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ahc4353 05-07-2009 07:13 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by eber (Post 372027)
Hello my name is Erik and I probably have sleep apnea,

I am in the process of scheduling a sleep study (getting the doctors referral and all that stuff) I already called the sleep institute and after they get the papers from the Doc. I will be in for a study next week. :tu

Good luck Erik and keep us posted!


Originally Posted by Cenookie (Post 372656)
Hi, my name is Claude. I've had sleep apnea for a little over 5 yrs now. I don't remember the exact #'s of my last sleep study 3 yrs ago, but I remember they were bad. I started using a CPAP but could not find a mask that was comfortable enough to allow me to sleep thru the night. I would wake up fiddling with the tubes, or develop a leak. I stopped using the CPAP 2 yrs ago as a result of this. I don't think I want to go the surgery route. My problem with the different masks is that I'm a stomach sleeper and could never get comfy on my back. Funny that this post started because I'm scheduled for another sleep study on the 13th, and reading all the posts makes me remember how serious this is. I hope they've come up with new head gear that will address my problem with not being able to sleep on my back. If any one has, or had the problem with head gear, a heads up on what gear you use would appreciated.

So glad to read you're going to give it another shot. :dance:
Please keep us posted!

Junior 05-07-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
Gang I am afraid that my wife has sleep apnea. At night I can hear her taking long pauses between breaths, and she snores really bad, and wakes up tired most days. I can’t convince her that she may have an issue. Any ideas on how I can convince her that she needs to get checked out?

BigCat 05-07-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Junior (Post 373024)
Gang I am afraid that my wife has sleep apnea. At night I can hear her taking long pauses between breaths, and she snores really bad, and wakes up tired most days. I can’t convince her that she may have an issue. Any ideas on how I can convince her that she needs to get checked out?

I suggest doing a little research about the affects of apnea and then present them to her. Increased blood pressure, risk of stroke, heart attack, thickening of heart walls, etc. That might scare her into it. I also know there are a couple of CPAP forums which I've linked below where people discuss the night and day difference between how they felt before and how they felt after CPAP started. Those types of threads are usually stickied, so they shouldn't be hard to find. If she is always tired, she may be intrigued by the possibility of not being tired if she gets checked out. If not, visiting the sites may give you more information you need to really press upon her. Good luck! It's an important cause.

Junior 05-07-2009 09:05 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
She is just convinced it is because of the weight that she put on after having our children. It does scare me. Just the thought of anything happening to her. I will let her know about the forums, and try to get her to take a look at them. I have also been thinking about recording her sleep with a hope that she hears what I do.

Emerald 05-07-2009 09:15 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Junior (Post 373081)
She is just convinced it is because of the weight that she put on after having our children. It does scare me. Just the thought of anything happening to her. I will let her know about the forums, and try to get her to take a look at them. I have also been thinking about recording her sleep with a hope that she hears what I do.

Junior... I am a woman, a mother, a wife, and I SWEAR, just reading this forum made me eager to find out if I had it. I called hubby and asked them if I had a normal sleep and, apparently, I do. My best tip, for your situation, is to suggest your wife to read this entire thread.... and if trhe scary stuff doens't convince her, the amazing love in your tone and your genuine concernes about something happening to her WILL convince her. Gee... I almost cried....

Junior 05-07-2009 09:17 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Emerald (Post 373095)
Junior... I am a woman, a mother, a wife, and I SWEAR, just reading this forum made me eager to find out if I had it. I called hubby and asked them if I had a normal sleep and, apparently, I do. My best tip, for your situation, is to suggest your wife to read this entire thread.... and if trhe scary stuff doens't convince her, the amazing love in your tone and your genuine concernes about something happening to her WILL convince her. Gee... I almost cried....

Thank you I will try to get her to read it tonight. Wish me luck. I don't know what I would do with out her.

ahc4353 05-07-2009 09:20 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Junior (Post 373081)
She is just convinced it is because of the weight that she put on after having our children. It does scare me. Just the thought of anything happening to her. I will let her know about the forums, and try to get her to take a look at them. I have also been thinking about recording her sleep with a hope that she hears what I do.

Tell her you love her and you want to spend many, many years together. Then ask her to get tested "for you".

If that doesn't work make an appointment, tell here your taking here to lunch and deliver here at the doc's office! :D

azherfer 05-07-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Cenookie
If any one has, or had the problem with head gear, a heads up on what gear you use would appreciated.

This is the only mask that I could get comfortable with and honestly, after several months, I hardly noticed it anymore.

ahc4353 05-08-2009 07:42 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
So I thought I would keep a list of who needs to schedule their test. This way all of us that are treating our Apnea can hound those that aren't until they do. All confirmed apnea people please feel free to send reminder PM's on a regular bases to the following. :D

mediccook - Ryan
eber - Eric
beeradvocate - Travis - (Father-In-Law)
dentonparrots - Carl
kaisersozei - Gerard
tripp - Tripp
ggainey - Greg
emjaysmash - M.J.
awsmith4 - Albert
jkim05 - Jeremy - (Dad - awaiting results)
junior - (wife)

Please update the list with the date of your scheduled test. :tu

Well? What are you waiting for? Get going! :tt

kaisersozei 05-08-2009 07:56 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
mediccook - Ryan
eber - Eric
beeradvocate - Travis - (Father-In-Law)
dentonparrots - Carl
kaisersozei - Gerard May 14
tripp - Tripp
ggainey - Greg
emjaysmash - M.J.
awsmith4 - Albert
jkim05 - Jeremy - (Dad - awaiting results)
junior - (wife)

Yo, I'm psychic--mine was scheduled before the thread started!

I was planning on posting up some pictures next weekend once it's all done, just to give folks an idea of what the test is like.


MedicCook 05-08-2009 08:24 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I already have the equipment I just don't use it. :r

ahc4353 05-08-2009 08:29 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
eber - Eric
beeradvocate - Travis - (Father-In-Law)
dentonparrots - Carl
kaisersozei - Gerard May 14
tripp - Tripp
ggainey - Greg
emjaysmash - M.J.
awsmith4 - Albert
jkim05 - Jeremy - (Dad - awaiting results)
junior - (wife)

Updated List. :)


Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 374244)
I already have the equipment I just don't use it. :r

Well, I'm disappointed but it's your life. :(

BeerAdvocate 05-08-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
Im giving my father in law an oximeter to wear over night to see what his O2 stats drop to. I am hoping he can take the report to his doctor and that Dr will see how bad his sleep apnea is, and just bypass the sleep study and prescribe him a CPAP.

ahc4353 05-08-2009 10:36 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 374366)
Im giving my father in law an oximeter to wear over night to see what his O2 stats drop to. I am hoping he can take the report to his doctor and that Dr will see how bad his sleep apnea is, and just bypass the sleep study and prescribe him a CPAP.

Good idea Travis. Hope it works. :)

Let us know.

Nabinger16 05-08-2009 10:46 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 374366)
Im giving my father in law an oximeter to wear over night to see what his O2 stats drop to. I am hoping he can take the report to his doctor and that Dr will see how bad his sleep apnea is, and just bypass the sleep study and prescribe him a CPAP.

He will still have to go through some form of titration study for the CPAP. I can't really see a physician skipping the sleep study entirely though, but every doctor is different so who knows. The important part is he seeks the treatment he needs.

Best of luck! A new life could be on the horizon for your father-in-law.

BigCat 05-08-2009 10:48 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 374366)
Im giving my father in law an oximeter to wear over night to see what his O2 stats drop to. I am hoping he can take the report to his doctor and that Dr will see how bad his sleep apnea is, and just bypass the sleep study and prescribe him a CPAP.

They will still need to determine what CPAP pressure setting is necessary through a study, so he won't be able to skip it entirely. You could save him one of the two trips though.

One thing I hadn't mentioned before but should have is that my dad actually had the studies conducted at home. They came out and set everything up before bed, and returned in the morning to get all the equipment, data, etc., so he could do it from his own bed. One of the most unpleasant parts of the sleep study is sleeping in the lab (though they do a nice job of making it kind of like a bare-bones hotel room as opposed to a hospital). If you can avoid that aspect, perhaps some of you who are reluctant to go through with the process will give it a shot.

BeerAdvocate 05-08-2009 12:21 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by BigCat (Post 374407)
They will still need to determine what CPAP pressure setting is necessary through a study, so he won't be able to skip it entirely. You could save him one of the two trips though.

Some doctors (around here anyway) will have the patient skip the sleep study all together, and prescribe them a Bipap machine that has a vairable pressure setting. I work for a medical supply company and sometimes Dr's will send a patient over with his O2 sats and an RX for a Bipap machine.
It just depends on how bad their sats are.

kayaker 05-08-2009 12:42 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I think I'll get this checked out when I get back home. My wife thinks I may have an issue, but I don't have problems with my sleep. I do snore, but I don't ever recall waking up short of breath. I'm mostly a side sleeper, and sometimes sleep on my back.

However, if there is a potential issue, I want to get it taken care of ASAP.

Don Fernando 05-08-2009 12:45 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 374244)
I already have the equipment I just don't use it. :r

nothing funny about that Ryan.

Don Fernando 05-08-2009 12:47 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by kayaker (Post 374543)
I think I'll get this checked out when I get back home. My wife thinks I may have an issue, but I don't have problems with my sleep. I do snore, but I don't ever recall waking up short of breath. I'm mostly a side sleeper, and sometimes sleep on my back.

However, if there is a potential issue, I want to get it taken care of ASAP.

Ian, I never noticed waking up with gasping for breath, even though I have severe apnea, so that is no indication.

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