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Whee 01-26-2009 09:39 PM

Re: It's happening

HawkEye19 01-26-2009 09:44 PM

Re: It's happening
Nice, now the "drama" thread is a just a place to look at posts Big Chief Jon doesn't like. Makes me wonder what drama is?

No1der 01-26-2009 09:50 PM

Re: It's happening
Ok, I found a fitting video.


No1der 01-26-2009 09:52 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by No1der (Post 194362)
Ok, I found a fitting video.


The more I watch it the funnier it gets. I'm warped though. lulz


chippewastud79 01-26-2009 09:54 PM

Re: It's happening
We'll see how long it takes my honest question, about an honest question, about an honest question, takes to get moved to the "Drama" forum.

For when it gets deleted


Originally Posted by Chippewastud asking little Jon for some honesty
Answering questions question


I will preface this post with the "No Drama Intended", but it may be ignored as previously demonstrated. I think that some of the long standing members would like to see some issues resolved and the questions have been posed with no response.

It seems as if some of the well respected members of this forum who have been around a long time have asked some pretty simple questions about how we can conduct discussions on this site about other well respected members.

The original question was moved to "Drama" and an explanation of keeping it to PM's was given.

A question asking for the answer to the first question being made public was also moved to "Drama" and still no answer to the original question.

If we are only going to be allowed to talk about certain topics, shouldn't we atleast be informed about why we aren't allowed to talk about the topics deemed too "dramatic" for this forum as to not upset the administration?

There was a time when public forums meant that public questions were answered by the administration for the betterment of the public members and of all those involved. Is it safe to assume that the new solution is to answer only public questions deemed appropriate by one, and not by general public?

SeanGAR 01-26-2009 09:54 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 194066)
That thread no longer exists.

Dick moved it to the "drama" forum where you can't post replies and the thread disappears after one week (supposedly, but anything coming from Dick is of dubious reliability).

No1der 01-26-2009 09:58 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 194375)
We'll see how long it takes my honest question, about an honest question, about an honest question, takes to get moved to the "Drama" forum.

For when it gets deleted

You do realize that you're going to get b& and end up with the type of message I've got in my sig.

Also, check out the vid and tell me it doesn't get funnier and funnier.


AAlmeter 01-26-2009 09:59 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 194377)
Dick moved it to the "drama" forum where you can't post replies and the thread disappears after one week (supposedly, but anything coming from Dick is of dubious reliability).

Dick who? ;)

I'm debating whether its healthy for all of us to let out our collective frustration or to pass a puff around and let bygones be....douschbags (no offense captain :ih -bag) ;)

AAlmeter 01-26-2009 10:01 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by No1der (Post 194399)
You do realize that you're going to get b& and end up with the type of message I've got in my sig.

Also, check out the vid and tell me it doesn't get funnier and funnier.


Hey grasshopper, at least yours didn't happen for a PM to Jon. That's when you know you've really wiped the hemorrhoid too hard! :D

No1der 01-26-2009 10:10 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by AAlmeter (Post 194413)
Hey grasshopper, at least yours didn't happen for a PM to Jon. That's when you know you've really wiped the hemorrhoid too hard! :D

That's true I kinda told him/them/puff FU on open boards but I said it nicely. Interestingly enough, I didn't get banned for that as I was on the boards for 2 more days.

I thought I was clever by asking him to sound out the word "Fugu" as in Puffer Fish. lulz.

Meh, I'm not going to cry over spilled milk, I've made my mess and now I've got to sleep in it.


lightning9191 01-26-2009 10:13 PM

Re: It's happening
After seeing everything going on, I went over there today and cleaned out my's just a shame to see how everyone is being treated and how threads are being locked up and deleted.

pnoon 01-26-2009 10:15 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by AAlmeter (Post 194413)
Hey grasshopper, at least yours didn't happen for a PM to Jon. That's when you know you've really wiped the hemorrhoid too hard! :D


King James 01-26-2009 10:25 PM

Re: It's happening
apparently all opinions and questions criticizing Jon and the way he runs the site are "drama" and he doesn't have to answer to anyone. I mean technically he doesn't, but not the way I would run a business.

1. Courteous Criticisms

When critiquing a cigar, please do it in an adult, considerate and decent manner. Do not insult the manufacturer or simply state "it sucks" etc. Give a reason as to what you feel does not fit your profile or taste. Burn issues? Construction? Condition of the cigar? As part of the community your post are looked at by manufacturers and it can often give them a heads up about bad batches that made it past quality control. Try to be specific. Where did you purchase the cigar? What year? Things like this can really help other members too. Also, feel free to offer some positives about the cigar itself that you did like, this will inform the manufacturer about the things the consumers enjoy about the cigar. We can all learn a lot from each other here.

Haha, I can just picture the Fuentes sitting at their computer wearing out the refresh button waiting on our reviews.

I only wish I too could taste 7 year old burnt madagascar vanilla.

kayaker 01-26-2009 10:26 PM

Re: It's happening
I had a PM get censored. I wasn't trying to recruit for CA, but was telling a fellow Canuck that it was hard getting more people in for the Canadian Stogies Trade because people moved over to another forum. I only gave him the link here when he asked for it. It showed up as www.**********.com in his message.

I guess they really don't like us over there.:rolleyes:

AAlmeter 01-26-2009 10:33 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by kayaker (Post 194494)
I had a PM get censored. I wasn't trying to recruit for CA, but was telling a fellow Canuck that it was hard getting more people in for the Canadian Stogies Trade because people moved over to another forum. I only gave him the link here when he asked for it. It showed up as www.**********.com in his message.

I guess they really don't like us over there.:rolleyes:

Possibly that was my reason for trouble. I had PMed a mod, who I trust greatly, to let him know that I was quite upset of some of the goings-on there (especially with Tom), and that he could look me up here, via my phone, or via my email.

Either way, complete BS. I have absolutely NO animosity towards Jon for commercializing the site. In my opinion, it was too big for one guy and a group of volunteers to run as a needed someone who could take the reigns either as a hobby for the independently wealthy or as a profit-generating venture. I have no problem with either path. But Mr Caputo has truly alienated the community; a community which I think is much more tightly knit that he realizes and is likely constricting due to the economy.

No1der 01-26-2009 10:34 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by kayaker (Post 194494)
I had a PM get censored. I wasn't trying to recruit for CA, but was telling a fellow Canuck that it was hard getting more people in for the Canadian Stogies Trade because people moved over to another forum. I only gave him the link here when he asked for it. It showed up as www.**********.com in his message.

I guess they really don't like us over there.:rolleyes:

Allow me to say this in all caps and in bold lettering.



Also notice my cool sig. ;)

SmokinDuck 01-26-2009 11:51 PM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by King James (Post 194491)
apparently all opinions and questions criticizing Jon and the way he runs the site are "drama" and he doesn't have to answer to anyone. I mean technically he doesn't, but not the way I would run a business.

1. Courteous Criticisms

As part of the community your post are looked at by manufacturers and it can often give them a heads up about bad batches that made it past quality control.


Are you serious? Is that really posted over there?

I wonder where the serial number and date of manufacture was stamped on the last cigar I smoked.

Maybe it's like reading tea leaves only you have to read the ashes. Hmmmm, my ash has a big crack down the middle, got any tape?


icehog3 01-27-2009 12:14 AM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 193984)
Jon re-opened Al's thread and posted the following, then of course immediately relocked it:

"One more comment on this. Icehog and Daklugs have both in their own words expressed to me that they do not wish to return. If that changes they have my email address and they can email me. Case closed."



Originally Posted by AAlmeter (Post 194311)
Don't sweat it Tom. I only had 10 years there...and now I've been put on hiatus. Geez...its not even like I have a big mouth or anything!

Sorry, Adam.....seems like all the people who had a voice at one time there are being silenced. You deserved better for the attempts you made to help JC along the right path.

newcigarz 01-27-2009 04:38 AM

Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 194603)

Iron Maiden - No More Lies.

There's a darkening sky before me.
There's no time to prepare.
Salvage a lost horizon
But no regrets from me.
Maybe i'll be back some other day. (some other day)
To live again, just who can say.
In what shape or form that i might be.
Just another chance for me.

A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all my life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i'd like to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
some day maybe i'll wait till then...

They're all sitting at my table.
Talking tall and drinking wine.
Their time is up just like me
but They just don't know it yet.
So just a word of warning
When you're in your deepest dreams.
There's nothing you can hide from.
I've got my eye on you.

The clock is fast. The hour is near.
Eventful past is everclear.
My life is set. The time is here.
I think i'm coming home...

A hurried time, no disgrace,
instead of racing to conclusion,
wishing all your life away,
no-one can stop me now.

Time is up, it couldn't last,
but there's more things i have to do,
i'm coming back,
to try again,
don't tell me that this is the end...

opus 01-27-2009 05:52 AM

Re: It's happening
The best thing we can do to hurt JC the most is to walk away and never log in there again. We have all seen train wrecks before. Links posted to threads there only create more traffic for him. In closing, what a piece of **** Jon Caputo is and will probably always be.

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