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markem 06-07-2010 06:58 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
:tpd: :=:

T.G 06-07-2010 07:00 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Cort (Post 880410)

and of course I clicked it...AGAIN!

I'm thinking about making that link my .sig

Whee 06-07-2010 07:06 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

T.G 06-07-2010 07:17 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 880429)

Needs some appropriate background music...

Whee 06-07-2010 07:20 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 880442)
Needs some appropriate background music...


JE3146 06-07-2010 08:39 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 880370)
you look great, but I heard this is Apple's biggest fanboy.

What a class act you are for photochopping my wedding photo onto that.


sikk50 06-07-2010 10:15 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Really guys?

jaydub13 06-07-2010 10:36 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 880115)
I'll just simply wait for those tests. (which won't matter really until Apple goes Verizon, which see my LTE post a page or so ago. I assume they'll make the transition then.)

That's also a big "if" on Verizon getting the iPhone. AT&T has exclusivity til 2012, and let's not forget, Verizon had their chance first, and passed on it. PLUS, Verizon doesnt have the data capability in their network to handle the iPhone. iPhone users account for 58.5% of all data used by smartphones. Verizon would have to spend a TON of money developing their network for it to handle that(AT&T spends 19 BILLION annually on the network).

And I agree, the glass front and back make me nervous. BUT, I gotta say, it is one GD cool design feature, and I can't wait to get one in my hot little hands.

JE3146 06-07-2010 10:39 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by jaydub13 (Post 880666)
That's also a big "if" on Verizon getting the iPhone. AT&T has exclusivity til 2012, and let's not forget, Verizon had their chance first, and passed on it. PLUS, Verizon doesnt have the data capability in their network to handle the iPhone. iPhone users account for 58.5% of all data used by smartphones. Verizon would have to spend a TON of money developing their network for it to handle that(AT&T spends 19 BILLION annually on the network).

And I agree, the glass front and back make me nervous. BUT, I gotta say, it is one GD cool design feature, and I can't wait to get one in my hot little hands.

I'm not gonna get into it, but if you research LTE, you'll find more what I'm talking about. Answers a few things you're talking about. Either way, I'll take a carrier I prefer over a phone any day of the week.

mithrilG60 06-08-2010 01:49 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 880237)
I guess you can only say things like that for so long. When Apple *does* start taking a bite out of the PC market and out of the enterprise phone market -- as it *has* -- then your objections kind of ring hollow. Apple has a pretty darned successful platform that a lot of people *like* because, well, it works and offers a pleasing experience. I think that's why more and more people are buying Apple products.

PC market I can't see, Mac's are simply too expensive for most people to buy as the cheap commodity the average consumer expects a computer to be now. Mac's will always be a niche market primarily targeted at graphic and video industry professionals and urbanite wannabee's with too much money looking for the "in" fashion accessory.

iPhone on the other hand...... RIM better pull up their innovation panties and bring out something pretty damn phenomenal in the next 6 to 12 months if they want to remain competitive with iPhone and Droid. Both platforms are making serious in-roads into the enterprise market, primarily iPhone right now but Droid's coming up quickly. In the last survey I saw 7 of every 10 current Blackberry users are planning on dropping their BB in favour of either an iPhone or a Droid when their mobile contract is next up for renewal. Given that Blackberry has failed miserably to penetrate the consumer space it any large degree the writing is on the wall for them if they can't figure out how to protect their lock on the enterprise market...... and having 70% of their core user base wanting to jump ship is certainly NOT the way to achieve that.


Originally Posted by ScottishSmoker (Post 880221)
I carry a BlackBerry...mainly for business uses...for instance, making phone calls and checking e-mail...not as a calorie calculator or a personal video game device....

Everyone else to RIM: the world moved on from the days when simple email and calendar were the "killer apps" in the handheld space a long long time ago. EVERYONE does that now, hell Palm did it before BB with the Palm 4 and look were they are now. With ActiveSync now being embedded in Exchange2007 RIM's big advantage pver iPhone and Droid (ie. BES) is gone, and BES was the one of the primary reasons for enterprise adopting BB in the first place. While there is an awful lot of really stupid and/or trivial apps published for the iPhone, most people do want a hell of a lot more out of their mobile devices than just email/calendar and frankly trying to do much more than email or calendar on a Blackberry makes smoking a Cremosa look enjoyable by comparison.

Innovate or die, that's the rule of tech and RIM is quickly becoming the next Palm.......

newcigarz 06-08-2010 03:39 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
pretty good comparison chart done by PCWorld. hopefully we can stay on track today. :)

longknocker 06-08-2010 04:16 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Thanks, Tony!:):tu

longknocker 06-08-2010 04:24 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 880063)
Those are from dropping it on the edges, it applies much more force to a smaller area. I've had friends that were unlucky enough to drop theirs right on the corner and completely spiderweb the screen and it's still been completely usable. I've also seen Blackberry's, including most of the work units at my office, that have stood up far worst to much less abuse and look like total ass within 6 months of being issued.

It's all in how well you take care of your stuff. If you were one of the kids on teh playground that was always abusing their toys and breaking them then any smartphone is probably not the best purchase decision. If you're careful with it, especially if you buy a case, your iPhone will look exactly the same in a couple years as it does the day it comes out of the box.

"Otter Box"! Virtually Indestructable!:tu

The Professor 06-08-2010 05:42 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 880803)
PC market I can't see, Mac's are simply too expensive for most people to buy as the cheap commodity the average consumer expects a computer to be now. Mac's will always be a niche market primarily targeted at graphic and video industry professionals and urbanite wannabee's with too much money looking for the "in" fashion accessory.

Whether you see it or not, it's happening. It's exactly this attitude that hurting PC makers and Microsoft, for that matter. You're stuck with a *very* outdated view of Macs that simply doesn't fit the reality of the current situation. Furthermore, you're stuck with some bad math that doesn't really take software and user productivity into consideration. There's very good evidence out there to show that iPods and iPhones have become the Mac gateway drug: average people use them, like them, and then check out the computer and have the same experience. That's been the case for more than a dozen of my friends and, as of this new buying cycle, just about every colleague in my department (they're nearly all replacing their Dells with Macs ... and we are a Dell campus in significant ways).

Anyway, I don't even know why I feel compelled to rehash an argument that's been going on for a couple of decades and is totally outmoded. Some people just "can't see" ... but I think that's mainly because they refuse to open their eyes.

Blueface 06-08-2010 06:12 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 880803)
PC market I can't see, Mac's are simply too expensive for most people to buy as the cheap commodity the average consumer expects a computer to be now. Mac's will always be a niche market primarily targeted at graphic and video industry professionals and urbanite wannabee's with too much money looking for the "in" fashion accessory.

Not trying to be offensive at all so please don't anyone take it that way.
Just using the word as described in the dictionary - lack of knowledge.
I think it is ignorant to assume this.
I bought my MacBook because of ease of use, features, reliability, lack of viruses which I was tired of getting on my PC.
I have yet to pay it off over two years later (same as cash for 36 mths) so certainly had nothing to do with having too much money on my hands.
As far as an "urbanite" wanna be, by definition, since I actually live in a "city", I don't need to be a wannabe.
As far as fashion, yeah, guilty. I like being fashionable. I like toys. I like my BMW, my Rolex, and nice clothing. Doesn't make me a bad person or even a murderer.


Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 880861)
Whether you see it or not, it's happening. It's exactly this attitude that hurting PC makers and Microsoft, for that matter. You're stuck with a *very* outdated view of Macs that simply doesn't fit the reality of the current situation. Furthermore, you're stuck with some bad math that doesn't really take software and user productivity into consideration. There's very good evidence out there to show that iPods and iPhones have become the Mac gateway drug: average people use them, like them, and then check out the computer and have the same experience. That's been the case for more than a dozen of my friends and, as of this new buying cycle, just about every colleague in my department (they're nearly all replacing their Dells with Macs ... and we are a Dell campus in significant ways).

Anyway, I don't even know why I feel compelled to rehash an argument that's been going on for a couple of decades and is totally outmoded. Some people just "can't see" ... but I think that's mainly because they refuse to open their eyes.


Kreth 06-08-2010 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 880861)
Some people just "can't see" ... but I think that's mainly because they refuse to open their eyes.

Coming soon to a Starbucks near you:

Steve Jobs guide us. Steve Jobs teach us. Steve Jobs protect us. In your iLight we thrive. In your iMercy we are sheltered. In your iWisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our iLives are yours.
Posted via Mobile Device

Blueface 06-08-2010 06:31 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Steve Jobs guide us. Steve Jobs teach us. Steve Jobs protect us. In your iLight we thrive. In your iMercy we are sheltered. In your iWisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our iLives are yours.

I am always truly and genuinely fascinated by human behavior. Aside from being a frustrated attorney wanna be, I think I am frustrated shrink wanna be.

I truly can't comprehend what drives human behavior to feel compelled to criticize or attack what someone else likes if it does not conform with what one likes.

This Mac/PC debate is as silly as what topping is best on pizza. Who gives a rat's ass? It is what ever you feel like putting on it that you like.

My neighbor across the street lives in the same type of home I have, same street, same Boca Raton. I drive a BMW 330CI while he drives a 10 year old Toyota Corolla. Who is PC and who is Mac here? Who cares? It is all about what makes him happy and what makes me happy. I couldn't give a crap if he sells tickets to bang his wife.

If I enjoy Apple products, I am a brainless Steve Jobs follower? That crap is offensive and I truly think folks should sometimes shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine when not asked.

The Professor 06-08-2010 06:33 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 880895)
Coming soon to a Starbucks near you:

Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah yeah ... Jobs is a messianic figure. Again -- rehashed, old joke. I don't worship him. The company he's built and the vision he's offered, though, has fundamentally changed the world of computing and electronics more than once. The difference in today's world, however, is that *Apple* is actually benefiting from those advancements, unlike the old days when others (like Microsoft) would rip off the ideas and prosper at the expense of Apple.

Kreth 06-08-2010 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 880899)
I truly can't comprehend what drives human behavior to feel compelled to criticize or attack what someone else likes if it does not conform with what one likes.

Just having a little fun with the pro-Apple attitude that the rest of us don't get it. Glad you felt the need to lash out, though...

...and I truly think folks should sometimes shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine when not asked.
Posted via Mobile Device

Blueface 06-08-2010 06:48 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 880904)
Just having a little fun with the pro-Apple attitude that the rest of us don't get it. Glad you felt the need to lash out, though...

Posted via Mobile Device

It wears thin after a while to basically be called a moron in so many words because of what your preferences are.
If I corner a rat, I can only expect he will attack to defend himself. I think if folks dish out insults, one can only expect some sort of retaliation at some point.

poker 06-08-2010 07:26 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
ok ok enough of the crap throwing. If you like Apple products, buy them. If you dont, move along.

newcigarz 06-08-2010 07:33 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by poker (Post 880943)
ok ok enough of the crap throwing. If you like Apple products, buy them. If you dont, move along.

words of wisdom. :)

newcigarz 06-08-2010 07:34 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I really can not wait to get one in my hands. that screen is going to be incredible. :banger

Wanger 06-08-2010 07:48 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 880899)

My neighbor across the street lives in the same type of home I have, same street, same Boca Raton. I drive a BMW 330CI while he drives a 10 year old Toyota Corolla. Who is PC and who is Mac here? Who cares? It is all about what makes him happy and what makes me happy. I couldn't give a crap if he sells tickets to bang his wife.

Is she hot? :D

Blueface 06-08-2010 07:58 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 880963)
Is she hot? :D

So, so.
Tickets will definitely be reasonably priced.:D

Blueface 06-08-2010 07:59 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 880952)
I really can not wait to get one in my hands. that screen is going to be incredible. :banger

6/15 is on my calendar with an appointment to visit the Town Center Mall.

newcigarz 06-08-2010 08:07 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 880973)
6/15 is on my calendar with an appointment to visit the Town Center Mall.

We should schedule some "Facetime". :D

Blueface 06-08-2010 08:25 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 880979)
We should schedule some "Facetime". :D

Oh crap!!!

Totally forgot.
Will be in Long Island the week of 6/14 on business.
Will have to pre-order online, unless there is an Apple store near my hotel out there.

The Professor 06-08-2010 08:33 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 880979)
We should schedule some "Facetime". :D

Can I schedule some when I get my first ever iPhone? :)

I've got the DrMS talked into it. The only question is *when* we're gonna do it. End of the month (26th) is the earliest possible given the ETF we'll have to eat for her line.

Blueface 06-08-2010 09:46 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 881007)
Can I schedule some when I get my first ever iPhone? :)

I've got the DrMS talked into it. The only question is *when* we're gonna do it. End of the month (26th) is the earliest possible given the ETF we'll have to eat for her line.

Funny you say that.
My wife normally just wants an old fashioned cell phone (flip phone if possible) and nothing else and is now intrigued by this feature.
She may not settle for my 3G hand me down and may want one of her own from the sounds of it.

floydpink 06-08-2010 10:10 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I'm real happy with my 3G Iphone, but being the slave to technology that I am, will get the new one and hand down my 3G to my wife.

poker 06-08-2010 10:13 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881096)
I'm real happy with my 3G Iphone, but being the slave to technology that I am, will get the new one and hand down my 3G to my wife.

Lucky you. My wife and I both have the 3G and when I told her I was getting the new one & she saw what features it had, she wants one too. :r

replicant_argent 06-08-2010 10:15 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I would look into one, but A: I have T-mobile, which is fairly decent, overall. and B: I have a pretty damn good plan with them unlimited on my Mytouch. Wife has a BB, can't stand the interface.

Sawyer 06-08-2010 10:42 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Lucky that you guys get to upgrade soon. Since I am an employee of AT&T, we are forced to wait until there is a surplus of phones available. I hope that will be before Thanksgiving, but if it isn't then I can only hope to get one sometime after the first of the year. If it does take that long I will probably go ahead and shell out the full no-commitment price.

I also have a Blackberry Curve for work and it is the bane of my existence. I hate that phone.

As much as I love my iPhone, you will never catch me buying a Mac. I can do so much more with a Windows based PC/laptop for a fraction of the cost. I do suggest them for my less tech savvy friends though that just need something that is easy to use. Most of them don't want to pay two times or more for the same things they can do with cheap Windows based laptop though. I am not really on either side of that debate. If you can afford a Mac and like the ease of use, go for it.

ir13 06-08-2010 10:50 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Will be pre ordering on the 15th and returning the 3GS i just got so i could get "Grandfathered" in with the unlimited data plan.


CigarNut 06-08-2010 10:55 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by poker (Post 881099)
Lucky you. My wife and I both have the 3G and when I told her I was getting the new one & she saw what features it had, she wants one too. :r

I am elegible for an upgrade this year and my wife is not eligible until middle of 2011. She has made it clear that when I upgrade she will get her upgrade too :)

So either I am going to wait an additional 6 months, or it's going to cost me...

floydpink 06-08-2010 11:15 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I still can't figure out what new feature it is that makes the 4G a must have, but still seem anxious to get it.

The Professor 06-08-2010 11:29 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881153)
I still can't figure out what new feature it is that makes the 4G a must have, but still seem anxious to get it.

I think the screen. That's an *amazing* screen.

Blueface 06-08-2010 11:33 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881153)
I still can't figure out what new feature it is that makes the 4G a must have, but still seem anxious to get it.

I have the 3G, not the GS.
For me, it represents 2 upgrades and full features of the new OS.
Not all features of new OS will apply to the 3G.
It also means a great new screen, apps by folders for cleaner look and that video calling is awfully neat to mess with.

floydpink 06-08-2010 12:05 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I'm in the same boat Carlos.
Paid the early termination to get the Iphone instead of the old simple one I had, passed on the S because not too much changed that meant anything to me.
The time might be right to upgrade, but just know in 6 months, the 4gs will be all the rage and I will be a year and a half away from an upgrade.

Stop the madness!!!!

Blueface 06-08-2010 12:13 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881177)
I'm in the same boat Carlos.
Paid the early termination to get the Iphone instead of the old simple one I had, passed on the S because not too much changed that meant anything to me.
The time might be right to upgrade, but just know in 6 months, the 4gs will be all the rage and I will be a year and a half away from an upgrade.

Stop the madness!!!!


I figure the 4GS is about a year or so away.

They said yesterday in the news that ANYONE that has a contract renewal due ANYTIME this year, is now eligible for an immediate upgrade to the 4G.

Blueface 06-08-2010 12:14 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by ir13 (Post 881136)
Will be pre ordering on the 15th and returning the 3GS i just got so i could get "Grandfathered" in with the unlimited data plan.



Very wise man.

ir13 06-08-2010 12:23 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881153)
I still can't figure out what new feature it is that makes the 4G a must have, but still seem anxious to get it.

The New Screen
720p HD Video

Thats enough for me :D

Sawyer 06-08-2010 12:32 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 881153)
I still can't figure out what new feature it is that makes the 4G a must have, but still seem anxious to get it.

Just so people don't get confused, it is not 4G. The iPhone 4 still works on AT&T's 3G network. Also, most of the non-hardware upgrades will be available with the free upgrade to iOS4 to anyone with a 3G, 3GS or iPod Touch.

Blueface 06-08-2010 12:35 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 881201)
Just so people don't get confused, it is not 4G. The iPhone 4 still works on AT&T's 3G network. Also, most of the non-hardware upgrades will be available with the free upgrade to iOS4 to anyone with a 3G, 3GS or iPod Touch.

True, but some of the features of OS4 will not work on the 3G model. You won't be able to multi task for one. A few others too that I don't recall off the top of my head.

Blueface 06-08-2010 12:36 PM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by ir13 (Post 881192)
The New Screen
720p HD Video

Thats enough for me :D

How could I forget multitasking and the HD video, with iMovie equivalent to edit right from the phone.

Blueface 06-09-2010 08:44 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Here is the video I posted earlier but a better version, directly from Apple.

Didn't realize it earlier but this phone has LED backlighting along with HD resolution.
That has got to be incredible.
6/15 is around the corner. 6/24 just seems so far away.

Blueface 06-09-2010 08:48 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.
For all those on the Verizon and other networks waiting for their iPhone to ultimately join the craze, I say to you what I said to my Verizon Wireless customer wife of mine yesterday......................

..............Here is your version of the iPhone. :r

Needless to say, her look to me said it all.

shilala 06-09-2010 09:10 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 882145)
Here is the video I posted earlier but a better version, directly from Apple.

Didn't realize it earlier but this phone has LED backlighting along with HD resolution.
That has got to be incredible.
6/15 is around the corner. 6/24 just seems so far away.

Carlos, I hate you. I was doing okay until I saw that video. ;)
It's absolutely incredible what this phone does. If someone said 10 years ago a phone would do these this stuff, I'd have looked at them like they were crazy.

replicant_argent 06-09-2010 09:12 AM

Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 882170)
Carlos, I hate you. I was doing okay until I saw that video. ;)
It's absolutely incredible what this phone does. If someone said 10 years ago a phone would do these this stuff, I'd have looked at them like they were crazy.


perhaps 6 months to a year from now, I will have to seriously reevaluate my tmobile plan, and coincidentally, my phone will probably be crashed by then.

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