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kydsid 08-02-2010 03:01 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bsmokin (Post 938240)
Wow. I'm a moron. I really thought these things were air tight. Jeeze. So... then I have a serious concern about running the fridge... What about condensation!?!? I've seen post about this...

Do you have condensation problems in your fridgador?

Do I? Hell yes. I even have my own thread on it in the accessories section.

But I have condensation problems because the temperature goes up and down in the house all day and is usually higher than 80.

From what sounds like for you you shouldn't have that large of a problem since the temperature shouldn't be varying that much. You will have a little condensation from the cooler removing the ambient air water after opening. Now of course by turning on the cooler you have to take into account your 1.5lbs of beads may not be enough. I run 2lbs and an extra fan, but again I have more extreme climate to yours.

Now if you go this route, not really necessary since 69% is a fine humidity you can go with the following:

The nice thing about an Edgestar is the drain design. Once plugged it will back up and overflow down the back wall to the bottom. Now provided you don't keep anything on the bottom that isn't a real problem. The bottom ridges in the unit are sloped towards the door. I put a half full bag of beads in the channel righ near the door to soak up the extra water. Once or twice a week I swap that with another bag. Since it is in equilibrium now that is all I have to do for maintenance.

bsmokin 08-02-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 938254)
Do I? Hell yes. I even have my own thread on it in the accessories section.

But I have condensation problems because the temperature goes up and down in the house all day and is usually higher than 80.

From what sounds like for you you shouldn't have that large of a problem since the temperature shouldn't be varying that much. You will have a little condensation from the cooler removing the ambient air water after opening. Now of course by turning on the cooler you have to take into account your 1.5lbs of beads may not be enough. I run 3lbs, but again I have more extreme climate to yours.

Now if you go this route, not really necessary since 69% is a fine humidity you can go with the following:

The nice thing about an Edgestar is the drain design. Once plugged it will back up and overflow down the back wall to the bottom. Now provided you don't keep anything on the bottom that isn't a real problem. The bottom ridges in the unit are sloped towards the door. I put a half full bag of beads in the channel righ near the door to soak up the extra water. Once or twice a week I swap that with another bag. Since it is in equilibrium now that is all I have to do for maintenance.

Thanks Jason! Funny, cuz I just found your thread you mentioned... that's actually the same thread I had in mind when I said I stuff about condensation before! ;) Didn't realize it was you.

This kinda sucks. I really don't want to have to worry about condensation. If I had known this I very well may have passed on the fridgador idea... :(

Maybe I just let it be as-is for a while and see how things go.... I'm really not sure what to do now. I hate the idea of condensation / water on the floor of the humi!!!

kydsid 08-02-2010 03:16 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bsmokin (Post 938261)
Thanks Jason! Funny, cuz I just found your thread you mentioned... that's actually the same thread I had in mind when I said I stuff about condensation before! ;) Didn't realize it was you.

This kinda sucks. I really don't want to have to worry about condensation. If I had known this I very well may have passed on the fridgador idea... :(

Maybe I just let it be as-is for a while and see how things go.... I'm really not sure what to do now. I hate the idea of condensation / water on the floor of the humi!!!

Well keep in mind my environment is at the extreme range. The humidity can vary from 100% in the morning to 40% 12 hours later. In that same time frame the temperature can go from 75 to 110. This plays havoc on the stability of ANY humidor and I have had condensation in cooledors as a result.

Those changes are more responsible for my condensation issues and are atypical of what condensation if any you see in your unit.

If I was in your place this is what I would do:

1) Run as is for another 3 weeks and monitor humidity, moving the hygrometer to different positions within the unit every day. Opening the unit no more than once a day for a very short period.

2) If after those three weeks I had a recorded variance in humidity within the unit, differences more than 2-3% I would look into getting some kind of fan solution for the unit. Using another 3 weeks see how the fan affects my humidity. Possibly adding another .5lb of beads also.

3) *Understanding your aversion to condensation, otherwise I would put this as number 2* Run the unit for 3 weeks and see where my humidity levels are and monitor the condesation closely, if any.

4) Be happy with whatever humidity I get after all that work and let the damn thing be. I think doing some work to get it right is okay but after a while you just have to sit back and let it be what it is otherwise you'll go nutty trying to have the perfect humidity and temperature 24/7.

bsmokin 08-02-2010 07:06 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Jason you're the man! Thanks for the great advice and taking the time.

Tonight I looked closely at the sides and back of the unit and was reminded that there are vents all over that fridge! I took the time to tape up all these vents. I'm hoping this really helps the situation.

I will try this and give it some more time and see how things go....

bobarian 08-02-2010 08:31 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I dont know if sealing off the vents is a good idea. Vinotemps use a closed system and I believe that the Edgestar's are the same.(A call to the manufacturer could verify this). If you seal the vents there is no way for the Peltier units to cool themselves and I think this will lead to further problems and possibly premature failure of the unit. :2

Chingas 08-02-2010 08:39 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 938735)
I dont know if sealing off the vents is a good idea. Vinotemps use a closed system and I believe that the Edgestar's are the same.(A call to the manufacturer could verify this). If you seal the vents there is no way for the Peltier units to cool themselves and I think this will lead to further problems and possibly premature failure of the unit. :2


Bryan. I got two Vinos and live in Jersey too. I had a little condensation issues early but it's pretty stable now. I put a lb of beads in one of those sacks and put it on top of the drain plug. This soaks up whatever drips from the cooling unit. I wouldn't be tampering with the vents Brother. That just sounds bad.

bsmokin 08-03-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 938749)

Bryan. I got two Vinos and live in Jersey too. I had a little condensation issues early but it's pretty stable now. I put a lb of beads in one of those sacks and put it on top of the drain plug. This soaks up whatever drips from the cooling unit. I wouldn't be tampering with the vents Brother. That just sounds bad.

I should have been more clear... I sealed the vents AND kept the unit off. I'd rather be able to keep the unit off, and have a closed system. This way no worry about condensate... and no worries about the electric bill... ;)

I'm going to wait and see if I can get the humidity down to 65% - the RH for the beads. Probably give it about a month. If after that it still doesn't come down, then I will seriously consider plugging the fridge in....

Should have got a tower of power... too bad my wife wont let me.

N2Advnture 08-03-2010 07:15 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 938233)
Well first every time you open it in a higher humidity environment you are allowing humidity into the cooler. Second edgestars etc are not air tight. The cooling system has an intake and exhaust. If you are not running it in the basement because it is cool enough down there I would plug it in and run the unit. The reason is through the cooling unit being on it will dehumidify the incoming air.

My unit runs 24/7 in an environment with higher ambient humidity. It took several months of operation for all of the cigars and drawers to reach equilibrium. But I have been rocking 65% humidity for over a year and haven't added any water to the beads in that whole time.

Beat me too it. Solid advice. :tu

CigarNut 08-03-2010 07:55 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 938214)
...What company are the HCM beads made by, I am not sure if I am familiar with them...

Tom, these are Shilala's beads -- he often referred to them as "HCM" beads, so I made that the company name when I acquired the business from Scott.


Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 938749)
...I had a little condensation issues early but it's pretty stable now. I put a lb of beads in one of those sacks and put it on top of the drain plug. This soaks up whatever drips from the cooling unit. I wouldn't be tampering with the vents Brother. That just sounds bad.

You do not want to do this with Shilala/HCM beads -- they should not come into direct contact with water.

There has been a lot of good advice here. One thing you can do is to verify the RH of the beads (as the RH may have risen if the RH inside the Edgestar has been high for a long period). Just put the beads in a ziplock with a (recently tested) hygrometer for a while and see what the RH is. Based on this you can determine if the beads need to be adjusted.

icehog3 08-03-2010 08:16 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 939173)
Tom, these are Shilala's beads -- he often referred to them as "HCM" beads, so I made that the company name when I acquired the business from Scott.

Thanks Michael...I just figured you would call 'em "Nutty Beads" now. :)

CigarNut 08-03-2010 09:35 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 939205)
Thanks Michael...I just figured you would call 'em "Nutty Beads" now. :)

Maybe some day Tom... Maybe...

Chris. 08-03-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I suggest adding cedar trays and/or boxes. My rh used to stay above 70 no matter what until I added more cigar boxes to my cooler. I'm using 4 cigar trays and several boxes along with about a pound of beads in a 48qt cooler. Rock steady at 67% :)

bsmokin 08-03-2010 09:19 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Ok... new 'newbie' question...

I'm curious...

How do people find it's best to keep up with the latest posts, etc., on CA? I find myself just hitting 'New Posts' constantly... Is this what most people do? Is there a better way?

Chingas 08-03-2010 09:25 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Bryan, I'm new too but here's my method. I start with my replies. Read and address what I want. When that's clear I move to today's posts. Read thru and address etc. Then I head over to new inmate processing, invade I missed welcoming in any new noobs.


bsmokin 08-03-2010 09:40 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Chingas, I like it man! Thanks! ;)

T.G 08-03-2010 09:44 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Go to the main page:

Look to the right of the main forum names and you'll see ">>new>>"

Julian ("mmblz") added that feature maybe six months ago. Absolutely great for finding new posts in only the forums you care about, or having the new posts grouped by forum.

pnoon 08-03-2010 10:19 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bsmokin (Post 940441)
Ok... new 'newbie' question...

I'm curious...

How do people find it's best to keep up with the latest posts, etc., on CA? I find myself just hitting 'New Posts' constantly... Is this what most people do? Is there a better way?

Lots of different ways to approach it. Different techniques work best for different people.

I do exactly what you do. Works just fine for me.

bsmokin 08-05-2010 08:36 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Please HELP!!!

So, I plugged my fridge in... and the RH went from 69 to 74% in a matter of 2 hours!!! The temp did drop from 67 to 62, so I know the cooling is working.

Please visit my other thread and see the details and help me out with some opinions! Im kinda freaking out here...:confused:

T.G 08-05-2010 09:59 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Relax dude.

RH is a measure of how much moisture is in the air versus how much it can hold. Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, so, in other words, as temp drops, but the amount of moisture vapor in the the air stays constant, the RH is going to go up.

Chingas 08-06-2010 02:19 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 943335)
Relax dude.

RH is a measure of how much moisture is in the air versus how much it can hold. Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, so, in other words, as temp drops, but the amount of moisture vapor in the the air stays constant, the RH is going to go up.

Dry beads should soak some of the extra Rh up. If not, toss in some cedar or boxes. That should help.

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