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lilcgrsmkr 06-12-2012 04:55 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
nice! where do you live? i live in south bay ca ( near torrance) we have a small area compared to you:). we have tomatoes, blueberries, beets, all different kinds of peppers, had cabbage, green onions, horseradish, squash.


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1654468)
I have some garden pics for you guys. I just finished pounding tomato stakes and tying them up, so I took some pics while I was out there.

New little red flower that showed up in the wildflower garden this morning...

View from the swamp...

Tomatoes. One garden is Romas, the other are a variety...

lilcgrsmkr 06-12-2012 04:57 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
they are huge

SvilleKid 06-13-2012 07:07 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Corn is now in! First come, first serve. NOT putting any of it up this year (still have a bunch in freezer from last year). 58 ears from this last picking. Probably have picked 20-25 ears over last 7-10 days as they were ready. Big rain 2 days ago pretty much kicked the rest into high gear, so had to pick today.

I'm picking this many green beans every 2-3 days from 2 short seven-foot single rows (I finally measured them). I had not planned to put any beans up this year, but went ahead and canned 15 pints this past weekend.

Picked a few tomatoes today. Almost all are Roma grape variety. Full-size Romas and others varieties will start coming in next week, so I'll be canning tomatoes and sauce in a week or so.

Finally, Picked 2 quarts of blackberries from the fence line beside the garden:

I also picked enough cucumbers this past weekend to put up 20 half-pints of pickles (No pix)

shilala 06-14-2012 01:25 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1654795)
Very cool Scott. How do you water? Is there drip system below the matting or do you sprinkler from above?

We have sprinklers. There's a fertilizer injector in a vault outside and it shoots a constant supply of Miracle Grow.
I just started working on the back lawn, filling in spots and hyper fertilizing it. The front is super thick and lush and green, the back, not so much. The beginning of last summer it was like a strip mine, so it's come a long, long way.
Tonight I just picked up another bag of fertilizer and 4 more bags of lawn soil/compost to finish patching, so things will look great come Fall.

shilala 06-14-2012 01:28 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by lilcgrsmkr (Post 1654819)
nice! where do you live? i live in south bay ca ( near torrance) we have a small area compared to you:). we have tomatoes, blueberries, beets, all different kinds of peppers, had cabbage, green onions, horseradish, squash.

We live just south of Cleveland. I just had a little garden last year, it's nice to have a half decent one this year!!! :)

lilcgrsmkr 06-14-2012 12:02 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1656251)
We live just south of Cleveland. I just had a little garden last year, it's nice to have a half decent one this year!!! :)

oh.. very nice:) it's great to walk outside and get fresh produce and know where they come from...:)

AUguy 06-14-2012 03:59 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
If any of you live in the north jersey area and have some holes to fill in your garden you should seriously hit me up.

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 05:30 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by AUguy (Post 1656841)
If any of you live in the north jersey area and have some holes to fill in your garden you should seriously hit me up.


AUguy 06-14-2012 05:34 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1656954)

I sell veggie plants. My season is winding down and I have an abundance of inventory that is either going to the dump or to a botl's garden. :)

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by AUguy (Post 1656957)
I sell veggie plants. My season is winding down and I have an abundance of inventory that is either going to the dump or to a botl's garden. :)

Oooohhhh, that's a relief. :D
Yep, the season is getting late now.

jjirons69 06-14-2012 06:16 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Cliff, you're my kind of gardener!

I'll take a picture of my jungle this weekend. Remember post #75 where you'll see 4 hills of several bush cukes. Those babies have FAR exceeded my expectations. The past 4 weeks have averaged around 40-50 cukes. We eat 5 to 7 every meal and I'm still handing some out at work. Just picked a big bowl of jalapenos this evening and the plants are full. Had my first serrano tonight. I eat the entire pepper with supper, but she was a doozy. Can't wait to pass these babies out at work. I've been a very happy gardener so far this year.

shilala 06-14-2012 07:00 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I made some signs for the garden today, it was good practice and Weeze thinks they're cute. I wrote the programming for a bunch more to cover most everything in the garden, I'll get to them later.

Mr B 06-15-2012 10:05 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Scott, those are totally cool!!! Are you going to stain/seal them too? Very nice work.

lilcgrsmkr 06-15-2012 11:31 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
kool signs, scott:)

shilala 06-15-2012 11:35 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1657400)
Scott, those are totally cool!!! Are you going to stain/seal them too? Very nice work.

No clue. They're made out of treated lumber, so I can do whatever.
I stained the tomato stakes the color of the deck, I'll probably do the signes, too. Whatever Weeze wants. :tu
I have a ton more to make, but I already did the part files. Now I just have to screw the wood down on the machine and make them.

BC-Axeman 06-16-2012 05:47 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
1st 100 degree day this year ought to change my garden's attitude a little.

jjirons69 06-18-2012 07:44 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
From this:

To this, in no-time flat. The pickle worms have started on my cukes, little hungry bastiges. Pepper crop is going to be off the chain this year (tomatoes, too).

Mr B 06-19-2012 10:14 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
WOW Jamie, that looks great!! We got a late start out here with the late rains this season, so we arent that far along.
Good job.

Ahbroody 06-19-2012 02:52 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Awesome pics.

My green bean plants have gone nuts damn near need a machete.
Lettuces are great also. Nice to pull off some leaves every few days. Squash last year was crazy. This year its slow growing

Melissa 06-19-2012 05:10 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
great pic!
My peppers are doing great but my lawn, she is dying of sun+high temps.

lilcgrsmkr 06-19-2012 07:01 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
nice garden jamie:)

SvilleKid 06-20-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Melissa (Post 1661305)
great pic!
My peppers are doing great but my lawn, she is dying of sun+high temps.

Same problem is starting to brown parts of my garden. Corn was picked last week, Potato plants have withered, awaiting time for me to dig the tubes up, Squash and Zucs are starting to pass on. Harvested the remaining broccoli last week, pulled plants out yesterday. Corn stalks will be pulled today, and they will go into compost pile with broccoli plants. Green beans starting to show effects of heat, so they may be gone soon. But, Peas and Butterpeas are strong. I picked peas yesterday, and shelled them last night. Have a sack full of cucumbers I picked yesterday, will make pickles tomorrow.

Tomatoes will be numbering in the hundreds in 3-4 days, so canned tomatoes and maybe tomato sauce action by the weekend.

JJ- Your's looks amazing! I see you are still making good use of the re-bar!!!!!

Blak Smyth 06-20-2012 09:37 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1657023)
I made some signs for the garden today, it was good practice and Weeze thinks they're cute. I wrote the programming for a bunch more to cover most everything in the garden, I'll get to them later.

That is awesome!!! :tu

BC-Axeman 06-24-2012 07:01 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
We still have late spring weather here but the garden is growing.

SvilleKid 06-25-2012 12:01 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Looks great, Lance!!! Get ready to enjoy some fresh veggies!

jjirons69 06-25-2012 09:48 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Looks awesome, Lance!!

And yes, I am the Rebar King! ;)

BC-Axeman 06-25-2012 10:18 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
On the list is a nice fence with arbor openings at each end. Not near the top of the list yet, though. At the top right is the raspberry box that was one small plant last year. The broccoli at the bottom right is doing great with the cool weather. The different types of squash are going into production now and soon we will be overwhelmed.

SvilleKid 06-28-2012 12:47 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
That's a five foot table in foreground. Back table is an 8 foot. In addition to the two totes visible to the left, there's two more slid under the tables that are also covered up with maters! I'll be canning many of them this afternoon. Many of the ones in rear that look like they were picked too soon are actually yellow tomatoes. I'm toying with the idea of canning several jars of yellow tomatoes and/or sauce. Would make an interesting marinara sauce!!

A strange shaped tomato, for sure!

Chainsaw13 06-28-2012 06:15 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Nice looking maters there. Amazed you have that many this early in the year.

I finished harvesting 37 heads of garlic last night. In this heat, they only took a couple of days to cure hanging up in my garage. Cut them down, trimmed the roots, cleaned off the dirt and cut away most of the stem.

363 06-28-2012 07:19 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1668997)
I finished harvesting 37 heads of garlic last night. In this heat, they only took a couple of days to cure hanging up in my garage. Cut them down, trimmed the roots, cleaned off the dirt and cut away most of the stem.


BC-Axeman 06-28-2012 07:37 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
We planted garlic and it hasn't come up yet. I am tempted to dig it up to see WTF.

jjirons69 06-28-2012 10:25 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1669029)
We planted garlic and it hasn't come up yet. I am tempted to dig it up to see WTF.

Give it time. From my dealings I think the fall-planted garlic does better. The cold weather gives bigger cloves. I usually harvest around this time of the year when about 1/3 or 1/2 the leaves die back.

Chainsaw13 06-28-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Same here on the garlic. I planted them in November last year I believe. We had such a warm winter, then a cooler than normal spring it really didn't affect their growth much. Now it's been really hot and the leaves were dying off, so time to pull from the ground.

I"m planning to use some of it as seed stock for next years crop again. Anyone know if using the cloves from the larger bulbs will give me larger full heads next year?

SvilleKid 06-28-2012 10:44 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1669148)
Same here on the garlic. I planted them in November last year I believe. We had such a warm winter, then a cooler than normal spring it really didn't affect their growth much. Now it's been really hot and the leaves were dying off, so time to pull from the ground.

I"m planning to use some of it as seed stock for next years crop again. Anyone know if using the cloves from the larger bulbs will give me larger full heads next year?

That's a question I was wondering also. I plan on using planter areas for a permanent herb garden next year, and will be including garlic. I was wondering if I can just take a whole bulb from the store, break it apart and plant the individual cloves with any hope of success. From the last several posts, it's looking like I should plan on starting earlier than I envisioned, and planting the garlic in the late fall of this year???

I've had an herb bed in the past, but never garlic. And eventually had to kill the bed, because the oregano took over, and smothered out everything else (took about 5 years). This time, I plan on planting in containers, and keeping the oregano well in check!!

Chainsaw13 06-28-2012 10:56 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I think you can use stuff from the local store. I'm sure you've kept around a head long enough to have it start sprouting. So it should work. I'm using some stuff my sister gave me, not sure of the varietal. It's not the typical stuff you find at the supermarket.

Google growing your own garlic. I know in my area (MI), we should plant in the fall to have it ready come end of June, early July. I think if I waited till the spring, it wouldn't mature fast enough and die off in the summer heat.

Now that I think about it, I did use some of my larger heads from last year for this years crop. I have a range of small, medium and a few large heads. So I guess it's all a crap shoot on how the plant grows.

AUguy 07-18-2012 10:59 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I have been out of state selling plants for 4 months and now that I am back home I finally got to plant my garden. It is not nearly as nice as all of the gardens I have seen in this thread but it serves its purpose.

I have Patio, Better Bush, Early Girl, Roma, Husky Cherry, and Black cherry tomatoes. Some bush burples cucumbers planted from transplants. What you can't see are the squash, zucchini, basil, cilantro, and early hybrid cucumbers that I just seeded. I still have quite a bit of work to do. I have to get my cages and trellises set up. And next week I am going to plant a ton of carrots in containers.

With any luck we will not have a freeze until december like last year and I will actually be able to get a decent yield out of this little patch of dirt.

jjirons69 07-19-2012 06:53 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Never too late to dance, William. Looks good!

SvilleKid 07-19-2012 09:32 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Got home from a week in Wyoming about 3 am this morning. Spent 2 hours in garden this afternoon. Picked 20 pounds of tomatoes, maybe half that much left in green tomatoes. I have three watermelon that weren't picked by folks watching over house (picked with permission), and have sweet potatoes still in ground. Maybe a half picking of peas left. I'll check sweet potatoes tomorrow, and plan of plowing garden under in next two weeks. Not sure if I'm going to plant a winter crop.

BC-Axeman 07-23-2012 06:15 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
We got back from a weekend away and had some zukezillas. You really do have to pick every day.

SvilleKid 07-23-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1685577)
We got back from a weekend away and had some zukezillas. You really do have to pick every day.

Love that term!!!! I guess Squashzilla and Cukzillia would also apply after a couple days unpicked!!!

jjirons69 07-23-2012 06:41 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Found this looking around the net. What a piece of work. (It's not mine nor me)

jjirons69 07-27-2012 01:07 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I've got more jalapeno, serrano, cayenne, banana, New Mexico, and bell peppers than I know what to do with. It's crazy! For the past 3-4 years I have been blessed with strong, productive, disease-free plants. Tomatoes slowed but are still giving a few every other day. I picked 70 in one day a couple of weeks ago. It was maddening for about a 2-week stretch. My wife has jarred several batches so far this year. I love stewed tomatoes on rice and grits. Tried some on quinoa last week and it was good, too.

BC-Axeman 07-27-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Our cold summer has kept the tomatoes and peppers back but the corn is starting to ripen and we got good broccoli. Cukes are coming in right now.

mmblz 07-27-2012 02:05 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
blueberries :)

Mr B 07-27-2012 03:16 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Right there with ya Lance. Everything is looking a litte weak. got lots of Jalapenos but the plants are looking stunted. Tom's just starting to ripen but all of them except the Cherries are looking stunted too. Bells doing pretty good, same with the few cuc plants. Tomatillos pumpin out pretty good. My cantalope looks like it has not grown in a month.

SvilleKid 07-27-2012 03:43 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1689291)
My cantalope looks like it has not grown in a month.

Don't know that I'd let that sway you..... Mine stayed the same for many weeks, then went from small to big to ready in about 10 days.

Good luck with the rest!

SvilleKid 08-02-2012 08:49 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Picked peas today.

Then Mowed them down:

Sweet Potatoes and Butterpeas about all that 's left.

Only reason I've left the butterpeas is they have put on hundreds of blooms with the rain we've had in last two weeks. I figure I'll have a large picking available in about two weeks. Tomatoes, Peppers (only planted three bell pepper plants this year) and green beans will all be mowed down this weekend. That will leave only sweet taters and butterpeas standing, and I don't see those making it more than three or four more weeks. Then will turn the whole garden under to await next year.

Chainsaw13 08-02-2012 08:53 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Anyone have suggestions for fall/early winter plants? It's still hot here in Michigan, but soon it'll start to cool down. Maybe I can actually plant something this year. Definitely lettuce, not sure what else.

SvilleKid 08-02-2012 09:01 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Spinach and broccoli both are good cold weather crops. Cabbage also. Never tried brussel sprouts, but I'd imagine they would also be good cool weather crop. Oninos probably would also work.

Chainsaw13 08-02-2012 09:07 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Hmm, I like broccoli and spinach, check. Might have to try onions. I'll definitely be planting more garlic. Had a bumper crop of it this year.

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