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CigarNut 11-28-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by CigarDood (Post 469928)
"Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle"

This kind of stuff makes me 50 x less likely to buy a kindle.

As I understand it Amazon had no choice - they had to comply with the law and any of the e-reader vendors would have to do the same thing should a similar situation arise in the future.

CigarNut 11-28-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 660679)
Well, after much research and comparisons between Kindle, Nook, and Sony, I pulled the trigger and bought a Kindle. I've been scouring the list of books and have pre-ordered a $hitload. Can't wait for it to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who offered feedback.

Congrats! on your purchase -- maybe you can show it off to us at the Stumptown herf next month!

pnoon 11-28-2009 10:01 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 660992)
Congrats! on your purchase -- maybe you can show it off to us at the Stumptown herf next month!

You can count on it!

floydp 11-28-2009 10:18 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 660679)
Well, after much research and comparisons between Kindle, Nook, and Sony, I pulled the trigger and bought a Kindle. I've been scouring the list of books and have pre-ordered a $hitload. Can't wait for it to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who offered feedback.

You won't be sorry Peter. I got Anita one for her birthday and she hasn't sat it down since. She carries it everywhere.

ashtonlady 11-29-2009 12:08 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
i love my Kindle.

pnoon 11-30-2009 08:47 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by ashtonlady (Post 661260)
i love my Kindle.

And after just two days, I'm lovin' mine, too. :dance:

croatan 12-01-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 663164)
And after just two days, I'm lovin' mine, too. :dance:

Glad to hear it.

I decided to go the Nook route--well, getting one for my girlfriend as a Christmas present anyway. I'm looking forward to playing with it, though ;)

I bet the odds are better than 50/50, however, that she buys me a Kindle, so we may have both to compare :r

Whynot 12-01-2009 08:27 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I went the Sony route. At the time kindle didn't offer any overseas support and the built in lighting on the Sony sold me. It has been great on deployment. I'm known as the guy with the e-book puffing a cigar everynight in the smoke pit.

Beagleone 12-01-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 663616)
Glad to hear it.

I decided to go the Nook route--well, getting one for my girlfriend as a Christmas present anyway. I'm looking forward to playing with it, though ;)

I bet the odds are better than 50/50, however, that she buys me a Kindle, so we may have both to compare :r

Are there any Nooks available right now? I was under the impression they were on back order until January 2010.

croatan 12-01-2009 10:56 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Beagleone (Post 663729)
Are there any Nooks available right now? I was under the impression they were on back order until January 2010.

I ordered one in the middle of November and it's supposed to ship December 11. Looks like the pre-orders they're taking now, though, won't ship until January.

From a quick search, it appears as though they sold out the initial production run on November 20, so any orders placed after that will be shipped later.

Thanks for the scare, though :r

pnoon 12-01-2009 05:31 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 663798)
I ordered one in the middle of November and it's supposed to ship December 11. Looks like the pre-orders they're taking now, though, won't ship until January.

From a quick search, it appears as though they sold out the initial production run on November 20, so any orders placed after that will be shipped later.

Thanks for the scare, though :r

Not to perpetuate the scare but Barnes & Noble is on shaky ground. The future of the company was one of many reasons I eliminated the Nook early on. A couple of other big show stoppers for me were only a 14 day return policy with a 10% restocking fee. Sony and Amazon is a 30 day full refund. B&N e-books are generally more expensive and B&N will not allow the use of their own gift cards to purchase their own e-books. WTF is up with that?!?!?!!?

I truly hope your girlfriend likes her Nook. It just didn't cut it for me.

captain53 12-01-2009 06:04 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Beagleone (Post 663729)
Are there any Nooks available right now? I was under the impression they were on back order until January 2010.

I ordered a Nook as it seemed like the best of the bunch and they charged my card then said they were out till January. I was some kind of pissed as it was for my Wife for Christmas and January is a bit late and they would have my money for a month. Got my card credited and now waiting on the next most improved version not offered by Barnes and Noble.:td:td

Mark 12-03-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
After a number of weeks of agony, I have decided I need to sell my kindle. I absolutely love it, but the books I am reading are exclusively scholarly works, and apart from my Dostoevsky class nothing is really available for Kindle. Furthermore, the texts I am reading for my academic pursuits are things that I would like to keep, mark up, reference, etc in the future in my Masters/PhD programs and therefore I think I should invest in real, physical paper. :tu I'm gonna post the sale on Craigslist, not sure it would be an appropriate use of the board to post it here. Anyway another bump for an awesome product if you are looking to fly through books and not worry about having them in the future for reference. I read more and faster with the kindle, and I'm sad to see it go! Its just an expensive paperweight, ya know? Plus I could buy probably ten scholarly works that I would use over and over for the price of the kindle...

ashtonlady 12-03-2009 05:11 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
My kids call me a book eater. I read a lot and this is a great way for me to do it with out piling up lots of paper. I have save enought in the diffrence in the paper version and gas to pay for my Kindle.

pnoon 12-03-2009 05:20 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Mark (Post 666956)
After a number of weeks of agony, I have decided I need to sell my kindle. I absolutely love it, but the books I am reading are exclusively scholarly works, and apart from my Dostoevsky class nothing is really available for Kindle. Furthermore, the texts I am reading for my academic pursuits are things that I would like to keep, mark up, reference, etc in the future in my Masters/PhD programs and therefore I think I should invest in real, physical paper. :tu I'm gonna post the sale on Craigslist, not sure it would be an appropriate use of the board to post it here. Anyway another bump for an awesome product if you are looking to fly through books and not worry about having them in the future for reference. I read more and faster with the kindle, and I'm sad to see it go! Its just an expensive paperweight, ya know? Plus I could buy probably ten scholarly works that I would use over and over for the price of the kindle...

No problem at all posting it here, Mark.
We occasionally get non-cigar items put up for sale. As long as it's not Cuban cigars, alcohol, firearms, etc. as listed in the rules, you are free to put it up here.

Good luck.

Silound 12-04-2009 12:43 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I am not by nature an ebook person, but this thread made me go out and borrow the most recent model from a friend to try out.

Honestly, I was not impressed. I could not get over the "gadget" feel as some others have described. I constantly felt like I was playing with a video game.

The prices for things that interested me where actually more expensive than hard copies of the books (7.19 for The Bear & the Dragon by Tom Clancy). I can hunt around online and come up with a paperback copy of that book for a dollar. Also, as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong here please!) but if you decide to get rid of the Kindle, you're out however much you spent on the books, and you don't have the books in hand.

The battery needed a charge somewhere between the 700-800 page range, but I can't be sure if it was a full charge when I borrowed it. If that is a full charge, I'd say that's a rather low capacity for someone with time to read and who reads quickly.

Also, I'm somewhat of a speed reader. Maybe it's just my eyes, but I constantly had to go back and re-read something because I wasn't sure if I had read it correctly. That's something I NEVER have to do with a hard copy.

I think, given enough time (I only read one book, even if it was 1000+ pages) I could develop a tolerance for reading on a Kindle, but my initial trial run didn't sufficiently impress me enough to give me a solid reason for buying one.

Obviously, others here would get more use out of it for the physical or electronic benefits, but I don't see spending 250 on a Kindle as a wise investment as of now.

jbrookeiv 12-04-2009 01:15 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
The Barnes and Noble Nook looks like a Kindle killer. I used one in store the other days, and it's great.

Cigary 12-04-2009 04:51 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I'm all for technology and hell, I even use it pretty much everyday. When I first saw this kind of technology I'm scratching my head like,,,WTH! What happened to just taking a bood,,open it,,,and read? For what these things cost you could buy quite a few books on Amazon and read the old fashioned way like we did growing up. Now we have texting, tweeting, facebooking, and everything in between that actually keeps us from having to interract with other like human beings. I can hardly wait for cigar herfs over the internet,,oh wait, I do that now.

CigarNut 12-13-2009 10:07 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I own one now! My wife and kids got it for me -- quite a surprise -- and I love it! It's not the same as reading a real paper book, but it is very good for what it is. It travels well, and it is very convenient!

pnoon 12-13-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 679397)
I own one now! My wife and kids got it for me -- quite a surprise -- and I love it! It's not the same as reading a real paper book, but it is very good for what it is. It travels well, and it is very convenient!

We'll have to compare notes on the 29th.

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