesha and El Salvador La Illusion mix. Respect.

x man 01-22-2011 08:08 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Free trade organic Timor today.

yourchoice 01-22-2011 08:22 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Cafe Fumar - Maduro Blend. Good stuff!

buddhadaddy 01-22-2011 08:25 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Some Brazilian Bobolink, oh man this is some of the best coffee I have ever roasted!

BSB 01-22-2011 08:59 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
The Amaro Gayo is off the hook this morning, AWESOME! :banger

BSB 01-22-2011 11:23 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Brazil Diamantina, pretty good as a 2nd pot.

BSB 01-23-2011 07:14 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Amaro Gayo is excellent again this morning with 3 days rest.

BSB 01-23-2011 12:02 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
A 50-50% blend of Sumatra Blu batak Tarbarita pea and Harimau Tiger Manheling is excellent, earthy, twangy, funky.

icehog3 01-23-2011 02:38 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Couple cups of Honolulu Kona Peaberry before the Hawks game this morning. :dr

Bageland2000 01-23-2011 07:59 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1143741)
Free trade organic Timor today.

I'm assuming since you wrote organic that you meant to say "fair trade"? Just cursious (because there's a huge difference!)-(P

Ranger_B 01-23-2011 08:33 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Panama berlina.

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