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OLS 03-07-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1196880)
I hate when I walk into a humi and I feel like the smell of mold is punching me in the face; only to see the fuzzy source of the smell all over their stock. .

Hahah, this happened to me at the Silver Star Hotel and Casino in Philly , Mississippi.
The whole humidor was DANK-a$$,the flooring was buckled in three places under the susp.
ceiling that was falling apart and I asked for a mold discount on the Puroos Indios I was
getting and he told me it was PLUME!!! I left it all on the counter.

And then one day I gave it ALL back. Walked into a humidor room in Metairie, LA
and reached up to grab a box of Padron Executives off the top shelf, and when I put it
back, it slipped and fell what, 8 feet? I put it on the shelf and left a minute or so later.
NOT a good moment in the cigar life of OLS.

OLS 03-07-2011 02:12 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I think that is a good point, and I wish I had made it in an even better way, lol.
A SIGN telling me that I AM being watched is NOT OFFENSIVE to me. BEING
watched in person pi$$es me off to the point where I am not likely to come back.
And there was a time that pissing me off cut your annual turnover by 5-6 thousand
dollars a year. Once I found a B&M I liked, I was loyal. Then I discovered mail
order habanos.

Dukeuni 03-07-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Video Cameras- Why don't more B&M's install video cameras in the humidors if they are so worried about shoplifting? Is there a problem with the cameras and the humidity?

Any CA members have video cameras in their B&M's?

357 03-07-2011 02:33 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Dukeuni (Post 1197193)
Video Cameras- Why don't more B&M's install video cameras in the humidors if they are so worried about shoplifting? Is there a problem with the cameras and the humidity?

Any CA members have video cameras in their B&M's?

I've seen them in many B&M humidors. I much prefer that to the human shadow.

NCRadioMan 03-07-2011 02:34 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Dukeuni (Post 1197193)
Video Cameras- Why don't more B&M's install video cameras in the humidors if they are so worried about shoplifting? Is there a problem with the cameras and the humidity?

Any CA members have video cameras in their B&M's?

Yep. We have them set up throughout the store. It really helps, especially when I am working alone.

awsmith4 03-07-2011 02:40 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I actually like the shadow thing when it is preformed under the guise of wanting to show off the humidor, especially if the person has a genuine passion for their stock.

Christiel49 03-07-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I have to agree with most of these. Very good points.

Adding: Just because I am a woman does not mean that I do not appreciate or have knowledge of cigars!! I am relatively new to this hobby, but I am an intelligent woman and demand to be treated as such! :sl

Don't just assume that all I want to smoke is little flavored cigarellos!!

Please acknowledge me when I walk in, and then let me check things out(drool @ your goods). I will ask questions if I have them.

That is ALL!:sw

jesseboston81 03-07-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Thammy (Post 1196956)
Reading these makes me very thankful for my local place, these are some horror stories here.

:tpd: I never knew how fortunate I was to have my B&M of choice until I read this thread. Honestly, at that shop I've never experienced any of the complaints that others are reporting here. Employees at my B&M are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about cigars, and seem to know just when to leave me alone to browse and when to spend twenty minutes walking me through the shop, chatting about my tastes, and giving me personalized recommendations.

markem 03-07-2011 03:03 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Christiel49 (Post 1197208)
Adding: Just because I am a woman does not mean that I do not appreciate or have knowledge of cigars!! I am relatively new to this hobby, but I am an intelligent woman and demand to be treated as such! :sl

:tpd: this goes for the patrons as well. Just because a sister of the leaf comes in to the store doesn't mean that it is date night at the OK corral.

loki 03-07-2011 03:36 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
don't be cheap

Thammy 03-07-2011 07:01 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1196974)
I'm not sure if it is Ontario only. I'm guessing so. They even have plastic flaps to cover the cigarettes (on the shelves) at gas stations. It's mind boggling. Apparently it is illegal to see a tobacco product in person before you buy it. All exterior signage had to be removed as well. The only exceptions were grandfathered in where cigar or tobacco was in the name of the business.

Weird, I know they can't advertise any. Yeah when I worked at a gas station I could not show the tobacco or advertise it, yet in a Irish Pub they had a cigarettes ad. Oh well. Maybe I should figure out what these laws are exactly.

enlightenedcigar 03-07-2011 07:29 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by jimdandy (Post 1196984)
Perdomo, Just buy Perdomo :r

hahahahaha :tpd:

Miket156 03-07-2011 11:00 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
This thread is a GREAT! Customers meet B&M employees and owners! Its nice to get both sides of the story.

Some of the things I've run into:

Their hours are too short. Being open until 5pm everyday doesn't do anything for me, I work too. I would love to have a B&M that stays open until 7pm so I could stop there after work.

Inventory. I've read posts complaining that B&M's stock only the common brands or something to that effect. My problem is the opposite. The local B&M doesn't have any brand name I recognize. I'm not as knowledgeable as many of you fine folks here, but I have heard of a lot of common brands. When I walk into the local B&M and don't recognize anything, if the owners don't engage me, I leave.

Just a note: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people will steal cigars in a B&M, but I was. I "thought" that anyone that would be interested in purchasing a cigar would not be a thief too. Maybe thieves just go into any retail store and try to steal anything, I don't know.

Now, I'm not saying I'm perfect. However if I would ever entertain stealing, it would be a Brinks job or nothing. :D


Mike T.

NCRadioMan 03-08-2011 04:46 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Miket156 (Post 1197815)
Just a note: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people will steal cigars in a B&M, but I was. I "thought" that anyone that would be interested in purchasing a cigar would not be a thief too. Maybe thieves just go into any retail store and try to steal anything, I don't know.

$700 gone in minutes.

It's always the people you wouldn't expect to steal that does.

cmitch 03-08-2011 08:31 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1196053)
If you have a rule or policy that I apparently was unaware of, mention it to me with courtesy and respect, don't talk to me like I am your naughty nephew, and don't "call me out" in front of others. I promise you if you do, I will not be back, and I will tell every BOTL I know what I think of your place too.

On the other hand, to the owners of 90% of the B&Ms I have been to, thank you for your hospitality and kindness, I look forward to seeing you again. :)

Unfortunately, our local B&M, which I am a locker member, has become this. I cleaned my locker out last Wednesday. I have no intentions of frequenting them as much. The last straw was last Tuesday where a girl of 22 who couldn't give 2 sh^ts about the store treated two of my friends very rudely near closing time. One of the gentlemen complained the following day of her rude behavior. Nothing done, to my knowledge. Also, they've decided to implement rules that have practically removed any enjoyment of being there. It's an uncomfortable environment and I've already relocated to more enjoyable places for a smoke.

hscmit 03-08-2011 08:44 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1198120)
Unfortunately, our local B&M, which I am a locker member, has become this. I cleaned my locker out last Wednesday. I have no intentions of frequenting them as much. The last straw was last Tuesday where a girl of 22 who couldn't give 2 sh^ts about the store treated two of my friends very rudely near closing time. One of the gentlemen complained the following day of her rude behavior. Nothing done, to my knowledge. Also, they've decided to implement rules that have practically removed any enjoyment of being there. It's an uncomfortable environment and I've already relocated to more enjoyable places for a smoke.

that sucks buddy

tsolomon 03-08-2011 09:06 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Christiel49 (Post 1197208)
I have to agree with most of these. Very good points.

Adding: Just because I am a woman does not mean that I do not appreciate or have knowledge of cigars!! I am relatively new to this hobby, but I am an intelligent woman and demand to be treated as such! :sl

Don't just assume that all I want to smoke is little flavored cigarellos!!

Please acknowledge me when I walk in, and then let me check things out(drool @ your goods). I will ask questions if I have them.

That is ALL!:sw

My wife is with you on this one. She likes Tatuajes and Illusiones and they always want to steer her towards milder sticks. It's fun for me to watch the B&M staff get chased out of the walk-in by her. :D

mackhaus 03-08-2011 10:32 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Very interesting reading in this post......I have been in many, many B&Ms throughout Florida and many other states and have experienced just about every reaction/action from the owners/managers that are listed here in this post....all but the Eating Pizza in the humi....that is a new one. If most places in the United States require you be 18 years old or 21 years old to purchase tobacco, why don't shop owners require picture ID when you first walk through the door, like a night club does? In addition to cameras in the humidor, it would tell you who was in the store. I mean, I am asked for picture ID many places that I go already, wouldn't bother me one bit and it should make the rest of the time I spend looking around the store much more enjoyable! -(P

N2 GOLD 03-08-2011 11:11 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Dukeuni (Post 1197193)
Video Cameras- Why don't more B&M's install video cameras in the humidors if they are so worried about shoplifting? Is there a problem with the cameras and the humidity?

Any CA members have video cameras in their B&M's?

Very good point, waaaaay better then the shadow & look...

Kreth 03-09-2011 12:39 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by RandJCigars in the Customers thread
...explaining that 5 Vegas is just some garbage CI came out with,

Don't slam brands you don't carry. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

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