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Starscream 11-21-2011 12:13 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1480863)
That's a good point, but wasn't the chief pi$$ed off at Morgan for going to him instead of LaGuerta or was that in an earlier season???

I don't remember that incident right now. Maybe from an earlier season?;s

kydsid 11-21-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1480851)
I thought so too for a while, but LaGuerta and he do not have a very friendly relationship. If she had dirt on him, I think she would expose him. But you never know. That's why I like this season. It keeps everyone guessing.

But what is better: Exposing the assitant chief of police for a murder, when you don't have enough seniority to take the spot or covering it up, with no connection to yourself, as she is not directly related to the case officially, and put the assistant chief in your pocket?

Starscream 11-21-2011 03:31 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1480869)
But what is better: Exposing the assitant chief of police for a murder, when you don't have enough seniority to take the spot or covering it up, with no connection to yourself, as she is not directly related to the case officially, and put the assistant chief in your pocket?

True, but how many episodes has the captain/newly assistant chief been in? He's seen in two roles at this point in the series: as a direct relationship to Dexter's dad (old school cop), and as an @$$hole that acts as a foil to LaGuerta, Deb, and on the rare occasion Dexter. I don't see him as the type to solicit escorts, and second of all, what would be more dramatic/entertaining for viewers of this show: The captain/deputy chief being exposed or Quinn on an alcoholic binge getting caught up in a possible murder rap?

Quinn didn't show up to the crime scene coincidentally and LaGuerta unexpectedly arrived at the scene, yet she hasn't been at the scene of any of the more high profile scenes in this season. Quinn not being at this crime scene makes me suspect it's him that is involved, but I'm not sure yet why LaGuerta would be protecting him at this point.

These are just my thoughts on the situation at hand. I'm not trying to start an argument over it, but yet the debate has been entertaining today. Jason and Mickey, I'd love to see what you think about the points I made above. Best discussion and insight we've had about this season so far, second to Drew's insight about the DDK being only one person, rather than two.

kydsid 11-22-2011 07:15 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1480992)
Quinn not being at this crime scene makes me suspect it's him that is involved, but I'm not sure yet why LaGuerta would be protecting him at this point.

Good point about Quinn not being there, but Angel wasn't there either. You know, hasn't Angel been with a hooker before? That would make the most sense out of all of them now that I think about it because I don't see selfish ass La Guerta helping anyone she didn't owe or could get something from. hmmmm.

Wanger 11-22-2011 07:48 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1480734)
Many people feel that there is only one DDK, with the professor being only a figment of the other's imagination.

Just thought of something...didn't the girl that Travis released say that there was 2 people? A younger one and an older guy? I think I need to re-watch Sunday's episode to be certain, but I thought that's what she said.

Starscream 11-22-2011 07:56 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1481714)
Good point about Quinn not being there, but Angel wasn't there either. You know, hasn't Angel been with a hooker before? That would make the most sense out of all of them now that I think about it because I don't see selfish ass La Guerta helping anyone she didn't owe or could get something from. hmmmm.

Good point. Angel got picked up by an undercover cop in an earlier season, plus he's the closest to La Guerta (ex-husband) on the show. Hmmm... Could be.:tu

Starscream 11-22-2011 08:01 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1481741)
Just thought of something...didn't the girl that Travis released say that there was 2 people? A younger one and an older guy? I think I need to re-watch Sunday's episode to be certain, but I thought that's what she said.

Yes, which threw me off for a minute. But she only heard two separate voices. She was always blindfolded, so she never actually SAW anyone.

The professor hitting his apprentice with a shovel in this episode through me off a bit too. But I think that was just a way to act out onscreen the transition from one personality to the other.

Wanger 11-22-2011 08:41 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1481745)
Good point. Angel got picked up by an undercover cop in an earlier season, plus he's the closest to La Guerta (ex-husband) on the show. Hmmm... Could be.:tu

...or she could be doing Quinn. :p

irratebass 11-22-2011 10:26 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1480992)
Quinn didn't show up to the crime scene coincidentally and LaGuerta unexpectedly arrived at the scene, yet she hasn't been at the scene of any of the more high profile scenes in this season. Quinn not being at this crime scene makes me suspect it's him that is involved, but I'm not sure yet why LaGuerta would be protecting him at this point.

That's an interesting twist and as Wanger said maybe she is doing Quinn, he is in a f*kd up place right now.....LaGuerta used to have the hots for Dexter (Season 1) and that is where I got confused about Deb going over LaGuerta's head and to the cheif (season 1) ;s about that. (Wife is watching season 1 for the 1st time and I am re-watching with her)


Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1481714)
Good point about Quinn not being there, but Angel wasn't there either. You know, hasn't Angel been with a hooker before? That would make the most sense out of all of them now that I think about it because I don't see selfish ass La Guerta helping anyone she didn't owe or could get something from. hmmmm.

I could have swore that Angel was there, was it just Masuka?


Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1481741)
Just thought of something...didn't the girl that Travis released say that there was 2 people? A younger one and an older guy? I think I need to re-watch Sunday's episode to be certain, but I thought that's what she said.

As much as I want to believe the split personality thing, I just can't I mean they have pics of he does exist unless his spirit is in the kid (name escapes me) kinda like Chucky lol


Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1481777)
...or she could be doing Quinn. :p


kydsid 11-22-2011 11:48 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1481877)
As much as I want to believe the split personality thing, I just can't I mean they have pics of he does exist unless his spirit is in the kid (name escapes me) kinda like Chucky lol


Gellar could easily be the manifestation of the kids dark passenger (at least I think that is possible after it was brought up, didn't even occur to me until it was) just like Dexter's brother and Dad are manifestations.

hscmit 11-22-2011 02:14 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
interesting thoughts about who was there when the hooker died, I had liked Quinn for it, but after reading your thoughts am leading towards Angel

Starscream 11-22-2011 02:42 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1481877)
That's an interesting twist and as Wanger said maybe she is doing Quinn, he is in a f*kd up place right now.....LaGuerta used to have the hots for Dexter (Season 1) and that is where I got confused about Deb going over LaGuerta's head and to the cheif (season 1) ;s about that. (Wife is watching season 1 for the 1st time and I am re-watching with her)

I could have swore that Angel was there, was it just Masuka?

As much as I want to believe the split personality thing, I just can't I mean they have pics of he does exist unless his spirit is in the kid (name escapes me) kinda like Chucky lol


I thought Angel was there as well, but I could be wrong. I'll have to rewatch it OnDemand.

Yes, Gellar is a real person, at least he was a real person. According to the storyline, he went missing a few years ago (or went missing before the murders started taking place. I do remember specifically that LaGuerta as soon as she arrived asked why someone was not at the crime scene, but I'm not sure if it was Angel or Quinn. Probably Angel.

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1482115)
interesting thoughts about who was there when the hooker died, I had liked Quinn for it, but after reading your thoughts am leading towards Angel

Me too. Interesting angle on Angel.

Starscream 11-22-2011 02:44 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1481777)
...or she could be doing Quinn. :p

That would be a very interesting plot twist, considering Angel and Quinn are now partners. There was that episode during this season where Quinn mentioned the "partner code", yet Quinn seems to be breaking the "partner code" more often than Angel is.

Starscream 11-22-2011 02:51 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Interesting insight to the series. I posted my predictions upon the issues we've discussed here so far at that site.

Eleven 11-22-2011 09:21 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
I suspect that LaGuerta is covering for the Assistant Chief. She already blackmailed him to get her promotion, mentioning finding his name in some Madam's Little Black Book. But maybe that's just too obvious.

Bill86 11-28-2011 02:19 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Wow very interesting episode tonight. Some of you were VERY close to being right.

Starscream 11-28-2011 07:15 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Good episode. I was right on a few things, and wrong on a few others. When I saw the freezer in the basement, I immediately knew what was in it.

Wanger 11-30-2011 07:13 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
Finally watched the latest episode last night.

Not overly surprised when I saw that Gellar was dead. The question is how long he's been dead, and if he had any hand in the killings at all. Plus, how the hell is Dexter going to get out of this one, with Travis knowing who he is now. I think he's going to have to find a way to have the kid killed without exposing himself. And allowing his dark passenger to do it will not help the situation.

Now the dead hooker situation. That will be interesting to see how LaGuerta handles that one. Will Deb figure it out? Will they find someone else to pin it on?

And Quinn...he's a mess! Hooking up with the Waffle House woman. LMAO!!! "Oh, we took pics". Ha ha ha ha ha. I have a feeling he's going to get killed at some point, from being drunk and in the wrong place, or he'll kill someone while drunk. One way or another, I don't think it'll end well for him.

Is it Sunday night yet?

irratebass 11-30-2011 07:33 AM

Re: Dexter - Season 6

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1488206)
Finally watched the latest episode last night.

Not overly surprised when I saw that Gellar was dead. The question is how long he's been dead, and if he had any hand in the killings at all. Plus, how the hell is Dexter going to get out of this one, with Travis knowing who he is now. I think he's going to have to find a way to have the kid killed without exposing himself. And allowing his dark passenger to do it will not help the situation.

Now the dead hooker situation. That will be interesting to see how LaGuerta handles that one. Will Deb figure it out? Will they find someone else to pin it on?

And Quinn...he's a mess! Hooking up with the Waffle House woman. LMAO!!! "Oh, we took pics". Ha ha ha ha ha. I have a feeling he's going to get killed at some point, from being drunk and in the wrong place, or he'll kill someone while drunk. One way or another, I don't think it'll end well for him.

Is it Sunday night yet?

I can't remember did the rest of the gang get a lead on Travis? Were they on the way to the church? I thought I remember hearing Dex say something about not being able to get to Travis in here is what I am thinking I am thinking that the cops will come in and take care of Travis, and they will find Dex in the basement and he will play the innocent role somehow and they will find Gellar and case closed.

The hooker thing I KNEW it was the chief, I even told my wife this, not sure how it's going to play with Deb though. Chief can be pretty vindictive when he wants.

I think Quinn will end up in rehab.......he is boring me to death this season.

Bill86 11-30-2011 02:11 PM

Re: Dexter - Season 6
I believe it was before they find Travis. Because they were already on to him so it's only a matter of time kinda thing.

IMHO This season has to end with Dexter off'ing Travis. There is no other move. That's how every season ends.

I never really liked Quinn in any season, I was hoping Dexter killed him.

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