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DaBear 10-29-2012 07:52 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Hope everyone is staying safe. Tide is starting to recede, but it'll be awhile before it gets below the walls.

Mac, how are you holding up? Just saw a pic of the James River Bridge out in Newport News flooding.

jluck 10-29-2012 08:09 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
You guys protect your ass and guard your stache.
Prayers for all of you.

Sonic04GT 10-29-2012 08:40 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Stay safe guys. I'll light one up for ya on Halloween :tu

cobra03 10-29-2012 11:25 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
I was listening to the MNF game earlier on the car radio and they kept mentioning how they were playing with the roof open under the stars and it was in the mid 70's out in Phoenix. Sounded realy nice as i watched the rain blowing by sideways. Stay safe out there if you have to be out in this mess.

sevans105 10-29-2012 11:28 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1740948)
I am worrying for my friend Chingas.....He is RIGHT there in the Raritan Estuary near the Jersey Shore and
that puts him in line for a hell of a disaster in the coming storm surge. I know there are many of us in the
path of doom, but he is my main man up that way. It hurts to know that he is gonna get it.

Traded emails with Chingas just a couple of hours ago. He's doing fine...bit of water but nothing a shopvac couldn't handle. He appreciates the concern though. I told him to stop by and say hello.

BHalbrooks 10-30-2012 12:17 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Thoughts for anyone in New York, much less CA members.

Thankfully Boston got away pretty much unharmed. Lot of crazy wind, broken doors at the Childrens Hospital in (West) Boston.

NeuRon 10-30-2012 12:35 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

jluck 10-30-2012 02:07 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1741465)
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

Take care of you and your loved ones, Ron. That boat will get replaced.

longknocker 10-30-2012 03:38 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1741452)
Traded emails with Chingas just a couple of hours ago. He's doing fine...bit of water but nothing a shopvac couldn't handle. He appreciates the concern though. I told him to stop by and say hello.


Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1741465)
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

:tu Thoughts & Prayers Sent For All Of You!

Blak Smyth 10-30-2012 05:06 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1741465)
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

Well glad to hear your home is okay, that is most important. Sorry about the boat brother.

kelmac07 10-30-2012 10:06 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
All safe here...we dodged a major bullet (again). Only got a ton of rain and some branches down. Lost power for about 12 second. Thanks for all the well wishes. Continued prayers for my peeps in NY/NJ. Compared to what we got, they got hammered.

LasciviousXXX 10-30-2012 10:11 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1741450)
I was listening to the MNF game earlier on the car radio and they kept mentioning how they were playing with the roof open under the stars and it was in the mid 70's out in Phoenix. Sounded realy nice as i watched the rain blowing by sideways. Stay safe out there if you have to be out in this mess.

Yeah I can't even imagine what its like out there right now guys. Cobra is right, it is nice and calm over here in AZ but our thoughts are with all of you.

Stay safe!

BC-Axeman 10-30-2012 10:34 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
"Sandy" is an appropriate name for this storm for those on the coast. "Soggy" would have been good too.
Still no contact with my relatives there but the pictures I've seen are not good for Long Beach Island. Everyone was off the island before it got too bad.

Dave128 10-30-2012 11:19 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1741452)
Traded emails with Chingas just a couple of hours ago. He's doing fine...bit of water but nothing a shopvac couldn't handle. He appreciates the concern though. I told him to stop by and say hello.

That's good news.


Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1741465)
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

Glad you made out OK. Sorry to hear about the boat.


Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1741623)
All safe here...we dodged a major bullet (again). Only got a ton of rain and some branches down. Lost power for about 12 second. Thanks for all the well wishes. Continued prayers for my peeps in NY/NJ. Compared to what we got, they got hammered.

All good news, Mac.


Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1741636)
"Sandy" is an appropriate name for this storm for those on the coast. "Soggy" would have been good too.
Still no contact with my relatives there but the pictures I've seen are not good for Long Beach Island. Everyone was off the island before it got too bad.

Glad to hear they got off the island in time. I'm sure you'll hear from them when they can get back home and assess things.

357 10-30-2012 11:29 AM

Re: Hurricane Sandy

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1741465)
Welp. Im alive... Alot of my jersey shore town is thrashed and in utter ruins. Luckily my home is seemingly untouched. I think my brand new boat is underwater and out to sea.. My Nuclear Plant is in a little trouble due to high tide but are tending to that around the clock. I havent been home since sunday afternoon. Will keep you guys posted

Glad you're OK, and your house too Ron. Take care over there. Prayers sent for everyone affected.

RobR1205 10-30-2012 01:37 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
One of the most iconic places on the Jersey Shore, Seaside Heights Pier. My home is about 10-15 minutes away, luckily my mom and sister made it out ok. Additionally, the house was mostly unharmed. They still have no power, and are projected to to get it back within 7-10 days.
It's sad seeing this because I grew up going to this Amusement Park in Seaside. Still have yet to hear about my high school on Sandy Hook, NJ. They say it was 5-6 feet underwater...

RobR1205 10-30-2012 01:43 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
But to all those who lost property, homes, etc, it's good to hear that at least you are safe. I think this picture is a comforting one, and reminds us that we can get through this tough time for so many families. Prayers sent to all affected by this terrible storm.

emopunker2004 10-30-2012 02:13 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
My aunt and uncle in CT that we just got back from visiting last week made it through ok. Only damage was one tree that fell across the road.

CoffeeWaterBeer 10-30-2012 02:25 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Worked last night 4pm to midnight in Baltimore. It wasn't as bad as I expected and got home to some basement flooding and a bit coming in through somewhere in the roof. I'm not complaining and feel fortunate. I feel for those north of me that got much worse. Hope everyone is safe.

I have to say, the drive home through the city was eerie, total ghost town last night around midnight. A few parked cops eyeballed me like I was nuts but left me to my ride. I would have stayed at work overnight just to be safer but was worried I'd have more water damage.

Never did get a smoke in, I'll have a nice one tonight in honor of the first responders , as well as those who have to deal with large scale damage and loss.

OLS 10-30-2012 03:34 PM

Re: Hurricane Sandy
Could be the water you see from your ceiling was forced under the shingles and through a seam in the tar paper
and your roof is fine. Wait til it does it again in a rain event to start worrying. hurricanes blow water in through
places you could never imagine. Glad to hear that no one yet is devastated. i like the name of that ride in the
photo...typhoon, lol.

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