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Eleven 05-16-2011 03:47 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1264563)
All kinds of rumors right now. Possible pain med od accidental or purposely as a result of depression caused by concussion. The reference to Probert was an eye opener. Just bought the boy the messier project helmet. I know Al doesnt think they work but its worth a shot.

I also think this may lend weight to USA Hockeys view of raising the checking age. The vote is next month. I had heard the big Quebec tourney doesnt allow checking at the age US Hockey allows it.

My kids coach says the new checking rule is a done deal. My boy is going to be a Bantam this year so the rule wouldn't affect him. I am not sure how I feel about it. Even at his age, the officials don't allow much room for questionable hits, they just hand out 2-and-10's like they are candy.

When you're looking at weekly rankings and tournament participation, 2-and-10's are bad news for your team, so most kids are very careful in their checking. Not to mention if you are given a 2-and-10, you're automatically ineligible for the next game.

ahc4353 05-16-2011 04:40 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Just one mans (and sons) opinion Mike. I honestly think the M-11 is a flimsy POS. That said, I bought into the hype as I was desperate for anything that would protect Mitch. He went to a Bauer 9900 and personally I think it's a hell of a helmet.

Whatever works for your son is what is important. Like my old man always said, "do what you think is best".

A couple of looks at the 9900.

Ahbroody 05-16-2011 05:55 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
You know brother I was playing with it yesterday and I understand your view on the flimsy. You are talking about the lower area right?

We should probably continue this in the hockey parent section. I have some thoughts I want feedback on.

mithrilG60 05-17-2011 11:58 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1263758)
Thought the game score wise was much closer then it should have been. Canucks out played the Sharka for almost the whole game. Nemo kept it close. I was thinking they might steal the game, but that ended rather quickly. Not sure how many the Sharks can take, but if they dont get it together they dont have a chance.

That's kind of funny, I thought San Jose outplayed the Canucks up until the last 5 min of the 2nd period when Vancouver came on, obviously the 3rd belonged to the Canucks. I thought the score board was pretty representative overall, it's also what I expect out of every game other than tomorrow night which I predict will be pretty high scoring. Either way, this series is going to be good hockey to watch which will be a nice change from the Predators series. God that was horrible, dull as ditch water and just about as exciting!


Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1263758)
Heatley has taken more then one stupid penalty this playoffs. That needs to stop. That off sides call was crap though it went off a Canuck. Really wonder about that one as it would have changed the game. Ooo well theh still didnt get it done.

It's pretty funny that San Jose's first instinct was to follow the Predators example trot out the diving claims immediately. I do get it as a strategy, the Canucks have a very dangerous power play so as the opposing team you want to minimize the time they spend on it. If getting into the ref's heads a little bit helps in that regard then it's part of the game, Gillis did it after Game 5 against Chicago. That said, if you're going to claim it you need to have some kind of proof to back it up or you just come across as being whiny.

The Lapierre tackle was borderline, yes his head went back... but he was also pulled down and spun around by the throat. Everything else called in that game was a fair call and there was a pretty equal amount of missed calls for both sides. I thought the ref's did a pretty good job of getting out of the way and letting the teams run. That 18 sec scramble in front of Niemi was a perfect example. That could have been blown dead many times but they let the teams play and it produced one of the most memorable and exciting parts of the 2011 playoffs as a result.

And just to rachet up the friendly rivalry/Canucks hate a little bit... this was spotted floating around our sushi loving city on Monday ;)

mithrilG60 05-17-2011 12:25 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Hmm.... seems the image isn't working properly. Let's try again :lv

357 05-17-2011 12:49 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I have a feeling Mike will find a photochopped image of Jaws eating Don Cherry and post it very soon. :r

mithrilG60 05-17-2011 12:53 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Even Jaws would find Don Cherry highly unappetizing...

icehog3 05-17-2011 04:28 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Really hope the Sharks D men get involved tomorrow, or it could be a short series. :hn

mithrilG60 05-17-2011 04:52 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Apparently Malhotra skated in a full gear (non-contract) practice with the Cancuks this morning. It's 99.9999% sure that he's out for the season but it's still encouraging to see him back on the ice so soon after a pair of major eye surgeries.

icehog3 05-17-2011 04:58 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Wishing Manny a full recovery, he is a good center and a good guy.

I can't believe I said that about a Canuck. ;)

Ahbroody 05-17-2011 08:02 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Holy crap get back from the rink its 2-2 I think. We eat dinner and its 6-3. The Bs just opened up the whoop ass.

Bruins Fan 05-17-2011 09:08 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Great game..Seguin was the spark plug and Thomas keep them in it,despite giving up a couple bad goals.
Chara cost us two goals one on a penalty and another on a bad turn over.
B's stopped playing in the third, with a lot of breakdowns you can't do that Tampa is way to talented.

icehog3 05-18-2011 12:51 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Happy for Seguin, looks like he is playoff ready.

Tampa Bay was all over the Bruins in the 3rd, though for sure they would tie it up. Looking forward to the games in FLA.

Ahbroody 05-18-2011 01:19 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Yeah I thought Tampa actually could have still won that game. They had so many good chances in the third that almost scored. Tampa really had one bad period and the Bs took full advantage. Even in the second though they still had some great chances which TT had to make some epic saves. So while they gave up way to many in the second and were looking bad they were still getting fantastic chances. They took the first and the third. Timmy saved the day in the second and third many times. Some of those go in and the Bs lose even scoring 6.

One thing I cant stop noticing is how easily they enter the zone. I mean they are getting right up the middle and down the wings skating right past the Bs D. I dont think the Bs are going to stop them from scoring so the question will be can the Bs match their scoring.

kugie 05-18-2011 03:46 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
What a crazy game!!
I was psyched for the kid (Seguin) he has been given the chance and has stepped up to the challenge. He deserves the starts.
Timmy, Should have played a better game than he did. He did make some big stops but that's what he is supposed to do. He is not supposed to have two games in a row where he lets in multiple soft/bad goals.

They still need to get away from the dump and chase style especially on the power play :2.
If they play another game like that I think my heart might stop. :D

I love this game

Sawyer 05-18-2011 05:58 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Sloppy games make for exciting ones. The sloppy games like last night can go either way and seem to usually be decided by the goaltenders. Tampa was still in that game until the very end and had Thomas not stood on his head, the score could have easily been 9-6. I hear Bergeron may be back for game 3.

mithrilG60 05-18-2011 09:05 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
No one even remotely associated with the Sharks better say a single word against the ref'ing again after that gift that they just gave Eager for his hit on Sedin. That was blatant headhunting, borderline intent to injure, and should have been 5 and a game without question. :td

mithrilG60 05-18-2011 09:34 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Uh oh... the regular season Canucks are back tonite ;)

Ahbroody 05-18-2011 11:08 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I will be suprised if Eager even suits up again in this series. Wondering if he didnt play himself off the team altogether.

As a Sharks fan I was good with the 1st and part of the second the third makes you ashamed. By the way anyone notice almost every goal against Niemi was on the ice making him move laterally. Just an ugly game I hope they can recover from.

mithrilG60 05-19-2011 12:00 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Ya, that was a meltdown similar to our game 4 against the Hawks. Personally I think Eager will be back in game 3. McLellan said in the post game interview that, minus the penalties, that's exactly the game he wants from Eager. Eager was also the only Sharks player to show any real emotion in the second half. I'm not sure why the Sharks were so pissed about the Bieska-Marlowe fight. Marlowe clearly dropped the gloves first and then was schooled.

Anyone else notice the girl with the piecings flashing Eager in the penalty box? Not sure that's really a "punishment" for his transgressions :r

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 12:04 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Oooh and geoff I thought there were more then enough non calls for the Canucks. I mean there should have been a double minor for Thortons face getting cutt. I find it funny you forgot that. Atleast Eager got called for something. I guess guys can get cut open and a no call is okay?

I can list a lot of other non calls but I dont like using the refs as an excuse. I think the Sharks have some room to complain about the officiating early. I didnt see that post of yours earlier. All I will say is it lacks a view of the whole game for you to make a statement like that given how effective the Sharks PP has been in this series. I think the Canucks are getting away with a fair amount.

The Sharks are getting nailed for almost everything the Canucks are not. Even with that they know whats up and need to play better if they expect to win.

mithrilG60 05-19-2011 12:32 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
There were lots of missed calls in favour of the Sharks, for example every time Thorton was within reach of Kesler he was slashing and hacking like a fiend. The high stick was definitely a missed call but everything else, on both sides, was more or less playoff hockey.

And questionable calls? The Sedin "crosscheck" that resulted in the Sharks PP goal? I might be a little hazy on the rules but I thought that to be called for crosschecking you had to actually a) have BOTH hands on your stick and b) touch the other player. I'm not sure loosing an edge and falling in front on an opposing player really counts as being crosschecked.

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 01:00 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I will preface this by saying I have a long history of not complaining about officiating and my reply to you was based on what I feel was a really one sided and bad post by you saying the Sharks had no room to complain. I will also point out you have now said the refs missed a double minor.

The Heatley call was a makeup call because on the Canucks powerplay they let the interfernce call go. When the shark winger on the pk was impeded on his rush up ice after he dumped it in. It should have been called it wasnt and the Canucks scored on the PP. Also Sedin did make contact and Heatley sold it. So you could look at it from either way.

So that kills that and we still have the unaccounted 4 minutes of power play time. Whats the Sharks PP ratio against the canucks? Odds are they score one maybe two. Does that change the way the teams play? Yup.

My point is and was dont come in on your horse saying the Sharks cant complain when anyone with half a brain can show a huge non call which would have likely impacted the score. Then to comeback and say so they missed it, but they got this other minor which ignores why they got it is even worse. Sorry but your first post was bad and the rebuttal was uhhhh.

Look the storyline was aand is that the Sharks let their emotions get to them when they felt they were not getting some calls. They melted down and it was embarrassing. They should have kept plugging away. To say they have no room to complain or that they got over and ignore missed calls or understand why a call was made is sad. You cant come in on your horse about the Eager hit which he got two for and ignore a double minor high stick right infront of a ref when the Sharks PP has been lights out.

Oooo and niemi would have had trouble stopping my sons shots tonight. Wow was he ugly. But yeah your first post weak.

icehog3 05-19-2011 01:11 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1267526)
By the way anyone notice almost every goal against Niemi was on the ice making him move laterally.

And the book on Niemi is high glove side. Niemi wasn't great, but he got ZERO help on several goals. :2

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 01:33 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Yeah the D is killing them as usual. Nemo let in some softies though. My only hope is he has a rebound game like he usually does in game three. They have to win game three. I thought Nemo was weak High stick side? Ahhhhhhhh its over.

Was talking to some buddies Huskins, Wallin and Nitty are all off K next year. Hoping they put that 6 mill to a high level D man to Solidify the D. They are not going to win with this D.

mithrilG60 05-19-2011 02:00 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1267563)
My point is and was dont come in on your horse saying the Sharks cant complain when anyone with half a brain can show a huge non call which would have likely impacted the score. Then to comeback and say so they missed it, but they got this other minor which ignores why they got it is even worse. Sorry but your first post was bad and the rebuttal was uhhhh.

My point was the Sharks were running around with the media between games whining like little girls about how the ref'ing is so unfair and the Canucks are selling everything and oh woe is us. Then a player like Eager spends a good couple minutes jumping up and down on his bench like a barely trained ape yelling at anyone and anything on the opposite team because he's upset that Marlowe decided to pick a fight with one of the tougher Canucks and got his ass handed to him as a result? Then the only response he can think of is jumping on the ice and making a beeline for the current Hart Trophy winner and most likely league MVP so he can run him into the boards from behind in a blatantly dangerous hit which borders on intent to injure? And for that Eager only gets 2 minutes? That's about as correct a call as not giving Torres a suspension for the hit on Seabrook, it's not even close to being in the same league as a missed high sticking call no matter how valid that penalty would have been.

Ya it sucks that H Sedin didn't get the 4 min penalty that he should have for that high stick. It doesn't change the fact that D Sedin was given a crosschecking penalty, that the Sharks scored on, when he didn't have 2 hand on his stick OR touch the Shark player. It doesn't change the fact that Thorton was slashing and hacking Kesler all night without any hint of a call. It doesn't change the fact that Eager got away with bloody murder in the hit on D Sedin. Of all of those the only one I have a real issue with it is the Eager hit, the rest is just playoff hockey... but to listen to the Sharks complaining about missed calls in a game where the ref'ing was well beyond kind to them and they just plain blew it is just stupid .

A very good point was raised on one of the after game shows tonite, the Canucks have long had a reputation of being a whiny team that cries about the ref'ing. While that was certainly true in the past it's just not the case anymore. At some stage you have to call a spade a spade and state the truth: the whiny b****es are not the team wearing an orca on their chests. The more the Predators chirped about the ref'ing the idiotic it made them look, the Sharks are on that same path right now.

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 02:21 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Ugggggghhh this is why I dont do this argument we can make these back and forths all day.

I already addressed the Sedin penalty call and why it was made. It was a makeup. I dont know how else to explain it. The Refs give makeups sometimes when they decide they missed something. Clearly a hockey fan should know that.

You seem to be wetting yourself over the Marleau fight. Please watch the game just prior to the fight. Your tough guy was crosschecking and sticking him. Why doesnt that tough guy do it to Clowe or Eager. He turned down those invites. Yup he goated a former bing winner into a fight. Hes a badass.

Now the Sharks are whiny bit&hes? Dude I am not going down this path with you. Post what you like. Talk all your trash and have fun playing with yourself.

Bruins Fan 05-19-2011 03:57 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I love playoff hockey!! :r:

icehog3 05-19-2011 07:52 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Bieksa is a b*tch.

You need any cheese with that whine? :r

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 09:45 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1257860)

1). San Jose
2). Detroit
3). Hitler
4). Mussolini
5). Pol Pot
6). Che Guevera
7.) John Wayne Gacy
8). Vancouver
9). Osama Bin Laden

Dont you have a list to work on Tom.

Eagers post game comments were similar to yours on Bieksa. It appears he will be asking him to dance again. I doubt he will accept though.

Oooo and shut up John you big jerk. :r

357 05-19-2011 11:50 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1267545)
There were lots of missed calls in favour of the Sharks, for example every time Thorton was within reach of Kesler he was slashing and hacking like a fiend. The high stick was definitely a missed call but everything else, on both sides, was more or less playoff hockey.

Get used to it. He repeatedly slashed Zetterberg in the prior series. Like this one; it's pile of bodies and Joe comes in stick first.

I mean, if you want to push, shove, facewash, or even drop 'em; fine. Don't come into a pileup and slash guys who aren't looking. Pu$$y. At least twice in the series he slashed Z in the Achilles after the whistle.

He doubles up on douchebaggery in the next one. Here he takes a cheapshot, again after the whistle, to Franzen's injured ankle. Then as Franzen gets up he taps Joe's skate. Thornton then falls like a sniper shot him from up in the rafters to draw a penalty.

He also hit Datsyuk a few times, again well after the whistle:

He didn't hurt Pavel, but it's Bush-League at best.

I didn't post this to complain about the refs. I posted it to point out that Thornton is a douche.

icehog3 05-19-2011 11:53 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
So is Bertuzzi, so they're even.

kugie 05-19-2011 11:57 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1267912)
Get used to it. He repeatedly slashed Zetterberg in the prior series. Like this one; it's pile of bodies and Joe comes in stick first.

I mean, if you want to push, shove, facewash, or even drop 'em; fine. Don't come into a pileup and slash guys who aren't looking. Pu$$y. At least twice in the series he slashed Z in the Achilles after the whistle.

He doubles up on douchebaggery in the next one. Here he takes a cheapshot, again after the whistle, to Franzen's injured ankle. Then as Franzen gets up he taps Joe's skate. Thornton then falls like a sniper shot him from up in the rafters to draw a penalty.

He also hit Datsyuk a few times, again well after the whistle:

He didn't hurt Pavel, but it's Bush-League at best.

I didn't post this to complain about the refs. I posted it to point out that Thornton is a douche.

On your last point I completely agree

icehog3 05-19-2011 11:59 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1267923)
On your last point I completely agree

Yeah, Bruins fans aren't biased. :r

TheLostGringo 05-19-2011 12:10 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
You do have to like some of the Bruins Print Ad's for this series.

"Welcome, Tampa Fans, nice to see you fixed your bandwagon"

"The Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, Tampa Bay Lightning Fans"

and my favorite

"For your courtesy Tampa fans, there will be Shuffleboard during the 2nd Intermission"

Go B's!!

icehog3 05-19-2011 12:32 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Some good ones there, Roger! :r

kugie 05-19-2011 12:55 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1267923)
On your last point I completely agree


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1267925)
Yeah, Bruins fans aren't biased. :r

Not at All :D;)

357 05-19-2011 01:06 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1267918)
So is Bertuzzi, so they're even.

True, although I will maintain he has pretty much been a boy scout since adorning the winged wheel.

icehog3 05-19-2011 01:11 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1267997)
True, although I will maintain he has pretty much been a boy scout since adorning the winged wheel.

Good with his second chance after ending a young man's career with a sucker punch?

Who cares, Mike, he's a POS. :2 :td

357 05-19-2011 01:14 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1268013)
Good with his second chance after ending a young man's career with a sucker punch?

Who cares, Mike, he's a POS. :2 :td

You'll get no arguement from me on that one.

icehog3 05-19-2011 01:15 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1268020)
You'll get no arguement from me on that one.

So, predictions for Bruins-Lightning Game 3?

kugie 05-19-2011 01:16 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by TheLostGringo (Post 1267939)
You do have to like some of the Bruins Print Ad's for this series.

"Welcome, Tampa Fans, nice to see you fixed your bandwagon"

"The Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, Tampa Bay Lightning Fans"

and my favorite

"For your courtesy Tampa fans, there will be Shuffleboard during the 2nd Intermission"

Go B's!!

The whining Tampa radio station host complained and people called in to get the ads pulled.

Show some sack and respond with a little humor like The Philly fans did, with the Tea Party stuff they came up with.
And I hate giving Props to Philly fans :D

icehog3 05-19-2011 01:19 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Can't believe the Tampa die-hards would make a deal about this.

Blackhawks had 2,000,000 people at their parade last year. I will bet 1,900,000 could have cared less about the Hawks in March of that year.

icehog3 05-19-2011 01:26 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

TAMPA -- Boston Bruins forward Patrice Bergeron has been medically cleared to play and -- barring a last-minute setback -- will be in the lineup for Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals against the Tampa Bay Lightning Thursday night at St. Pete Times Forum, according to two team sources.

TheLostGringo 05-19-2011 01:34 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Bruins 5
Lightning 2


Ahbroody 05-19-2011 01:36 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Mike all your posts lately look like this to me. I like how now you are always saying your not complaining about the refs because I poked you so many times about it.


Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1267912)
Im mad because the Sharks did my team two years in a row and I think my team is better. The refs didnt give us the calls I wanted and we get called for stuff we used to never get called for. I have a clear issue with the Sharks.

Hey any rumors about off season signings. I know the Sharks are still looking for D. Are the Wings bringing back Modano? I remember how big it was to he signed with the Wings over the Sharks.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1267925)
Yeah, Bruins fans aren't biased. :r

Dude WTF they got Sturm and Wayne. Wrong Wayne though. As a whole he has not been a saviour, but to say any and every other team wouldnt take that trade every day of the week is laughable.

357 05-19-2011 01:44 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1267539)
Anyone else notice the girl with the piecings flashing Eager in the penalty box? Not sure that's really a "punishment" for his transgressions :r

Apparently it didn't make it onto the VS broadcast. However, CBC broadcasted it live. Judging by his smirk at the end of the video, Eager thought it was pretty funny. :r

"Safe" version:

NSFW still shot

Blog with NSFW video

ahc4353 05-19-2011 01:45 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Oops, wrong thread. This seems to be the Drama Queen I've Got Sand in My Vage thread.

Al wonders off to find the hockey thread.


Ahbroody 05-19-2011 01:50 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Tonights prediction.
Tampa 5
Boston 3

Ahbroody 05-19-2011 01:51 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1268082)
Oops, wrong thread. This seems to be the Drama Queen I've Got Sand in My Vage thread.

Al wonders off to find the hockey thread.


I still wubs you even with a sandy vajina

Oooo and please answer my question in hockey parent section about the messier helmet and USA Hockey raising the checking age. Make yourself useful. :r

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