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ColdCuts 08-26-2013 12:35 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
Watching the pre-game! :po

GTsetGO 08-26-2013 01:22 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR (Post 1876903)
I'll bite. Not sure how confident I am, but I'm down for a 5'er wager.:D



Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1877366)
Watching the pre-game! :po

and as pnoon says, I am DVR'ing it right now at home. please don't spoil whether or not i won some sticks until tomorrow. :D

4WheelVFR 08-26-2013 08:21 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 1877376)

and as pnoon says, I am DVR'ing it right now at home. please don't spoil whether or not i won some sticks until tomorrow. :D

I really wanna spoil it.:D

GTsetGO 08-27-2013 07:08 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

great game. both defenses played phenomenally

ColdCuts 08-27-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
I think splitting the points was a fair result, but I'm disappointed. It was a home match. When you're one of the Big Four you expect to win your home matches. We're Manchester United. If we don't collect all three points at home, that ought to be disappointing, no? Now, should we have been given the penalty?

Obviously, I'm biased. So ignore me if you'd like. But I say it's a penalty. I know Lampard is only a short distance from Cleverley so that's the 'ball played the arm' argument. However, it's apparent that Lampard prevented a clear goal-scoring opportunity with his outstretched arm inside the 18-yard box. We'll never know anything of Lampard's intent. We can't know the man's mind. But the fact is, he did jump into the path of the ball with his arm outstretched and he blocked the shot. I'd have given it. Would you?

It says in The Telegraph that Moyes is asking for clarification. The issue, for me, is consistency. Either it is a penalty, or it is not a penalty, forever. Not sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't. Anyone care to chime in?

Here's more from BBC Sport: What is 'deliberate' handball? :rlz

Finally, since the match ended in a draw, are you guys going to 'split the points' too? You could mail each other two sticks. :p

In other news, Liverpool, at Anfield, on my horizon. :su

4WheelVFR 08-27-2013 03:50 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1877768)
Finally, since the match ended in a draw, are you guys going to 'split the points' too? You could mail each other two sticks. :p

That's what I was we send each other a fiver now?....:su

As for the handball, I think it very easily could've been given, seeing other handballs that have been called. Maybe the ref let it slide, taking the distance from the kicker and the distance of his arm from his body into consideration. You guys should've had Mark Clattenburg in your lineup again. That would've fixed it.;)

pnoon 08-27-2013 05:06 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR (Post 1877804)
That's what I was we send each other a fiver now?....:su

As for the handball, I think it very easily could've been given, seeing other handballs that have been called. Maybe the ref let it slide, taking the distance from the kicker and the distance of his arm from his body into consideration. You guys should've had Mark Clattenburg in your lineup again. That would've fixed it.;)

I've been a referee for 12 years and an instructor/assessor for 6 so I have a bit of knowledge in this area.

First, let me say that having been an official, I appreciate and respect how difficult a job it is - in any sport. At the top level, the play moves extremely fast and officials don't have replay or time to deliberate. So I tend to give referees the benefit of the doubt most of the time.

Viewing the posted video, I can see a legitimate plea for a PK. However, consider this. The defender was no more than 2-3 yards when the ball was struck. Also, consider that when a player jumps/leaps, it is almost impossible to keep their hands at their side. I don't see where the arm was extended in an unnatural fashion and even at the highest level, players flinch. So I have no problem with the non-call. That being said, I would not criticize the referee if he HAD called the PK. A bit harsh, maybe. But again, I would support his decision. A call close enough to legitimately go either way.

Besides, it was ManEffingU. So I don't feel bad. :D

4WheelVFR 08-27-2013 07:19 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1877830)
So I have no problem with the non-call. That being said, I would not criticize the referee if he HAD called the PK. A bit harsh, maybe. But again, I would support his decision. A call close enough to legitimately go either way.

Besides, it was ManEffingU. So I don't feel bad. :D

I agree with all of the above. Especially the last bit lol.:D Even being a Chelsea fan, I wouldn't have blamed the ref for a bad call had he called it a PK. A bit harsh maybe, but like yourself, I think it could've legitimately gone either way.

ColdCuts 08-27-2013 08:01 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1877830)
Besides, it was ManEffingU. So I don't feel bad. :D


Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR (Post 1877877)
I agree with all of the above. :D


Yes! Now we got banter! :D

Peter, I have to say, that was a well-reasoned, level-headed contribution to the thread, which I'm sure everyone agrees is your hallmark here on Cigar Asylum...

You're certain you're a referee? :lr

Honestly, Peter, it's been years since you told me back on CS, so I completely forgot you're a referee! Here's a little joke I think everyone will enjoy, but it's especially for you, my fave Liverpool fan...

The Ref and the Funeral Procession

In the middle of the match, the referee suddenly blows his whistle to stop play when he sees a long funeral procession on the road that runs alongside the field. He closes his eyes and bows his head.

'Wow,' said the yellow-carded striker. 'That is the most thoughtful and touching thing I've ever seen. You truly are a kind man. I'll never think badly of a referee again.'

The referee replies, 'Thanks son, we were married nearly 30 years.'

ColdCuts 08-28-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
All joking aside, I have the utmost respect for referees. That is a very difficult, thankless job. My hat is off to them.

Regardless of what club they support. ;)

pnoon 08-28-2013 09:48 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1878030)
All joking aside, I have the utmost respect for referees. That is a very difficult, thankless job. My hat is off to them.

Regardless of what club they support. ;)


Gotta enjoy Liverpool being ahead of ManU in the table. I know. It's early in the season and it won't last long but still . . .

GTsetGO 08-30-2013 09:11 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
Alright. Same thing this weekend.

Any of you fans that unfortunately follow liverpool want to put a fiver on this weekends match?
Posted via Mobile Device

pnoon 08-30-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 1878755)
Alright. Same thing this weekend.

Any of you fans that unfortunately follow liverpool want to put a fiver on this weekends match?
Posted via Mobile Device

My heart says yes. My brain says no. ;s

ColdCuts 08-31-2013 11:59 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
Really looking forward to this one. This time, unfortunately, I have to DVR the match. So I'm under self-imposed radio silence until Sunday night. Until then, this is your pal, ColdCuts, singing...

:banger Glory, glory, Man United,
:banger Glory, glory, Man United,
:banger Glory, glory, Man United,
:banger And the reds go marching on, on, on...

Gabe215 09-02-2013 05:42 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
Can't hold it any more... Should've known David Moyes has NEVER won a game at Anfield, Reds dominated game, Gerard telling Van Persie to "pipe down you f*cking prick"- PRICELESS, BR becoming a KOP legend, would've liked a higher score, Sterling almost got one in at the end! Walk On Boys!! Swansea you're next!!

pnoon 09-02-2013 05:48 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 1879546)
Can't hold it any more... Should've known David Moyes has NEVER won a game at Anfield, Reds dominated game, Gerard telling Van Persie to "pipe down you f*cking prick"- PRICELESS, BR becoming a KOP legend, would've liked a higher score, Sterling almost got one in at the end! Walk On Boys!! Swansea you're next!!

They're playing well. Plus they signed 3 more quality players.
Gotta like things going forward.

ColdCuts 09-03-2013 01:55 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

pnoon 09-03-2013 06:29 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter

GTsetGO 09-03-2013 02:32 PM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
damn phone updated me on the score, so i didn't even waste the time of watching the game on the DVR.

oh well. get the crap out now.

ColdCuts 09-16-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Barclays Premier League 2013/14 Banter
Had we not gotten all three points at home against Palace, I'd have really begun to worry. Beautifully executed free-kick from Rooney.

Also, while some referees are remembered for their game-changing wrong calls, I'll remember this game's official, Jon Moss, for making four very difficult correct calls -- even though 3/4 did not go United's way. :salute:

Hear that, pnoon? Props to the ref! :D

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