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Re: What's in your smoker?
Lamb Shoulder on the WSM. 2 hours into cooking.
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/DSCN4512.jpg inside rib shot http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/DSCN4514.jpg |
Re: What's in your smoker?
This is the part of 'what's in your smoker' that I hate. I get all excited at the start of a holiday weekend and smoke out
a crap load of stuff. Then I end up with a fridge full of food, no one to eat it, and hardly any excuse to make more. Utterly depressing. On the sobriety angle, it DOES give me cause to pull out the stops in that regard. I just Jimmy Buffeted up a whole pitcher of Acai Daiquiri and put too much ice, so it's PERFECT. I could stand a spoon up in it and MAN is it good in this heat. Smoked chicken legs with a few BBribs and mashed for for lunch. QUITE freaking good. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
2 large Costco sized salmon fillets, 2 beer can chickens.
Ditto on the pics/sobriety. :al |
Re: What's in your smoker?
5 lb pork shoulder. Did a wet rub with Penzeys Arizona Dreaming spice mix (and a little adobo spice) yesterday, let it sit in the fridge overnight and am using Newman's Own Light Sundried Tomato salad dressing as the baste today. About 5-6 more hours and then it is pulled pork time. Muscle relaxants, cheap red wine, a couple good sticks and nice weather means that I won't mind basting this afternoon. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Well, I screwed up... Was going to bbq the last rack of lamb ribs (denver) that I had in my freezer today, and was planning on just applying a wet paste rub an two hours or so before cooking like I normally do, but changed my mind and decided to whip up a ginger-soy-sesame marinade. Now these won't be going on until at least 4 or 5 so done around 8 or 9. Bah.
Good thing I installed illegal lighting (way brighter than what is allowed by code here) in my back yard. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Mid cook peek...
http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/8575/ssglambpeek.jpg Mid cook snack... http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8792/ssslambsnack2.jpg |
Re: What's in your smoker?
pre final basting...
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/7...glambpeek2.jpg post final basting... http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/6...bpostbaste.jpg Almost pulled an OLS and forgot to shoot this one... http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/5526/ssglambfin.jpg |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Yes, but I am also KNOWN for my smoke ring rib shots that a lot of people do not bother with. LOL
I APPROVE!! Freaking nice. I also like the Platanos. I had those up in Spanish Harlem back in the 80s when my USAF friend and I went to stay at his family Apt on a long weekend. I love em but try not to fry in the house. I need a burner. I've made em a few times, though. Soaked in salt & pepper water, fried once, squished then fried a second time. WHAMMO! I guess technically they are tostones. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks Brad.
So you're soaking them in salt and pepper water? Interesting. I'll have to try that next time I make tostones. I soaked these in cold water in the fridge for a few hours because the last batch, which I did not soak, seemed to have too much starch in it and they really didn't cook the way I wanted them too. These came out the best batch I've made yet - although using a candy thermometer for the oil temp instead of guessing this time probably helped a wee bit :r. Oh, and yeah, I hear you on the frying indoors. I cook these outside with the side burner on my old gasser. It's the only part of the grill I use anymore, use it for frying stuff and lighting charcoal chimneys. Although I do use the cooking chamber on the gasser for a place to store crap - fire extinguisher, extra grates, ashtray, etc... lol. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
I only remember when I went to this apartment block on St. Nicholas in NYC, Carlos' mother EITHER soaked
them prior to the first fry, or after the smash. Not very helpful, But I know she used salt and pepper and warm water. I doubt it was after the smash, that would produce a hail of splatter, so I am thinking pre first fry. MAYBE post first fry, pre smash. :r Ehhh, I edited the roach story out. Suffice it to say the building as infested. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
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I did several cooks over the entire weekend, including this Costco salmon on Home Depot cedar. Cedar fencing was not treated but for some reason it did not have that same true cedar plank aroma.
Re: What's in your smoker?
I think the planks often sold in markets and gourmet shops are typically red cedar which has a stronger aroma. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
I've eaten way too many BBR's since my smoke on Sunday. 1 full rack Sunday, a half rack for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday, and another full rack for dinner tonight. :tu
Here's the only photo I took of them. On another note, I think I'm gonna give up on the "fall off the bone" aspect of them. I feel like I'm trying to get them so tender that they seem to get a bit dry in some spots. It might be a bit more chewy off the bone, but I seem to be failing in that aspect. Then again, I don't foil them or anything...and my temps are usually in the 225-235 window for most of the smoke, so it's not that I'm too hot. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
http://www.amazon.com/Cedar-Grill-Pl...6894569&sr=1-2 I might get some myself. I'm wanting to give Salmon a try, although I'd be more tempted to want to grill it rather than smoke it. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
For me, and whatever I am doing, it's right, lol, I think that temp is at the low end of HIGH, Duane.
I tend to smoke mine for two hours and cook alone for another hour. My temps never get over 220. That is a mighty small matter of 10-15 degrees, and might not be the issue at all, but I never have tough ribs and they are inherently juicy, almost ****ographically so. It might also be the cuts, I bought some cheap ones at the Super Mercado and they were ALL tough. The rack was almost 3 feet long, lol. Y'all get a lot of good pork up your way, so that's probably fine, too. I never foil ribs, and nowadays I slap on sauce after the smoke for that last hour. It might be the cooker, maybe you need to use a much lower temp for the same time. Your temp might be too concentrated in that small space, great for smoke, bad for heat. :sh |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Also I am gonna guess that you think they are dry in that big chunk of loin meat on top. Have you ever eaten
these boneless pork tenderloins they sell so cheap at the store, it's either one, or two mirrored slabs of perfect meat in a cryovac pack? No matter how you cook it, it gets dry? Sometimes that carry over slab of meat that gets cut into the rib racks can get dry and tough, I think it's the same type of meat. The only experience I have with dry and overly chewy BBR meat was, as I said, the slab I got in the Mexi-market. It was cut slightly different than my standard BBR racks I get at the supermarket one to a cryo. I thought, "GREAT, this is just that much more meat" Eh-eh. It was a virtual failure of cookery, using my normal techniques. So the meat was different. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
However, if you want to achieve it, simply cook the ribs longer. When they reach above 190F you will have them falling off the bone. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
I purchased something similar a couple of years ago at Costco and remember paying less than $15 for about dozen planks. I should check there first. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
As far as sauce goes, is 30 minutes prior to pulling them about the right time? |
Re: What's in your smoker?
i do sauce 30-45 minutes prior to pulling...i usually cook my ribs 4-5 hours as well...
Re: What's in your smoker?
All this talk of ribs has me salivating for some. God I can't wait to get home and fire up the grill/smoker.
Re: What's in your smoker?
Got a new charcoal grill so I was thinking about using my old kettly style grill for a smoker. Good tips here that I'm going to try:
http://www.amazingribs.com/tips_and_...ill_setup.html I'll get some pics when I actually give it a shot. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Herf and rib tasting at Mikes!
Hey, this was post 1k for me. Im somebody now. ;) |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Adam, where did you get your firebricks? I want some for my Bradley to help maintain a more consistent heat, plus some for my over to bake on.
Re: What's in your smoker?
I'm new to all this. Firebricks?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Firebricks are the type of brick used generally in lining a fireplace. They can withstand a lot of heat without cracking/exploding. They also make a great baking stone because of their thickness and thermal capacity.
Re: What's in your smoker?
So in this situation firebricks would be used to absorb heat in order to help regulate it (in place of the water pan) ?
Re: What's in your smoker?
I always wondered if you chopped up the chicken skin and liberally dispersed it through the meat. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
^ ^ Great pic of how to set-up fire bricks in a kettle smoker too.
Re: What's in your smoker?
The 1-1/2" wouldn't have really worked well for me, since they would have been tipping over constantly, but laid flat or wedged upright they work fine (see the photos of Mark's old gas grill that was turned into a gas smoker). There are other sizes, but you have to look around to find them. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
I found that with the firebricks and the intake vents closed on the 22.5 OTG, (exhaust 100% open) I can maintain right around 220F cook chamber temp, so I had no need for the water, which really does nothing most of the time anyway (except make a mess when you need to move it to add coals or wood). |
Re: What's in your smoker?
I don't remember how I finished them or what I did with the skin. I do remember that I did look back and feel that had I overloaded the pit a bit. should have done a dozen, 15 was too much I felt. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
--EDIT: These show it a bit better -- http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8077/firebricks3.jpg http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/6930/firebricks2.jpg http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/6800/firebricks1.jpg I used an angle grinder with a masonary disc to round the edges/corners to fit the curve of the kettle, it's by no means necessary, but since I had the tools and disc already, I did it. If you do something similar, make sure you wear goggles and a dust mask, firebrick is very soft and it flies everywhere when you cut or grind it. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
That's awesome. Seems like a better solution than the water pan. Anything I specific I should look for if I wanted to pick some up (beside the right size to fit)? Are they easy to shape to fit that rounded bottom?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Very easy to shape, the bricks are very soft. I did it by eye with a 4" angle grinder and a masonry disc because I had them, but you could do it just as easily with a metal grinding disc, a belt sander or a rasp. Just go slow, wear goggles and a mask, the compound turns to powder very quickly and flies everywhere. Oh and I've since added a "seal" of crushed down foil between the edge of the foiled coal grate area and the side of the kettle to better control & regulate the air flow. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Mychal, I paid 2.49 lb for the pieces, but again, these butter dish sized pieces are 'basically' unacceptable to me,
even though this will make ten lbs total I have smoked and cured, lol. I have some on now, but when I went out to check on it, the coals were still kicking too well, so I left em on for at least another 30 mins. Pics in about that time. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
Yeah I got to a butcher for my belly and they sell it in about 10lb slabs. I have only done twenty lbs. so far and the first was in a brine, that made basically candy bacon. It was great, but I need to try something simpler. I think I am just going to do salt, brown sugar, and pepper... |
Re: What's in your smoker?
My best batch was peppery and garlicky, which somewhat inhibited the smoke, but made for good meat in the end. I sliced up my batch from last night, that slicer is going to pay for itself fast, considering my landlady thinks it is in storage and I am using it full tilt, lol. I am going to start dealing with a butcher for true slabs. Ironically, I do not need to be messing with bacon now, I need to drop 30-40 lbs before I start planning the perfect bacon. I am at a critical stage now on weight, teetering at the edge of non-obesity but loaded with potential. It's getting too close. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
I did a 7 day molasses brine. It was a take off Alton Browns recipe. 2 cup sugar 2 cup salt 16 oz molasses 1 gallon water 1 gallon apple cider 4 tbl black pepper 10 lbs pork belly (center cut) I then heavily smoked it for 8 hours, heavy meaning there was always smoking coming off the wet cherry wood. |
Re: What's in your smoker?
8 hours of heavy smoke? Was that too much?
Re: What's in your smoker?
Re: What's in your smoker?
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alright, a day late but here is some bacon, in the worst possible format.
But man, did my new slicer get it DONE! |
Re: What's in your smoker?
If the rain holds off I'm going to try a turkey breast offset in the Weber performer tonight. I've done whole chickens before, but not a turkey breast. I've got some cherry wood chunks and Plowboy's rub that should be really good with it
Re: What's in your smoker?
where do you get good wood/woodchips for smoking?
Re: What's in your smoker?
what temp do you do a turkey i thought it was bad to do a turkey to low?
Re: What's in your smoker?
For larger chunks, you may have to peruse a place that sells fire wood:2 |
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