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Cigargal 10-29-2008 10:02 AM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by Joan (Post 40474)

Plus I picked up my first ERB John Carter series paperback this weekend... looks like fun!

These ERB books are a lot of fun. I read through them twice about 30 years ago. I like the Tarzan books as well.

webjunkie 10-29-2008 11:20 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished Kafka on the Shore by Murakami Haruki. Going to have to put it aside to reread it later, there are still parts I don't get. :confused:

PitmanGeek 10-31-2008 05:59 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished the Princess of Burundi by Kjell Eriksson.

It was a pleasant read, could have been much better. The suspense heightened in the end, but I was always waiting for the big surprise and it never really came. Since it is one in a series, I'm not sure if there is more to come as far as some of the back stories.

I never really understood the tie in of the Princess of Burundi and the fish with the rest of the story -- it almost seemed unnecessary for the story, but since it was built into the title it should have been more integrated. Overall 3.5 out of 5.

davearob 11-03-2008 03:29 PM

Re: What are you reading?
The Gum Thief by Douglass Coupland. One of the funniest books I have read in a while. I laughed more at J-POD but this one is close.

Cigargal 11-03-2008 07:01 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Desert Heat by J.A. Jance 2/3 thru and so far she does nothing for me.

theycallmedan'lboone 11-03-2008 07:09 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell.

lightning9191 11-03-2008 08:18 PM

Re: What are you reading?
"How We Live" by Sherwin Nuland

Cigargal 11-04-2008 10:03 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Starting Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. I think the movie comes out this month.

MithShrike 11-04-2008 01:39 PM

Re: What are you reading?
The Gathering Storm by Kate Elliot.

shilala 11-05-2008 12:49 AM

Re: What are you reading?
I've been reading the Bible a lot lately, a book called "Serenity" and I have a few Jared Diamond books waiting for me.

Joan 11-05-2008 07:19 PM

Re: What are you reading?
"Fourteen Friends Guide to Eldercaring". Reading this for a friend whose Mom has lost her mind to elder dementia, just like Gram. Lots of the same stuff it took me years to figure out. Joan Seal of Approval on this one.

King James 11-06-2008 08:32 PM

Re: What are you reading?
just starting Eugene O'neill's play "Long Day's Journey Into Night" for english class. No clue what it is about or anything, but going to found out

MithShrike 11-06-2008 08:45 PM

Re: What are you reading?
In The Ruins by Kate Elliot. Volume 6 of the Crown of Stars series. Last one!

Steve 11-06-2008 09:24 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Tarpon Quest

Beer Doctor 11-07-2008 08:33 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Over half way through Wicked by Gregory Maguire. My wife loves all his books and I'm taking her to see the musical in Chicago next week so I figured I'd read it. Not at all what I thought it would be. Lots of political and theological overtones...interesting to say the least.

Cigargal 11-07-2008 08:41 AM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by Beer Doctor (Post 56481)
Over half way through Wicked by Gregory Maguire. My wife loves all his books and I'm taking her to see the musical in Chicago next week so I figured I'd read it. Not at all what I thought it would be. Lots of political and theological overtones...interesting to say the least.

That's what I thought about Wicked-ineresting and unexpected. I have the sequel, Son of a Witch on audio, but haven't listened to it yet. The musical is a lot of fun.

icantbejon 11-07-2008 08:51 AM

Re: What are you reading?
I'm about half through A Monk Swimming by Malachy McCourt. I read his brother's two books as well, Angela's Ashes and 'Tis by Frank McCourt. Angela's Ashes is a remarkable book, an amazing story. 'Tis turns pretty whiny after a while. A Monk Swimming is ok, but it drags on. He really could have just said I'm Irish and like to drink as opposed to writing this whole book.

hotreds 11-19-2008 03:45 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Bury Us Upside Down: The Misty Pilots and the Secret Battle for the Ho Chi Minh Trail by Rick Newman and Don Shepperd

Beer Doctor 11-19-2008 03:50 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Energy Victory: Winning the War on Terror by Breaking Free of Oil by Robert Zubrin

Very interesting so far. He's a huge (understatement) supporter of methanol/ethanol flex fuel cars.

MithShrike 11-19-2008 03:55 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Forest Mage by Robin Hobb.

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