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icehog3 05-07-2020 09:11 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by big a (Post 2198646)
I just had OE7 the other day for the first time. great pour for the price IMO.

I absolutely agree wit you, Andrew, and at 117 proof it's right in my wheelhouse.

Opened "Beaten Biscuits" batch last night. Started neat, then a couple drops of water to open it up. It's definitely my least favorite of the 2019 batches. That being said, it's still better than 80% of the other bourbons on my bar. ;)

big a 05-07-2020 10:03 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Another great affordable bourbon that just got to my state is Old grand dad 114. did a blind taste of 4 bourbons with 50+ people and it tied with OE7 for 1st.

Have you picked up a bookers 2020-01 grannys batch? talk about peanuts!

stearns 05-07-2020 12:55 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Only 8 days left to bid on a Pappy pack benefiting a local food bank put on by one of the big liquor stores here:

Old rip Van Winkle 10-year, 2016
Van Winkle Special Reserve 12-year, 2018
Van Winkle Family Reserve 13-year rye, 2018
Pappy Van Winkle 15-year, 2017
Pappy Van Winkle 20-year, 2017
Pappy Van Winkle 23 year, 2017

If you want to bid and need a local to pick it up I'm happy to help, you can even choose which bottle you give me for the services. Just beat the top bid of $9k :tu

icehog3 05-07-2020 06:21 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
It's gonna go a LOT higher, Ben. Crap, I'd buy it all for 9K, sell the 15, 20 and 23 for 9K and get the rest for free. :lr

stearns 05-08-2020 06:24 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2198676)
It's gonna go a LOT higher, Ben. Crap, I'd buy it all for 9K, sell the 15, 20 and 23 for 9K give the 10 to Ben and get the rest for free. :lr

Good plan :tu

icehog3 05-08-2020 08:44 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2198697)
Good plan :tu

You get it for me for 9K and I think we got a deal. -(P

stearns 05-08-2020 08:55 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Just email trevor@argonautliquor. com and tell them you want to bid $9,001, I'll cover the extra $1 :tu

icehog3 05-08-2020 08:56 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2198716)
Just email trevor@argonautliquor. com and tell them you want to bid $9,001, I'll cover the extra $1 :tu

If I do the work, I keep the 12. :su

stearns 05-08-2020 08:58 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
It's called a finders fee. You're welcome for getting you the email address

icehog3 05-08-2020 01:08 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2198718)
It's called a finders fee. You're welcome for getting you the email address

Really? PVW 12? I'm thinking a Old Grandad 114. :)

icehog3 05-10-2020 10:38 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Washed down a disappointing pour of Buffalo Trace with a pour each of two favorite ryes.

icehog3 05-17-2020 10:25 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Two pours of each last night. And I didn't even stumble up the stairs at bedtime. :al :lr

stearns 05-18-2020 09:30 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Picked up a bottle of Rittenhouse Rye on Saturday to make Boulevardiers. Half a bottle later I think I got the recipe down :tu

icehog3 05-18-2020 10:27 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Rittenhouse any good on its own, Ben?

Yesterday, some KC Cask Strength, followed by some High West Double Rye.

Steve 05-18-2020 10:29 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2199289)
Rittenhouse any good on its own, Ben?

Yesterday, some KC Cask Strength, followed by some High West Double Rye.

I had some Knob CS last night in the pool while digesting some delicious ribs! Great minds think alike!

icehog3 05-18-2020 10:35 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2199290)
I had some Knob CS last night in the pool while digesting some delicious ribs! Great minds think alike!

stearns 05-18-2020 10:45 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2199289)
Rittenhouse any good on its own, Ben?

I had a little pour and liked it, but at that point I was a few deep, I'll need to revisit. In general I'm not a huge rye guy but I'm open to keep trying :)

icehog3 05-19-2020 08:40 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199295)
I had a little pour and liked it, but at that point I was a few deep, I'll need to revisit. In general I'm not a huge rye guy but I'm open to keep trying :)

Definitely have a couple ryes you might like, Ben, when you coming to the Midwest? :al -(P

A couple pours last night:

stearns 05-19-2020 09:35 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2199345)
Definitely have a couple ryes you might like, Ben, when you coming to the Midwest? :al -(P

I'm confident you do :)

Just put that bottle of Booker's Rye away for another year or two, I'll put the midwest on my list of places to travel to after I make up all the other trips I've missed recently

icehog3 05-19-2020 04:34 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199357)
I'm confident you do :)

Just put that bottle of Booker's Rye away for another year or two, I'll put the midwest on my list of places to travel to after I make up all the other trips I've missed recently

I promise there will be a larger selection of Booker's than any other one bourbon, Ben. I'm sitting on 8 different open ones, and backups of a couple favorites. ;)

I've got cigars and other vices too! ;)

Hippi3Slay3r 05-19-2020 07:00 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
If your a fan of Rye's give this a try you won't be disappointed.

stearns 05-20-2020 07:13 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
I've heard good stuff about Rabbit Hole but haven't had a chance to try yet, I'll put it on the list :tu

icehog3 05-20-2020 09:07 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Thanks Kyle. I've seen Rabbit Hole at some of the Binny's stores, but was hoping to find it in a bar (no time soon I guess :( ) and try before buying.

Last night's pours. When your first pour is at 100 proof, there's no where to got but up. Way up! :al :r

stearns 05-21-2020 09:24 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
You inspired me to have a pour of EH Taylor Small Batch last night. That stuff never disappoints, I was listening to a local podcast doing a review of a few different Taylors and one guy mentioned that a distributor said they are always out of stock because "if you can get it, why would you need anything else?"

Makes sense :al

icehog3 05-21-2020 09:36 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199485)
You inspired me to have a pour of EH Taylor Small Batch last night. That stuff never disappoints, I was listening to a local podcast doing a review of a few different Taylors and one guy mentioned that a distributor said they are always out of stock because "if you can get it, why would you need anything else?"

Makes sense :al

Definitely one of my go-to BiBs, Ben. Locally, haven't seen anything but SB, would love to run into a bottle of Barrel Proof but not holding my breath.

Black Carl made last night enjoyable, so enjoyable I forgot the picture 'til after I slurped it all up. (Phrasing).

stearns 05-21-2020 09:47 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2199488)
Definitely one of my go-to BiBs, Ben. Locally, haven't seen anything but SB, would love to run into a bottle of Barrel Proof but not holding my breath.

I'd buy a single barrel in a second. Really want to try the 18 year that's coming out this year, but I think we both know how likely that will be

icehog3 05-21-2020 09:50 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199490)
I'd buy a single barrel in a second. Really want to try the 18 year that's coming out this year, but I think we both know how likely that will be

Me too, even though I know the barrels can vary widely. I hadn't even heard about the 18 year, but figure it will be like finding a virgin at Planned Parenthood. :hn

stearns 05-21-2020 09:55 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
The release name is "18 Year Marriage." I heard it being described by as hard to find as two 18 year olds getting married and staying together for 18 years :r


icehog3 05-21-2020 01:10 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199492)
The release name is "18 Year Marriage." I heard it being described by as hard to find as two 18 year olds getting married and staying together for 18 years :r


But did it survive a tornado? ;)

Gabe215 05-25-2020 10:17 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Still new to bourbons, Really like eagle rare, just finished Basil Hayden which was good but not great, bout to try Elijah Craig Small Batch later tonight! Any other under $50 bottle suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Porch Dweller 05-25-2020 10:40 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2199676)
Still new to bourbons, Really like eagle rare, just finished Basil Hayden which was good but not great, bout to try Elijah Craig Small Batch later tonight! Any other under $50 bottle suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Four Roses Small Batch and Single Barrel are both quite good and can be had for in the mid-$30 range.

icehog3 05-25-2020 07:11 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2199676)
Still new to bourbons, Really like eagle rare, just finished Basil Hayden which was good but not great, bout to try Elijah Craig Small Batch later tonight! Any other under $50 bottle suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Early Times Bottled in Bond
EH Taylor Small Batch BiB
New Riff (rye or bourbon)

Sure there's many more, I'm just brain farting now. :D

icehog3 05-25-2020 07:12 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Booker's Broken Biscuits last night with an '04 RyJ Ex. 4

icehog3 05-26-2020 08:32 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

A taste of Kentucky, via Texas. Thanks Johnny an Tony. :)

Steve 05-26-2020 08:43 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Good stuff right there!

stearns 05-26-2020 08:48 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Had a pour of EH Taylor SB back to back with Eagle Rare the other night, really helped highlight the differences. Both were great but I think if I had to pick one it'd be the Taylor. At some point I'd like to review my open bottles before they turn into empty bottles, but I suck at reviewing


Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2199676)
Still new to bourbons, Really like eagle rare, just finished Basil Hayden which was good but not great, bout to try Elijah Craig Small Batch later tonight! Any other under $50 bottle suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

So many good options, other than the ones that Tom said I'd look into Evan Williams Bottled in Bond (<$20 and delicious), Makers 46, Buffalo Trace, or if you can find it any Weller expressions (the green label, "Special Reserve" or "SR" is fantastic and $20 for a 750 msrp). You're already onto Elijah Craig, if you like that try to find a bottle of their barrel proof releases, they come out 3 times a year but are all great, although that may get you up closer to the $60 range (and may be higher ABV than you're looking for). If you're feeling rye, give Old Forester Rye or Rittenhouse a try, they're both great and under $30.

icehog3 05-26-2020 12:26 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2199724)
Had a pour of EH Taylor SB back to back with Eagle Rare the other night, really helped highlight the differences. Both were great but I think if I had to pick one it'd be the Taylor. At some point I'd like to review my open bottles before they turn into empty bottles, but I suck at reviewing

I agree that Taylor trumps Eagle Rare (for my palate), and disagree that you suck at reviewing. ;)


Originally Posted by stearns
So many good options, other than the ones that Tom said I'd look into Evan Williams Bottled in Bond (<$20 and delicious), Makers 46, Buffalo Trace, or if you can find it any Weller expressions (the green label, "Special Reserve" or "SR" is fantastic and $20 for a 750 msrp). You're already onto Elijah Craig, if you like that try to find a bottle of their barrel proof releases, they come out 3 times a year but are all great, although that may get you up closer to the $60 range (and may be higher ABV than you're looking for). If you're feeling rye, give Old Forester Rye or Rittenhouse a try, they're both great and under $30.

Good suggestions, Ben, though where one lives will play heavily on the price of the Weller SR. Especially love the Elijah Craig Barrel Proof if you're willing to spend up, the last two releases I have are amazing (C919 & A120). I saw the C520 has started popping up, it's about 4.5% lower on the ABV.

stearns 05-27-2020 08:19 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Last night had a pour of Dickel BiB and one of Kentucky Spirit. Both tasty, very different but I think I liked the Dickel a little more

icehog3 05-27-2020 09:21 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Willett 4 year and McKenna 10 year last night. Willett does it better in only 40% of the time. :r

4WheelVFR 05-27-2020 04:47 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2199676)
Still new to bourbons, Really like eagle rare, just finished Basil Hayden which was good but not great, bout to try Elijah Craig Small Batch later tonight! Any other under $50 bottle suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

One of my favorites is Woodford Reserve. I think it runs $35-40.

yourchoice 05-28-2020 12:27 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Wild Turkey 101 is a favorite of mine in that price range.

stearns 06-12-2020 10:24 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
One of my favorite small local shops put out a 15yr 120 proof KC store pick yesterday around 3pm, went this morning when they opened and they were sold out :(

icehog3 06-12-2020 12:17 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2200631)
One of my favorite small local shops put out a 15yr 120 proof KC store pick yesterday around 3pm, went this morning when they opened and they were sold out :(

That sucks. I'm hearing good things too.

Beagleone 06-12-2020 06:13 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Had some time this week and picked up a few bottles.

icehog3 06-12-2020 06:29 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Beagleone (Post 2200646)
Had some time this week and picked up a few bottles.

Just a few, Tony. :lr

Hippi3Slay3r 06-12-2020 09:06 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Distinct enough to keep a bottle on hand heavy Orange on the nose.

SSDVC 06-13-2020 05:15 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
I have to ask. Where are you guys finding the Dickel BiB and the Four Roses Small Batch? I have looked at almost every liquor store between here and southern Maine and have not found a single bottle of either. And some of the online retailers have the bottles available (maybe) but at 3-4 times retail. Crazy!

icehog3 06-13-2020 10:43 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
I still see lots of Four Roses Small Batch everywhere around here, Scott. Plus the Single Barrel, Small Batch Select and others.

Friends sent me my Dickel BiB from Dallas-Fort Worth, have not seem that in the wild in Chicago.

icehog3 06-13-2020 10:44 AM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!
Last night, Kitchen Table Batch (x2) and Batch 13.

Gabe215 06-13-2020 07:37 PM

Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Picked this up today and super excited to try it!!!

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