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sikk50 11-21-2011 02:03 PM

Re: CigarSniper Beta is open to all this weekend
It's just like that quick bids thing. Total rip off

mariogolbee 11-21-2011 03:15 PM

Re: CigarSniper Beta is open to all this weekend
You guys should really read through the whole thread before passing judgement. Homberto has done a great job of attempting to explain things and being quite patient.

You buy bids.
Bid on lots.
If you win, you might get a good deal.
If you lose, you can still purchase the item with nothing lost but time, and
you still had fun. If there are no more in stock, a choice of three
comparable items will be available.

The bottom line is that Famous will win by selling bids, profitting on auctions wins, and selling product for their regular, already decent prices, to those who lose an auction item, but are still willing to pay for the item. Either way, Famous wins.

The bidders really only lose if they bid on many items, hoping to win them all, and then don't apply their bids toward the regular purchase of the item when they lose. Just don't be that person, which is obviously easier said than done.

That's how I see it. Just my :2, not that I'll actually be using the site. I'm the guy who will bid on everything, so I probably shouldn't play. Famous has always been a great place to buy from, IMO, and their CS is outstanding. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Dr Voss 11-21-2011 06:43 PM

Re: CigarSniper Beta is open to all this weekend
I checked out out this evening, interesting concept. Looks like you need to be either patient or determined. Anything in the middle could be expensive.

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