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forgop 07-26-2011 08:09 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
Closed my Netflix account today. Streaming options leave a lot to be desired and I've had the same DVD for at least 3 months now. Just not using it...too busy with school.

Starscream 07-26-2011 09:43 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1343534)
Some interesting information on the back story

I've heard about this, Mark, but I'm not sure I buy it 100% It sounds like the same line the cable companies throw out each year about the rising cost of cable.

Still, there's some truth to it. The distributors such as Paramount, Sony, and the other big names are greedy (see theater prices these days) and the ISPs are aggravated with Netflix as well.

Tyler 07-26-2011 10:31 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1350645)
I've heard about this, Mark, but I'm not sure I buy it 100% It sounds like the same line the cable companies throw out each year about the rising cost of cable.

Still, there's some truth to it. The distributors such as Paramount, Sony, and the other big names are greedy (see theater prices these days) and the ISPs are aggravated with Netflix as well.

I agree with you and theater prices around here are insane. The closest theater to me charges $11 for a single showing. :td I can imagine it is the same thing with Netflix. As the distributors see how well Netflix is doing they start wanting a bigger and bigger piece of the pie.

neoflex 07-26-2011 10:56 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1350645)
I've heard about this, Mark, but I'm not sure I buy it 100% It sounds like the same line the cable companies throw out each year about the rising cost of cable.

Still, there's some truth to it. The distributors such as Paramount, Sony, and the other big names are greedy (see theater prices these days) and the ISPs are aggravated with Netflix as well.

I have a tough time believing that is the case too simply because of the lackluster selection offered on streaming. The movie companies should be excited that people are willing to watch a lot of the old and outdated movies. If Netflix made new releases available at the same time as the DVDs I would be happy to keep them but that just has not been the case.

bcasey03 07-27-2011 09:00 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
dropped em as soon as I got the email. Seems bad business to raise prices on existing members.

irratebass 08-24-2011 03:52 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Think I will keep the streaming and discontinue the "to my door." Really sucks though, have been a customer for over 6 years or so.

WittyUserName 08-24-2011 05:11 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
I dropped them when I deployed. I could not figure out for the life of my how to change my address to an APO. Turns out all you have to to is call. Oh well.....who wants to wait 10 days between movies anyways.

Apoco 09-19-2011 06:42 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Netflix is splitting streaming and DVD into 2 separate companies. I think it will al be OK in the end...but as a stock holder this makes me nervous.
Posted via Mobile Device

replicant_argent 09-19-2011 07:02 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
A hollow "apology" and what appears to be a lovely piece of misdirection that would work at an 8-year olds magic show.

elderboy02 09-19-2011 07:15 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1413511)
A hollow "apology" and what appears to be a lovely piece of misdirection that would work at an 8-year olds magic show.

Yeah, I got that e-mail. If they are so sorry, they should lower their prices :td

irratebass 09-19-2011 07:17 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1413502)

Netflix is splitting streaming and DVD into 2 separate companies. I think it will al be OK in the end...but as a stock holder this makes me nervous.
Posted via Mobile Device

This is crap, i'm done with em as soon as I finish the sopranos and boston legal heh.

Ashcan Bill 09-19-2011 07:51 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Funny they suddenly send out an "I'm sorry" email this morning. I'm sure the fact their stock has dropped close to 50% has nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:

Mikess 09-19-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Don't use them enough as it is, this gave me a reason to cancel the subscription this morning.

I do find it funny that they changed the name of the disc rental and used netflix for the streaming.

skullnrose 09-19-2011 08:35 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
They probably changed the name of the DVD rental because of all the existing devices used for streaming already stating Netflix ready and such. I dropped the DVD section of my plan and am about to drop the Streaming as well. I have a Amazon prime account and find nearly all the streaming content I'm looking for in Amazons free streaming content. A price increase without the service really changing for the better is never a good thing for the consumer.l

irratebass 09-19-2011 09:06 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1413562)
They probably changed the name of the DVD rental because of all the existing devices used for streaming already stating Netflix ready and such. I dropped the DVD section of my plan and am about to drop the Streaming as well. I have a Amazon prime account and find nearly all the streaming content I'm looking for in Amazons free streaming content. A price increase without the service really changing for the better is never a good thing for the consumer.l

Tell me more about this Amazon prime thing. Pm if you want

shilala 09-19-2011 10:19 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
I dropped the dvd shipping option, and I'm also ready to drop the streaming option. I use streaming a lot, so it's a tougher choice.
We're looking at changing from cable to directv, and if we make that move, we'll definately drop Netflix.
I got the email as well. I thought it was too little too late. It just put an exclamation point on how poorly they handled everything.

Skywalker 09-19-2011 11:08 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
For those who may not have received an email apology and want to know the scope of what is happening with Netflix:


Doesn't sound like the old prices will be restored (kind of ambiguous)... "we’re done with that!"

irratebass 09-19-2011 11:18 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Wow that feeback on that blog is awesome! People just blasting them (as well as they should be)

357 09-19-2011 11:54 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
I'm pretty bummed about the whole thing. I use both the DVD and streaming. If all the content I wanted was available for streaming that's all I'd use. I've chatted with a few of our Canadian inmates who said they never had the DVD option, AND, they can stream stuff we can't since the DVD's are not available to them.

I'm sure they've witheld some streaming content from US audiences for bandwidth/performance reasonses.

Also, I know that they are being sued by the big boys (RIAA I believe) for breaching their distribution agreements. Streaming and DVD in the same pool caused for a lot of legal gray area. I think this is the primary motivation behind the switch. It sucks for us end users of course.

dave 09-19-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1413720)
I'm pretty bummed about the whole thing. I use both the DVD and streaming. If all the content I wanted was available for streaming that's all I'd use....

Same here. Was going to just tuff it out, pay the extra and evaluate the value a little later. But, the email was BS -- the separation of billing sucks, and the separation of queue sites really blows big chunks. That's the last straw for me. The bundled price was attractive in the past, and the bundled interface was enough to keep it around a bit. No more.

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