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Re: Photography Thread
If I tried doing that, I'd probably end up getting shot. :sh :D |
Re: Photography Thread
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Re: Photography Thread
Where I spent last Christmas, on Sanibel Island
http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...ps12ddb1e3.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
Very Nice Ron
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Nice Hk.
Heading out to the pier at 0800 to hopefully get some pix of surfers. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Very nice Ron
Re: Photography Thread
Ok guys here are some of the better shots.
This one is with the fish http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8099/8...cf4fa2bf_b.jpg IMG_3184 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8122/8...f033755c_b.jpg IMG_3157 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8109/8...8b7d1251_b.jpg IMG_3146 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8382/8...8ae53900_b.jpg IMG_3140 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8530/8...4549c0f6_b.jpg IMG_3139 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8099/8...a0407dde_b.jpg IMG_3138 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8103/8...016ea735_b.jpg IMG_3124 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8122/8...46a1b274_b.jpg IMG_3108 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8112/8...501262ec_b.jpg IMG_3098 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8259/8...06791d01_b.jpg IMG_3085 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
And one of my co-shooter, Gus. He works with me and the one that really got me back into this.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8104/8...ce91dda0_b.jpg IMG_3028 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Hey, now, I was not saying anything sarcastic about SAMYANG....I was only saying what a great name it is....
SAMYANG, it is fun to say. I have some Nikkor lenses that are embarassingly BAD. The test of a lens is how it performs mounted to a camera. I was not capping on your lens, Justin... :) In fact, after spending a day in the French Quarter shooting, not only do i want to drive 6 hours and do it again today, but I was knocked OUT by the performance of my ultra-wide lens. NEVER have I had a lens SO FUN TO SHOOT. |
Re: Photography Thread
WOW, apparently yesterday was a magic day for shooting. I had to drive down to LA for a funeral, and I couldn't
get out of the funeral fast enough, it was in Baton Rouge, and drive over to New Orleans and park ANYWHERE and just shoot, shoot, shoot. I swear once I saw the results, I was SO ANGRY that I did not take a laptop and just pay for a motel and shoot today, too. The sky was absolutely PERFECT for shooting. The cameras, ehh, they didn't perform so well. The D100 was all over the place in terms of exposure, and even if I WANTED to constantly monitor and adjust it, the LCD is too small to even SEE what you have, so I just shot away and hoped for the best. The D70 did very well, but of course, it had the 10-20mm on it. Wish I could have been further back on this one to include the whole guy. I just liked this one http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/a...ps2d6fb155.jpg I figured i would just leave this one un-adulterated....it could use about.8 CCW rotation. It just shows the power of the wide angle. I am nearly on the sidewalk in front of this huge building http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/a...psdfc2eeb2.jpg I know these shots are not very "French Quarter"....I have hundreds of great shots of that kind of stuff, too. I just think these shots are cool. http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/a...pse9e2152e.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
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Re: Photography Thread
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Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Nice Zoo shots Ron:tu New set of cymbidiums opened this week:
http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/g...pseda77b60.jpg http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/g...ps095f3537.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
Peanut wanted a close up with the fisheye, clearly she exceeded the min focusing distance, still cute
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8523/8...561d1e51_b.jpg IMG_3243 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Here is my funny sign for the 'assignment'....its not very funny, I guess.
http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/a...pscc78ec1d.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
Damn. Forgot about that. Gotta get to it
Re: Photography Thread
It won't be hard to top mine for "funny" though. Mine is barely humorous.
Re: Photography Thread
Really awesome pictures guys. I like the Lion shot by Ron, second flower by Mark, N.O. that Brad put up, and the fisheye shots you keep posting Justin. All look awesome :tu
Re: Photography Thread
Brad, you mention that your D100 is all over the place with metering, mine seems to be a bit off with white balance when I leave it in automatic mode. Do you have the same issue? I know that you can compensate a bit either way in the settings. Just curious to see if that's common with this model.
Re: Photography Thread
It's been awhile since I have participated. I was shooting in the backyard today just having some fun. These are 'Monsters in the Yard'.
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-l...0/IMG_2219.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-u...0/IMG_2226.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-n...0/IMG_2229.JPG https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5...0/IMG_2241.JPG |
Re: Photography Thread
Nice Jeff. I really like the caterpillar.
Re: Photography Thread
Maybe I am better suited to use the alternative, with my lifetime working in TV, where I set the white balance manually at the start of every shoot. You simply call up the 'pre' setting with the command dial and point the camera at something white and half-press the shutter. (I THINK this is the way to set it, I have forgotten) I find that you have to treat this as a much more complicated deal than we from the Point and Shoot side are used to. You need to think about what you are about to shoot before you go off and snap away. The three things I have found most important with these cameras is to learn the auto-focus zones and how to move them around with the Directional pad, and second, finding the best metering mode for the situation, and practice is the only way to really know. Thirdly, you have to USE THAT FILL FLASH. Your battery is going to last WAY longer than we are accustomed to, and you should ALMOST use the flash on every shot outdoors. I get in the most trouble when I get overly excited and just start firing away and forgetting that maybe the clouds have come up big time and my old WB setting is no longer valid, or I failed to look at the result on the tiny little screen and noticed that I am shooting way hot or way dark. When I slow down and think first about what I am shooting and what I want, and then adjust the camera to get it ready to do it, I find I get pretty reasonable shots. After that I still have a bad habit of shooting the rest of the day with the same basic settings. I did it in New Orleans. I set up both cameras with a few test shots, and then shot for two hours without caring about anything but the subject. It hurt me badly, but not TERRIBLY. |
Re: Photography Thread
let me show you what I mean, Shark....THIS SHOT could have been incredible, and it ISN"T BAD,
but as you can see, it needed exposure compensation to tame that sun. The guy is playing under basically a beach umbrella. [http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8243/8...63222e2307.jpg D100 Street Musician by MemphisBrad], on Flickr And the same thing with this shot. I had to Photoshop it down JUST to get it to where it was ALMOST worth a crap. But the LCD is so small, I am not sure how well I could have been alerted to the hot shot anyway, in my absent-minded rush to shoot. I think the main thing to remember with that camera is to shoot a LOT of shots and angles of EVERYTHING you find interesting. You are unlikely to run out of room on your card if you dump your shots at the end of the day everytime you shoot. The reason I say that is that you can literally shoot five clicks on a subject and get 5 different exposure levels. At least that's what I GET on mine. [http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8524/8...3d3356c48c.jpg D100 Horse Overwatch by MemphisBrad], on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
A B&W surf pic
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8385/8...bc98e4cc_b.jpg IMG_3124 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Cropped surf pix in B&W. What say you?
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8539/8...448e05c6_b.jpg IMG_3124-2 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8540/8...52b6bc61_b.jpg IMG_3108-2 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
I think it is all in what a person prefers; I almost always prefer a bit wider view so the other shots work better for me,
but in terms of intensifying the action, I guess the crops work pretty well. I would also leave more room for the surfer to 'surf into' so to speak. and leave the greater proportion of the cropped photo open to the left, but that is also another preferential deal, and not a rule of composition per se. |
Re: Photography Thread
The saga continues.....
I had a Nikon D90 in the kart at Ado last night. Came in this am after 'sleeping on it' and found it GONE. WHEW, mission accomplished. A man who has bought 5 used bodies in 2 months and still has two does NOT need another one. Still, by lunch I had found one at my new mortal enemy, B&H. I ordered that one and then in less than ten minutes, tried to cancel the order by phone. 'Ike" assured me that it was cancelled and that a cancellation confirmation would be coming my way very soon. Well, that was hours ago. I do NOT think a confirmation is coming. So I guess now I have a D90 coming. Funny, when I need B&H to be fast, they are slow, and when I need them to be slow they are fast. Another reason to stick with Ado....they're ALWAYS SLOW. Last night I had a dream. I was looking at the large LCD on the back of my Nikon DSLR. Now of course, I DO NOT HAVE a large LCD screen, I have a D70 and a D100. But in the end, the only reason I thought I wanted a D90 was for the screen. Anything else I got was a bonus. I love my D70, but I am too old to be peeping at that little one inch screen. WTH good is something that small? I can't hardly tell $hi+ about what I need to correct from looking at it. But the real reason I was trying to cancel it was that in the end, I realized for $70 more I could have a D300. I wanted to go to Ado and pick that up instead. I REALLY wanted a D700. I love the idea of full frame, I had already SHOT with it after the infamous shipping error. But in the end, I do not have expensive lenses or fast lenses. Full Frame would only serve to highlight that fact. I would lose the "sweet spot" of the lens projecting onto the crop sensor and likely end up with a lot of blurry corners in full frame that I would obsess about. So unless I miss my guess, I have a D90 coming. You'd think I would be more excited. |
Re: Photography Thread
By the way, make no mistake about it, yes I wanted the larger LCD for my old eyes, but the reason I tried to
cancel the D90 and quickly get the D300 is that it has lens adjustment system that can "fix" lenses that don't autofocus where you think they should. The camera can recall the adjustment settings from lens to lens. Since I have 90% used lenses, some of my lenses are not exactly perfect. But now that the whole sitcho seems officially screwed, ehh, I can still enjoy my 3" LCD and just move on. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
AHHHHGHHHHH!!!! I need to stop reading this thread! Now you have me curious about the D300. Must....resist...the ODO...temptation.... :D |
Re: Photography Thread
GWN, I think you mis-read my meaning when I talked about fixing lenses. i am not talking about fixing
the effects of lens distortion in post, I am talking about a lens that consistently focuses on the wrong plane. If I have a lens that is always focusing in front of or in back of the point where I intend it to and IT SAYS it will, these more advanced Nikons have settings where the camera body recognizes a particular lens and adds or subtracts distance to compensate, theoretically resulting in crisp images every time. If I had a lens that consistently focuses behind where I want it to, I can dial in compensation. Lightroom cannot focus an image that is already taken blurry, lol. OH that it COULD, haha. |
Re: Photography Thread
5 Attachment(s)
Nah Shark, if I can take it, you can take it. We just need to get better at using our cameras and
take the LCD out of the equation. But one bit of temptation I WILL throw at you is the fact that I kind of took it for granted that my 50mm f/1.8 lens was good, and didn't need 'testing' as I like to call my evening walks. I took it out last night, and where I used to only use my cheapie, used, bargain lenses in testing, to see which ones I would give to my sister for free, lol, last night I wanted to have a lil bhokeh revolution. I took out the D70 and my 50mm 1.8 and ramped the shutter speed up so high that even with all the remaining daylight, the lens was stopped WAY down, not to it's max wide open aperture of 1.8, but around 2.8, and shot a bunch of stuff. For what is basically a $100 lens, you talk about nice photos. you can get em new for $115, used for around $90. In ALL of the fast prime lenses out there, only one stands out as being a real bargain to me. It took my D70, and will take mine and your D100 into a much nicer territory. You oughta look into one, Shark, before you waste your money on an upgrade YET. Let those Nikon D800s and D7100s filter down a bit to all those folks that just HAVE TO HAVE those new cameras, and around Christmas, get yourself a nice D7000. These whipper-Snappers like Justin need those fancy doo-dads to shoot pichers, us ole folks can squeeze art out of ten year old gear, lol. Kidding, Justin, you know I am. |
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