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Stephen 01-11-2013 01:03 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1779633)
To be fair I've never heard of Gossage doctoring the ball.
Also, Gossage didn't get to Oakland until 92' and left in 93'.
92' was Canseco's last year in Oakland, as he was traded at the deadline.
In 93',Gossage's last year, Mcguire only played 27 games for the A's.
I understand your point of "all we need now are allegations", and I'll give you your gripe with Eckersley, but to lump Gossage in with to your argument, is painting with too broad a brush.

Which is more than enough time with a ballclub to have known what was happening is a pretty safe assumption to make, wouldn't you say?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1779633)
I'm glad you bring up the bash brothers.
It seems to me, a lot of people think the steroids era started in 98, when Sosa and McGuire both broke the record.
I clearly remember allegations against McGuire, Canseco and the like, going back to 87' when Mcguire hit 49 HR as a rookie, and 88' when Canseco became the first member of the 40/40 club.
I wonder why the writers haven't held steroids against players that played in the late 80's - early 90's?

Yeah, there's a lot of sports writers out there with egg on their face. They either:

1. Sucked at their job and were oblivious as to what was going on
2. Knew what was going on and turned a blind eye, thus making them sucky at their job AND hypocrites

Blueface 01-11-2013 01:14 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1758104)
Surprised no one mentioned Piazza. Greatest offensive catcher ever. I think he makes it.

I am afraid I am to blame for that.
Rumor has it after he was seen hanging out with me in San Juan late November, his chances of the HOF went to crap.

The Poet 01-11-2013 02:33 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1779841)
I am afraid I am to blame for that.
Rumor has it after he was seen hanging out with me in San Juan late November, his chances of the HOF went to crap.

Nice pic.

Speaking of nice "picks", did he allow any passed balls down there, or peg the ball into center field instead of to second base? :r

Gophernut 01-11-2013 03:04 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1779886)
Nice pic.

Speaking of nice "picks", did he allow any passed balls down there, or peg the ball into center field instead of to second base? :r

I was going to ask if you could feel his backne through his shirt or maybe it had cleared up by then..

Stephen 01-11-2013 06:51 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by Gophernut (Post 1779906)
I was going to ask if you could feel his backne through his shirt or maybe it had cleared up by then..

I laughed.

Starscream 01-12-2013 12:32 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1779381)
Gossage was long rumored to doctor the ball, and since apparently all we need now our allegations...

But more to the point. Both Gossage and Eckersley were in that Oakland clubhouse (Eckersley more so than Gossage) when the Bash Brothers & Co. were doing their thing (and both benefiting might I add). I won't go so far as to say that they were complicit by their silence, but if they didn't speak up then, they come off as self-righteous b!tches sounding off 20 years later. :2

I don't know about Gossage, but Gaylord Perry flat out admitted to doctoring balls in his autobiography, yet he made it in the Hall.

jonumberone 01-08-2014 05:25 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
Another year gone by and none of the steroid players get in.
I figured it would be awhile until Bonds or Clemens got close, but I thought Piazza or Biggio might get the nod.
I also thought Mussina and Schilling might get in.
So the saga continues.
Do these guys ever see the hall?

kelmac07 01-08-2014 05:35 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
I say no...although I feel they deserve to be in there, just like Pete Rose does.

icehog3 01-08-2014 08:00 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
Rafael Palmiero off the ballot.....

mahtofire14 01-08-2014 09:02 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
Feel pretty crappy that Jack Morris won't ever be in the hall. No 300 wins but the guy was the dominant pitcher of his era AND he pitched arguable one of the best pitching performances in World Series History.

After not getting in today he said I was upset but glad it's over. 15 years of hearing my critics was long enough.

kelmac07 01-08-2014 09:04 PM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 (Post 1920959)
Feel pretty crappy that Jack Morris won't ever be in the hall. No 300 wins but the guy was the dominant pitcher of his era AND he pitched arguable one of the best pitching performances in World Series History.

After not getting in today he said I was upset but glad it's over. 15 years of hearing my critics was long enough.

He goes before the Veterans Committee in 2016...all hope is not lost for Jack.

E.J. 01-09-2014 12:08 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
What type of douche doesn't vote for Maddux? I shake my head at the process....

E.J. 01-09-2014 12:11 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
"I'm going to be THE GUY that makes a first ballot HOF'er, not"

No to mention Biggio, yea...make him wait one more year...:rolleyes:

The Poet 01-09-2014 04:48 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1921025)
What type of douche doesn't vote for Maddux? I shake my head at the process....

If you were following this "saga" on the interweb, you know the stink some raised about Maddux not being the first unanimous HOFer. Me, I don't see the big deal. He got in with a landslide, so who should care? IMHO, though Maddux certainly earned his election on the first ballot, the only player I have witnessed lately who deserves to be elected unanimously is Mariano Rivera . . . and five years from now that ain't gonna happen either. I won't care, and neither will Mo.

I doubt if Greg does either.

jonumberone 01-09-2014 05:41 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
If you think Maddux not being a unanimous selection is a sin, consider the fact that Joe Dimaggio wasn't elected on his first ballot.
He didn't get in until his 3rd try.

The Poet 01-09-2014 05:51 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1921063)
If you think Maddux not being a unanimous selection is a sin, consider the fact that Joe Dimaggio wasn't elected on his first ballot.
He didn't get in until his 3rd try.

'Er ya go. Consider that, as well as the fact than NOBODY'S been elected unanimously yet. You really think Greg Maddux was better than anybody else ever elected? Plu-leeeze.

pnoon 01-09-2014 06:42 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1921063)
If you think Maddux not being a unanimous selection is a sin, consider the fact that Joe Dimaggio wasn't elected on his first ballot.
He didn't get in until his 3rd try.

That's because the Hall of Fame used to be for great (elite) players. Now it can be referred to as the Hall of Good. Any player who had a decent career is on the ballot now. And some get in.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :2

The Poet 01-09-2014 07:18 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
I get your point, Peter, but it does not explain why Don Mattingly received only 8.2% of the votes, which is less than Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Lee Smith, Mike Mussina, Jeff Kent, Mark McGwire, and Larry Walker (Larry Walker? Who the fark is Larry Walker? :D), and only slightly more than Sammy Sosa. True, the stats of many exceed Donnie's, but many are also on that "tainted" list.

E.J. 01-09-2014 09:39 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot
I stick to the fact that not voting for someone who is clearly the elite of the elite, a 1st ballot HOFer if there ever was one, just "because it's the way it is done" is a joke. We are not talking about someone who needs discussion, arguments for or against.... he's in, everyone knows he's in and there are those that don't vote for him related to history of how it has been done or is a joke.

I am sure Maddux could not care less, but I care. As stated above, I shake my head & roll my eyes at the process....

The Poet 01-09-2014 10:14 AM

Re: 2013 MLB Hall of Fame ballot

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1921126)
As stated above, I shake my head & roll my eyes at the process....

That's allowed, brother. Just don't expect it to change. :r

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