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CasaDooley 12-09-2011 01:19 AM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1496816)
Is this where I post a picture of my empty jerky container, and sign up for the Jerky Newsletter?

Anybody have some jerky stickers I could buy? :D


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1496818)
Sorry, Tom. you have to earn it.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1496823)
I have a gift card.

The gift cards only good for a bagel.:r

sevans105 12-09-2011 04:17 AM

Re: Beef Jerky
Gnostic bagel knowledge is for suckers. Give me jerky any day! Offer to trade still stands!

OLS 02-13-2012 12:18 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
I currently use a different method for my jerky. To comment on something Peter said on post #1, I think you
are actually better off with a thick sauce, it really works well in the end. Thin is good for imparting a salty
quality, but not much for flavor I have found. The thicker sauce the better, at least on my dehydrator.

This is the basic unit I use, although it doesn't look like this one. Mine is probably 4+ years old now, so their
R&D has cranked out a more spacey looking one I am sure.

I go to the store and decimate the reduced for quick sale rack. Beef is pretty good about not going so bad
that you can't make jerky out of it, even in a reduced rack. Never got bad beef that way. I am sure it could
happen. This method ensures I always have some variety. Usually get top sirloin steaks cut thin, round roasts
cut into medallions, chuck shoulder steak, almost any cut will do. I find a lot of T-Bones that way, too, and
they work well. Stay away from anything with the word ARM in it. Flavor is not worth the money at any price.
You have to do a lot more work with a knife than with London Broil, when you grab random kinds of meat, but
there is good flavor variety. Plus I have dogs and I enjoy meat cutting. Anything over 3/8 inch is kind of useless
and remember, fat does not dehydrate and it barely renders, in fact at jerky temps, it plain old DOESN'T render,
so avoid large fatty parts, and even good marbling is sometimes too much. I usually make two trays worth at a time.
Sometimes just for me, sometimes my co-workers buy it. Off the reduced rack, you can get the price down pretty
low. I don't use meat that is entirely brown, I would grill that, but not dehydrate it. As they say, it's all pink on the
inside, but jerky is too low a heat to risk it. And of course, your nose should tell you if it's safe, too. Even it a
person has no smoker, I would suggest getting a dehydrator if you ike jerky. They are about 35-50 bucks and
pay for themselves FAST, especially if you like jerky, which I don't have to tell you, is like gold price-wise.

I need to go back and check, I suddenly remember writing all this once before, haha.

ApexAZ 02-13-2012 07:13 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
I will have to try this. Should be able to do 200 on my smoker as 225 is relatively easy. Did you slice with a knife, or do you have a slicer? I don't have a good knife or a good meat slicer, so getting consistent strips like that would be a challenge. A butcher might do it for me though. I'll have to ask.

Chainsaw13 02-13-2012 07:16 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by ApexAZ (Post 1558741)
I will have to try this. Should be able to do 200 on my smoker as 225 is relatively easy. Did you slice with a knife, or do you have a slicer? I don't have a good knife or a good meat slicer, so getting consistent strips like that would be a challenge. A butcher might do it for me though. I'll have to ask.

Brian, partially freeze the cut of meat, about 30 mins will do. That'll make it easier to slice. You don't want it frozen all the way, just partially.

pnoon 02-13-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by ApexAZ (Post 1558741)
I will have to try this. Should be able to do 200 on my smoker as 225 is relatively easy. Did you slice with a knife, or do you have a slicer? I don't have a good knife or a good meat slicer, so getting consistent strips like that would be a challenge. A butcher might do it for me though. I'll have to ask.


Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1558748)
Brian, partially freeze the cut of meat, about 30 mins will do. That'll make it easier to slice. You don't want it frozen all the way, just partially.

Bob is wise.

Sometimes I will buy the London Broil when it is on sale and freeze it. When I am ready to make my jerky, I thaw gradually in the refrigerator. When it is partially thawed, I slice it with a knife. I don't have/use a slicer.

dwoodward 02-13-2012 08:38 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
I make Jerky out of ground beef/deer with a jerky gun and a dehydrator. Ever tried this approach Peter? It's extremely simple and tasty.

pnoon 02-13-2012 08:40 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1558857)
I make Jerky out of ground beef/deer with a jerky gun and a dehydrator. Ever tried this approach Peter? It's extremely simple and tasty.

Can't say that I have.
Deer/venison jerky sounds delicious. But I would probably not grind the meat.

BigAsh 02-13-2012 08:50 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
was thinking to make some jerky on my drum this weekend....this thread pushed me over the proverbial edge!!

pnoon 02-13-2012 08:54 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by BigAsh (Post 1558877)
was thinking to make some jerky on my drum this weekend....this thread pushed me over the proverbial edge!!

Martinis during preparation and smoking are mandatory. :al

BigAsh 02-13-2012 09:02 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1558887)
Martinis during preparation and smoking are mandatory. :al

ABSOLUTE-ly.....or BEEFEATER-ly in my case....extra dry...with a twist :D

dwoodward 02-13-2012 09:18 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by BigAsh (Post 1558907)
ABSOLUTE-ly.....or BEEFEATER-ly in my case....extra dry...with a twist :D

I prefer TITOS-ly :D

pnoon 02-13-2012 09:19 PM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1558934)
I prefer TITOS-ly :D

Titos makes gin?
(If it's not gin, it's NOT a martini)

BigAsh 02-14-2012 07:28 AM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1558937)
Titos makes gin?
(If it's not gin, it's NOT a martini)

Peter, me, you and Jimmy Bond....we're a dying breed...

Stephen 02-14-2012 08:22 AM

Re: Beef Jerky

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1407253)
Last time I did jerky, it only took 80 minutes.

Best to check it after an hour.


Didn't see it mentioned anywhere so I thought I'd ask. How do you test for doneness? If it isn't time, is it internal meat temperature?

pnoon 02-14-2012 08:25 AM

Re: Beef Jerky
By sight and taste.
Posted via Mobile Device

BnBTobacco 02-14-2012 08:28 AM

Re: Beef Jerky
I've never made my own Jerky before.... but now I want to. Anyone have any tips for a beginner??

OLS 02-14-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
I made my own tips for doing it the way I do in the Recipes "Jerky" thread. As for convenience and doing it
in the Smoker thread, I will make it quick. Start with a cheaper cut of meat. Make sure you choose very LEAN meat.
Use more flavoring agent than you think you should. GET A DEHYDRATOR. Doing it on a smoker is a good idea, but if
I was going to get one or the other to make jerky, I'd go with the more versatile, less messy tool. it's also an inside
tool, which is good when it's cold. If you shop arond you can get one for 40 bucks. If you decide on a smoker
instead, watch your heat. You are not cooking meat, you are drying it.

snowdins 02-15-2012 07:09 PM

Re: Beef Jerky
This thread just pushed me to buy a dehydrator. Got one at Bed Bath and Beyond for 60 bucks. Can't wait!

OLS 02-16-2012 11:28 AM

Re: Beef Jerky
You are going to love that.

Welcome to the Asylum, by the way.

I have YET to dry any fruit, but I only bought it for jerky anyway. Always remember that initially you need to
dry for an hour at the highest setting, then you can turn it down and go to sleep or go out in the yard or whatever.
You can dry it on high til it's DONE, but if you are planning on going to work or to bed while it is jerking, make sure
it spends one hour on high for bacterial reasons. I am sure it will be in your instructions. Also, I do not
use any packaged cure, I just slather it in sauce and slap it on the machine. If you wanted to put it away for
months, then go with the cure mixes they make. I just eat/sell it too fast.

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