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mcmoyer 06-22-2009 04:01 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 433880)
I would be more upset with the people who couldn't compete with the price and thusly called Illusione on it. :mad:

Dion is a member here and can read as well as the rest of us...why assume someone called him on it?


chippewastud79 06-22-2009 07:58 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by mcmoyer (Post 434361)
Dion is a member here and can read as well as the rest of us...why assume someone called him on it?


Just an educated guess I suppose, based on some of the conversation earlier in the thread, in PM's and conversation with members outside of CA. :hm

GreekGodX 06-22-2009 08:07 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?
Retailers should do what is in the best interest to them, and that is make their customer happy. Advertise the MSRP but if you decide you want to let some B/SOTL's buy at a lesser price that is fine IMO. The manufacturer gets his money up front, it is the B&M that has to deal with selling it to get profit. Why sell a cigar that isn't popular anymore at the same price when you know you could attract people by lowering the price. Basically the manufacturer is handcuffing the retailer unfairly.

rizzle 06-22-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 433930)
Sadly, I feel that it was a member here who did this. :(

I agree. But keep in mind that Dion is a member here also.

bigloo 06-22-2009 08:40 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?
No finger pointing guys. I am sure no one here did anything out of spite, vengeance or anything else. If this falls into a finger pointing contest the real message of protect the great retailers falls through the cracks. Thats the only takeaway this thread should have, no scarlet letters.

rizzle 06-22-2009 08:47 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 434016)
I don't think it would take a genius to figure out that I am one of the BOTLs that posted a price for Illusione at The Party Source on this forum. I take complete and full responsibility for my post and the repercussions from it. It you choose to do so, place the blame on me for the recent price hike at The Party Source, and the fall out that has followed.

When I made the post, I was clueless as to what the minimum retails price was for Illusione, and just as clueless that The Party Source had them below this number. Although some common sense probably should have told me to keep it quite, for some reason it did not occur to me until much to late. I did it in a supporting and helpful manner for other BOTL here, and I thought I was trafficking some business for Eric at the same time. There was absolutely zero malice or intent to create any problems with Eric and Illusione. It should go without saying that I was not involved in "ratting" The Party Source out, nor do I have any idea who did.

Although I do take the responsibility for what I posted, I am just as effected as the rest of the inmates around here. Illusione is my favorite cigar, and I enjoyed the prices Eric offered just as much as everyone else. However, I do take some offense to some of the follow up posts damning those who couldn't control their "loose lips" or shut their "big mouths". But having said that, I realize people are angry, and with good cause. I would never treat someone that way here. I respect and love this place way too much to do so.

Lastly, I offer a sincere and humble apology to all of the BOTLs that are effected by this. I personally also made my apologies to Eric, and hope that he accepts.



I made the loose lip comment. And that was all I said. It wasn't solely aimed at you. I realize you had no malice and neither did I. I just stated the obvious. If it offended you I apologize.

Drazzil 06-22-2009 10:54 AM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 434016)
I don't think it would take a genius to figure out that I am one of the BOTLs that posted a price for Illusione at The Party Source on this forum. I take complete and full responsibility for my post and the repercussions from it. It you choose to do so, place the blame on me for the recent price hike at The Party Source, and the fall out that has followed.

When I made the post, I was clueless as to what the minimum retails price was for Illusione, and just as clueless that The Party Source had them below this number. Although some common sense probably should have told me to keep it quite, for some reason it did not occur to me until much to late. I did it in a supporting and helpful manner for other BOTL here, and I thought I was trafficking some business for Eric at the same time. There was absolutely zero malice or intent to create any problems with Eric and Illusione. It should go without saying that I was not involved in "ratting" The Party Source out, nor do I have any idea who did.

Although I do take the responsibility for what I posted, I am just as effected as the rest of the inmates around here. Illusione is my favorite cigar, and I enjoyed the prices Eric offered just as much as everyone else. However, I do take some offense to some of the follow up posts damning those who couldn't control their "loose lips" or shut their "big mouths". But having said that, I realize people are angry, and with good cause. I would never treat someone that way here. I respect and love this place way too much to do so.

Lastly, I offer a sincere and humble apology to all of the BOTLs that are effected by this. I personally also made my apologies to Eric, and hope that he accepts.



I am still a bit angry for the fact that the 88's are now well out of my price range, but I will live. Please remember that the people who make these cigars are in it as a business, they are NOT your friends. Please also remember that not everyone who lurks around here is your friend, and protect your sources.

Also. Talking with various people in PM about this whole issue. I would urge those who know who blew the whistle on Eric to please contact the team of Mods. I would hope that they would get some bannage going. Because frankly, that was a despicable act, the type of which for there will be lots of reprocussions in the form of lost business and bad blood.

papichulo 06-29-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 420228)
illusiones in general are outstanding cigars imo.

I agree... I am a big Padron fan too, but sometimes you need to change up.

LasciviousXXX 06-29-2009 01:26 PM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by Drazzil (Post 434662)
I would urge those who know who blew the whistle on Eric to please contact the team of Mods. I would hope that they would get some bannage going.

Seriously? I would think you would know us better than that.

This isn't the aquarium, we don't ban people randomly or on a whim or because they did something we don't like. Rule violations, personal insults/attacks, etc are the main reasons why a ban would even be considered.

We take many steps before we get to the ban process. One good thing about having the collective wisdom of 11 different people and personalities is that we as a whole don't get caught up in the emotion of the situation and are able to make decisions based on the best interest of the community.

While I'm sure the offense wasn't done with malice, even if it was that doesn't really fall within the realm of bann-able offenses, just under poor taste/discretion


Eric @ The Party 06-29-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Best place to buy Illusiones 68?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 434048)
Trust me, I know this. I've worked around retail before. I just don't get your argument over how it isn't fair. How is it fair to the retailers? They agreed to sell the cigars at a certain price point in order to have them on the shelves. Party Box undercut, got caught, and had to adjust accordingly. While I applaud Bruzee over his apology, I see no need as the only wrongdoing comes from the The Party Box for violating their agreement with Illusione. If it burns your @ss to pay those kind of prices don't buy Tats, Illusiones, Davidoffs, Diamond Crowns, Padrons, etc.

I did not violate my agreement with Illusione. I did not post pricing, someone else did. In fact I did not even have thier cigars on line at all as per my original agreement. Im not upset with anyone so no one else should be.

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