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pnoon 05-21-2009 06:02 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
To Tom and all the readers and participants in this thread. The thread is being discussed among the admins. We have a policy prohibiting religious threads - much as we do political threads. I am making you all aware so that should the thread be closed, you will not be taken by surprise.

Emjaysmash 05-21-2009 06:12 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I apologize that I posted this thread without conferring with a mod beforehand. As I'm sure you know, my only intention was to have a fun, interesting discussion to let people learn a little more about different perspectives we have on this board. I thought the first two days of this thread was going really well, and safely remained uncontroversial. Unfortunately, the questions as of late have pushed on to topics that are more controversial- to a place where I hoped it would not go, but looking back on it I honestly can't see how it couldn't get controversial. I just want to say, whatever the decision, I thank you and the team for allowing this thread to start and have a little fun. Thank you for being a great mod team- without you guys we'd all probably be at eachother's throats.

Thanks for heads up- we all appreciate it.

TomHagen 05-21-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 392570)
To Tom and all the readers and participants in this thread. The thread is being discussed among the admins. We have a policy prohibiting religious threads - much as we do political threads. I am making you all aware so that should the thread be closed, you will not be taken by surprise.

Do what you must. I must say I have had some fun and learned somethings myself here, so it has been a great experience for me, and I hope has been for you all as well.

I have really not seen any "controversy", as everything has been handled very amicably in a peaceful, communicative exchange of ideas.

Hope it continues, but "The Dude abides..."


ps. for future reference a great website for all things jewish
(actually the first and best Jewish website ever)

TanithT 05-21-2009 06:17 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Sorry; my bad for moving things to controversial territory. Like the Elephant's Child, I'm just 'satiably curious about how different cultures interact with issues of evolutionary biology, and what the long term results are in a Darwinian sense.

Thank you for the education, Rabbi. Or is that an appropriate term of respect from a non-Jew?

TomHagen 05-21-2009 06:20 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 392590)
Sorry; my bad for moving things to controversial territory. Like the Elephant's Child, I'm just 'satiably curious about how different cultures interact with issues of evolutionary biology, and what the long term results are in a Darwinian sense.

Thank you for the education, Rabbi. Or is that an appropriate term of respect from a non-Jew?

You are welcome. That's fine.

pnoon 05-21-2009 06:21 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 392582)
I apologize that I posted this thread without conferring with a mod beforehand. As I'm sure you know, my only intention was to have a fun, interesting discussion to let people learn a little more about different perspectives we have on this board. I thought the first two days of this thread was going really well, and safely remained uncontroversial. Unfortunately, the questions as of late have pushed on to topics that are more controversial- to a place where I hoped it would not go, but looking back on it I honestly can't see how it couldn't get controversial. I just want to say, whatever the decision, I thank you and the team for allowing this thread to start and have a little fun. Thank you for being a great mod team- without you guys we'd all probably be at eachother's throats.

Thanks for heads up- we all appreciate it.


Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 392587)
Do what you must. I must say I have had some fun and learned somethings myself here, so it has been a great experience for me, and I hope has been for you all as well.

I have really not seen any "controversy", as everything has been handled very amicably in a peaceful, communicative exchange of ideas.

Hope it continues, but "The Dude abides..."


ps. for future reference a great website for all things jewish
(actually the first and best Jewish website ever)

I appreciate your understanding.

The Team of 11 tries to function as a team - which is why this is under discussion.

I agree that things have been civil. But history shows us that most, if not all, political and religious threads eventually turn south.

Thanks for your patience.

Shalom. :)

TomHagen 05-21-2009 06:25 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 392596)
I appreciate your understanding.

The Team of 11 tries to function as a team - which is why this is under discussion.

I agree that things have been civil. But history shows us that most, if not all, political and religious threads eventually turn south.

Thanks for your patience.

Shalom. :)

Gotta love that Team... much respect.

potlimit 05-21-2009 07:06 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
LOL, The dude abides

ehdg 05-21-2009 07:15 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I for one have love this thread mostly. I appreciate the Rabbi taking the time to help us and answer questions. As a whole this thread was moving very nicely and staying above board. But it seems to have gone down a controversial path lately. It must either be bitten off now and stopped or sadly I do understand the admins having to close it down. I really hope they will give it a chance and the members here will refrain from some of the controversial stuff that came up. We don't need to be going down that road. We need a nice friendly topic, question/answer thread. The Rabbi is kind enough to give of his time and knowledge and some members really appreciate it and have some valid good questions to learn and get advise. In fact I honestly think if not for this thread some of these questions folks wouldn't be comfortable asking their own Rabbi for fear of being looked down upon or looking foolish. Least he we can do it blindly and don't feel embaresed. So pls lets try and get this back on topic and a friendly one.

Tks and this is my opinion not admins. So if I've over stepped I'm sorry and just lmk.

TanithT 05-21-2009 07:26 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I can certainly promise to lay off the controversial topics if that will make it okay to continue. I respect what the Rabbi is offering here, and I would not want to contribute to derailing it.

Starscream 05-21-2009 07:39 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 392570)
To Tom and all the readers and participants in this thread. The thread is being discussed among the admins. We have a policy prohibiting religious threads - much as we do political threads. I am making you all aware so that should the thread be closed, you will not be taken by surprise.

I had a question that I thought might have been controversial, therefore I sent the question to the Rabbi via pm. He graciously answered my question there. I like this thread and hope it stays open. If anyone has a question that they think may be even slightly controversial, please send it via pm.

TomHagen 05-21-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 392715)
I had a question that I thought might have been controversial, therefore I sent the question to the Rabbi via pm. He graciously answered my question there. I like this thread and hope it stays open. If anyone has a question that they think may be even slightly controversial, please send it via pm.

This is what the OP advised in his first post. PM the controversial. This thread isn't dead... keep 'em coming gents!!

TanithT 05-21-2009 10:13 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Rabbi, do you know about Gan Eden Winery? The owner is an observant Jew and an old ASC cigar fan whom I've enjoyed smoking with, and he makes some awesome kosher wine products. I think he stopped labeling them as "kosher wines" because they're much, much better than the usual range of what is marketed under that name, and it was killing his sales. But he is definitely an observant Jew and makes his wines according to proper procedure. Tasty stuff, too.

TomHagen 05-21-2009 10:20 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Anonymous, possibly controversial (cause I'm a Sox fan from NY) question I was asked...

Yes. Kevin Youkilis is the best clutch hitter in the American League.
(also according to Mike Francesa (for those that don't know he's the biggest name in sports talk in NY, and a Yankee fan) Yes. Youk is Jewish. Yes. He is on my fantasy team.

No. Cigars are better for you than Chimichangas, especially if you are having 1 a day.

Yes. I have woke up to find out that I am the "Eyes of the World"

No. White Russians are not a substitute for Green Mountain Coffee.

I will have that cooked Medium.

TomHagen 05-21-2009 10:25 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 392884)
Rabbi, do you know about Gan Eden Winery? The owner is an observant Jew and an old ASC cigar fan whom I've enjoyed smoking with, and he makes some awesome kosher wine products. I think he stopped labeling them as "kosher wines" because they're much, much better than the usual range of what is marketed under that name, and it was killing his sales. But he is definitely an observant Jew and makes his wines according to proper procedure. Tasty stuff, too.

No. I am not familiar with him.

It doesn't make sense that calling, labeling his wines "Kosher" would kill his sales, due to the fact that most companies are clamoring to get their products (especially WINES, if they are any good) certified Kosher.

It used to be a bad thing because people would automatically think cough-syrup Manascheiwcz. But that stopped at least a decade ago, with the tremendous influx of Israeli, French, Italian, Austalian and Cali wines that are not only good, but get top ratings consistantly.

Personally, I like Northern Israeli Wines from the Golan and Galil. I also like some of the French and some of the sweet Italian dessert wines.
Almost anything from the Golan Winery and Galil wines is delicious.

BillyCigars 05-21-2009 11:49 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Thanks again for your education, Rabbi!

I have 1 other question I hoped you could answer:

For a groom to rejoice with his wife for one year"

Could you expand on this? For instance, why only 1 year? When referring to "rejoicing" what does it entail? Is it supposed to be a 1 year honeymoon? Lavish gifts for 1 year? What happens in month 13?

Thanks in advance!!! :tu

TomHagen 05-22-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by BillyCigars (Post 392928)
Thanks again for your education, Rabbi!

I have 1 other question I hoped you could answer:

For a groom to rejoice with his wife for one year"

Could you expand on this? For instance, why only 1 year? When referring to "rejoicing" what does it entail? Is it supposed to be a 1 year honeymoon? Lavish gifts for 1 year? What happens in month 13?

Thanks in advance!!! :tu

In short, it means he cannot be recruited, and sent out to war. There are other leniencies involved as well, regarding financial commitments etc., in order that he (& she) can devote all of his attention to her, ingratiating her into their homelife together, setting the foundations of marriage in a joyous manner, free from certain (not all) other cares/distractions. Month 13 he just becomes a normal citizen.

Tikihut27 05-22-2009 08:06 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 392939)
In short, it means he cannot be recruited, and sent out to war.

Rabbi- thanks for the info and for being a good sport. I've learned a lot from reading your answers.

My question re this answer:

Do the Israeli Armed Forces adhere to this policy? What if it's an emergency? What if the Soldier doesn't want to stay home?

Might be outside your lane, I realize...

ade06 05-22-2009 11:24 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 392690)
I can certainly promise to lay off the controversial topics if that will make it okay to continue. I respect what the Rabbi is offering here, and I would not want to contribute to derailing it.


You mentioned earlier that Jews are expected to marry only other Jews, but is it true that Jews are encouraged to "practice" with non-Jews. I think there is even a Jewish term for such "practice." I'm hoping this is not too controversial of a topic?

TanithT 05-22-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Just a little LOL tribute to our favorite Rabbi.

Bruins Fan 05-22-2009 02:39 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Wow, the Rabbi is a Red Sox Fan in enemy territory :D
Youkilis is a hard working guy and a clutch player, he should get some consideration again as MVP :tu

TomHagen 05-22-2009 05:06 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 393455)

You mentioned earlier that Jews are expected to marry only other Jews, but is it true that Jews are encouraged to "practice" with non-Jews. I think there is even a Jewish term for such "practice." I'm hoping this is not too controversial of a topic?

G-d forbid. There is no such thing.

Adriftpanda 05-22-2009 05:16 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Rabi, I want to apologize for my comment I made a few days back, it wasn't made to offend anyone. So again, I am sorry. But here is my question...
Is there a difference from the Christian God and the Jewish Yahweh? Yahweh is just another name for God correct?

TomHagen 05-22-2009 05:23 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by Tikihut27 (Post 393133)
Rabbi- thanks for the info and for being a good sport. I've learned a lot from reading your answers.

My question re this answer:

Do the Israeli Armed Forces adhere to this policy? What if it's an emergency? What if the Soldier doesn't want to stay home?

Might be outside your lane, I realize...

The Israeli Government does not, unfortunately, yet, abide by the Torah and Jewish Law. They are almost completely secular and have no inherent 'holiness' as a theocracy.

The law itself is applied differently depending on the type of war.

TomHagen 05-22-2009 05:28 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 393955)
Rabi, I want to apologize for my comment I made a few days back, it wasn't made to offend anyone. So again, I am sorry. But here is my question...
Is there a difference from the Christian God and the Jewish Yahweh? Yahweh is just another name for God correct?

Firstly, no one should be apologizing to me. I have no issues. I'm just answering 'em as they come in, shining some light and havin' fun...

Secondly, you question is kinda moot. That is not a name used for G-d in any truly Jewish context.

TomHagen 05-22-2009 05:33 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
It's been a pretty wild week, I hope everyone enjoyed and learned something...

I am off for Shabbos, have a good one!!

Emjaysmash 05-22-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 393979)
It's been a pretty wild week, I hope everyone enjoyed and learned something...

I am off for Shabbos, have a good one!!

Have a Good Shabbos, Rav. See ya Saturday night.

TomHagen 05-24-2009 08:48 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Much respect to those who are defending our liberties and the freedoms of this great country at home and abroad, and to those who have served, on this Memorial Day. May G-d protect you. Thank you for all you do.


Steve 05-24-2009 08:49 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 396328)
Much respect to those who are defending our liberties and the freedoms of this great country at home and abroad, and to those who have served, on this Memorial Day. May G-d protect you. Thank you for all you do.



ehdg 05-24-2009 08:59 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 393979)
I am off for Shabbos, have a good one!!

Now this I find very interesting, I'd always considered it that only the Rabbi and Cantor work on Shabbos being as it is their job to lead the congregation and the Cantor's job to sing and pray in hebrew for those that can't in a way. Though I guess technically it's not work but a labor of love/calling.

TomHagen 05-24-2009 09:15 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by ehdg (Post 396332)
Now this I find very interesting, I'd always considered it that only the Rabbi and Cantor work on Shabbos being as it is their job to lead the congregation and the Cantor's job to sing and pray in hebrew for those that can't in a way. Though I guess technically it's not work but a labor of love/calling.

I still don't get paid for Shabbos, or any other day. I raise all of the funds through donation for my organization. :D

The definition of "work" on Shabbos is clearly defined in the Torah. There are 39 specific tasks (and those associated with them) that were forbidden to do in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and later in the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) on Shabbos. These laborious activities are what we, as Jews, are forbidden to do on Shabbos.

Emjaysmash 05-25-2009 07:29 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
No one has anymore questions??!! C'mon Everyone!
Rememeber, if you want to ask a question anonymously, or if it deals with a sensitive subject, feel free to PM the Rabbi!!

Churchlady 05-26-2009 01:27 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I've forgotten my remedial hebrew... what does mitzvot mean?
Thanks for being so open - I'd be waay to afraid to do Ask the churchlady! You've got real Chutzpah!

nozero 05-26-2009 02:00 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by Churchlady (Post 398009)
I've forgotten my remedial hebrew... what does mitzvot mean?
Thanks for being so open - I'd be waay to afraid to do Ask the churchlady! You've got real Chutzpah!

I'm not the Rabbi, or the Churchlady for that matter, but I can answer this one...

From Wikipedia:
Mitzvah (Hebrew: מצווה, IPA: [ˈmɪtsvə], "commandment"; plural, mitzvos or mitzvot; from צוה, tzavah, "command") is a word used in Judaism to refer to the 613 commandments given in the Torah and the seven rabbinic commandments instituted later for a total of 620. The term can also refer to the fulfilment of a mitzvah.

The term mitzvah has also come to express an act of human kindness. According to the teachings of Judaism, all moral laws are, or are derived from, divine commandments.

BillyCigars 05-26-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Okay, another question: (and thanks again in advance!!) :ss

If Judaism doesn't embrace an "afterlife", how is Samuel's appearance during the seance between King Saul and the witch at Endor explained? Samuel seemed really unhappy that he was "disturbed". If he was disturbed (and unhappy about it), wouldn't it indicate that he was *aware* that he was dead? Since awareness of death would seem to indicate more than just "ceasing to exist", I'm curious as to how this is resolved.


nozero 05-26-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
My wife purchased a replacement wedding ring; I've lost two others, for my last birthday. It says "כִּי אֶל-אֲשֶׁר תֵּלְכִי אֵלֵךְ". My Hebrew is poor at best and I've forgotten how to read some of the letters and vowels. The ring lettering does not include the vowels, I found what I posted above using Google searches. I found that it comes from the book of Ruth, where Ruth replied: 'Entreat me not to leave thee, and to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy G-d my G-d".

Can you provide me with a transliteration to help me learn how to pronouce it correctly?


MadAl 05-26-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I have a question, Rabbi. In Chaydar, I learned that the name of G-d is never to be spoken, not even in prayer. We learned to recognize the name of the Lord and substitue Adonai or HaShem. Yet it seems to have become commonplace, even vogue, to use that name we deem too holy to say.

Have the rules changed?

Starscream 05-26-2009 05:46 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by BillyCigars (Post 398072)
Okay, another question: (and thanks again in advance!!) :ss

If Judaism doesn't embrace an "afterlife", how is Samuel's appearance during the seance between King Saul and the witch at Endor explained? Samuel seemed really unhappy that he was "disturbed". If he was disturbed (and unhappy about it), wouldn't it indicate that he was *aware* that he was dead? Since awareness of death would seem to indicate more than just "ceasing to exist", I'm curious as to how this is resolved.


:hm This question interests me.

Speaking of the witch of Endor, was she the reason for all those daggum Ewoks that ruined Return of the Jedi?;)

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:28 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by Churchlady (Post 398009)
I've forgotten my remedial hebrew... what does mitzvot mean?
Thanks for being so open - I'd be waay to afraid to do Ask the churchlady! You've got real Chutzpah!

You can find this answer above. In short....

Mitzvot means Commandment, loosely used as an act of goodness and kindness, but specifically a Divine Command. Emptomologically related to the hebrew word Tzvtzah meaning connection - so by doing a Mitzvah you are connecting to G-d

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by BillyCigars (Post 398072)
Okay, another question: (and thanks again in advance!!) :ss

If Judaism doesn't embrace an "afterlife", how is Samuel's appearance during the seance between King Saul and the witch at Endor explained? Samuel seemed really unhappy that he was "disturbed". If he was disturbed (and unhappy about it), wouldn't it indicate that he was *aware* that he was dead? Since awareness of death would seem to indicate more than just "ceasing to exist", I'm curious as to how this is resolved.


We DO embrace an afterlife for the soul. Torah and especially mystical Judaism describes this at length and in detail.

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:31 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 398081)
My wife purchased a replacement wedding ring; I've lost two others, for my last birthday. It says "כִּי אֶל-אֲשֶׁר תֵּלְכִי אֵלֵךְ". My Hebrew is poor at best and I've forgotten how to read some of the letters and vowels. The ring lettering does not include the vowels, I found what I posted above using Google searches. I found that it comes from the book of Ruth, where Ruth replied: 'Entreat me not to leave thee, and to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy G-d my G-d".

Can you provide me with a transliteration to help me learn how to pronouce it correctly?


sure. Ki al asher talachi alach (the 'ch' is not like chosen but like chanukah)

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:34 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by MadAl (Post 398100)
I have a question, Rabbi. In Chaydar, I learned that the name of G-d is never to be spoken, not even in prayer. We learned to recognize the name of the Lord and substitue Adonai or HaShem. Yet it seems to have become commonplace, even vogue, to use that name we deem too holy to say.

Have the rules changed?

No. The rules never change. This was question addressed above.

It has become 'fashionable' with many outsiders to try and pronounce G-d's Name, like the Madonna Kabalah crowd etc... it is nothing more than just a new spiritual blah hip thing to do. Ironically they are pronouncing and spelling it wrong.:r

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 398421)
:hm This question interests me.

Speaking of the witch of Endor, was she the reason for all those daggum Ewoks that ruined Return of the Jedi?;)

that was the MOON of endor... :D oy, those Ewoks, look like big Shittzus...

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:38 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
ps. we also believe in Reincarnation... for those inquiring minds.

TomHagen 05-26-2009 06:45 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

I want to send this question via pm in case the answer contains information that could be seen as controversial.

First, I just want to say thank you for holding this forum. I know that it helps the Jewish members on this board, but it also provides a service to those that are non-Jewish. I actually have no religious affiliation, but I'm fascinated by religious traditions.

I hope that I can describe this right. Again, this question is coming from a memory. This memory is from the movie Pi. As a caveat, I certainly don't think that the movie's portrayal of Judaism is 100% accurate, but it's the best way I can describe the question. In case you've seen the movie, you may know what this is referencing.

There is a scene where the Jewish characters are wearing some very distinct religious garments. From what I remember, it appears that they are wearing bands that are wrapped around their arms. Also, there is a band with a small box that is worn above the forehead. I know that I've seen this outside of the movie, so it doesn't appear to be fabricated to fit a motive. I just don't know to what extent this tradition is practiced or in what capacity.

I hope that I've described this accurately. What is the significance of these garments? Is it specifically for certain celebrations or holidays?

Thank you again for helping those, such as myself, ignorant of Jewish traditions to better understand a different religious perspective.

With sincerest respect and appreciation,


Not controversial at all. A very valid and important question.

Sorry just to give you a link, but this would be a really long answer and this is really the MOST comprehensive description:

Also, I have seen Pi.


BillyCigars 05-26-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 398509)
We DO embrace an afterlife for the soul. Torah and especially mystical Judaism describes this at length and in detail.

Ahh thanks for clarifying! I must have been confused - about 6 months back, I was having a casual (almost joking) discussion about the afterlife, heaven, etc. with my 2 Jewish friends and they both told me that they just "cease to exist". Odd.

Thanks again!:tu

ActionAndy 05-27-2009 08:12 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Hello again Rabbi,

So this reincarnation thing has always had me curious. Do your texts give specifics on how this would work? I'm wondering if I die, my soul comes out and has a period of enlightenment (where it would remember all of its lives, not just this one) and then goes back to a body...or if I just die, have my memory wiped, and shoved into a new body. The second option seems pretty lame, considering I wouldn't even be aware of it (and then is it even me?)

TomHagen 05-27-2009 08:46 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 399365)
Hello again Rabbi,

So this reincarnation thing has always had me curious. Do your texts give specifics on how this would work? I'm wondering if I die, my soul comes out and has a period of enlightenment (where it would remember all of its lives, not just this one) and then goes back to a body...or if I just die, have my memory wiped, and shoved into a new body. The second option seems pretty lame, considering I wouldn't even be aware of it (and then is it even me?)

this topic deserves a tremndously long answer, some of which I will write up and post IY''H

ActionAndy 05-27-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen (Post 399414)
this topic deserves a tremndously long answer, some of which I will write up and post IY''H

Thanks, take your time :tu

RGD. 05-29-2009 12:27 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
After reading every single post - I must say that I have found this thread to be both entertaining and informative at the same time. :tu

So . . . I have a few questions I have not seen answered:

01. How long have you been a Rabbi?

02. Was there some defining moment or event in your life that led you to becoming a Rabbi.

03. I love your wit and humor . . . was being a stand up comedian ever an option? :ss


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