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Re: Tom Brady
I wouldn't say they need legal subpoena power, and as for being a private entity, this isn't a typical job, they sign contracts, they have a players union, they have rules they agree to abide by and there are suspensions, bans and fines for breaking those rules, this is the price you pay for the chance to be famous and make millions of dollars a year, this isn't exactly some shmuck that works at McDonalds and his supervisor wants to see his phone just for the hell of it.
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
If the tone of this continues to be personal, this thread is going the way of the dinosaur.
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
It seems like every season a new drama plays out in the NFL.
I don't mean the human dramas like Ray Rice and Aaron Hernandez, but all these other things like Bountygate and deflated balls, etc., etc. This goofiness puts talk back in the game that replaces all the talk that's missing because the game isn't nearly as awesome as it used to be. I sometimes wonder if this stuff is scripted just so we have something to get passionate about since we no longer get to see guys like Lyle Alzado tearing someone's spine right out of their body. Hating the Raiders was FUN. Fussing about footballs and Brett Farve's weiner texts, not fun. |
Re: Tom Brady
Favre's wiener texts? Not fun?
Blasphemy. |
Re: Tom Brady
On a serious and inquisitive note, why is it that in the past, Roger Goodell has been the victim of severe criticism that he is too close to the owners. Now, that it doesn't suit an influential owner, he is biased and should recluse himself from the appeal process. Things that make you go..........WTF??? |
Re: Tom Brady
I hate the Raiders now and I'm a fan :lr I do miss the old days of Lyle, Lester the Molester Hayes with Haynes on the other side, they would mug anyone the ball was thrown to on the sides, one of the best tandems in NFL history, as well as more stickum used by them than the entire Johnson and Johnson bandaid division :r They were a hell of a team, they could rack up the penalties and still win, teams were legitimately afraid to play them, God I miss those days. Granted now if you look at a player sideways, specially a Brady, you get a penalty. Suh would have fit right in with those Raiders back in the day. |
Re: Tom Brady
^^^Funny, exactly, Suh was classic old school NFL. Wish he was a Bronco, I'd have no problem with a game suspension, here and there.
Re: Tom Brady
Kinda like MLB. Whatever way the wind is blowing, that's how you set up camp. I think my only gripe is like yours, there are no rules. Everything is taken on it's own merit, and judged specifically. It's odd that that bothers me, because I absolutely HATE mandatory sentencing. It makes no sense. Never has. This "New NFL" is in it's infancy, and it's going through growing pains. Sooner or later they'll hammer things out. Too much has changed way too fast. |
Re: Tom Brady
A Football Life on Lyle talking about the rule against throwing a helmet after having done so himself to an opponent's helmet, I suppose once was enough, nothing like ripping off someone's helmet then using it as a weapon against them. Football sucks now. :lr
Re: Tom Brady
Lawyers, Ads. Lawyers.
Re: Tom Brady
The more they make the more their lawyers protect them, that's on both sides, the business / owners and the players / agents. Of course I mean by suing and protecting against suits, I'm sure it could be quite the 360 of bs, not to mention Little Johnny's mom suing because he saw something violent in a game on t.v. then tried it at home like a little dipship.
Re: Tom Brady
Best line of the week goes to the Patriots!
"Mr. Jastremski would sometimes work out and bulk up -- he is a slender guy and his goal was to get to 200 pounds. Mr. McNally is a big fellow and had the opposite goal: to lose weight. "Deflate" was a term they used to refer to losing weight. One can specifically see this use of the term in a Nov. 30, 2014 text from Mr. McNally to Mr. Jastremski: "deflate and give somebody that jacket." (p. 87). This banter, and Mr. McNally's goal of losing weight, meant Mr. McNally was the "deflator." There was nothing complicated or sinister about it." :lr:lr:lr |
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Just be thankful Goodell isn't taking that stance this time around. |
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Nothing gets between Brett and his Wranglers...excepting the occassional camera phone.
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Funny, all the Goodell hate. He's not perfect, but he's been a windfall of $$$$ for the owners. Their net worth has increased like never before under Mr. Goodell.
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s...laming_ass.jpg |
Re: Tom Brady
I wonder if those are Wranger jeans.
Re: Tom Brady
I still think it's a conspiracy.
Re: Tom Brady
What ingenious marketing does he do? When fantasy football became easily accessible (ie, able to be done online) and not seen in the mainstream as, "nerdy", it connected with fans on a different level that doesn't happen with the NBA/MLB/NHL. It's not a time sink, but one is still invested. Much like NCAA office pools. That happened under Tagliabue's watch, not Goodell's. |
Re: Tom Brady
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQZWcWBoyOw |
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
I use DirecTv, and I couldnt give a sh!t about out of market football games. |
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Team will not appeal judgment. Will accept punishment as has been handed down. Let the legal scholar debate begin but this is what I would call a "quiet" admission. If so outraged, why not appeal it? Food for thought. |
Re: Tom Brady
Let me channel Thomas here and say, remember when Arod was going to sue everyone under the Sun?
Re: Tom Brady
And didn't Barry Bonds just file a collusion suit? :D
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
See? Even I can laugh about it. |
Re: Tom Brady
Well they accepted the penalties so :sh
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
As far as I see it, if your not cheating, your not trying hard enough. Looks like the Patriots are the only team that deserves the Super Bowl championship.
Re: Tom Brady
In baseball, has anyone ever heard a base runner say to the ump "I was out' or "I missed second"? Ty Cobb constantly spiked the crap out of the shins of his opponents (he was a colossal douche-bag), and pitchers have always tried to doctor the balls. If you can get around the ump, you can get away with it. Baseball players are always trying to "deke" the play; you know, drop an infield pop-up to get the easy out at second. Football, on the other hand, has gotten prissy. |
Re: Tom Brady
Darren, I knows you're out of your element with this football deal.
Here's the thing. Bill Belichick is the best football mind EVAR. He has been since he put together the totally insane coaching squad that skipped out of Cleveland long ago. I mean, seriously, mano eh mano, Belichick is that guy. Maybe someone could make a Coughlin argument. But nobody has been so learned and married to the game as Belichick has been since the 90's. If he sees a way to undress you, your skirt is coming off. THAT is a coach's job. |
Re: Tom Brady
Re: Tom Brady
;) |
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