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Wanger 06-13-2011 05:43 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1295387) is in July in San Marcos, TX. The swim is what I am struggling with. It is only 500m too. I am just a very slow swimmer. Hopefully I can get the stamina to make it through the swim and make it up on the bike&run.

Don't be afraid to rest at the buoys if you have to, or with a cute lifeguard. :p Survive the swim, and beat down the beyotches on the rest. :D

I'm gonna guess it will be too warm to allow wetsuits. If not, use one. It helps for confidence at the minimum. :)

hammondc 06-13-2011 05:58 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?
yep. Definitely too warm for wetsuits.

mosesbotbol 06-14-2011 05:00 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1295387)
Hopefully I can get the stamina to make it through the swim and make it up on the bike&run.

You will. Pace your self and don't fret if you are getting passed in the water. 500M is not that long. How long do you think it will take to complete that leg?

hammondc 06-14-2011 06:39 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1296402)
You will. Pace your self and don't fret if you are getting passed in the water. 500M is not that long. How long do you think it will take to complete that leg?

I have no idea. I am staying out of the way and allowing 10-12 mins. I am a weak swimmer. I just simply do not do it much. I am swimming everyday other day now to try and get ready. It is a 25m pool I am swimming in, so 20 laps just seems sooooo far.

Wanger 06-14-2011 07:20 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1296451)
I have no idea. I am staying out of the way and allowing 10-12 mins. I am a weak swimmer. I just simply do not do it much. I am swimming everyday other day now to try and get ready. It is a 25m pool I am swimming in, so 20 laps just seems sooooo far.

My guess is that you'll be somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-15 min, honestly. My last race last year was a 1/4 mile swim, and I did it in 9:36. In the race I did Sunday, it was a 1/2 mile swim, and my time was 19:01. I'm a middle of the pack swimmer.

As was said, don't worry about the others around you. The main thing I can say is what was told to me before I did my your training. Focus on yourself, as well, and pay no attention to those around you in the water, unless you're using them for sighting purposes (rather than trying to locate the buoys on your own). You will get hit, kicked, and bumped. Know that going in, and do your best to not let it completely throw you off. Simply try to just bounce off and keep going. Obviously, the swim is the most difficult part of a tri for most people (I'm no exception). Do what you can to block out the people around you and focus on your stroke and breathing. If you can do that, you'll be just fine.

I'm definitely no expert, but I've learned a few things in the races that I've done, and if I can pass that knowledge on to help others, it makes me feel good.

I love doing these races, and the physical and mental challenge of them is simply awesome.

...and yes, I know I'm completely insane. That's why I fit in so well here. :D

Wanger 07-11-2011 11:32 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
Just under 2 weeks to my next race. Starting my taper this week. I have to admit that I'm getting a bit nervous about this race. I will be able to handle the swim and cruise through the bike, but I'm hoping to be able to stave off cramping and push through the 13.1 mile run. THAT'S going to be the painful part for me...the last half of that run.

Anyone done any others through the summer?

hammondc 07-11-2011 12:09 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?
Mine is July 24th.

Wanger 07-11-2011 01:00 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1332151)
Mine is July 24th.

Hah...same date here. I'll virtual smoke in celebration with you that night. :D

hammondc 07-11-2011 01:07 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?
OH YEAH! Mine is just a srpint Tri though to get my feet wet in the sport.

Blak Smyth 07-11-2011 01:27 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?
I did win a gold member on a beer olympic team, but I guess that doesn't much apply here.

Wanger 07-12-2011 07:24 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1332209)
OH YEAH! Mine is just a srpint Tri though to get my feet wet in the sport.

I'll give you the advice I got here before I did my your training. You've put in all the time, and done all the drills. You CAN do it. Just relax and go at your own pace. Focus on what you're doing and need to do, and everything will be OK. Don't panic in the water. There are buoys and lifeguards if you need to rest/reset. Set your transition area up in order, and everything set and ready so that you don't have to think much there. Have a drink and gel there, as well. KEEP HYDRATED! NOT with only water, though! But the most important thing I can say is ENJOY THE DAY! Race with a smile on your face and have FUN! Having that kind of attitude helps it go MUCH better. I try to and it makes it all feel so much easier and better.

If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try to help from my experiences. :)


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1332239)
I did win a gold member on a beer olympic team, but I guess that doesn't much apply here.


Wanger 07-22-2011 12:34 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?
About 48 hours from now, I will be nearing the finish on the run for my next event, the Chisago Lakes Triathlon, long course. :D Nerves are kicking up a bit, and I keep telling myself, I've made it through each portion in my training. Compartmentalize each portion that way, and I will be able to do it. Keep my own pace on the swim, push it on the bike, and push through the pain on the run. Jeebus, I'm realizing how insane I am.

hammondc 07-23-2011 10:46 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1346595)
About 48 hours from now, I will be nearing the finish on the run for my next event, the Chisago Lakes Triathlon, long course. :D Nerves are kicking up a bit, and I keep telling myself, I've made it through each portion in my training. Compartmentalize each portion that way, and I will be able to do it. Keep my own pace on the swim, push it on the bike, and push through the pain on the run. Jeebus, I'm realizing how insane I am.

Is it Olympic length? Good luck.

Mattso3000 07-23-2011 10:54 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
Good luck Mike.

replicant_argent 07-23-2011 10:56 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
I am doing one tomorrow. I have been training for years and I am finally ready.

Breakfast... Lunch, AND Dinner...

I hope I can pace myself so I don't cramp. Everyone thinks I am out of my mind for tackling such a daunting task, but I just tell them that they can think I am crazy, and I can handle anything!!!!

Now, where is that corned beef jerky!

Wanger 07-24-2011 07:06 PM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1347394)
I am doing one tomorrow. I have been training for years and I am finally ready.

Breakfast... Lunch, AND Dinner...

I hope I can pace myself so I don't cramp. Everyone thinks I am out of my mind for tackling such a daunting task, but I just tell them that they can think I am crazy, and I can handle anything!!!!

Now, where is that corned beef jerky!

LOL Pete. Hope you didn't pull a hammy. :-P


Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1347379)
Is it Olympic length? Good luck.

Nope...half iron. :)

Race results: 6:23:51

Going in, I just wanted to finish. I'd have pleased with 7:00, and ecstatic with 6:30. Well, I'm ecstatic. :D Swim went awesome...44 and change. Bike went smoothly and as expected. Run was the tough part. Started salting out at about 8 miles, and doubled up from there on out at the water stops. The best part of the whole thing for me was my boys running the last ~100 yards to the finish line with me. Can't wait to see that on the race pictures!

hammondc 07-25-2011 07:46 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1348508)
LOL Pete. Hope you didn't pull a hammy. :-P

Nope...half iron. :)

Race results: 6:23:51

Going in, I just wanted to finish. I'd have pleased with 7:00, and ecstatic with 6:30. Well, I'm ecstatic. :D Swim went awesome...44 and change. Bike went smoothly and as expected. Run was the tough part. Started salting out at about 8 miles, and doubled up from there on out at the water stops. The best part of the whole thing for me was my boys running the last ~100 yards to the finish line with me. Can't wait to see that on the race pictures!

Damn fine job. Half Iron is a helluva accomplishment.

E.J. 07-25-2011 09:30 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
BIG congrats, Mike.... That is awesome!

Wanger 07-26-2011 07:12 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
Thanks guys. I'll add a couple pics once we get moved and can get them off the camera onto the computer.

hammondc 08-01-2011 08:13 AM

Re: Any triathletes here?
Did a dry run of the Sprint Tri on Saturday. I should come in under 2hrs.

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