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Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I forgot that Shane said, "I'm sorry" before shooting Otis. Not revenge. Just bait for the zombies.
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Getting better...
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
As a historian of the American South, one of the things that I like about the show is that it is based in the most commonly referenced Southern state, Georgia, which leads the show not only to be demonstrative of an American zombie apocalypse, but also how Southern culture would react in particular; which none of the zombie movies to date have dealt with. Yet upon looking up the actors, the actor who plays Rick is from London, Shane is from D.C., Lori has duel citizenship in the US and Canada, and Dale is from Buffalo, NY. Nonetheless the writers and actors have done a good job in my opinion of portraying Southern culture.
Despite the risk of being a nerd, what have y'all thought about the show taking place in the South? :2 |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Hahaha, derh...I tried to post this in the original series thread but it is closed. I work with a guy who said one day
that "You know Rocky's (a co-worker) brother is a famous actor." He rattled off a few movies, but I know he was not the leads in any of em, so I remained in the dark and didn't really care anyway if I only knew half the story. Then I went to IMDB and checked out the cast. I need to get on the same page with you guys as you talk about Shane and Rick and Carl, etc...who is who? AS of last night, I have seen Season 1 Eps. 1 and 2. So I see that Merle is played by Michael Rooker....I saw the last name and went "ding". So THAT'S who this person is. His brother works with me. We do not do the same type job, so I only see him a few times a week, but I see the family resemblance now. Haha, that guy is a great character actor, for sure, lol. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I think he is only in two episodes! I keep thinking he is going to return for revenge! |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
and I can read right there on IMDB that he is only in Epi 1&2 of Season 1, lol. Of course, things can be happening in the plot that we don't see, it's fun to speculate. That's how I wasted what, 5 years on Lost?? He is sure the qunitessential angry redneck. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
We haven't seen the last of Merle. ;)
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Mr. Rooker was also Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer....awesome disturbing flick. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I was hoping someone else would remember this flick. I was going to say...you wanna NEVER look at your co-worker the same way again, watch this movie. Even though he is his brother, and just an actor in a role...I never see Michael Rooker without thinking of that movie. Has to be up there as one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen, and what's worse, it's based on a real person. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I also think he CAN show up again. You don't say "Hey there's a hacksaw in that toolbag" in a scene for nothing.
It opens up too many possibilities, EVEN BEFORE THE GUY TRIPS OVER IT and spills the contents all over while dropping the handcuff key down a vent pipe. Sure, it could be just a plot device that they chose not to use, but it could come in handy if they run short of storylines and plot twists. Gonna watch S1 Epi 3-4 tonight. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I hear his hand is going to appear again in season 3 again
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
It would be better if they find them dead or as zombies though.:tu |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
That dude has mad ninja zombie killing skills! |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Finally got around to watching episode three. I was kinda' yawning my through it until Shane knee-capped Otis. Life is cold, Otis.
I also thought Darrell and the b!tchy blond chick were gonna get it on in the woods while suicide-zombie provided background gurgles, but alas, not to be. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Ok, I haven't read this post because I do not want spoilers...
...but I just finished watching all of Season 1 on netflix...does anyone know where I can find season 2 at? It is not on Netflix yet. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
check you cable provider's on demand listings - Comcast has all of Season 2 available
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Thanks :tu just my :2 |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
No the actor's brother. Likely never saw a zombie. He kills a mean German Cockroach, though. I am going to watch S2 1-3 tonight. I liked Season 1 but as most of you stated in the other thread, the old folks home was a waste of my time, as was the CDC. I know you HAVE to end these shows, and I know endings are hard, but it ruins the overall fantastic product to end it like some kind of weekly drama. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I love the suspenseful and horror aspects of the show, but the drama side that brings up questions about society are what puts it over the top in my opinion |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Sometimes I get the feeling they wrote one season and are stretching it out over three. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Sophia is very important to the flow right now. It brings in that "hope" factor. These people need to have some kind of hope, something to keep them fighting and progressing. Right now they still have hope in finding her, but if they don't, or Sophia is actually a walker now, think about what that will do to these people. Everyone complains about love stories, but this show is trying to be as real as possible. In life most people are always searching for connections and relationships with other people, its just the way it is. And quite honestly, the show has hardly touched on the Lori/Shane saga this season, it could be a lot worse. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
(even for an FSU fan ;)) |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I think it would be interesting to see if the group decides to stay united to find Sophia, or will they be split. Some may just decide they don't care about finding her anymore, and go back to simply worrying about themselves. Could make for some really tense scenes. We could see the group literally split and go different ways. So much to look forward this Sunday. :noon
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I don't mind opening cans of worms, I do it daily here, but I was mis-understood on my point about blablabla,
same old thing, the shows end badly. What I mean is "Hurry, there's only SECONDS to GO! Everyone gets out of the CDC and it's "GET DOWN!!" Kaboom................weak..........This is why I said I KNOW it's hard to end a show, I am no writer, and I don't envy their every word being picked over by likers and haters. But my Dad used to get SO MAD about the bomb timer ticking down. He said "You never see the bomb timer ticking down to a minute-twenty and it gets de-fused. Always has to be 1 or 2 seconds. But yeah, I thought Otis' lines were prettly lame in the end, at the cdc, he was all "if you aren't coming, then I am staying. You can't just let someone care for you and then give up like this"... And with that I will stop jacking the season two thread with season 1 gripes. ((But what he SHOULDA said was "Uh-uh, NO....you and me got's to get to re-populatin this bi+ch, honey, Git you honey-blond sweet a55 up and OUT of this ticking time bomb.")) . |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
As to current plot items, I have not seen it yet, but I think that once they were in the CDC and realized that
they are alone not just in their little microcosm, but globally, searching for that little girl becomes more than just, "oops, lost another one..." They need to make the effort I think, just to stay sane. But as for splitting up, that's a good bet, since parallel action takes up more time and allows for more intricate plotlines that serve the producer's needs to sqeeze life out of what will end up being a pretty thin storyline if they go into 3-4 seasons. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Hahaha, there it is, the exposed nerve. :r Look, I've been in television for 25 years.
I am just assuming that your best effort leads off, and at some time in the future, people are going to get about enough of running from zombies. Your fourth slice of pizza is no less tasty, it just TASTES less tasty to YOU after the previous 3. There is a zombie glut going on in this world these past few years, and it's gonna play to the detriment of this show eventually. GRANTED, they can replenish the characters endlessly by just stumbling upon new people cowering in various locations throughout the south, but after a while, it's gonna be been there, did that, what's next. You'll see. ----------- OK, let me play this out for you another way. One of the best things about this show, for me, through 6 episodes, is the SHOCK value of A.) the camera placements, i.e., how you get to view the bashing skull, and B.) just the shock in general. Best shot for me thru 6 is the first show, black guy out in the street (Morgan?) is on his way, running up to Rick, and just off-handedly reaches out an puts a bullet in the walker's head that's heading towards Rick. It was just SO matter of fact, so clean, so wild to see. But eventually that type of shock wears off. This show is unique in that there is so little actual drag-leg zombie scuffling. They set you up with a camera angle that would normally have you saying "Here we go", but in the end it's just a shot. I am not saying I want more dialogue, but I like that there is enough horror just in the overall gravity of the sitcho and the emptiness of the world they live in. I like it for what it ISN'T trying to do. SO that saves back some shock value for later, but it's not a bottomless well. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Brad - pizza is never less tasty
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
haha, yeah i don't agree with anything in that last post OLS, especially the pizza part :D :D
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
And last but not least, haha, I am NOT going to let this show LOST my a55.
When it gets ridiculous and it's just a matter of who gets chewed on this week, I will just stop seeking it out. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I love this show, sure I want more of the action and less mushy. Sure was surprised the Sheriffs friend killed the farmer though.
I am a nut though anything newer sci fi or apocalyptic I tend to like. Beats Vampire Diaries where the whole town is a 18 year old fake like vampire and they all happen to be good enough looking to be in Playboy. Give me some real, throw in some ugly people please! |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
This thread is so confusing for me because my name is Shane, I have thought many people where talking about me first then realized they are talking about the character.:r |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I'm glad that Shane put a bullet in Otis - it opens a pile of new character questions...
...did Shane really think that Rick was dead? Or did he say it because he wanted Lori and thus wanted to believe it? ...does Shane's plan to leave the group really hinge on removing tension, or does he have a darker motive? ...did Shane shoot Otis as an act of self-preservation? As retribution for Otis shooting Carl? Because he determined that Otis' life was expendable when compared with Carl's? ...who will find out about Shane shooting Otis? What will the result be? I like the character-driven aspect of the show....but I would certainly be happy if there was a little more Zombie slay'in thrown in for good measure. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
If they did the show the way you suggest, all it would be is Night of the Living Dead.....over and over and over and over again every week. I love horror, but very few people would tune in for that, not even me. Gets pretty old,,pretty quick. People watch for the character development, they want to become interested in the people lives, that's the very thing that makes a tv show successful. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Glenn got him a Georgia peach :tu
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I still have to wait for it to torrent - I probably won't get to watch it until tomorrow night.:confused:
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