![]() |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
azcards83 Blazedup XTRMBLZR1 BrianTillman MithShrike SD Beerman Sr Mike Pnoon |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
thats going to change tomorrow :D |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Added a couple more. :)
1f1fan 357 4WheelVFR 56Tweed 68TriShield Addiction AlCarbon allanb3369 altbier Ambientboy Andyman AntiqueGuy Archie ATLHarp AvidToker Awsmith4 backwoods bassrocker Batman BeachCougar Beagle Boy BigJim BigVito Bigwaved Blueface Bman bobarian Bobb BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy bookman Brandon Bruce Bruce5 BuckeyeJack Buckwheat buddhadaddy Budman Buena Fortuna C From The D calistogey CasaDooley catfish catfish2 catfishm2 CgarWyzrd ChasDen chibnkr chip cigarsc351w cigardawg cigarflip cigargal CigarTexan cigartoyz clampdown cle_smoker Coach cobe-winston Cochise CodeBlue coma-one cre8v1 croatan cubatobaco CurlyCut Da Klugs dadof3illinois DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ Daveteal DBall D Camacho Deano decesaro Deem DETROITPHA357 DocLogic77 DonJefe DonWeb Dr.Dan drevim drill Dux dvickery eber Egoist Elderboy Ender Ermo erratum Etenpenny field filly fissure flipflop floydp Fredster Froglicker77 gabedog1 galaga germantown rob GKitty Goat Locker Goodfella gorob23 gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 Habanaman HardCZ HarryCulo Hatred Havanaaddict Havana Ray Hollywood hotreds hoyohio IBMer IBQTEE1 IHT illinoishoosier Ir132 Ironman Itstim J6ppc Jay Hemingway Jbailey Jeff jkim05 Joan Joed Jonharky Jokermann joshpip jovenhut JPH JustDanD jwintosh kayak rat kenstogie King James Kiwi Michelle kunomofo kurtdesign1 ky toker Kyle Hunter landhoney LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms MadeinDade Madurofan Mark5 markem Mattfury Matthew MattK Mauirce md4958 Miami Mikepd MikeZ mitro mmblz Moglman montecristo#2 MortonMilo MoTheMan mr.c MrJerry Mr Maduro Mrs. Rock Star Ms. Floydp Ms. SeanGAR Mugen910 Mustylusty n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Nely Old Sailor Omowasu OLS onlyonerm Opus Opusex Opusxtasy ParkBear Parshooter PartagasSerieDNo4 Pds PeteSB75 physiognomy pipeyeti PLANETbetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon poker PuffDaddy Pulse Pyrokin QueenJames raisin RedBaron rennD RenoB replicant argent ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rjs RobW Rock Star Ron1YY ronski rookie139 RPB67 SailChaser SailKat Saka SaltyMcGee Sam Sancho Sandman Scud SDBeerman SDMate seagarsmoker Sean9689 SeanGAR Seanohue Shade Shaerza Siebec Simplified Sirreal1 Sir Tony Skibumdc skindiver smitdavi smokesnake SmokinAFuente smokin' machinist Smoking Ape snkbyt SoCalSmoker Spagg Spooble Sportsnut Stashu stearns Steelheaderdu Steve r Stick St. Lou Stu stogeyfish SVTNate Swl Tbain tchariya tech-ninja tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Pict The Professor Thschrimm Tico Tireiron Tkoepp TmoneyNYY Todd ToddziLLa TravelJ Tristan Trogdor Tw3nty Twill413 txdyna65 ucmba Usahog Vertigo Vicvitola VirtualSmitty zemekone |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Heres mine....
Mr. Maduro n3uka rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo nely madurofan Made In Dade newcigarz landhoney |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Neuromancer Jr. MiamiE rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo harryculo Jr. nelson nelson Sr. madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt knuckles altbier landhoney n3uka newcigarz Mr. Maduro Bruceolee Did I forget anybody? |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I still haven't met any of you fine folks face to face but am looking forward to one day.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Man, this is going to be hard to figure out...
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Triple F
rck70 massphatness Tenor CS joetownhound sailchaser sailkat CBI 2 landhoney scottishsmoker awsmith4 ucubed soulfulone wolfgang IR13 Goodfella Av8tor152 jbonnefsc tedrodgerscpa barbourjay Smokin Gator RPguy Pyrokin UFPowersmoker320 TheManWithNoName mackhaus catfish St. Lou Stu updated: coastie tech Doctor BJ ggainey steve newcigarz uflbassin wayner123 DPD6030 longknocker nerfgirl snkbyt RonL mexi-can |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
smoking gator RPguy snkbyt s0lefulone ucubed guado The ManWIthNoName UFPowersmoker pfm21 mexi-CAN wolfgang scottishsmoker Doctor BJ 0002S bigjohnny quantim0 Aron I think I got everyone... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
updated :banger
awsmith4 ir13 itsme_timd Darrell azcards83 Blazedup XTRMBLZR1 BrianTillman MithShrike SD Beerman Sr Mike Pnoon |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
This list is not complete, I know I miss names from the herfs in South Carolina, Philly, Maryland, Rochester and Vegas for sure, but I met so many people during the roadtrip that I forgot some of the names, my appologies. If you herfed with me and don't see your name on this list, lemme know
68Trishield Ad720 Adampc22 Ade AK Kirby Alleyoop Ambientboy Andy Madera Andy McCabe Ash410 Ashcan Bill Avi8tor52 Awsmith4 Big Ash Big Bruce Catfish Chaos Chicken Cigardoc Conch Republican Croatan D Generate Dball Dcamacho Dooge Dubnick Dungg Garbanz Ggainey Gkitty Gnukfu Green Lantern Hanomag Imthegoal IR13 Jerry JM0703 JohnnyK Jordan Jquirit Kaiser Soze Kelmac Kolonel kurtz Livwire Loki Lostark74 Madurofan Mark Massphatness Medicook Mikail Mikeandshellie MikePD Misha Ncradioman Partagas Pete Railrunner Reggiebuckeye Robert Mabona Rrplacencia S0lefule 0ne Savvy Scottish Screwbag Serts Siouxgirl Skills SmokeyNL Smokin Gator Smokingafuente Smokingmachinist Spectrrrr Taltos Tanith T-Bone Tedrogersspca Tenbaseg Tenorcs The Beard Themanwithnoname Tikihut 27 Tobii3 TonyMontana Tricker Twenty Ucubed Ufpowersmoker Volt Wanger |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
This will be updated soon! |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Double U, U aka ucubed Herfing with someone who has a name that simple, with that many pronunciations and variations........is like herfing with, well, ya gotta herf with the guy!! :ss |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
So far just akakirby, but it's been a pleasure.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
updated :banger
Tedrodgerscpa dunng awsmith4 ir13 itsme_timd Darrell azcards83 Blazedup XTRMBLZR1 BrianTillman MithShrike SD Beerman Sr Mike Pnoon[/quote] |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
So far nobody dont think there really is anybody in Fort Worth. Anyone from Fort Worth or nearby wanna herf and friend ad :ss
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Edit: I see a lot of non-CA members on people's lists. I would have thought that the list here was to identify CA members we've herfed with. :2 |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Adding a few fellow Dark Lord herfers...
ggriffi Gonesledn IBQTEE1 lou2row mastershogun Scimmia (well overdue, we've herfed before) 357 68trishield allanb3369 alley00p Ambientboy Awsmith4 BengalMan Big Vito Bobby Ritz BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna CBI_2 ChasDen chippewastud79 Coach cre8v1 Da Klugs DavenportESQ detroitpha357 drevim Elderboy02 field fulltime ggriffi Gonesledn Goodfella GreekGodX Guitarman-S.T- hitagain hollywood hotreds hotredsmama IBQTEE1 icehog3 IndyRob ir13 jamesb3 Jbailey (year overdue spelling correction :r) jkim05 joetownhound Jonharky joshpip King James Kyle Hunter landhoney livwire68 lou2row M1903A1 macms mastershogun Maurice md4958 Mikepd Mr. Maduro Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 Nabinger16 Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor Mrs. Old Sailor OLS physiognomy pnoon Prozac_Puros QueenJames ResIpsa rizzle Rock Star s0leful0ne SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman ScottishSmoker Scimmia Shaerza Seanohue Simplified smitdavi snykbyt spooble stearns Steelheaderdu tech-ninja tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Professor ToddziLLa TripleF Tw3nty ucubed UFpowersmoker White97Jimmy Wolfgang |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
No-body from on here but I did have a JdN with Jonathan Drew last year.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Neuromancer Jr. MiamiE rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo harryculo Jr. nelson nelson Sr. madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt knuckles altbier landhoney n3uka newcigarz Mr. Maduro Bruceolee PartagasPete PartagasPete Jr. Did I forget anybody? |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Short and sweet:
MPython24 I'm willing to add to that list.....:tu |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I've been lucky enough to herf with most of the Masshole crew so far. Some of the people I've only herfed with at NERF, but I'm sure we'll have our day. :tu
Aron BlackIrish (NERF) chachee52 (NERF) dunng (NERF) homerjay19 jmsremax LooseCard (NERF) massphatness MedicCook (NERF...even though he had his Yankees hat on. :D) montecristo#2 Mugen910 spectrrr stearns TheStatsGuy I apologize if I left anyone off the list... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Ahbroody Amshel BC-Axeman Beagleone BFallehy bobarian bonjing BORIStheBLADE Bruzee Cerius Cigargal cigarwife Darrell Deucer dmoby doctorcue gamayrouge groogs Ironfreak jkim05 jkorp Joan Kondour mariogolbee massphatness mikey burr Mr B NickyTeen NorcalMark Norcal_aaron petewho Ratters RGD. scooter Scottastic shvictor sikk50 sonic_mike South Shield teotides T.G Tim D. toothpickdude tzaddi vudu9 weak_link Wyteyes Zfactor6 68TriShield Sorry if I forgot anyone!!! |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Neuromancer Jr. MiamiE rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo harryculo Jr. nelson nelson Sr. madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt knuckles altbier landhoney n3uka newcigarz Mr. Maduro Bruceolee PartagasPete PartagasPete Jr. Steve S Did I forget anybody? |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Does my Dog count ?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I know i've herfed with Tim & Eric
(ItsmeTimD & Starz26) and possibly a couple of other brothers... But there are plenty more that I would LOVE to herf with!:tu |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Add to that list AWSMITH04 and MattNGa!:tu
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Nester Meranda
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Adriftpanda Ahbroody Amshel Ashcan Bill BC-Axeman Beagleone benedic08 BFallehy bobarian bonjing boom BORIStheBLADE Bruzee Cerius Cigargal cigarwife Cort Dahgoose DBall Darrell Deucer dmoby doctorcue gamayrouge groogs Ironfreak jkim05 jkorp Joan Kondour livwire68 mariogolbee massphatness mikey burr Montano Mr B NickyTeen NorcalMark Norcal_aaron Obscura petewho Ratters rennD RGD. scooter Scottastic ScottishSmoker shvictor sikk50 sonic_mike South Shield Stinky teotides T.G theoneandonly TheRiddick Tim D. toothpickdude tzaddi vudu9 weak_link Wyteyes Zfactor6 / kawak 68TriShield |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
With the meds I'm on I can't remember everyone but it's not as many as the Darryl I'm fairly sure of that...I think
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Sr. madurofan snykbyt landhoney newcigarz Mr. Maduro Steve S Drez Murphyslaw Stinky J0eybb Scottish Smoker Ashcan Bill Don Fernando Smoky NL Schimahen Ogre3239 And more to come! Especially after Epic!!!!:noon |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Updating my list:
Heres mine.... Mr. Maduro n3uka rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. Ron1yy Atlharp harryculo Nelson madurofan Made In Dade newcigarz landhoney MurphysLaw snkbyt STEVE S EricF Dux Nimbus PeteSB75 planetbetter SvilleKid |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
WOW!! My list has grown a ton this past year!!
JohnnyKay5 Volt Tbone Don Fernando SmokeyNL Kaisersozie Icantbejon Akakirby BigBruce Loki Brokenskeg Lensjockie S0lefulone Ucubed Cigarskills9 Tobii3 BigAsh LilAsh Jonumberone Smokin_Gator CBI_2 TripleF Superbad Issues Longknocker Superbad Whodeeni Wolfgang Awsmith4 Cobra03 Winstons Humidor Av8tor152d Virginia_Ghost Bscottskangum CigarCop CoachDeg Ogre3239 Ggainey HK3- Hotreds Joeobx Macswife Massphatness Pass Rizzle Shilala (half a herf) Sofaman (half a herf) Snkbyt Stearns Steve UFPowersmoke320 |
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