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Mr.Maduro 11-12-2009 10:30 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Just got mine... now I know how Carlos felt when he got his iPhone.... I can't put this thing down!

BeerAdvocate 11-12-2009 01:25 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
I am on Sprint. i cant decide if I should go ahead and get the Sprint Moment or wait after the 1st of the year and see if another new Droid phone comes out?

spectrrr 11-12-2009 05:42 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 642063)
Just got mine... now I know how Carlos felt when he got his iPhone.... I can't put this thing down!

too true! I use ANY friggin excuse to pull out the phone. Need to send out an email? I'll do it from the phone.... WHEN I'm SITTING IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER! walking down a flight of stairs? GREAT excuse to pull out the phone for 7.8 seconds.

Titan410 11-12-2009 08:14 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
I love it more and more every day

spectrrr 11-12-2009 08:18 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
I thought I would hate the keyboard... I really really thought I would hate it... but I don't, I've become quite proficient with it already! It's not perfect, It could be a lot better... but its quite usable!

GreekGodX 11-13-2009 02:33 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
How's the call clarity? Speakerphone quality? Battery life with heavy usage?

Got my upgrade notice in the mail yesterday. Verizon is pushing the Blackberry Storm 2. I'm waiting still to see how you guys like the droid. I do love having a BB tho.

kgoings 11-13-2009 10:26 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 643063)
How's the call clarity? Speakerphone quality? Battery life with heavy usage?

Got my upgrade notice in the mail yesterday. Verizon is pushing the Blackberry Storm 2. I'm waiting still to see how you guys like the droid. I do love having a BB tho.

Call clarity to me isnt great but it isnt bad. I was in an area yesterday with poor reception and it sound like degraded digital is the best way I can describe it, but it wasnt 'bad'. It isnt as good call clarity as my old Blackberry World Edition.

Havent used Speakerphone yet

Battery has been pretty good. If you dont close your apps it will drain your battery (same as with my old Blackberry) it doesnt have as good of battery life as my Blackberry but you will need the wifi widget and taskiller widget. As long as you turn your wifi off when your not using it and kill background tasks the battery will be fine. I was at the gym yesterday for over an hour listening to my music, plus I was playing some graphics intensive games during the day and browsing the web..and I still had at least 30% of my battery when I went to bed. Not bad for 15 hours.

A lot of people like HDOS game, i am not too keen on it yet. But RoboDefense is awesome! I cant wait till they get some good games using the accelerometer.

Titan410 11-13-2009 01:42 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
The GPS is great and very accurate. There is also an app called Tracks that will create a Google map for you showing your exact route, highest speed, lowest speed, altitude, averages, etc.
Its neat.
I've found call clarity to be very good. Battery OK, but I've been using a lot of apps and its still new so I am on it alot burning the battery up.

kgoings 11-13-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Titan410 (Post 643586)
The GPS is great and very accurate. There is also an app called Tracks that will create a Google map for you showing your exact route, highest speed, lowest speed, altitude, averages, etc.
Its neat.
I've found call clarity to be very good. Battery OK, but I've been using a lot of apps and its still new so I am on it alot burning the battery up.

I think the GPS is not as accurate as VZ Navigator. I think VZNav gets your location closer, I have noticed that I will have already turned and the Google maps thinks I am still on the other road.

Also if you lose your GPS connection the Navigation will not continue till you back out and re-nav. VZ Navigator did a great job with this.

These are small issues that can be fixed fairly easily.

spectrrr 11-13-2009 08:47 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 643063)
How's the call clarity? Speakerphone quality? Battery life with heavy usage?

Got my upgrade notice in the mail yesterday. Verizon is pushing the Blackberry Storm 2. I'm waiting still to see how you guys like the droid. I do love having a BB tho.

Call clarity has been GREAT for me, on par or better than my last two windows mobile phones. I talk on the phone to Venezuela a lot and TRY to speak spanish (note the TRY part), so clarity is a pretty important feature if I wanta rats ass chance in hell of understanding a word. No complaints so far.

Speakerphone I have not tried, except when I'm waiting on hold. Volume is nice and loud (sometimes I have to turn it down), just never tried the microphone.

Battery life with heavy usage "might" get you through the day, depending on your heavy usage. The biggest drain on your battery is the screen, followed distantly by wifi and gps. So if you have the gps off or not in use, you have the wifi off, and you kill apps that use em, you should be fine. Mine has not been making it through the day... but I've been like a kid in the candy store who can't keep his hand out of the cookie jar. I've been taking the phone out of my pocket and turning on the screen just to look at it, and answering all my emails from it, even when i'm sitting in front of a computer! So I have definitely been using it A LOT.

GreekGodX 11-14-2009 07:41 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Thanks you guys :tu Keep giving updates on apps and how the battery usage goes. I'm very interested in one of these, and you guys will for sure help make my decision!

spectrrr 11-14-2009 08:20 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 644185)
Thanks you guys :tu Keep giving updates on apps and how the battery usage goes. I'm very interested in one of these, and you guys will for sure help make my decision!

I've been EXTREMELY happy with my purchase.

When you get one, send me a message and I'll give you the lowdown on the apps I've settled in to using (and which ones didnt last). Not all the ones on that list above survived trial by fire :)

spectrrr 11-14-2009 10:15 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Apps of the day:

"Advanced Task Killer" makes me happy. Lists almost all the running processes, lets you customize what happens on a short or long tap, and lets you setup an "ignore" list for processes (like widgets and email) that you DONT want to ever see or have the option of killing.

("taskiller" will list them all, but has poor features)

Wanger 11-14-2009 08:34 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Looked at one of these today. Trying to decide if I'll go for one of these or an iPhone when I upgrade my phone. :)

Mr.Maduro 11-15-2009 06:58 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
My first post from the Droid...only fitting I post it here.
Posted via Mobile Device

Titan410 11-15-2009 08:03 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 643742)
I think the GPS is not as accurate as VZ Navigator. I think VZNav gets your location closer, I have noticed that I will have already turned and the Google maps thinks I am still on the other road.

Also if you lose your GPS connection the Navigation will not continue till you back out and re-nav. VZ Navigator did a great job with this.

These are small issues that can be fixed fairly easily.

I haven't had these problems. On mine I've seen such accurate position that it is kind of scary. Like military grade accuracy, well, almost.
Make sure you have the GPS feature turned on. I guess you would have to to go into navigation mode, but there is an option to turn it off and then I suppose it used the cell tower you are hitting off of to determine your location.

I use an app called Tracks (just for fun that) will track where you've been and speed, altitude, etc. Then you can upload the track to Google Maps and view it online.

BigAl_SC 12-18-2009 04:41 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Ok..... You have had your Droid for awhile now. Still happy? recommend now or wait for second generation? Costs? are you getting hit with a lot of data charges after whats included?

I have one renewable now and 2 in feb....

Blueface 12-18-2009 04:54 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by King James (Post 638343)
never said verizon weren't a-holes...they just have the best network! lol

I have personally had both Verizon and AT&T. In fact, at one time, my personal phone was with Verizon while my business was with AT&T, so at all times, I had both networks with me. I currently have AT&T only since haven gotten my iPhone. My wife has Verizon (kept her on it as so is my daughter so they can chat away for free).
I find absolutely no difference in service in Florida between one company and the other. I also travel quite a bit countrywide and frankly have never had a dead zone with AT&T.
I wish I knew what the reason for me to be loyal to one or the other would be based on the concept of "the best network". I personally don't see it.

spectrrr 12-18-2009 05:07 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by BigAl_SC (Post 685727)
Ok..... You have had your Droid for awhile now. Still happy? recommend now or wait for second generation? Costs? are you getting hit with a lot of data charges after whats included?

I have one renewable now and 2 in feb....

LOVE IT! I did have to bring it back for a different unit due to some manufacturing defects, but new one is performing flawlessly so far.

Key part about the droid FOR ME is that it has the specific things I care about - physical keyboard, stunningly crisp and detailed screen. I'm less likely to notice OS bugs because I'm coming from windows mobile, the worst touchscreen OS in existence!

My list of things I wish it would do is pretty small really. So small I can't think of most of them right now. A few glitches syncing contacts between outlook-->google-->phone. No contacts lost... just a few that for some reasons didn't make the xfer. all in all I've been THRILLED with the Android OS, it has a lot of potential and I expect good things from it. First major update for the phone was released already, and another one coming in January, so they are LISTENING and RESPONDING to problems, which I think is CRITICAL.

The stock UI is a bit plain, but there's LOTS of customization options available to you if you look around. As for now or later.... VZW is rumored to be getting a third droid option coming 1Q '10, so you can always wait and look at that. Most likely it will be a Moto Droid styled device with 2.0 and beefy specs, but minus the keyboard. Pure guesswork at this time.

all in all, yes, still in love with my droid. But I fully recognize that its the first generation of droids for verizon and android 2.0..... So there's probably a few bugs I'm simply forgetting about because I just naturally assume they belong there in a 1st gen device. You're always better off waiting as long as you can....

Blueface 12-18-2009 05:27 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by BigAl_SC (Post 685727)
Ok..... You have had your Droid for awhile now. Still happy? recommend now or wait for second generation? Costs? are you getting hit with a lot of data charges after whats included?

I have one renewable now and 2 in feb....

I would like to add.....
Anyone that has had an iPhone that now has a Droid?
Would really be interested in what you think.

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