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Bill86 10-21-2010 11:05 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1024334)
Yes, it is 30,000....

holy chit.....I cannot imagine liking enough different kinds of cigars to have even a 1/5th of that.

staminator 12-20-2010 02:39 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 931587)
I'm in the 101-500 level. I refuse to buy another humi right now because I know how I get when I see empty space. The money has to go to education expenses for the time being.

That is exactly my problem. I bought a 50ct humidor and it is now mostly filled, just because...well...there was empty space to fill. ;)

bigpedunn 12-20-2010 03:50 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Cut down a little sitting around 400.

acruce 12-20-2010 05:01 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Not enough;)

Jamiemac1 12-24-2010 12:58 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I'm in the process of converting a 16 bottle Vinotemp wine cooler into a kick butt Humi. Huskysibe has one and its awesome! He had shelves and drawers made from a guy in GA out of Spanish Cedar, works great. Can't wait till mine is complete so I have more room to fill!-(P

timj219 12-26-2010 06:29 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Six months ago when I got here I had just started smoking cigars more often than once every couple months. And I was just starting to buy as many as five at a time and branch out beyond Macanudos. Today I realized I have seventy cigars in my coolidor. That's shocking enough to me but it gets worse. I've been making plans to start buying extra cigars in January to age for six months to maybe a couple years. By March I should have at least twice as many as I do now. This can't possibly end well.

neoflex 12-26-2010 06:32 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Realistically, Way to many. In my mind, Not nearly enough!:r

Ogre 12-26-2010 06:33 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by timj219 (Post 1108087)
Six months ago when I got here I had just started smoking cigars more often than once every couple months. And I was just starting to buy as many as five at a time and branch out beyond Macanudos. Today I realized I have seventy cigars in my coolidor. That's shocking enough to me but it gets worse. I've been making plans to start buying extra cigars in January to age for six months to maybe a couple years. By March I should have at least twice as many as I do now. This can't possibly end well.

You have been bitten by the bug. Dont fight it, you will just make yourself tired.

jet66 12-26-2010 06:36 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I usually only kept around 5-10 on hand for the past few years, but over the past couple of months I am just about to 100 cigars now. Humidors: I've got one each of 50, 40, 15, and 10 cigar-sized, and am quickly running out of room. (Not counting the 30 ct travel box.) The awesome thing? My wife is looking to to just go ahead and buy a larger cabinet sized (the Montegue or similar is what I am looking at) to eliminate having 4+ separate boxes scattered around the house. :D

Cohiba007 12-28-2010 06:18 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Not enough is always a good answer. I about 20 boxes in the aristocrat. Always seem to be shopping though.

jj20030 12-29-2010 05:10 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
3 Attachment(s)
1 humi 250, 2 rp 100's, 1 whitetail 50, 1 ci 25, and a 100 other almost all full, so over 600

ajacobs 12-29-2010 06:31 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
about 2000, but I age cigars

Drez 12-29-2010 08:55 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Prob about 400-500. I want to double that by the end of the year mostly cause I want to put away a big chunk for aging

magste 01-28-2011 12:58 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Wish I had more, but customs and freight keep the amount to a low level..

Dano 01-29-2011 07:21 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Actually just one solitary Cain Habano. I been sick and in the hospital since early August. But I am back at home and warmer weather is on the way and my cigar supply will be increasing soon!!!

JoeCool87TC 01-29-2011 10:27 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Now at just over 360. I've found a few I really like and am now stocking up on them for aging purposes. Latest acquisition: a box of EO 601 Blues - My Favorite! :ss

Further and further down the slippery slope all the time!

Beegerply 01-30-2011 12:01 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
300 give or take

RustyShackleford 01-30-2011 12:45 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Right now a little less than 400. Before I started smoking habanos this number was much less...

emopunker2004 01-30-2011 04:21 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Just started. I'm running at like 7 sticks with 10 more on the way.

RandJCigars 01-31-2011 06:25 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
In my personal possession, I have 106 cigars. Almost all of them have been in for over 1.5 years since I started collecting on a personal level...

Bill86 01-31-2011 06:32 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
As an update I BELIEVE I'm somewhere around 300-350.

Zeuceone 01-31-2011 06:47 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Enough that I know which ones I have, like 14.

CasaDooley 01-31-2011 06:49 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I added 160 to the collection this month (I have NO willpower what so ever). I now have a total of, Hmmm...more then I ever want my wife to find out about!:r

Devanmc 01-31-2011 07:02 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1156267)
As an update I BELIEVE I'm somewhere around 300-350.

i think we are about even... i need to slow down...

Bill86 01-31-2011 07:07 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1156330)
i think we are about even... i need to slow down...

Within the next week or so I'll be ordering about 75 more. Then I'm done for a while. Should hit around 400, then all my money is going into a new pistol. After that cigars, cigars and more cigars.

longknocker 01-31-2011 07:16 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I'm Guessing Around 1,000, But No Way I'm Counting Them All!:r:D

Frodo 02-01-2011 01:10 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Probably about 450...

mpd340 02-01-2011 06:42 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Im sitting right around 200, but just got my large tupperdor going so that number will increase.

x man 02-01-2011 08:28 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 931706)
Too many but not enough!

Yep, same here.

jdawg 02-01-2011 10:27 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I'm in the 1,000 range. I seriously can't stop buying!

DMK 02-01-2011 05:32 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I've been thinning the herd.... trying to empty a humi so I can convert and try some pipe smoke....
But as the wife keeps saying... "You're NOT buying more are you??"
Silly girl,.....:r:r

jimdandy 02-08-2011 11:38 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 931590)
Didn't see "Not Enough" as a choice. :r :r :r

I couldn't agree more. :chr

Miket156 02-13-2011 01:26 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
3 Attachment(s)
Here's my desktop humidor and accessories:

Right now I have about 60+ smokes.

Fordman4ever 02-13-2011 02:29 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I really only got into cigars about 4-5 months ago and being deployed is not really conducive to amassing a collection. the bulk of the ones I have now are cigars that have been sent out by people on this site. Once I get home though, I plan on buying a Vinotemp and increasing the size of my collection.

joeobx 02-13-2011 06:34 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Fordman4ever (Post 1170980)
I really only got into cigars about 4-5 months ago and being deployed is not really conducive to amassing a collection. the bulk of the ones I have now are cigars that have been sent out by people on this site. Once I get home though, I plan on buying a Vinotemp and increasing the size of my collection.

I love watching another one start down the slope.

Stay safe Earl.

emopunker2004 02-15-2011 12:14 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Up to 35 now

kelmac07 02-15-2011 01:23 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1173530)
Up to 35 now

Won't be long before you are adding a zero to the end of that number Justin :D

kaisersozei 02-15-2011 02:19 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Miket156 (Post 1170964)
Here's my desktop humidor and accessories:

Right now I have about 60+ smokes.

In the area of cigar accessories, people often overlook the importance of a TV. Well done, my man, well done....


emopunker2004 02-15-2011 02:24 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1173623)
Won't be long before you are adding a zero to the end of that number Justin :D

if that happens...i'll be looking for a new wife.

kaisersozei 02-15-2011 02:26 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1173697)
if that happens...i'll be looking for a new wife.

Don't sweat it. You can find plenty of those.

nick2021 02-15-2011 08:24 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by jdawg (Post 1157282)
I'm in the 1,000 range. I seriously can't stop buying!

Welcome to the club LOL:D

Swif 02-16-2011 10:29 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I have about 90 cigars. I can not stop buying them. I love a great cigar and have to buy them to smoke and collect.

"Look what I have" I tell fellow smokers that come to my house.

thecatch83 02-19-2011 10:58 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
working on 200........quality over quantity so far

captp 03-16-2011 09:11 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Perhaps 1000+. Not really sure. Close to 13 cubic feet of humidor and locker at smoke shop.

HollywoodQue 03-17-2011 07:26 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
No exact number, but enough that will last me for a long time, but I only smoke about 1-2 per week..

BnBTobacco 03-20-2011 10:08 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
As of the moment, I have Cohiba Miniatures 10/10 cigars on hand, a gift from my friend.

Frodo 03-20-2011 08:29 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Probably about 450 with another 50 on the way!

Slow-N-Steady 03-21-2011 06:15 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
2. :(

I only buy enough for the week, just getting started.

CoreyD 03-25-2011 03:38 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I just did an Invetory list the other day and I have 324 . Not to bad from just last October.

emopunker2004 03-25-2011 03:40 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
somewhere between 25-50

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