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Pseudosacred 03-29-2012 07:37 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1603051)
I prefer CCs most of the time as I do not feel the need to eat a large meal before hand like I do for many strong NCs.

I have no experiance with CC's. Does this mean they are less on the strong side?

Bill86 03-29-2012 07:42 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Pseudosacred (Post 1603594)
I have no experiance with CC's. Does this mean they are less on the strong side?

I would say a full bodied CC is maybe a medium to medium full bodied NC. As far as I know there are no FFP/Pork Tenderloin/Liga Privada FULL FULL bodied CC's. I could be wrong and If I am there are VERY few.

In general strength is not something CC's go for. Flavor however is.

Pseudosacred 03-29-2012 07:46 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1603600)
I would say a full bodied CC is maybe a medium to medium full bodied NC. As far as I know there are no FFP/Pork Tenderloin/Liga Privada FULL FULL bodied CC's. I could be wrong and If I am there are VERY few.

In general strength is not something CC's go for. Flavor however is.


maverickdrinker 03-29-2012 09:08 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I smoke cc's and the occasional nc for a change of pace. To each, his own. I've never been a big fan of the power bombs of most nc's however, I do enjoy them once in awhile.

I think the important thing is not to judge what others enjoy. You can share your opinion if you like the cigar or not as different strokes for different folks however, using a broad brush to say generalities is dangerous and disrespectful.

Even within cc's, there are preferences. There are marcas that I enjoy. Others not so much. At the end of the day, it's about the experience, in terms of the cigar(s) smoked and those who you enjoyed it with.

lenguamor 03-29-2012 09:17 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
Whenever you find yourself annoyed that others don't like the same cigars you do, consider this: if everyone liked your favorite cigars, they'd be exceedingly hard to find and prohibitively expensive.

So...vive la difference!

akumushi 03-29-2012 10:14 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by lenguamor (Post 1603649)
Whenever you find yourself annoyed that others don't like the same cigars you do, consider this: if everyone liked your favorite cigars, they'd be exceedingly hard to find and prohibitively expensive.

So...vive la difference!

To a certain extent... but then again, Habanos has recently discontinued the last of the ninfas, panatela largas and several other long and skinny vitolas to make room for more limited edition toros and petit robustos because that's what's selling, :td so sometimes there's safety in numbers.

pektel 03-29-2012 10:18 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
Don't remind me. I'm not a fan of the direction habanos SA is headed. Such a shame, if you ask me.
Posted via Mobile Device

Don Fernando 03-30-2012 12:11 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
It bugs me that some people in this topic talk about nc's all being full bodied. That is not the case, there are shitloads of mild and medium nc's too

oooo35980 03-30-2012 12:36 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1603743)
It bugs me that some people in this topic talk about nc's all being full bodied. That is not the case, there are shitloads of mild and medium nc's too

Ya gotta admit though most of the really hyped ones are pretty full, LP and Viaje for instance.

icehog3 03-30-2012 01:12 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by kuzi16 (Post 1603579)
i will forgive your hasty judgement of me if you let me explain mine.

i was speaking of random people i meet at work ( i work in a restaurant)that claim to know things about cigars. when i begin to ask them about what brands they like they say they "only smoke Cubans"
this phrase was in quotes because it seemed obvious to me that they are saying that because they are are lying to me because they are fore some reason looking to impress me. so when i press further and they cannot name a single line, source, brand, etc i know they are full of it.

of course i do not speak of people that tend to post in forums such as this because the people that post in forums like this tend to know more about cigars than the average guy that enjoys cigars and many of the forum member either know more than the guy that owns the local B&M or they ARE the guy that owns the local B&M.

i am sorry if i inadvertently insulted people that actually know what they are doing. i was not speaking of you. i should watch my wording.

you are not sorry to insult. if you were you would not do so. but i accept your apology none-the-less. you are just defending your community and i respect that. i would do the same if the rolls were reversed.

I do not feel the need to justify how much i do or do not know about cigars. you can feel free to investigate that yourself if you want. or not. whatever. i use the same handle on the forum this forum and if you want you can read my blog that is in my signature line. if not, fine. im not here to impress you. i am not here to insult you either.

Fair enough, I am glad you made another post, and appreciate that you see I was looking out for my community. Hope we can start an neutral ground and go onward and upward from here.

thecatch83 03-30-2012 03:31 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I prefer cigars that taste amazing, regardless of origin. Several NC's are produced using Cuban seed anyway......but if pressed, CC's all the way! I wonder how this discussion would lean if the former USSR didn't want to park nuclear warheads 100 miles from the United States, and CC's were readily available and priced like NC's!

akumushi 03-30-2012 06:44 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1603743)
It bugs me that some people in this topic talk about nc's all being full bodied. That is not the case, there are shitloads of mild and medium nc's too

I think it's because to CC smokers, the vast majority of NC mild and medium smokes simply don't hold a candle to CCs in terms of complexity and range of flavors. There is NO NC that comes anywhere near the delicate but complex taste and smoking experiece of say, a La Gloria Cubana Medaille D' Or No. 1 or 3. Maybe the OR El Triumphador Lancero comes close in terms of quality of flavors and that light sweetness, but IMO, it is still far from as complex as the any of the best CC lanceros. The only NC cigars that offer me something unique and satifying that I can't find done better and with more complexity and range of flavor somewhere in the Habanos portfolio are the big, peppery Nic flavor bombs like the LE Tats, Pepin line and the Padron Anniversary series. I've had some VR farm rolls that come close to these in flavor and body, but still weren't quite as in your face and chewy. If I feel like a Padron then I feel like a Padron, but if I want something light, then NCs are dead to me.
This is my personal experience, so please don't think I'm saying you're wrong. You're an experienced smoker and I'm sure there are some mild and medium NCs that you love, and for good reason. If you list a couple I might even check them out. I'm simply explaining the thought process behind my (and presumably the other CC smokers) bias, and why we act like there is nothing in the NC world in terms of mild/medium smokes. It's because to many of us, the only NCs worth smoking are the full bodied ones. :2

jjirons69 03-30-2012 06:48 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
The only things I find consistent in life are my family and beliefs - the rest change. I used to like Titleist ProV1s, now I love Maxflis. A couple of years ago I loved dark roast beans, now I'm drinking blond roast more often than not. I once hated hoppy beers, now I love them. How boring would life be if we settled in ruts and did the same thing all the time. I smoked hundreds of 5 Vegas As years ago, they were my go-tos. I haven't had any in a long and it doesn't bother me in the least. Tastes change. What I like now may be nowhere close to what I like in a year or two (except I'll always love a delicious LGC!).


shilala 03-30-2012 07:33 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1603600)
I would say a full bodied CC is maybe a medium to medium full bodied NC. As far as I know there are no FFP/Pork Tenderloin/Liga Privada FULL FULL bodied CC's. I could be wrong and If I am there are VERY few.

In general strength is not something CC's go for. Flavor however is.

The only full-bodied, full strength cc I've ever had is a big Por Larranaga hogleg that Klugs asked me to try at the last Shack. I think that's what it was, if I remember correctly. I asked him twice and he told me what it was, exactly, and I forget again. :)
I was thinking it was an old Belicosos Finos, but it's not. at any rate, it was INCREDIBLY good.

I also think you hit the nail on the head, Bill. I can't imagine any reason that there can't be full-bodied, strong cc's. The money is in what they're doing. I would guess that the trend toward larger rings will also begin a trend toward fuller body/strength. Probably in LE's, that'd be a good place to do it.

Blak Smyth 03-30-2012 07:54 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1603743)
It bugs me that some people in this topic talk about nc's all being full bodied. That is not the case, there are shitloads of mild and medium nc's too

Most of the NCs I prefer tend to be pretty strong, which is fine I just like to be able to smoke without planning my meals out. I think I have a low Nic tollerance. I have not found many NCs that are mild-medium strength that I have been able to really enjoy.

Don Fernando 03-30-2012 10:19 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1603757)
Ya gotta admit though most of the really hyped ones are pretty full, LP and Viaje for instance.

But there are thousands of NC's, there is a whole world out there besides the hyped ones.

Bad Finger 03-30-2012 11:49 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1602778)
smoke what you like, like what you smoke. Doesn't matter what the others say, matters what you like.

If that is the case and it simply comes down to what a person likes, why do CC's get so much special treatment on forum boards by getting their own section for every marca and multiple other areas dedicated directly to Cuban blends?

I don't see that preferential treatment for say, Nicaraguan cigars.


markem 03-30-2012 12:01 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604096)
If that is the case and it simply comes down to what a person likes, why do CC's get so much special treatment on forum boards by getting their own section for every marca and multiple other areas dedicated directly to Cuban blends?

I don't see that preferential treatment for say, Nicaraguan cigars.


The "why doesn't every NC have a subforum/review area" question has been answered many times. The shear volume (and more new ones daily) makes it nearly impossible. Other than the existence of a habanos forum and marca specific review areas, I have no idea what you mean by preferential.

Where are these "multiple other areas" of which you speak?

The ToE built the board that they wanted and do listen to inmate input. If the board isn't what you want, is the place to go to see how cheap and easy it is to set one up yourself.

Build it and people who want your environment will come. If it gets lonely, don't complain to me.

shilala 03-30-2012 12:02 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604096)
If that is the case and it simply comes down to what a person likes, why do CC's get so much special treatment on forum boards by getting their own section for every marca and multiple other areas dedicated directly to Cuban blends?

I don't see that preferential treatment for say, Nicaraguan cigars.


I fail to see the tie-in between your question and the comment, and my first thought was "what's the difference?", but you may want to consider that this board, as well as many others, are privately owned, run and paid for.
Point being, the powers that be may prefer it that way. Considering neither of us have a dime in it, that brings us right back around to "what's the difference?"
Another way to look at it relates to Ferdie's comment earlier. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of non-cuban marcas. Where would one fit a category for each? Who would remove, manage, change things as one marca after another is abandoned because it's stopped selling?
There's not a new cc created every week, and it stands to reason that one could break down the reviews, for instance, such as they are here. I can't speak to how other boards are broken down, I don't visit them.

akumushi 03-30-2012 12:03 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604096)
If that is the case and it simply comes down to what a person likes, why do CC's get so much special treatment on forum boards by getting their own section for every marca and multiple other areas dedicated directly to Cuban blends?

I don't see that preferential treatment for say, Nicaraguan cigars.


1. The interests of the people who initially designed the website, they wanted it and so they made it. That simple.
2. The fact that there are small, finite set of marcas that has hardly changed in the last 10 years, and as such can easily be given that kind of detailed treatment. I dare you to try to organize every Marca on the NC side that's existed in the last ten years.

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