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Ahbroody 10-16-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 602479)
That was such a nice long letter Mike...

The reason why I said good luck with the Boris because my friends shop sold all the Dracs and Boris that he has already. So I just assumed most stores knew how much they were getting in and assumed that they were pretty much sold out as well.

Did you try Mission in Pleasanton? I am 6th on their list so hopefully I can get my hands on a box. If Grant's is really doing a raffle then that is pointless driving 2 hours for me.

All this hunting for cigars is putting a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. Oh well. :rolleyes:

I didnt call mission in pleasanton as I would not drive up there. I know Dona likely runs her shops the same, so I am sure the distribution will be the same. regulars and locals first. Everyone else gets the scraps. The down side is she always sells to her regulars after closing the night before. In other words if you spend cash there she hooks you up first then others. That said, like I already stated I spoke to one of the guys there. There will be Boris and Drac on the counter for sale when they open up.

As to my previous post length. Dude you lold my post with out knowing the specifics of my post. Come on now.

Ahbroody 10-16-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
On a side note. Pete posted this on another board I am a member of.
He is somewhat active on this other board.

After a small amount of negative feedback and customers asking for more boxes that I don't have, I had some thoughts and ideas about the Monster program. I would love feedback on what I think might be the only fair way.

Next year all the Coffin Shaped numbered special boxes of 13 will be reduced back to 666 boxes and distributed by Gloucester Street since they are the birthplace of the series. They will set a box limit per customer, first come first serve, phone orders, walk ins, etc. These will go on sale on October 13th.

I will make an additonal 31000 cigars packed in plain boxes of 10 that will sell to all and any regular loyal current Tatuaje stores. They can order whatever they want for their customers and the product will be delivered after November 1st to the retailers. The cigars will be the exact same shape, flavor and price but with a generic Tatuaje Band and maybe a secondary band saying the initials of the actor who played the current years Monster. This would be considered the Monster out of Costume.

This is the only way I think might work to give everyone a chance to buy and smoke the cigars but the collectors can choose to buy them early for the funky numbered box.

Love any comments on this.


The response to this was not so positive so it does not look like this will actually happen. Someone then recommended something like the Having CRA run the sale and the boxes shipped to your local Tatuaje retailer. So basically guys the sale of the monster series may change next year. Its all up in the air. If anyone wants to know the board this discussion is going on at send me a PM. I dont want to post the board as it may violate our forum rules.

Col. Kurtz 10-16-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
I saw that too.

Pete is a marketing genius. He's already hyping what he may or may not do next year. :rolleyes:

I stopped giving a darn about the limited stuff. None of it seemed any better, only that it was limited. Just turned off by the whole artificial demand of it all.

Pete could make as many of these as he wanted. But then we wouldn't be worked up in a lather about them, would we?

Edit to add:

You should see some of the activity about these. It's like a bunch of teenage girls going nuts over Hanna Montana tickets. :sad

No offense to any teenage girls, or Hanna Montana if they're on here...

wayner123 10-16-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
Is this the new Opus?? They seem to have a way of distributing "limited" cigars. Maybe take a note from them?

Darrell 10-16-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
I'm over these. **** this BS hype.

Pilon 10-16-2009 12:02 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
It's all about marketing, and it's working well.

doctorcue 10-16-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
It's all of us cigars "fans/crazies/etc." that are making this more than it needs to be. Figure everything is limited. I don't know of any shop that has EVERY cigar out there. If you can't get it; well see if someone will sell you one. Otherwise; dig into your overloaded humi/cooler/cabinet and enjoy one of your smokes.

Really... it is just cigars guys.

RightAJ 10-16-2009 12:57 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by doctorcue (Post 603086)

Really... it is just cigars guys.

Don't you ever say that!!!!! Grr...



Ahbroody 10-16-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 603013)
I'm over these. **** this BS hype.

Agreed to a large extent. Also agree Pete is a marketing genius and I actually posted that on his thread on another board.

That said I really did like the T110 and I am glad I have a few left. Some of his special stuff is good if its your flavor. The T110 is also very different from his usual stuff but similar to the El Cohete. Guess there is only so many ways to skin a cat. :r

I will grab a few of these, but I am not looking for a box. It just seems to much work. I will save my box money for CC regionals :r:r:r:r Or just regular production stuff

Col. Kurtz 10-16-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by doctorcue (Post 603086)
It's all of us cigars "fans/crazies/etc." that are making this more than it needs to be. Figure everything is limited. I don't know of any shop that has EVERY cigar out there. If you can't get it; well see if someone will sell you one. Otherwise; dig into your overloaded humi/cooler/cabinet and enjoy one of your smokes.

Really... it is just cigars guys.


Adriftpanda 10-16-2009 01:22 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by Pilon (Post 603017)
It's all about marketing, and it's working well.

EXACTLY!! And we are the one's biting all of this! Lol


Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 603013)
I'm over these. **** this BS hype.

LockOut 10-16-2009 01:34 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
got a call for 2 shops apologizing that even though im high on the lists they are going to do a lotto so its fair for everyone. fair my ass that i busted my ass to get on those lists when i coulda called a day later and had the same chance at a box. So over this bs.

Ahbroody 10-16-2009 02:51 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by LockOut (Post 603149)
got a call for 2 shops apologizing that even though im high on the lists they are going to do a lotto so its fair for everyone. fair my ass that i busted my ass to get on those lists when i coulda called a day later and had the same chance at a box. So over this bs.

See I guess because I know some of the guys who work at shops and have talked to them I have a different take. I call some of them friends and talk to them outside of the shop. I am guessing what happened is a lot of the locals of these shops said "HEY WTF? I come in here and spend my money every day and you sell these sticks to non locals? Maybe I should support other people instead of you." End of the day local shops live and die by walk in customers, not by people on the other side of the country who only call because they want the special sticks. When these are gone all these guys on wait lists will never buy another stick or not enough to make it worth them screwing there locals who keep their doors open.

I was shocked these local shops were doing lists and screwing their locals. I actually think these shops made a smart business decision by taking care of their loyal and local customers over other persons. It is fair in my book. Its fair to the local customers who keep the shops doors open and buy Petes product throught the year. The reason why they are getting the sticks in the first place. So I think what the shops are doing now is much more fair to their actual true patrons then what was occurring before. Thats why I think Dona at Mission while a pain sometimes is smart. Who does she take care of first? The people that keep her doors open every day. After the people that actually keep her in business are helped then she helps others.

Sorry to disagree but the shops made the smart business decision and are treating their true customers fair in my book

ActionAndy 10-16-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by LockOut (Post 603149)
got a call for 2 shops apologizing that even though im high on the lists they are going to do a lotto so its fair for everyone. fair my ass that i busted my ass to get on those lists when i coulda called a day later and had the same chance at a box. So over this bs.

That's a crooked way to do your customers.

coastietech 10-16-2009 04:13 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
If anyone in the SO FL area is looking to grab a box there is a B&M by the name of Aficionado's that is getting 3 boxes, one of which is already reserved. I don't think he will ship. Just giving you a heads up. :tu

Guitarman-S.T- 10-16-2009 04:48 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
Well, after my work on Possibly securing a box, it doesnt seem to highly, One shop will not reply, after I was the only person last year that wanted to be ahead on the list for this seasons box.
So my outcome is I am on 1 raffle lol... Wow... we'll see =]

RightAJ 10-16-2009 08:05 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
Here we go guys!!!

Damn I want it:bh


Ahbroody 10-16-2009 10:04 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
See I am a PC max Robusto or CG guy. That stick is way big for my usual style of smoke. That is why I liked the Pork Chop, T110 and El Cohete so much. That stick would take me hours to smoke.

I will definetly be good with a few sticks. If I got a box I would end up selling off sticks.

Veritas 10-16-2009 11:47 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 603303)
End of the day local shops live and die by walk in customers, not by people on the other side of the country who only call because they want the special sticks. When these are gone all these guys on wait lists will never buy another stick or not enough to make it worth them screwing there locals who keep their doors open.

I was shocked these local shops were doing lists and screwing their locals. I actually think these shops made a smart business decision by taking care of their loyal and local customers over other persons. It is fair in my book.

Sorry to disagree but the shops made the smart business decision and are treating their true customers fair in my book

Agreed. I know that if the B&M that I support sold a limited distribution of sought-after sticks to non-locals I would be less likely to buy from them. My state doesn't have the highest tax rate, but it's enough that mail order via Famous or CI is always more economical than buying at the B&M. Even so, I continue to support my local cigar shop. That loyalty should go both ways.

I agree that the retailers should not have changed horses midstream. They should have had a bit more forethought and should not have started taking reservations before offering their regulars an opportunity.

GreekGodX 10-17-2009 01:43 PM

Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!
I got one too!! Kinda suprised there wasn't much action on here about having them on their site randomly today. We must be a bunch of cc whores :r

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