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Starscream 12-11-2011 05:31 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Only two episodes left. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting and exciting conclusion. I hope Angel survives this ordeal, not to mention Deb.

irratebass 12-12-2011 07:26 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1499157)
Only two episodes left. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting and exciting conclusion. I hope Angel survives this ordeal, not to mention Deb.

I'll be glad when this season is over, Just not buying Tom Hanks' kid as a bad guy....boring.....worst season since season 3 (Jimmy Smits :td)

Wanger 12-12-2011 08:28 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1499157)
Only two episodes left. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting and exciting conclusion. I hope Angel survives this ordeal, not to mention Deb.

SPOILER ALERT!!! (If you didn't see the last eposode last night)

Well, they did survive, and Dexter plays the hero again. What timing! LOL

And as for the great escape out in the ocean, how did he get the rope off his hands that quickly? I'm guessing Travis is a shitty knot tyer. Obviously he makes it back (from next week's previews), but how did Dex swim 7 miles back to shore with the issues he's had after the exposure to the gas that he was exposed to? I'm sure we'll find out. Maybe he was picked up by someone out in the ocean. And what about his boat? I wonder what will become of that.

The suggestions by the therapist...LMAO! Has Deb even dreaming about it! While they're not blood relatives, the thought of a situation like that of someone you've always thought of as and treated like a brother...EW! Leave that one to the daytime soap operas! I wonder how hard that scene was for the two of them, as they're in the middle of getting divorced. LOL

I thought tonight's episode was good, yet a bit of a disappointment. One more for the season. Who will catch Travis? Will Dexter get him, or the cops, or will he off himself (before or after killing or not killing Harrison)?

irratebass 12-12-2011 08:42 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
[quote=Wanger;1499596]SPOILER ALERT!!! (If you didn't see the last eposode last night)

Well, they did survive, and Dexter plays the hero again. What timing! LOL That was retarded imo
And as for the great escape out in the ocean, how did he get the rope off his hands that quickly? I wondered this as well.
The suggestions by the therapist...LMAO! Has Deb even dreaming about it! While they're not blood relatives, the thought of a situation like that of someone you've always thought of as and treated like a brother...EW! Leave that one to the daytime soap operas! I wonder how hard that scene was for the two of them, as they're in the middle of getting divorced. LOL

They taking writing tips from Boardwalk Empire with the incest thing?

jonumberone 12-12-2011 09:11 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1499596)

The suggestions by the therapist...LMAO! Has Deb even dreaming about it! While they're not blood relatives, the thought of a situation like that of someone you've always thought of as and treated like a brother...EW! Leave that one to the daytime soap operas! I wonder how hard that scene was for the two of them, as they're in the middle of getting divorced.

I've always felt, since season two anyway, that Deb will be the one to take down Dexter.
Either catching him, or killing him.
I think all the emotions and love for him turning up are being used to set up that very ending to the series.
It is just laying the groundwork for what is sure to be a very torn Deb.
I actually hope that is what they are doing.
I love this show, but wonder how many times Dexter can escape by the skin of his teeth?

irratebass 12-12-2011 09:46 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1499631)
I've always felt, since season two anyway, that Deb will be the one to take down Dexter.
Either catching him, or killing him.
I think all the emotions and love for him turning up are being used to set up that very ending to the series.
It is just laying the groundwork for what is sure to be a very torn Deb.
I actually hope that is what they are doing.
I love this show, but wonder how many times Dexter can escape by the skin of his teeth?

That would make a great ending to the show, and actually gice us closure unlike some shows (Flipping you off Sopranos)

Starscream 12-12-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
The whole Dexter saving the homicide unit was a bit over the top for me as well. As was the whole lake of fire ending.


Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1499631)
I've always felt, since season two anyway, that Deb will be the one to take down Dexter.
Either catching him, or killing him.
I think all the emotions and love for him turning up are being used to set up that very ending to the series.
It is just laying the groundwork for what is sure to be a very torn Deb.
I actually hope that is what they are doing.
I love this show, but wonder how many times Dexter can escape by the skin of his teeth?

I've always thought the same thing too, Dom, but lately I don't see Dexter being caught, just b/c of the whole ordeal with his kid. I can't see the whole series ending on such a downer anymore.
At this point, I say it either ends with Dexter getting rid of his Dark Passenger, or it ends like the Sopranos did. Only if his kid doesn't die in the next episode, which by any indication of the preview, could be a very f****d up ending.

Starscream 12-12-2011 02:18 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1499538)
I'll be glad when this season is over, Just not buying Tom Hanks' kid as a bad guy....boring.....worst season since season 3 (Jimmy Smits :td)

It's all a matter of opinion, but I like this season MUCH better than the last. Lumen got on my nerves.

irratebass 12-12-2011 02:22 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1500019)
The whole Dexter saving the homicide unit was a bit over the top for me as well. As was the whole lake of fire ending.

I've always thought the same thing too, Dom, but lately I don't see Dexter being caught, just b/c of the whole ordeal with his kid. I can't see the whole series ending on such a downer anymore.
At this point, I say it either ends with Dexter getting rid of his Dark Passenger, or it ends like the Sopranos did. Only if his kid doesn't die in the next episode, which by any indication of the preview, could be a very f****d up ending.

Deb would get the kid and make her life complete minus a husband

Starscream 12-12-2011 02:35 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1500027)
Deb would get the kid and make her life complete minus a husband

I still think that would be a big downer to end that way.

BTW, I didn't know that was Tom Hanks' kid. Thanks for the info, Mickey.:tu

Bill86 12-12-2011 02:37 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Yeah, Colin Hanks.

This season is good, not great...but good.

Keeping me interested but I REALLY hope next season is much better.

floydpink 12-16-2011 10:40 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
I keep wondering how Miami would still have any residents with a serial killer emerging once a year?

irratebass 12-16-2011 11:08 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1500051)
I still think that would be a big downer to end that way.

BTW, I didn't know that was Tom Hanks' kid. Thanks for the info, Mickey.:tu

Check out Orange County with Jack Black, Collin plays his brother, not a great movie, but you can watch Collin.

Starscream 12-16-2011 12:42 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1504462)
I keep wondering how Miami would still have any residents with a serial killer emerging once a year?


Starscream 12-18-2011 08:15 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Loved the ending!!!!!!!

But what about the ice truck killer hand?

Bill86 12-18-2011 10:06 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Wow....How the hell is that going to play in the next season.

I guess we all knew it was coming sooner or later.

irratebass 12-19-2011 04:12 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Boring Ep imo........the whole Deb in love with Dexter thing should be interesting and yeah the hand thing......hmmm.

Wanger 12-19-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1506481)
Loved the ending!!!!!!!

But what about the ice truck killer hand?

HOLY S#IT!! That was a bit of a surprise ending, to me. It will be VERY interesting to see how it all plays out in the last 2 seasons!

Potential spoiler to all who haven't seen last night's episode...

As for the hand, I think that Deb will find it and then think he was working with his brother. That's just my opinion.

The ramifications of Deb seeing him are HUGE! (obviously) Will he admit anything to her? Will he say that it was because he tried to kill him (i.e. explain the boat thing, rather than that he fell off). Will she take him down, and how will the series end? Will the next 2 seasons be all about him being on trial, assuming Deb turns him in? You had to figure at some point that his luck would end, and someone would find him/catch him, but not with 2 full seasons left.

Dammit! When the hell will it be back on?!?!?!

Bill86 12-19-2011 08:27 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
If Dexter gets turned in and on trial I will quit watching the show.

Starscream 12-19-2011 08:30 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1506916)
HOLY S#IT!! That was a bit of a surprise ending, to me. It will be VERY interesting to see how it all plays out in the last 2 seasons!

Potential spoiler to all who haven't seen last night's episode...

As for the hand, I think that Deb will find it and then think he was working with his brother. That's just my opinion.

The ramifications of Deb seeing him are HUGE! (obviously) Will he admit anything to her? Will he say that it was because he tried to kill him (i.e. explain the boat thing, rather than that he fell off). Will she take him down, and how will the series end? Will the next 2 seasons be all about him being on trial, assuming Deb turns him in? You had to figure at some point that his luck would end, and someone would find him/catch him, but not with 2 full seasons left.

Dammit! When the hell will it be back on?!?!?!

Next September.:td

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