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Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
That would be odd seeing as how Palms WebOS has had multitasking for a year now and 2 apps wont do that. Hell the verizon version can have 50 apps open at once. Sprints only handles 13apps at once which apparently is a memory issue. http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/20/p...i-plus-review/ From what I understand the harware on the device as in processor and memory is similar. Here is a video of a Pre Providing a mobile hotspot for an Iphone. Kind of cool http://www.viddler.com/explore/engad...eos/1048/5.466 Still waiting to see who will have the first true Flash supported browser which will allow streaming sites like Justin.tv to work over the network not wifi. Winmo has skyfire but that is handled by proxy server. I think the first phone that has true flash browser will be a media geeks dream, or at least mine. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The infrastructure only exists for just so much data transfer. It's not the device that's holding back the flash, it's the infrastructure. I would think it'd be a race between carriers to get the infrastructure in place to support streaming, because like you said, media geeks would RUN to that provider overnight. You could tether and run your whole home off of one cellphone. No more cable bill, no more internet bill, just a cell phone bill. I don't ever see the cell carriers giving us that kind of pipe. It'd put them out of their own business, being that most cell places sell cable and tv, too. A monster would have to step up and do this. It's what Google has been positioning themselves to do for the last five years. Ad driven free cellphones with media galore. They'll own it all, and it'll be the end of paying three or four bills as we know it. Thats gonna create a big, big mess. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
http://tv.adobe.com/watch/flash-plat...-the-palm-pre- I dont want to get into a network debate, but I dont think ATT will allow it as the network likely couldnt take the strain of all Iphone users streaming live tv over their phones. It appears it is comming, and my geek ass will be all over the first device that does it. Skyfire works okay for me know for watching hockey games and sports in the car while driving around, but its glitchy. I appreciate the Iphone, and would get one if it would stream live media, I have been waiting to see who the will get the first phone to do this. Android has been promising this stuff for over a year and never delivered plus I hate android all fluff no filler. So if Palm delivers I may go back to them after a 3 year layoff. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I digitize all movies at home and put them on my network, I can stream them right to my iphone over 3G with the Orb app. In addition, if I added a tv tuner to my pc, I could stream live tv shows if I wanted to. Havent' taken the time to do this, as there's plenty for me to watch on the phone without it. Point is, it's possible to do right now even with 3G. When they 4G up and rolling it'll be even better |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Good point Vic, but we were more talking about Flash content from websites. What you are refering to is brodcasting your own feeds via orb I am guessing. Or Watching others Orb feeds? What we were talking about is going to flash based sites like Justin.tv or some of the european sites to watch streamed content by flash for free. No phone is doing this right now. When it does occur it will open up a lot of free media possibilities.
I was more refering to the free side of things that a flash browser would create. Most smart phones regardless of OS can do the Orb things. Always been to lazy to set up my own Orb feeds though. Maybe I should start doing this. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
At this point I'm actually more interested in seeing support for Silverlight in mobile browsers. I know Netflix uses it for streaming movies, and I believe Hulu also does tho I'm not sure about that. Everything I'm hearing about the apple tablet is that it's supposed to be some kind of multimedia powerhouse, so maybe it will support flash. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I am sure it will. No way apple is going to launch that thing without flash. I always say Apple may ram you in the ass on price, but you can never say they bring a bad product or a poorly built product. They make awesome stuff. I still want to see what it will be like in terms of phone. I have read a lot of stuff back and forth on what it will do. Some are saying yes phone support some are saying no. There is always google voice to fill that void. I am wondering if the tablet will have a 3g wireless card built into it or a USB port so you can pick your carrier. I know Sprint has 4g/wimax up and running in some areas and expanding to more this year. That would be slick. I just wonder if they would be willing to install a card like that locking it in on one carrier. My wife is a teacher and a Mac whore though and is pretty geeked to see what the tablet is going to do and have.
The down side is I just dont want to carry a device that big. I like the MID(mobile internet device)/portable mini computer concept and some of the ones coming out are pretty small and double as a phone. They are still very large in comparison to most smart phones and I think it would look odd carrying a small brick in your pocket. OOO the comments. I really just want a phone no bigger then an Iphone that is a multimedia beast. Full flash, awesome browser, with awesome coverage. I guess thats why I am waiting still to get a new handset. I want to see if Palm actually comes through next month or if it ends up being only particial support and controlled by them what it will do. I would love to see the next Iphone do full flash supported browser, but I just dont see ATT willing to let Iphone users have that seeing as how they were already threatening to charge power users more cause of the strain on the network. I wonder if the rumored ATT 4G with alleged Verizon ties will allow this? The one thing Verizon knows how to do is offer cool stuff and then rape you for using it :r |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I just found an app that's just like pcanywhere for the iPhone. I'm waiting on the 4.0 OS and the iSlate, and if all pans out like it's supposed to, my laptop is gonna be gone forever. I will be SO overjoyed. I have always hated dragging that thing around, and if I can desktop from my main rig via wifi or 3G, I have no need for a laptop ever again.
I'm not sure why I've always hated dragging my laptop around, but it's always drove me nuts. :) |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The app I mentioned is called logmein ignition. Had to go look it up. :)
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I'm going to check out RDM+ that Gainey mentioned. If I can access my main rig remotely, I can stream flash all I want and stream all I want and access anything I'd ever need. If the islate is big enough and has HD resolution, it'd be incredible. I can get rid of about all the laptops and the bags and papers and pretty much everything. It'd be awesome. :) |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The one's I use the most is the masonic traveler, face book. But another cool one is background check.
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I like Lexi-Comp, Medical Calculator, Sol Free, Facebook and RPNCalc
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Who is geeked for tomorrow?
http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/26/m...ting-tomorrow/ I kind of wonder how they are going to tie Ebooks into the existing Iphone based UI/OS. Atleast its implied the tablet will be running a version of the Iphone OS. This part has me sad. I was really hoping the tablet would be running leopard as I was considering it. Maybe they are jazzing up the Iphone OS/UI? I have been holding off on a new phone to see if apple was realising a new UI/OS for its Iphone or to see if a new carrier was comming. Hoping this is also announced tomorrow. Funny I am a windows mobile guy, but I am excited about tomorrow. I do still use my wifes old titanium book for making movies and screwing around. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I heard that a Verizon Iphone was going to be announced. Then I heard that the tablet would be announced, that it would have 3G connectivity and that Verizon would be the carrier. And on and on and on. I highly doubt that both of these are true, if the Tablet has 3G connectivity and the provider is Verizon, I don't think we'll see a Verizon Iphone announced as well. But you never know. I did hear that a 4.0 version of the iphone OS is being announced though, that is supposed to be a definite. So who knows what OS the tablet will run. I saw a different version of that interview with McGraw Hill as well, where he was saying that the tablet will run the iphone OS and that all of the iphone apps will be transferrable to it. I don't know how this would work, if the apps were developed for a screen the size of the Iphone wouldn't they look awful on a much larger screen? |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
As to the larger screen I didnt think that was a factor as much as resolution tends to be the factor. That said I am not sure.
I would really like to see a jazzed up UI for 4.0. I have this debate with my Iphone friends all the time. When Iphone OS came out it was without a doubt the sexiest UI and OS out. Since then though I really think Palm has done a great job with its WebOS and Android has basically replicated the look of the Iphone OS as has Winmo to a large extent with 6.5. I really wanted to see Apple come out with a OS that mimics the desktop experience. I will be checking engadget all day tomorrow for the updates and breaking news. |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The OS 4.0 rollup is supposed to add this functionality, among a number of other things. The tablet will just let us use most of the updates. Or so they say... ;) The announcement is at 1:00 EST, I wish I could watch it live. Anyone know how to see that? |
Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
It doesn't support HD, I don't believe, but it'd be a costless trial for ya. I have the remotes and stuff somewhere, too. I'd love to see how it works out for you. Here's the stuff you need to stream HD. I checked out RDM+ and talked to Gainey. It's just like Logmein Ignition. I previewed logmein pro2. It is absolutely awesome. 30 bucks for the app, 65 bucks a year for the subscription, allows you access to one remote computer. You can add additional computers for an increased fee, like your work machine and laptop and stuff, if so desired. It literally does everything, including file transfer and streaming sound and video. It looks like that's the way I'll go, especially if the tablet is released. It'd solve everything. Then if I wanted to stream my tv, I just add the tuner I linked up there. I'm not so into tv, especially since I can get it all on the intersne, but I might do that sometime down the road. The coolness is that I can do everything from my phone as from my desk. I can also grab my desk here from my laptop, if I so desire. That's in with the pro2 subscription. It goes by how many computers you wish to access, but you can access that computer from anywhere, at any other computer. That kicks ass, especially since I just use my laptop as a poor mirror extension of my main rig One other thing... I use three monitors on my desk. Logmein has multiple monitor support. I could find nothing it would not do, and I beat on it like it owed me money. :D Pro2 is free for a month (or 120 hours). Try it out. You can check the features with your laptop or any other computer. I sat here and ran my main rig with my laptop to see how it worked, that way I didn't have to pay 30 bucks for the iPhone app. :tu |
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