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Yazzie 02-08-2009 07:54 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 223783)

No, it's not, but if everyone else is doing it, one person should not be crucified while others are merely slapped on the wrist. I'm not condoning the use of steroids, just pointing out an often overlooked point-of-view.

Agreed...Look the media sucks and anyone that does not cooperate with them (Barry Bonds for one) gets crucified by them....The media in this country sucks and plays a large part in what gets spoon fed to us

Starscream 02-08-2009 08:08 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Yazzie (Post 223796)
Agreed...Look the media sucks and anyone that does not cooperate with them (Barry Bonds for one) gets crucified by them....The media in this country sucks and plays a large part in what gets spoon fed to us

And that's not just baseball. Look at our economic crisis right now. It wasn't good in the first place, but the media has caused us to spiral in the last few months out of nothing more than fearmongering tactics.

mosesbotbol 02-09-2009 08:41 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 222822)
I almost feel sorry for A-roid when he visits other ball parks this year, especially Fenway. Life will be miserable for that piece of scum this season.:ss

Do you think the Sox are immune from this? Think Kapler is roid's free? What about Ortiz? Certainly when Conseco was playing several players from Valentin, Vaughn, Everett look like obvious "enhanced" players...

mosesbotbol 02-09-2009 08:44 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 223600)
I'm not condoning steroids, but nowadays you have to take them just to be competitive w/ the rest of the users in professional sports today. There are still some greats who are steroid free, such as Griffey Jr. (at least as far as we know), but it seems that more and more of these guys are users. Makes me wonder why Barry Bonds was crucified when there were many others doing the same thing he was doing (and before you say they crucified him for being an @$$hole, look at Ty Cobb).

I kinda expect this outta A-Rod, but I'd be shocked if it comes out that Jeter was a user. He's more of a class act than that, despite him being a Yankee.

Bonds had nothing lose by telling the truth, but he is such a self-centered egomaniac. He believes his own dillusions and that he is untouchable. I don't think Congress should even bother with this, but it looks like Bonds could see jail time in this...

taltos 02-09-2009 08:49 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 224530)
Do you think the Sox are immune from this? Think Kapler is roid's free? What about Ortiz? Certainly when Conseco was playing several players from Valentin, Vaughn, Everett look like obvious "enhanced" players...

Did you read my previous post where I stated that any Red Sox players who used were also a POS? I am convinced that Kapler and Nomar used and with his behavior, Everett would be a good suspect. It would be nice if people would read a thread before jumping someone's schitt.

VirtualSmitty 02-09-2009 09:08 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 223720)

great list detailing what a scumbag this guy has been

That's a pretty bad list. I don't like A-Rod, but I wouldn't call him a scumbag. He at the very least has donated quite a few million dollars to various charities.

Overpaid, over hyped, under performer in the playoffs, bad choice in women, sure. Scumbag no.

Starscream 02-09-2009 10:39 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 224535)
Bonds had nothing lose by telling the truth, but he is such a self-centered egomaniac. He believes his own dillusions and that he is untouchable. I don't think Congress should even bother with this, but it looks like Bonds could see jail time in this...

That's my biggest peeve in all of this. Why is Congress getting involved in Major League Baseball? Don't they have important things to worry about, such as the economy, our troops, and our overall well-being?

Partagaspete 02-09-2009 11:03 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 223275)
Couple of points, the Red Sox won the A-Rod derby but the Players' Association would not let him redo his contract. Also, Clemens spent more time outside the Boston organization than he did within it. You obviously did not read my post where I condemned any Boston players who used performance enhancing drugs. Hating on the Yankees is a Boston tradition as is Yankee fans hating on the Red Sox. Try being fair in your responses when fairness is justified.

"hating on the Yankees is a boston tradition." LOL, so true. Some of my best friends are Red Sox fans and we enjoy such banter. But be honest if you guys had him you guys would be singing a different song. That is my only point. IMHO my response was fair and justified though especially with all the anti-Yankees rhetoric found in these threads. I too condemn any player that does this on that we can agree.

You guys won a series, the curse is over, move on. That is what I am getting at.


gettysburgfreak 02-09-2009 01:14 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
well, the guy came out and admitted roid use from 2001-2003. I will give him credit for having the balls to own up to it instead of flat out denying it.

Starscream 02-09-2009 02:23 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225089)
well, the guy came out and admitted roid use from 2001-2003. I will give him credit for having the balls to own up to it instead of flat out denying it.

Most of them will deny it even after getting caught.

Yazzie 02-09-2009 02:57 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 225236)
Most of them will deny it even after getting caught.

He did it because his PR folks told him to do it. I'm sure they had an 8 hour meeting with the best PR strategist foks that money could buy and they told him to do this.

Look at the recent events in this area and how the public has reacted. Clemens and Bonds admit nothing to this day while Giambi and some others apoligize and the public and media are much more accepting....

gettysburgfreak 02-09-2009 04:15 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
anybody watching his interview with Peter Gammons on ESPN? Its making me sick listening to this guy. "It feels good to come out and get it off my chest" I highly doubt he would have admitted to roiding up if he didn't get caught. What a clown.

chippewastud79 02-09-2009 04:34 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225421)
anybody watching his interview with Peter Gammons on ESPN? Its making me sick listening to this guy. "It feels good to come out and get it off my chest" I highly doubt he would have admitted to roiding up if he didn't get caught. What a clown.

Maybe his apology is forced, but it seems as if he is being fairly upfront with the admission. No smoke and mirrors, no saying he was doing it for an injury, no saying he didn't know it was illegal or didn't know what he was taking. He admits he messed up and that it is all his fault for trying to get a competitive edge. Better than many other athletes who have skated the issue and continue to do the same thing.

gettysburgfreak 02-09-2009 04:36 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 225447)
Maybe his apology is forced, but it seems as if he is being fairly upfront with the admission. No smoke and mirrors, no saying he was doing it for an injury, no saying he didn't know it was illegal or didn't know what he was taking. He admits he messed up and that it is all his fault for trying to get a competitive edge. Better than many other athletes who have skated the issue and continue to do the same thing.

When asked which substances he took he replied he didn't know what he was taking. Give me a break

Yazzie 02-09-2009 04:42 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225450)
When asked which substances he took he replied he didn't know what he was taking. Give me a break

:tpd: What a joke he is and Gammons (Boston Native) is being soft on him....

I need a drink after watching this Soap Opera :al:al:al

VirtualSmitty 02-09-2009 05:20 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225421)
anybody watching his interview with Peter Gammons on ESPN? Its making me sick listening to this guy. "It feels good to come out and get it off my chest" I highly doubt he would have admitted to roiding up if he didn't get caught. What a clown.

Interesting statement. The next time you break the law (smoke pot, speed, buy cuban cigars, etc) I expect the first thing you'll do is run straight to the law and admit your guilt, because your a person of such higher morals :r

chippewastud79 02-09-2009 05:20 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225450)
When asked which substances he took he replied he didn't know what he was taking. Give me a break

He admitted he knew what he was taking was illegal and he was guilty of trusting people by using what they told him to. He also said he didn't know what he had tested positive for so he wasn't going to say what it was. I am not a fan of the Yankees, nor am I a fan of Alex Rodriguez, but I respect him for being fairly upfront about it and owning up to his actions. I realize that Red Sox Nation and a lot of fans will hold this against him for a while, but atleast he came clean and admitted it.

gettysburgfreak 02-09-2009 05:31 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 225522)
He admitted he knew what he was taking was illegal and he was guilty of trusting people by using what they told him to. He also said he didn't know what he had tested positive for so he wasn't going to say what it was. I am not a fan of the Yankees, nor am I a fan of Alex Rodriguez, but I respect him for being fairly upfront about it and owning up to his actions. I realize that Red Sox Nation and a lot of fans will hold this against him for a while, but atleast he came clean and admitted it.

If you look at an earlier post I said I give him credit for coming out and saying he did it. How can you not laugh at him and roll your eyes when he gives a statement such as "I was young, stupid, I was nieve." He had been in the league for 8 years. Its not like he was a rookie looking to prove something. He knew exactly what he was doing.

icehog3 02-09-2009 05:36 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225089)
well, the guy came out and admitted roid use from 2001-2003. I will give him credit for having the balls to own up to it instead of flat out denying it.


Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225421)
anybody watching his interview with Peter Gammons on ESPN? Its making me sick listening to this guy. "It feels good to come out and get it off my chest" I highly doubt he would have admitted to roiding up if he didn't get caught. What a clown.

Cripes, make up your mind. :rolleyes:

To all so quick to hang the man: "Judge not, lest ye be judged." ;)

VirtualSmitty 02-09-2009 05:38 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 225544)
If you look at an earlier post I said I give him credit for coming out and saying he did it. How can you not laugh at him and roll your eyes when he gives a statement such as "I was young, stupid, I was nieve." He had been in the league for 8 years. Its not like he was a rookie looking to prove something. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I think deep down your really obsessed over A-Rod. I mean, we've been listening to you talk about him ever since you used to go by Stogiefanatic or whatever it was at CS :r

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