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Subvet642 12-12-2013 05:16 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
I'm a cat daddy, too. Nicolai:

bruceolee 12-12-2013 07:05 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
The newest additions to my ever expanding animal children

This is Gus a Lab/Golden retriever hydrid

And this is Walter a fat tiny cat

Gus is going to be HUGE because in that picture he's 4 MONTHS OLD!

Walter is named after Breaking bads Walter White and Gus is also from Breaking bad. I also have Jessie a female Calico cat but she won't sit still long enough for me to capture her for a pic. They are the Breaking Bad Crew

DirtRider500R 12-12-2013 08:47 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Here's King Arthur Fonzarelli (Fonzy) He's an almost two year old Springer Spaniel that just loves people. He also thinks that he's a 55lb lap dog.

Chilling in the RV on race weekend

I told him to get off the couch. This is how he responded

Jason, I have an itching feeling Gus is going to be an extremely goofy dog.

thebayratt 12-12-2013 10:17 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
This is "Silverster". I am not much of a cat person, but he wondered over from the new neighbors a few months ago. They moved out and I basically adopted him. He is about a year or so old and pretty laid back. He sits on my armrest of my chair while I smoke and watches tv with me. My daughter loves him and he is great around her. He is a great mouser and that's why I don't mind him sticking around.

kelmac07 12-14-2013 07:14 AM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Newest addition to the house, and only seven weeks old. Let me introduce you to Dalton, he's a Jack Russell/Terrier mix.

Lockspur 12-19-2013 03:34 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1909463)
Newest addition to the house, and only seven weeks old. Let me introduce you to Dalton, he's a Jack Russell/Terrier mix.


1. frickin' ADORABLE!
2. reminds me of my ex. :confused:

Lockspur 12-19-2013 03:39 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1908870)
Very cool Scotty -- looks like you have another buddy for life!

Sadly, I don't. Last night, while letting the dogs mingle for a bit, she clamped on to Munch and wouldn't let go. Took me 2 minutes and a Zebra pen to open her jaws enough to free him.

Took him to the vet with 2 minor puncture wounds. Stapled him up and gave him the cone of shame…along with some pain killers.

I was bleeding more than him. Her foster parents picked her up late last night. I don't blame Princess. I blame her past owners. She's had a rough life, and it shows in her interactions with other animals. I tried everything I could to get her to blend with the house. She was fine with me and Finn…and anyone I brought over to the house. For some reason, her and Munch never meshed…and it showed. No sooner was my hand off of her collar after letting her out of her crate, that she was on him.

Bit of a rough night. :(

BHalbrooks 12-19-2013 09:23 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Chin up Scotty. You did all you could to help her out.

CigarNut 12-19-2013 10:21 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Sorry to hear about that Scotty! You tried and that is what matters.

Lockspur 12-19-2013 11:13 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Thanks guys. I feel more guilty FOR her than anything. She deserves a good home, and I hope she's able to find one.

On a more sinister note...everytime Munch crashes into something with the cone of shame, I can't help but blurt out, "I LOVE LAMP!"

dijit 12-22-2013 06:25 AM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Here's Blue after a little run in with the neighbors police dog.

Mattso3000 12-29-2013 12:35 AM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Wow, tough luck on the rescue Scotty. We tried a rescue Pittbull and after four years and thousands spent on animal behavioralists we had to put her down in Sept. after attacking another dog.

On a brighter note, just got our newest addition to the family! This is Robin, a German/ Australian Shepherd mix.

CigarNut 12-31-2013 09:46 AM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
1 Attachment(s)
Meet Dug -- a Miniature Poodle / Havanese mix. He was rescued from the Los Angeles County Animal Shelter days before he was scheduled to be euthanized.

We got him last night and had him immediately groomed (shaved) because his fur was long and matted. So far (after 15 hours) he seems to be doing well and my wife and I are very happy. He is named after Dug in the movie Up :)

DirtRider500R 12-31-2013 05:07 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Just picked up this parakeet. Very beautiful bird! Her name is Tweety (Bird)

It's gonna be fun trying to get this guy to not eat her.

DirtRider500R 01-02-2014 04:27 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
I'd edit my above post, but I am unable to.

It turns out that the bird dog is afraid of the dang parakeet. :r :fp :sh

YankeeMan 01-02-2014 05:58 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
1 Attachment(s)
Here's my two rescue dogs.

emopunker2004 01-08-2014 09:19 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Trying out the new camera on one of our cats, Peanut.
DSC00061 by emopunker2004, on Flickr

jhedrick83 01-09-2014 01:17 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
I have a 9 year old Female Weimaraner named Rally:

And a 5 year old Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie Mix named Bandit:
He started smoking at an early age:

They are thick as thieves:

equetefue 01-09-2014 02:08 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
112 lbs GSD European bloodline

Love her to death. Have three rescue cats as well

jhedrick83 01-09-2014 02:15 PM

Re: Let's see pics of your pets. Post up pics
Does she have 1 floppy ear?

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