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Stogieman 12-13-2014 06:26 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and I feel an Army victory is gonna happen today. Hope everyone has a great day and Go Army....... :D

Stogieman 12-15-2014 03:53 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's back to work Monday. Well, Army lost to Navy 17 - 10 and the Eagles lost to the Cowboys 38 - 27, not a good football weekend at all. There's always next year, come on NASCAR (Daytona and Speedweek will be here before we know it). Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys with a favorite or two or........ :)

Stogieman 12-16-2014 04:04 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0430 as normal and we are 9 days from Christmas. I know that there are a lot of holiday parties coming up in the next 2 weeks but do remember to call a taxi or ask a friend for a ride if you've had one too many drinks. The police are out there and you don't want to ruin a good time by spending a night in the lock up. On a good note, there are a lot of deals out there online and in the cigar shops for boxes and 5 packs of your favorite cigars right now. Enjoy everyone....... :tu

Stogieman 12-17-2014 03:55 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's "Hump Day". We are 8 days from Christmas and I hope everyone is not rushing around like crazy still buying a lot of last minute gifts. Nearly done myself, got to pick up a few stocking stuffers and that'll do it. Tomorrow evening, a few of us are heading over to Cigar Republic in Elmsford, NY for their Christmas party that will have Erik Espinosa, Danny Moya and Emilio Hernandez from La Zona & La Jugada Cigars in attendance. If you are in the area and have the time, stop in for a cigar and some holiday cheer. Enjoy everyone and smoke em' if you get the chance......... :D

Stogieman 12-18-2014 04:00 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is kickin' and it's Thursday morning already. Lots of talk about what the next step will be with Cuba, only time will tell. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and enjoys it as well....... :chr

Stogieman 12-19-2014 04:01 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Friday! We had a great time last night at The Cigar Republic, always a blast with Erik Espinosa, Danny Moya and Juan Cancel in attendance. The food, drink, hospitality and of course the cigars were all top notch. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys themselves while finishing up their Christmas shopping and all....... :cf1

Stogieman 12-21-2014 05:40 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the Killer Beans are brewing and it looks like we will have another nice December day. Well, the Eagles lost to the Redskins yesterday, I have a feeling they won't make the playoffs this year. We have NFL and NHL to watch today, hopefully we have some good games to enjoy. Have a great day everyone and smoke a favorite or two if you get the chance....... :tu

cigarmarine 12-21-2014 08:05 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning enjoying a well deserved day off a little football and a good cigar is all I have planned for this cold, but snow free day in Michigan.

Stogieman 12-22-2014 03:58 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's back to work for just a couple of days. Well, it's official now that the Eagles are eliminated from the playoffs with a Cowboys win. Oh well, there's always next year. As I stated before, come on NASCAR which is right around the corner. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Christmas week and enjoys....... :)

Stogieman 12-23-2014 04:07 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and we are only 2 days from Christmas. I hope everyone has a great day and is careful out there. Enjoy everyone and if you are traveling for the holidays, safe voyage and see you when you get back....... :D

Stogieman 12-24-2014 04:05 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0420 and it's hard to believe but it's Christmas Eve. I have to go into work for a while and get a few things done. This evening, our niece Amy Wojehowski will host her annual Christmas Eve party which is always a blast. Enjoy everyone and have a great day and lastly, remember to drink responsibly........ :D

Stogieman 12-26-2014 06:27 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's the day after Christmas. Hope everyone had a great day with friends and family yesterday and had the chance to smoke a favorite as well. Beth and I are driving down to my son Jeremy's shortly to spend the weekend and with him and his wife Christen. A lot of you already know that Jeremy has been diagnosed with another tumor and this time it's in his lower back between his L3 & L4. I know that he'll beat this thing again and be back to 100% in no time. Enjoy your weekend and hope you get some time to relax as well......... :tu

Stogieman 12-29-2014 03:53 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's back to work this morning even though it's another short week. Beth and I had a great time this past weekend with Jeremy & Christen, he is in good spirits and and all. I'll keep everyone updated on his status as his treatments continue. I want to wish everyone a safe and prosperous 2015, enjoy and be safe....... :)

Stogieman 12-30-2014 03:56 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the Killer Beans are on and a brisk 21 degrees out with only 29 as today's high:

Stay warm everyone and enjoy...... :pi

Stogieman 12-31-2014 03:50 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on as usual and it's the last day of 2014. Today, we have a number of NHL, NBA and College football games on which will close out the year sports wise. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable New Years Eve and a prosperous 2015 as well. Enjoy everyone....... :chr

Stogieman 01-01-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's 2015. I hope everyone has a great day and a super year. Enjoy....... :D

Stogieman 01-02-2015 06:44 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning everyone, the coffee has been on for a while and it's another day off to relax and enjoy. Yesterday was full of great college football and we now know the two teams that will play for the National Championship on the 12th. I hope all of you have a great weekend and get to enjoy a few of your favorites throughout it....... :tu

Stogieman 01-03-2015 07:18 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's looking like we're gonna get a few inches of the white stuff here in the Hudson Valley. Heading over to Hudson Valley Cigars shortly to hang out with the guys and smoke a few stogies. We have a couple of Wild Card NFL games on today starting at 1630 (4:30pm) and the Rangers game at 1900 (7pm). Enjoy the day everyone and smoke em' if you get the chance....... :banger

Stogieman 01-04-2015 07:25 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the Killer Beans are kicking and it looks like we're having a wet and warm day today. Had a good day yesterday at the Cigar Shop, plenty of tasty treats and plenty of cigars for all. I wasn't impressed with either Wild Card game yesterday, hopefully today's games are more interesting. Congrats to the Rangers as they won big time last night 6 - 1. Enjoy the day everyone as it's back to work for the most of us after a nice 4 day mini vacation........ :chr

Stogieman 01-05-2015 03:50 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0430 and it's back to work. Glad to see Indy advance in the playoffs but I can't say the same about Dallas. The refs made a few bad calls in favor of Dallas which may have changed the out-come of the game. Anyway, we now know next week's NFL schedule and hopefully we'll get to see some football. Have a great week everyone and enjoy a favorite or two if you get the chance........ :)

Stogieman 01-06-2015 03:58 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's a bit nippy out as the current temp is 14 degrees with a high of 20. Wednesday evening is where it's gonna really drop as the low will be minus 3 adding the wind chill bringing it down to between -15 and -25:

Definitely time to have the long johns, warm sweaters and extra blankets out during these cold times. Stay warm everyone and try and enjoy........ :tu

Stogieman 01-07-2015 03:58 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's already "Hump Day". The NY Rangers are taking on the Ducks in Anaheim, CA this evening at 2230 (10:30pm), the guys are on a hot streak and I hope they keep it up on their road trip. Anyway, enjoy your day and smoke a favorite or two or........ :cf1

Stogieman 01-08-2015 03:58 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on (thank god) and it's bone chilling cold outside. As of 0445 (4:45am), NOAA is saying that it's 3°F with a Wind Chill of -16°F. West Point has closed the Elementary & Middle Schools for the day so the little ones don't get frost bite or anything like that. Well, the Rangers won last night 4 - 1 and they'll be taking on the Kings tonight in LA. Today being Thursday, we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening smoking primo stogies and seeing how everyone's New Years went. Enjoy everyone and stay warm........ :tu

Stogieman 01-09-2015 04:16 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on as usual and it's Friday! We had a good night at Schlesinger's with a packed house, good to see all the regulars coming out. Congrats to the NY Rangers for winning again last night, this time it was a 4 -3 victory over the Kings. This weekend, we'll have plenty of NFL playoff games to watch as well as NHL match ups to throughout. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy......... :D

Stogieman 01-10-2015 06:44 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's another brisk 12° Saturday morning here in Cornwall. I'm going to head over to Hudson Valley Cigar shop in a bit and hang out with the fellas and enjoy a couple of primo stogies as it's really too cold to do any work outside. Hope we have some good football games to watch later on today and no run aways. Enjoy the day everyone smoke a favorite or two if you get the chance....... :banger

Stogieman 01-12-2015 04:37 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and we have a Code "Red" at West Point until noon as a result of the freezing rain and sleet:

Snow Policy (Non-emergency positions)

"WEST POINT IS CODE RED UNTIL (stated time)." Employees should not report until the announcement time. Supervisors will excuse absences without charge to leave for all employees affected whether or not leave was previously approved. Employees who do not report for work by the announced time will be charged leave for the remainder of their absence if it was properly requested and approved.

Well, we sure had some interesting NFL games this weekend and congrats to the NY Rangers for their 3rd win in a row on the road.

Later on today, I'm heading down to Bethesda, MD to spend a few days with my son Jeremy at the new Walter Reed Medical Center. He is between Chemo Therapy sessions so I thought it would be nice for to see another friendly face. I'll let you all know how he is doing once I get home. Enjoy the week everyone and stay warm........ :tu

Stogieman 01-14-2015 05:43 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, about to have some coffee down here at the new Walter Reed Military Medical Center. I wanted to let everyone know Jeremy is doing good as expected and in great spirits. He has his next 3 day session of chemo stating Tuesday. After that, a 3 week break and they'll transfer him up to the Pennsylvania Cancer Center in Philadelphia where they will start proton radiation to the specific location. As they say, one day at a time here and he'll be back to normal before we know it. Anyway, enjoy your day and smoke em' if you get the chance........ :)

dijit 01-14-2015 07:01 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update

Originally Posted by Stogieman (Post 2012209)
I wanted to let everyone know Jeremy is doing good as expected and in great spirits. He has his next 3 day session of chemo stating Tuesday. After that, a 3 week break and they'll transfer him up to the Pennsylvania Cancer Center in Philadelphia where they will start proton radiation to the specific location.

Good spirits is more than half the battle. At least that is what my oncologist told me when I was going through this. If you or he needs someone to speak to that has recently been through this feel free to PM and I will send my contact details. Praying for you guys!

Dave128 01-14-2015 09:30 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Prayers sent, Charlie.

Stogieman 01-16-2015 04:03 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on as usual and it's Friday! Got back home yesterday afternoon after spending 3 great days with Jeremy and his wife Christen. Thanks for your positive thoughts and prayers, it means a lot. Well, I saw the fellas at the cigar shop last night, place was pretty full (must be the cold weather not allowing folks to smoke outdoors). Anyway, we have plenty of NHL and NFL this weekend. Also before we know it, NASCAR is right around the corner. Enjoy the weekend everyone and smoke a favorite or two or....... :tu

Stogieman 01-17-2015 06:57 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on for a while and it's another brisk day with the temps in the teens. It was good to see the NY Rangers bounce back with a win last night after having 2 losses in a row. They'll be taking on the Pittsburgh Penguins tomorrow afternoon with the puck being dropped at 12:30. Anyway, have a great day everyone and enjoy....... :D

Stogieman 01-18-2015 06:47 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the Killer Beans are kickin' and it looks like we're gonna have a warmer but wet day here in the Hudson Valley. We have the NY Rangers on at 12:30 and then the two NFL conference game on at 1505 (3:05pm) and 1840 (6:40pm). Should be a good day of sports and I hope everyone enjoys them....... :banger

Stogieman 01-19-2015 07:00 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's MLK Day. Congrats to the NY Rangers for defeating the Pittsburgh Penguins, New York took the lead in the first 24 seconds and never looked back. NFL wise, the Packers / Sea Hawks game was wild. Congrats to Seattle for the win in overtime. The Patriots / Colts match up was a blow out definitely in favor of New England. I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys..... :chr

Stogieman 01-20-2015 03:47 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's back to work Tuesday. Enjoyed a nice relaxing day yesterday for the most of it with Beth. I did split some fire wood I had out back, always a good work-out and now I have room for some more cut logs. Anyway, hope everyone has a good day and enjoys........ :)

Stogieman 01-21-2015 03:59 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0430 as always and it's already "Hump Day". Congrats to the NY Rangers as they won in overtime 3 - 2 over the Ottawa Senators. 3 wins in a row and now they are off until the 27th as the All-Star break is upon us. Enjoy your day everyone and safe travels and try and stay warm........ :tu

Stogieman 01-22-2015 03:54 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's looking like we had a light dusting of the white stuff last night. We did conduct an "Adverse Weather Conference Call" this morning here at West Point around 0500 and we came to an agreement of a Code "normal". Well, today being Thursday, we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening smoking primo stogies and catching up on the world's news. Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys a favorite or two or........ :ss

Stogieman 01-23-2015 03:26 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Friday! We had a good time last night at Schlesinger's with a very packed house of S/BOTL hanging out. We have a storm rolling in tonight that should give us a few inches of the white stuff by tomorrow afternoon. Sports wise, we have the NFL Pro Bowl, the NHL All-Star game and the Rolex 24 at Daytona:


I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable one, smoke em' if you get the chance....... :D

Stogieman 01-25-2015 06:12 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's good to see that it didn't snow last night. We had a good 7"+ yesterday and the are calling for another 7" to 15" starting tomorrow afternoon into Tuesday. Yesterday afternoon, a number of us met up at Hudson Valley Cigars and smoked some primo stogies and enjoyed tasty treats. The last 6 1/2 hours of the Rolex 24 is on now live on FoxSports1. Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys it as well........ :chr

Stogieman 01-26-2015 03:54 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's already Monday morning. We had a nice relaxing day yesterday, watched our God-daughter in a school play then later on enjoy a couple of cold ones at the Newburgh Brewery. Weather wise, the have now upgraded today's storm to a blizzard with snow possibly totaling 24". Be careful out there and enjoy your week....... :tu

Stogieman 01-28-2015 03:52 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's "Hump Day". Well, the Blizzard of 2015 fizzled out for us here in the Hudson Valley to roughly 3" of snow and mild winds. I'm happy it did as the folks in Long Island, Conneticuit, Rhode Island and the rest of New England got the brunt of it. I see that the Rangers lost last night to the Islanders, let's bounce back fellas with a win now. Hope everyone has a good day and enjoys....... :)

Stogieman 01-29-2015 04:00 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's a chilly morning out there with the temperature currently 1°F with a Wind Chill of -12°F:

The weather guessers are calling for a couple of inches of the white stuff this evening and then another little blast Sunday night into Monday. Today being Thursday, we will be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar enjoying a couple of tasty cigars and seeing how everyone is doing in the area. Hope all of you are doing good as well, pray for our S/BOTL in New England that got devastated by the recent storm and try and enjoy....... :banger

Stogieman 01-30-2015 04:09 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and we have a Code "Red" at West Point until 0900 as a result of the snow we received last night:

Snow Policy (Non-emergency positions)
"WEST POINT IS CODE RED UNTIL (stated time)." Employees should not report until the announcement time. Supervisors will excuse absences without charge to leave for all employees affected whether or not leave was previously approved. Employees who do not report for work by the announced time will be charged leave for the remainder of their absence if it was properly requested and approved.

We had a good time at Schlesinger's last night with a number of the regulars showing up. I see that the NY Rangers lost to the Montreal Canadians 1 - 0, it's time that they bounce back as that's 2 losses in a row. Sunday is the big game in Arizona, I'd love to see the Patriots get upset and loose the game after all the football deflation from the last game. Anyway, hope everyone has a good one and enjoys....... :D

Stogieman 01-31-2015 07:00 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the Killer Beans are on and it's another blistery day here in the Hudson Valley. Shortly, I'm gonna head over to Hudson Valley Cigars to smoke a couple of primo stogies and bring a crock pot of Bavarian Sauerkraut and country ribs that Beth prepared for us. Every Saturday, we have tasty treats to enjoy and this one will sure be spot on. Sports wise, we have a number of NHL games on starting at 1300 (1pm) continuing on into the evening with the NY Rangers game on starting at 1900 (7pm). I hope everyone has a great day, stays warm and enjoys...... :cf1

Stogieman 02-02-2015 04:17 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's the day after Super Bowl. Congrats to the Patriots as the Seahawks gave that game away at the end. All I have to say is bring on the MLB and NASCAR and continue with the NHL. Weather wise, we have another 5" of snow predicted for today as it's still falling and it looks like a winter wonderland out there. West Point is "Code Red" and all the schools are closed in the area:

Snow Policy (Non-emergency positions)

"WEST POINT IS CODE RED ALL DAY." Only employees in emergency positions should report to work. Employees in non-emergency positions should not report to work until their next regularly scheduled workday.

Enjoy your week everyone and be careful if you have to drive in this adverse weather........ :)

Stogieman 02-03-2015 03:51 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's back to work Tuesday. Spent the majority of the day outdoors yesterday shoveling and cleaning up the driveway, walks, paths and back patio. Today, I'll be out with the roof rake and pulling the first 10 feet of snow off the top all around the house. Hope everyone is surviving and enjoys a favorite if they get the chance....... :D

Stogieman 02-04-2015 03:52 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's "Hump Day". I checked out NOAA and they are calling for a couple of inches of snow starting tonight into tomorrow morning. That's not much at all after the blast we had this past weekend. They are calling for another good one coming this Sunday, more to follow. I'm planning on heading down to Delaware tomorrow afternoon and spending a couple of days with Jeremy, I'll update you all when I get back this weekend. Beth and I are stopping by the Newburgh Brewery for "Happy Hour" today and meet up with Sean from Big Guns BBQ for a couple of cold ones, it's always a good time there with Paul and the gang. Anyway, hope you all have a great day and enjoy it as well....... :chr

Stogieman 02-05-2015 03:46 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and kickin'. We had a good time yesterday at the Newburgh Brewery as the two new releases (bourbon brown ale and a black oyster stout) both tasted great. It was good to see the NY Rangers win last night, hope they keep it up. As I stated yesterday, I'll be heading down to see Jeremy for a couple of days which should be nice. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone and smoke em' if you get the chance....... :tu

Stogieman 02-08-2015 06:06 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's the calm before another storm that is rolling in today. I had a good time for the past couple of days with Jeremy and his wife Christen. He is actually doing well, chemo is over and now he moves onto the radiation treatment this week. Knock on wood, before we know it, he will be back to his ole' self and the tumor will be gone. I hope everyone has a good day and enjoys....... :tu

Stogieman 02-09-2015 04:12 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0420 and we have a Code "Red" at West Point until 1200 as a result of the snow, freezing rain and sleet. Well, I see that the NY Rangers lost in OT, hopefully they bounce back and get a win tomorrow night in Toronto. Enjoy your day everyone and be safe out there....... :banger

Stogieman 02-10-2015 03:41 AM

Re: Good morning Post and sports update
Good morning all, and as always, the coffee is on. I know that New England got hit hard with snow again yesterday, but I'm actually starting to hate snow myself. I went out twice to shovel yesterday and I'll be going out again shortly to clean up the walkways and drive before I head out over the mountain to West Point. As I stated yesterday, the NY Rangers are on tonight starting at 1930 (7:30pm), hopefully they have a good game and come out over Toronto. Enjoy your day everyone and be safe out there........ :)

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