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hscmit 06-13-2011 05:36 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
yep was not happy about ned getting killed off in the book

yourchoice 06-13-2011 07:09 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I really liked Ned's character too, but when every character is eligable to be killed, it makes the drama much more gripping. I thought last night's episode was fantastic.
Posted via Mobile Device

kickerb 06-13-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1295626)
I really liked Ned's character too, but when every character is eligable to be killed, it makes the drama much more gripping. I thought last night's episode was fantastic.
Posted via Mobile Device


blugill 06-13-2011 08:49 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1295626)
I really liked Ned's character too, but when every character is eligable to be killed, it makes the drama much more gripping. I thought last night's episode was fantastic.
Posted via Mobile Device

That's exactly right, when you think a main character emerges they are likely to get smacked down somehow. I loved Ned's character and I like Sean Bean playing him but it was bound to happen, sometimes evil has to triumph for there to be a story and keep in mind this is one LONG story.

Book five in July and who knows when six or possibly seven will come out.

hscmit 06-13-2011 08:50 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by blugill (Post 1295763)
and who knows IF six or possibly seven will come out.


jsnake 06-13-2011 08:58 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
So I am deep into book two and boy you cannot guess what will happen next. You think you have it figured out and bam he throws a complete curve ball in there. The thing I like is how the characters seem so real. As I read book two it is playing in my head with the characters (actors) from the HBO show.

I was really pissed when Ned was killed and not to spoil it but other events left me disappointed too but I am still gripped by the story and can't stop reading.

hscmit 06-13-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
same boat here

LostAbbott 06-14-2011 12:19 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I am a little disappointing that they did not show any of the battle. Seems like they might not have had the $$ to properly put on a battle scene.

As for a book six or seven, I sure as hell hope he can wrap it up with six. R.R. Martin is a pretty old fat dude, and I doubt he could last long enough for too many more books, it would really piss me off if he pulled a Robert Jordan. Tolken pulled it off in four books, what is wrong with these new guys? Don't get me wrong I love the story, but it should not take over 10k pages it tell it.

massphatness 06-14-2011 03:45 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1295224)
Not happy about Ned!!

Loved Ned's character, but knowing ANYONE is fair game to die makes the story that much more intriguing. This is not Harry Potter, and I'm glad.

On a separate note, I now oddly find myself rooting for The Imp ...

kickerb 06-14-2011 06:53 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1296375)
Loved Ned's character, but knowing ANYONE is fair game to die makes the story that much more intriguing. This is not Harry Potter, and I'm glad.

On a separate note, I now oddly find myself rooting for The Imp ...

I hear that Tyrion is going to do something unexpected either in the next episode or the next season/book.

Brutus2600 06-14-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by LostAbbott (Post 1296163)
I am a little disappointing that they did not show any of the battle. Seems like they might not have had the $$ to properly put on a battle scene.

As for a book six or seven, I sure as hell hope he can wrap it up with six. R.R. Martin is a pretty old fat dude, and I doubt he could last long enough for too many more books, it would really piss me off if he pulled a Robert Jordan. Tolken pulled it off in four books, what is wrong with these new guys? Don't get me wrong I love the story, but it should not take over 10k pages it tell it.

There are seven planned books right now, I doubt that he will take a book away, if anything he'll add more books, that's how these authors roll! He is old though, and I agree, he better not dilly dally and die before he finishes. I think now with the show he has a reason to htfu and finish it up.


Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1296375)
Loved Ned's character, but knowing ANYONE is fair game to die makes the story that much more intriguing. This is not Harry Potter, and I'm glad.

On a separate note, I now oddly find myself rooting for The Imp ...

The Imp definitely becomes one of my favorite characters in all the books. The fact they cast his character so perfectly bodes well that he'll be a favorite in the tv series as well.


Originally Posted by kickerb (Post 1296462)
I hear that Tyrion is going to do something unexpected either in the next episode or the next season/book.

He does a lot of unexpected things, all of which are awesome :tu I can't remember specifically what he's got up his sleeve in the near future's been a few months since I read the first book.

Eleven 06-14-2011 01:30 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Slightly off topic...

Sean Bean is a badass in real life too. Dude gets stabbed, refuses treatment and goes back into the bar and orders another drink!

kickerb 06-14-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
haha, that is great. i hope he put a hurtin' on the other guy!

Wanger 06-16-2011 08:05 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Sean Bean is a badass! :p

On a series related note, I hope Joffery dies a horrible and slow, painful death. I definitely don't like that character, and he just looks pretty damn creepy, IMO.

Daenerys Targaryen...yes please. :D

Humpdebump 06-16-2011 07:21 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Just watched the latest episode and WOW. I'm like the rest of you not liking Ned getting killed. It seems like all the good guys die and the bad guys get out of everything. What a great series though. I have a question without any spoilers if you can. I k ow that this Sunday is the series finale, I was wondering if it's also the end of the book 1 as well or will season 2 also be part of book 1, or will it be book 2.

jsnake 06-16-2011 07:37 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Humpdebump (Post 1299952)
Just watched the latest episode and WOW. I'm like the rest of you not liking Ned getting killed. It seems like all the good guys die and the bad guys get out of everything. What a great series though. I have a question without any spoilers if you can. I k ow that this Sunday is the series finale, I was wondering if it's also the end of the book 1 as well or will season 2 also be part of book 1, or will it be book 2.

From the preview it looks as if the series will end as book 1 did and it leaves everything wide open and a big to be continued for sure. The ending is going to be cool but leaves no doubt the story continues.

Bill86 06-18-2011 03:45 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Peter Dinklage and Sean Bean are the only reasons I watched this show. Their characters are/were great.....

I despise, almost violently...that stupid little bastard boy king. He has a face you could just punch endlessly. Also the queen "lena Headey" has the worst acting on the show and is very annoying as well. "King Joffery?" Sounds like a prime and proper king *wheres the sissy smiley*

Seems also kinda stupid that it looks like Drogo is dead for sure. See they went on saying how bad@$$ he is and before we could see him kill more than like 2 people he goes out like b!tch to a paper cut. :td

I think I'll finish up this season and call it quits. It looks like what could have been a great show is already over IMO.

I don't care what the reason is you don't kill off the main character and best actor on the show. That makes ZERO sense. Who are they going to market for the 2nd season? They have no one.

This one will only go 2-3 seasons. Mark my words.

/end rant (sorry, I'm so annoyed by TV these days)

blugill 06-18-2011 04:24 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
There really aren't a lot of main characters in the books, all go to very unexpected places in the story, well the ones that survive anyway. The story changes, turns, and twists and I'm only in the last part of the second novel.

jsnake 06-18-2011 04:33 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1302632)
Peter Dinklage and Sean Bean are the only reasons I watched this show. Their characters are/were great.....

I despise, almost violently...that stupid little bastard boy king. He has a face you could just punch endlessly. Also the queen "lena Headey" has the worst acting on the show and is very annoying as well. "King Joffery?" Sounds like a prime and proper king *wheres the sissy smiley*

Seems also kinda stupid that it looks like Drogo is dead for sure. See they went on saying how bad@$$ he is and before we could see him kill more than like 2 people he goes out like b!tch to a paper cut. :td

I think I'll finish up this season and call it quits. It looks like what could have been a great show is already over IMO.

I don't care what the reason is you don't kill off the main character and best actor on the show. That makes ZERO sense. Who are they going to market for the 2nd season? They have no one.

This one will only go 2-3 seasons. Mark my words.

/end rant (sorry, I'm so annoyed by TV these days)

It is all just following the book. Makes you want to go up to George R.R. Martin and give him :sl

Bill86 06-18-2011 04:45 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 1302678)
It is all just following the book. Makes you want to go up to George R.R. Martin and give him :sl

A vicious beating? Yes :tu

I'm not sure they know how TV cannot off the guy on the front of the cover/advertisement in the 9th episode of the first season.

Would you watch Sopranos if Tony died in the first season? I doubt it.

Would The Wire be the best show ever if they killed McNulty off in the 9th episode? Nope, the 10th episode would be the end of the show.

Books or no books IMHO they just f*cked themselves. We'll see if I'm right, only time will tell.

What they did here was use Sean Bean, they used his name, his fame, to sell their show and now they are hoping people watch it without him. They will lose viewers for this.

They really have to realize half the people watching the show never read the books. So they don't care if it follows the books or not. Hell I didn't even know there was books for this show. That's how little it matters if you follow them.

RGD. 06-18-2011 04:50 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1302681)
. . . Hell I didn't even know there was books for this show. . . .

There are books? :sh

Just caught this thread and have been enjoying the series so far - but I do hope the little bastard ends up with pole run through him from the rear up.


Humpdebump 06-19-2011 07:49 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I agree that killing off what seems to be the main characters is bad tv. I haven't read the books but I will continue to watch to see if some of the other characters get theirs. But it will be hard if there are no main characters to follow except for the ones you despise.

Wolfgang 06-19-2011 08:27 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Bring in the necromancers!

Brutus2600 06-19-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1302681)
A vicious beating? Yes :tu

I'm not sure they know how TV cannot off the guy on the front of the cover/advertisement in the 9th episode of the first season.

Would you watch Sopranos if Tony died in the first season? I doubt it.

Would The Wire be the best show ever if they killed McNulty off in the 9th episode? Nope, the 10th episode would be the end of the show.

Books or no books IMHO they just f*cked themselves. We'll see if I'm right, only time will tell.

What they did here was use Sean Bean, they used his name, his fame, to sell their show and now they are hoping people watch it without him. They will lose viewers for this.

They really have to realize half the people watching the show never read the books. So they don't care if it follows the books or not. Hell I didn't even know there was books for this show. That's how little it matters if you follow them.


Originally Posted by Humpdebump (Post 1303262)
I agree that killing off what seems to be the main characters is bad tv. I haven't read the books but I will continue to watch to see if some of the other characters get theirs. But it will be hard if there are no main characters to follow except for the ones you despise.

Obviously if you haven't read the books you might think that killing off the main character is bad for the show, but you have to understand that killing Ned was an integral part of the series. The rest of the story can't happen with him alive. As much as it sucks, because Sean Bean is awesome, you've got to understand that he isn't the "main character" as there are 20 "main characters". The 20 characters are the only ones that have the story told from their perspective.

On the other side, if the TV series decided to deviate from the storyline and not kill Ned, the entire series would've been decried as "crap" by all the fans who read the books, and would've changed the rest of the series direction. They would've lost their core fanbase and that would've been far worse than losing a couple people who were upset that they killed off Ned.

Anyway, yeah, Joffery is a little douchebag, and some of the characters that are hated now (Jamie, also to a certain extent Tyrion just because he's a Lannister) become characters you actually care about and are sympathetic towards. It might seem like all the douchebags in this series are winning, but everybody gets theirs in one way or another.

So, long story short, it would be a shame if you quit watching the series at the end of this season...some of the best parts of the story are yet to come.

Humpdebump 06-19-2011 08:04 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I'm definetly not quiting the series, I think the show is awesome, just sucks that characters you like die. Just watched season finale and won't spoil, but I thought it was great. The only thing that sucks is at the end when it said that season 2 is in spring of 2012, WTF.......

yachties23 06-19-2011 08:10 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
With all HBO shows, there isn't a set schedule, where shows come on in the fall and end in the late spring.

As a fan of the books, the show continues to be done very well. Very much looking forward to Storm of Swords.

Brutus2600 06-19-2011 08:11 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Yeah, I cannot imagine waiting to find out what happens between books for anybody who's just watching the show or was reading the books as they came out (they were VERY far spaced apart). It was bad enough for me waiting between chapters much less a year between seasons :( That's how television rolls though! Oh well

massphatness 06-19-2011 08:19 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I want a funking DRAGON!

JDTexan 06-19-2011 08:22 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1303752)
I want a funking DRAGON!

Me too! Great Finale.

Bill86 06-19-2011 09:58 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
If it weren't for the dragons I would have chalked up the finale as a piece of crap. However the dragons have me intrigued......but I dunno if that will be enough to ever get me to watch another episode.

If they kill that fruity king joffery please PM me so I can watch his head get chopped off in 1080p slow motion instant replay.

Same goes for the Queen.

ahc4353 06-20-2011 02:45 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1303752)
I want a funking DRAGON!

You just wanna climb up her leg like the one dragon did.

Humpdebump 06-20-2011 04:51 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1304710)
You just wanna climb up her leg like the one dragon did.


Eleven 06-20-2011 06:04 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I'm so depressed it's over.

blugill 06-20-2011 06:23 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
It won't be over for long, spring of 2012 is a much shorter lead time than Sopranos when it was off the air for 13 months or so.

kickerb 06-20-2011 08:58 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1302681)
Would The Wire be the best show ever if they killed McNulty off in the 9th episode?

:r:r:r:r:r `The Wire` sucked hard. McNutty was the worst actor EVER!

rebelknight 06-21-2011 08:53 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Watching through all the episodes a second time with my brother who is just starting the show. After only 2 episodes I've picked up on so much that I missed or forgot about. On another note I wasn't crazy about the season finale but I guess that's just because I'm too impatient to wait until spring 2012. Maybe it's time to start reading so I can find out sooner.

kickerb 06-21-2011 09:04 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Yea, I wasn't overly impressed with the Season Finale either. I understand we have a lot of things to look forward too next season and that this episode was filled with cliff-hangers.

After most episodes I was left really excited and overwhelmed by what was going on. The season ender just didn't do it for me. I actually got a little bored.

kickerb 06-21-2011 09:05 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I really really wanted more with the white walkers. I realize that the show reflects the book, so I guess these creatures will develop more next season/book.

Ratters 06-22-2011 06:06 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I loved the finale. I hated that they killed of Ned, but as said it's part of the story. I actually love King Joffrey and think he's perfectly cast. So great how they can have someone that elicits so much hatred. :tu Really gonna suck waiting for the rest of the series.

hscmit 06-23-2011 08:34 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
just watched the last episode and thought they did a good job getting most of the main plot devices into the tv version

overall I thought they did a great job adapting to the screen and enjoyed watching

Wanger 06-24-2011 08:10 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1304710)
You just wanna climb up her leg like the one dragon did.

You say that like there's something wrong with that, Al. :p

Sawyer 07-05-2011 05:16 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I just finally watched the 10 episodes of the first season. I just must not get it. Am I supposed to care about any of the families? I was really kind of hoping the horse people would come across the sea and wipe them all out.

kickerb 07-05-2011 09:57 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 1323454)
I just finally watched the 10 episodes of the first season. I just must not get it. Am I supposed to care about any of the families? I was really kind of hoping the horse people would come across the sea and wipe them all out.

If that were to happen, there would be no point in even having a book or show. The books are about the struggle for power, without the families/houses/kingdoms there would be no story-line.

Are you looking for a show that is solely about the Dothraki?

Sawyer 07-05-2011 10:01 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by kickerb (Post 1323650)
If that were to happen, there would be no point in even having a book or show. The books are about the struggle for power, without the families/houses/kingdoms there would be no story-line.

Are you looking for a show that is solely about the Dothraki?

No. I am just saying in a struggle for power situation, shouldn't there be a house that you want to win? If there isn't, what is the point?

Brutus2600 07-05-2011 12:03 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Maybe I'm tainted because I read the books, but it seemed overly apparent to me that the protagonist house of the series that you're supposed to cheer for is the Starks. They're the good guys in the book, and I felt they were portrayed well in the series, with the Lannisters (minus Tyrion) being the "Evil" house. Having talked to my friends (who haven't read the books) about this series, they were rooting for the Starks and were very surprised and pissed at Ned's storyline, so I'm not sure why you didn't feel like there was a house you should cheer for :(

agctribefan 07-05-2011 12:14 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
Having just started reading the books and watching the whole season, I definitely found myself rooting for the Starks. I was definitely pissed about Ned. I couldn't believe that happened.

Sawyer 07-05-2011 12:23 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I understand that they want you "cheer" for the Starks. It is hard though when they are naive and gullible. They also are not fit to lead, get pushed around and make foolish decisions. Granted I haven't read the books and I am only going off the show. But I would think they would have tried to make them more likeable if they wanted you to get emotionally attached to them.

yachties23 07-05-2011 02:13 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
I think as a reader of the series, Martin doesn't really pick a family for you to side with. Sure the Starks seem like the good guys, but this whole series isn't about good guys or bad guys. Its about a kingdom in peril and the chaos that a vacuum of power creates.

Brutus2600 07-05-2011 02:26 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
The thing that Martin did well with the books (in my opinion), was made you care about whatever main character you were reading about.

The Starks, while not cunning and loyal/honorable to a fault, have many main characters that you begin to care about and root for.

The Lannisters are cunning, manipulative individuals, but I found myself rooting for Tyrion, even when he was pitted against Catelyn. Believe it or not, as much of a ***** Jamie is (pompous, a real dick for pushing Bran out the window, and a creep for sleeping with his sister), in the later books you really start to care about him and root for him as well.

Daenerys wants to bring war to the Kingdom. I'm still rooting for her, even though she's out looking for revenge for the Targaryens even though the Targaryen that was overthrown was a terrible and insane king.

So yes, while many characters can't be labeled "good" or "evil" the fact remains that I hate Cersei, hated her from book 1 to book 4, loathe Joffery, and dislike Tywin...all being Lannisters just kind of puts me at odds with the Lannisters as a whole and I find myself rooting for anybody BUT them.

blugill 07-09-2011 08:36 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I don't really care for the Frey's either Brutus, they are kind of a backwater storyline that just really didn't pique my interest at all.

I agree that there are many characters in the different families that you want to root for and others you don't. Cersei, like you I hate. Same as Joffery and Catelyn's insane sister and her equally insane boy from House Tully. And yes I find a soft spot in my reading heart for Daenerys as she was essentially sold into the position she was in by her conniving brother. It was a war that had nothing to do to her just her insane king relative.

This isn't really a story about X House, it's the story about his country in this period of time and what happened to each house.

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