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icehog3 11-05-2012 01:33 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter


elderboy02 11-05-2012 05:08 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Tom, I was just about to post on here that we will no longer get nekkid Billy :( :td :( :td :(

Mikey202 11-05-2012 10:02 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1744695)
Wow, that was a great episode. Van Alden went postal!

I was wondering when that was going to happen. His "wife" is one cool lady.

I also was wondering, are we going to get to see Nucky use all those Tommy guns he has? You remember, last season, he traded some to the Irish.

Time to rally all the troops, and unleash Chalky with some Thompsons.:noon

irratebass 11-07-2012 09:52 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Finally got to see it last night.

Wow, best not to cross Jillian eh?

Bye Billie.

Van Alden going postal was hilarious to me, and yep his wife rules.

Next weeks preview I seen a glimpse of Chalky

It's war people!!!

PearlS4 11-07-2012 10:32 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
I was really into this series last year, and was excited for this years new season, but have come away disappointed. It's getting to the point now where they are creating too many random story lines that are never resolved, kind of like making it up as they go since the series is popular so the can drag it out, on and on. The first three episodes this year just opened up more questions. It seems to be taking on the haphazard writing style used on the series "Lost" which was another disappointment of writers pulling things out of their a$$ to continue selling shows.

icehog3 11-07-2012 10:59 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1746164)
Bye Billie.

Mikey202 11-12-2012 10:25 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Why doesn't Nucky, get Chalky and his crew, go down to the American Legion Hall, recruit a bunch of disgruntled veterans, (that have combat experiance), arm everyone with machine guns from the Armory, and ambush the delivery site on the beach.
I would have the head of that crazy Italian, delivered in a box, with a bottle of Scotch, to his boss.

elderboy02 11-12-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 1748473)
Why doesn't Nucky, get Chalky and his crew, go down to the American Legion Hall, recruit a bunch of disgruntled veterans, (that have combat experiance), arm everyone with machine guns from the Armory, and ambush the delivery site on the beach.
I would have the head of that crazy Italian, delivered in a box, with a bottle of Scotch, to his boss.

Agreed 100%

icehog3 11-12-2012 12:55 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 1748473)
Why doesn't Nucky, get Chalky and his crew, go down to the American Legion Hall, recruit a bunch of disgruntled veterans, (that have combat experiance), arm everyone with machine guns from the Armory, and ambush the delivery site on the beach.
I would have the head of that crazy Italian, delivered in a box, with a bottle of Scotch, to his boss.

Might happen that way!

Powers 11-12-2012 10:50 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Really enjoyed this episode! Thought the writing w/the concussion allowed Buscemi to show off his acting more than in most episodes. Plus the meeting of the minds w/all the ward bosses (including Chalky!) and later w/the various East coast mafia dons was what I've thought they needed to do more off.

And it looks like Richard's gonna get him some! That would be an awkward scene of bonin', though ;s

Stevez 11-13-2012 03:56 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1748863)
Really enjoyed this episode! Thought the writing w/the concussion allowed Buscemi to show off his acting more than in most episodes. Plus the meeting of the minds w/all the ward bosses (including Chalky!) and later w/the various East coast mafia dons was what I've thought they needed to do more off.

And it looks like Richard's gonna get him some! That would be an awkward scene of bonin', though ;s

Agree 100%. Really enjoyed this episode and was rather sad when they noted that there are only 3 more episodes. Find myself really looking forward to Sunday's and getting my Boardwalk fix. I think old Nucky's going to open his stash of Tommy guns and get some revenge. I also think he's going to recruit Richard to help.

irratebass 11-15-2012 07:19 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Man after that last couple of episodes of The Walking Dead I thought for sure that Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) was a shoe in for the Emmy, but after Steve Buscemi's performance I am torn.

I thought Steve was awesome in this episode, I was laughing my a$$ off, he thought Chalky was a shoeshine boy :lr WOW!

I felt bad for him when all the bosses basically turned their backs on him, but then Arnold spoke up and it was like oh yeah, I remember that.

Richard better tread lightly around Gillian.....ugh

I wish Margaret and that guy would just hurry up and go to Ireland and get it over with, I cannot stand her drama anymore.

Powers 11-17-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1750163)
Man after that last couple of episodes of The Walking Dead I thought for sure that Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) was a shoe in for the Emmy, but after Steve Buscemi's performance I am torn.

I thought Steve was awesome in this episode, I was laughing my a$$ off, he thought Chalky was a shoeshine boy :lr WOW!

I felt bad for him when all the bosses basically turned their backs on him, but then Arnold spoke up and it was like oh yeah, I remember that.

Richard better tread lightly around Gillian.....ugh

I wish Margaret and that guy would just hurry up and go to Ireland and get it over with, I cannot stand her drama anymore.

Bet you a fiver neither Lincoln nor Buscemi win the Emmy for best leading actor :D

elderboy02 11-18-2012 08:13 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Great episode!

Richard.... APOLOGIZE!!!!

Luciano/Lansky teaming up with Masseria

Richard finally getting him some :tu

Chalky going against Nucky?

Gyp crazy as usual :tu

TJarv 11-18-2012 08:40 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1741441)
Another slow episode event wise but several good acting moments. I like Eli and glad that he appears to be back in the inner circle

But can this show ever have Capone, Chalky, Richard, Rothstein, Slater & Van Alden in the same episode?? Its frustrating that the writers can't weave everyone together. If we get Chalky, there's no Richard, etc.

Wish granted

Gabe215 11-19-2012 04:53 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Does HBO think it's artsy or something creating a character that people like, (like Jimmy, Angela, now Slater) then killing them off? Who's next Richard and Chalky? Was hesitant about this season to begin with and it's been pretty weak, might have to pass on season 4 unless they hook me in next two episodes!

icehog3 11-19-2012 08:23 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Unpredictability is one of the keys to keeping a series fresh. :2

Mikey202 11-19-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
Richard breaking out the hardware, to go on the warpath!!! Chalky won't turn on Nucky. Richard and Chalky save the day!!!

I hope Richard and Chalky, go medieval on thier asses!!!!.:gary

Stevez 11-19-2012 06:11 PM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter
I also think Richard and Chalky will come around and save Nucky. I sure didn't see that ending coming though. And Gip isn't just crazy, he's a f#$#ing pyschopath. While a few episodes have been somewhat slow, all in all, I loved this season so far. My biggest "complaint" would be that they have introduced so many new characters that it's hard to keep some of them straight. That could be just that I'm getting old.


irratebass 11-20-2012 09:20 AM

Re: Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Banter

Originally Posted by Stevez (Post 1752471)
I also think Richard and Chalky will come around and save Nucky. I sure didn't see that ending coming though. And Gip isn't just crazy, he's a f#$#ing pyschopath. While a few episodes have been somewhat slow, all in all, I loved this season so far. My biggest "complaint" would be that they have introduced so many new characters that it's hard to keep some of them straight. That could be just that I'm getting old.


No, it is hard trying to keep up, not as hard as Game Of Thrones, but still.

Wow Gyp is psycho!!!! I can't believe he went that!

Is it me or is it just hard to understand Stephen Root when he talks?

Well I really hated to see Owen go, now we have to deal with more of Margaret's BS!

Al put a fork into Nelson's face!!!!!! Then gave him the food.

Nuck is really burning bridges......I think his only ally left is Richard right? He pretty much turned his back on Chalky.

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