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688sonarmen 06-18-2011 09:08 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1302337)
Reminds me of how they were playing at the beginning of the season.

:tpd: Hopefully we will finish out where we were a few weeks ago.

688sonarmen 06-18-2011 07:41 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
The skid is finally over, CARDS WIN! Holliday crushed a 422' home run in the 8th to score 2 and put us up by 1.:banger

688sonarmen 06-19-2011 04:19 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
We won but lost Pujols due to a sprained left wrist and it does not look good for the amount of pain he was in. He does hit well, but his position at 1st is going to be a bigger loss IMO. Lance should take 1st which is probably better than having him in the outfield and I imagine Jay will take his place. Time will tell.

Prozac_Puros 06-19-2011 09:28 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1303563)
We won but lost Pujols due to a sprained left wrist and it does not look good for the amount of pain he was in. He does hit well, but his position at 1st is going to be a bigger loss IMO. Lance should take 1st which is probably better than having him in the outfield and I imagine Jay will take his place. Time will tell.

They should be fine with Berkman at 1st, Holiday, Jay and Rasmus in the outfield. I would like to see TLR sit down Rasmus and give Brown a chance. Nobody is playing well in the division.

688sonarmen 06-21-2011 08:45 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Worst game I have seen all year. Pujols has nothing to do with it, our bullpen is crap and cant pitch a strike. I'm done watching us give the game away.

qwerty1500 06-21-2011 09:06 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1306313)
... our bullpen is crap and cant pitch a strike. I'm done watching us give the game away.

Let's see ... Cards had a one run lead after 7. Five relivers later ... 5 hits, 4 walks and a hit batter ... 9 Philly runs. Who the heck is Cleto anyway?

688sonarmen 06-23-2011 07:18 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Cards are looking good tonight, came in late at the 3rd, why did Oswalt leave the game?

Starscream 06-23-2011 07:19 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1306334)
Let's see ... Cards had a one run lead after 7. Five relivers later ... 5 hits, 4 walks and a hit batter ... 9 Philly runs. Who the heck is Cleto anyway?

Sounds like the Reds.:r

688sonarmen 06-24-2011 05:48 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Awesome game last night, it was great to see Carp back in true form and our bats come alive. Hopefully this is the jump start we needed:tu

qwerty1500 06-25-2011 02:50 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
We went to the game last night with my brother in law. He had company tickets in the first row right behind home plate. In case anyone watched the game on television last night, I was the goofy looking one.

Amazing seats. Actually a good game even though we lost. Bautista was hitting the ball HARD all night.

688sonarmen 06-26-2011 05:42 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Way cool man, missed the game, we were at natural bridge va for the weekend. Thinking about picking up a game when I visit my parents next week in Ky. Thats if I can find good seats-(P

hank_612 06-30-2011 05:52 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Out to an early lead. Nice. Thank god for the orioles.

688sonarmen 07-01-2011 08:40 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by hank_612 (Post 1318622)
Out to an early lead. Nice. Thank god for the orioles.

Yup, not too shabby. I would not expect anything less against the Orioles though. Missed tonight's game against T.B but caught the highlights, pretty interesting 3 run jack for Colby, T.B lost a lot of players due to tempers flaring. I did catch a River Bats game tonight against the Braves farm team while I' home in Louisville on leave, hey reds boys why is Adam Wood pitching for them? He had a decent game we won 2-4.

688sonarmen 07-04-2011 01:01 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
It's on:banger

688sonarmen 07-04-2011 06:53 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Good, no, GREAT game tonight. Unfortunately I had to watch on the Cincinnati feed while I'm on leave in Ky. I don't know where they get their announcers from but they are pretty comical. The game scoring run was described as "Wow, I mean that was hit by a grown man!":r Anyways GO CARDS!

qwerty1500 07-04-2011 10:37 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Glad Carp got another win. He really had to earn this one.

688sonarmen 07-06-2011 06:00 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Of all the games to miss I was on the road for last nights! A record breaking blast by Berkman and a double shot of home runs by Holliday! Good thing MLB TV has it still for viewing. And Pujols comes back tonight, I hope it's not going to be an issue. GO CARDS!

688sonarmen 07-07-2011 03:36 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Wild game last night, I went to bed after it was 8-0 in the 8th, looks like we had a good rally but it was not enough. I'm telling you it looked hopeless just after the 1st pitch!

qwerty1500 09-28-2011 10:13 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Wow ... Wildcard winners.

The Cards were so bad from late July through August that I couldn't hardly watch them. Terrible bullpen.

What a great September run! What a historic Atlanta collapse.

I never thought a month ago that we would make the play-offs. Hope they can play the Phils as tight as they did in our last series with them.

688sonarmen 09-29-2011 04:36 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1423877)
Wow ... Wildcard winners.

The Cards were so bad from late July through August that I couldn't hardly watch them. Terrible bullpen.

What a great September run! What a historic Atlanta collapse.

I never thought a month ago that we would make the play-offs. Hope they can play the Phils as tight as they did in our last series with them.

Yes, it can always happen. I heard a report from the Phillys that one series does not matter in the grand scheme of things. We will see:tu Night before last at the 5th inning I thought we were done, then comes the bats! All season long the Cards have come alive while being behind and with 2 outs left in the inning, hopefully this will help in the post season. Thoughts on Pujols? I saw let him go and invest in pitching for next year.

qwerty1500 09-29-2011 08:08 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1423991)
Thoughts on Pujols? I saw let him go and invest in pitching for next year.

When the Cards played their last series in Chicago, I heard from some friends that there were Cub fans running around with Pujols printed on the back of Cubs jerseys. If they want to pay $300 million for 10 years, I'd say let them have him. Albert had an off year, BA under .300 and less than 100 RBIs. That should hurt his value unless he really goes on a tear during the playoffs ... let's hope.

Unless we can get Albert for a reasonable price, I would also like to see them spend some real cash on pitching. A real closer would be nice. Just think where we'd be if we had not had 25+ blown saves this year?

Wano will be back but with questions. Carp turned it on the end of the year. Lohse looks solid. Garcia is still too inconsistant but I haven't thrown in the towel on him yet. I'd be willing to see Jackson and Westbrook go and spend some of that $30 million on another top of the rotation guy.

Lots of good young talent in the outfield. Without Pujolis, Berkman goes to first and Craig would look good in right field. If we could fill the SS spot with a good glove and an above average bat, the infield would be solid too.

It's too early for that winter stove stuff. I'm more interested in seeing if Halladay no-hits us in the first game.

Doctorossi 09-29-2011 08:19 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

qwerty1500 10-03-2011 03:56 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
The bullpen ... goats one night, heroes the next. It's been like that all season. Some great at-bats, made Lee work for it. Nice to finally get a win in the post-season.

688sonarmen 10-03-2011 01:59 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1427353)
The bullpen ... goats one night, heroes the next. It's been like that all season. Some great at-bats, made Lee work for it. Nice to finally get a win in the post-season.

It's a flip of the coin. I can see why Tony changed the line up and put Carp in there, not that it helped much but we did break a potential win streak. I thik Oswalt is next, then we are out of the way of the Super Human Philly pitchers:r

qwerty1500 10-03-2011 06:52 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1427924)
I thik Oswalt is next, then we are out of the way of the Super Human Philly pitchers:r

Looks like Hamels (2.79 ERA but we did beat him 5-0 last time) is next, then I guess Oswalt (only 3.69 ERA but shut us out for 7 innings last time) ... they just keep coming don't they?

688sonarmen 10-04-2011 07:15 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Good game, I thought we might pull it off. Garcia had great stuff but just ran out of steam and let one hang. But as long as there is a game left we have a chance!

Killian 10-05-2011 03:52 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Should be a good one tonight. Got plenty of help in the bullpen so we can't have that collapse tonight.

I thought we were going to pull out the win last night. Tony should have pinch hit for Garcia when he got out with men on base and then comes back to give up the long ball. Typical Tony. Gotta do it tonight. I'm not ready to listen to all of the Pujols contract talks yet.

688sonarmen 10-05-2011 04:06 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Garcia can still swing a bat and was pitching well, I think it really came loose when we walked in front of a pinch hitter. I can't stand it when our players get int walks and I don't like it when we do the same.

qwerty1500 10-05-2011 04:12 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by Killian (Post 1430487)
Should be a good one tonight. Got plenty of help in the bullpen so we can't have that collapse tonight.

I thought we were going to pull out the win last night. Tony should have pinch hit for Garcia when he got out with men on base and then comes back to give up the long ball. Typical Tony. Gotta do it tonight. I'm not ready to listen to all of the Pujols contract talks yet.

Gosh ... rest doesn't seem to make much difference with this bullpen. Hope Jackson pitches the best game of his career.

My wife thought the same thing about letting Garcia hit with two men on. Hey, he had only given up three hits at that point and, maybe, Tony worries about the bullpen as much as I do. I think I was more upset about the batter he walked before giving up the HR.

The only silver lining is that the Phillies bullpen may be just as bad as ours. Lets hope Oswalt doesn't have it and we can get into their pen early.

Not ready to give up on the Cards yet.

688sonarmen 10-05-2011 06:45 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Comeback!!! Cards win!!!!

qwerty1500 10-05-2011 07:48 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Wow ... you gotta love it!

Thought the Cards were toast in the first inning. After Jackson finally got an out, he pitched a heck of a game. After all my "bad-mouthing" the bullpen, they get a lot of the credit for both of our wins.

The highlight of the game for me was Pujols nailing Utley at third in the sixth. That's one of those golden defensive plays that will stick in my memory. Wow ... just wow.

688sonarmen 10-07-2011 07:00 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Go cards go cards go cards!

688sonarmen 10-07-2011 07:27 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
3 up 3 down 3 up 3 down 3 up 3 down

688sonarmen 10-07-2011 08:14 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Why do teams even try to steal on Molina?

688sonarmen 10-07-2011 09:11 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Best game of the season... So Far!!!

Cards Win:noon:noon:noon

SvilleKid 10-07-2011 09:12 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1433069)
Best game of the season... So Far!!!

Cards Win:noon:noon:noon


WTG, Cards!

kelmac07 10-07-2011 09:17 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Where's my brother Keith (BigAsh)...come on over here, there's room on this couch for you too. :D

Congrats to the Cardinals and their fans...great game. :tu

yourchoice 10-07-2011 10:00 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
It pains me to say it, but congrats to the Cards and their fans. Not the way I expected the season to end for my Phils.

Mattso3000 10-07-2011 10:28 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Great game by Carpenter.

icehog3 10-07-2011 11:03 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Congrats to Carpenter and the Cards. Should be a great series with the Brew Crew.

GreekGodX 10-08-2011 05:04 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Carpenter had a sick game last night. For some reason before the game I had a feeling the Cards were going to pull it out.

688sonarmen 10-08-2011 06:36 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
It was an awesome game, 1 run in the 1st that's it. If Halliday was settled coming in or if they were at St Louis and he pitched in the bottom who knows. After that it was 3 up and down the rest of the game. I think it took at least a week off of my heart watching it:D Now on to the Brew Crew, Happy Flight:tu

688sonarmen 10-08-2011 08:14 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

qwerty1500 10-10-2011 11:08 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Looks like two teams from that "weak" Central Division will be the ones who will battle it out for the pennant. Go Cards!

688sonarmen 10-11-2011 04:38 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1436078)
Looks like two teams from that "weak" Central Division will be the ones who will battle it out for the pennant. Go Cards!


I missed everything past the 5th inning, but looks like the Machine and the boys had a great game. Ever heard of a hot collared mule? That's St Louis. Happy flight!

Tallman 10-11-2011 04:48 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Last night was a great game and exactly what we needed heading back to St. Louis! Watched it on the back porch with a Perdomo Patriarch. Now, with baseball superstition being what it is with me, I'll have to repeat that for every game. Wonder it it matters if I switch cigars? I will appeal to the baseball and cigar gods for their answer.
Happy Flight! GO CARDS!!!!

qwerty1500 10-11-2011 07:52 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1436250)
Ever heard of a hot collared mule? That's St Louis.

I'm a mule fan but still had to look it up ... love it!

"Sez the old farmer, 'when you want him to get to goin' we jes' get him mad. When he's good n' hot under the collar - get otta' the way!"

I guess "Alberta" was our hot collared mule last night ...;_yl..._game_2_101111

qwerty1500 10-11-2011 07:55 AM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

Originally Posted by Tallman (Post 1436261)
Wonder it it matters if I switch cigars?

If it was me, I wouldn't change a thing.

688sonarmen 10-12-2011 03:09 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!

SvilleKid 10-13-2011 08:36 PM

Re: St Louis Cardinals Fans Sound Off!
Did anyone else pick this CC blooper on tonight's game? Deep fly out to outfield by Cardinal. The Closed Caption guy put in that in regards to the catch: "****ography Morgan is there". I missed it. My wife picked it up at her apartment in Mississippi, and called me. I backed up the dvr to the play, and sure enough, the CC blooper is also on the DirecTV CC. took a screen pix with phone. Not as clear as i'd like, but it does show up!

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