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forgop 07-22-2010 12:08 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
No mention of Icehouse yet? It seemed really popular in the early-mid '90's at Purdue for events like penny beer night. It was also said to have a higher alcohol content than most of the others out there. I just remember that the stuff was awful.

dwoodward 07-22-2010 01:00 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Keystone Light ... at 15 bucks a 30-pack. How can you go wrong?

mahtofire 07-22-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Schnitzengiggles :r,0.jpg

pnoon 07-22-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Nice review.
Posted via Mobile Device

OLS 07-22-2010 04:33 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 924566)
No mention of Icehouse yet? It seemed really popular in the early-mid '90's at Purdue for events like penny beer night.

My god, PENNY BEER NIGHT? It was NICKEL beer night when I was binge drinking and that was 1982! Talk about reverse-flation.

forgop 07-22-2010 05:17 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 924933)
My god, PENNY BEER NIGHT? It was NICKEL beer night when I was binge drinking and that was 1982! Talk about reverse-flation.

That's because they were giving us Icehouse, not to mention the $3 cover charge. I wouldn't drink one if it was given to me now. :D

longknocker 07-22-2010 05:44 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Lonestar Longnecks From Deep In The Heart Of Texas!:banger

BigAsh 07-22-2010 08:50 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by ODLS1 (Post 914727)
Homebrew. It's cheaper :D . I won a medal in a homebrew comp when I was 20 because they didn't ask for age. I just sent my beers in, haha. Average of $10 for 50 beers that taste great is way better than $20 for 30 beers that taste like piss.

I'm still in college (should have just graduated, but I'm way behind in school), and I've had this for awhile...

The pic holds the answer! :r:r

Meisterbrau.....and the HighLife....Michelob when cash was good!!

gvarsity 07-22-2010 11:16 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Old Milwaukee in returnable bottles. 9.99 a case and it tasted the same warm or cold. Which is not really a good thing but you didn't care if you grabbed it off the floor or out of the cooler. We used the empty cases as furniture until the end of the semester when we would do a mass return to the liquor store.

Tom PBR was top shelf.

In high school we drank Special Export (Green Death) and Black Label.

icehog3 07-22-2010 11:25 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Special Export!! I forgot about that swill, Bob! :r

That and Rhinelander...I was happy to forget them. :r

baldanders 07-23-2010 12:05 AM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Red,White and Blue
Golden Anniversary Beer
Old Milwaukee

TheLostGringo 07-23-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Cheap College Beers
I was a strange kid, by 17 I was already obsessed with Micro-breweries and Brew-Pubs. Most of my college visits we done so I could eat dinner at the local Brewpub in the area. By 21 I had sampled well over 1,000 different beers and attended the Great American Beer Festival twice.

But on those nights were volume was the goal, mostly stuck to Busch Light, Coors Light & Lowenbrau Ponies

Powers 07-23-2010 11:02 AM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Speaking as a recent grad from the University of Florida, a consistent top 5 party school:

- Natural Light (AKA Natty) was the base for all parties and drinking games.
- Bud Light is what the frat boys drank.
- PBR was considered classier, sipping beer
- Icehouse was more bang for the buck sipping beer (5.5%)
- Guinness was a special treat to be savored. Usually bought for a special occasion, like birthdays or after beating Georgia's @ss up and down the field
- Blue Moon is what u bought a chick at the bar
.......and Genny Light was the one beer that was universally unbearable

Not that I ever touched the stuff but that about covers it for my experience! :banger


pektel 07-23-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Been out of college for a while now, but still drink Keystone light at music festivals.

Main choices during college were Leinenkugel's, Pig's Eye, Old Milwaukee, Miller High Life and Busch light.

Around the festivals I go to, I see a lot of Hamm's being drank. Dunno what that's about.

icehog3 07-23-2010 02:10 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 925804)
Speaking as a recent grad from the University of Florida, a consistent top 5 party school:

- Guinness was a special treat to be savored. Usually bought for a special occasion, like birthdays or after beating Georgia's @ss up and down the field

Excellent got to drink quite a bit of Guinness then! :tu

Powers 07-23-2010 02:36 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 926043)
Excellent got to drink quite a bit of Guinness then! :tu

you bet! Guinness always tastes better with a hint of victory mixed in with the hops :r

OLS 08-11-2010 06:34 AM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by gvarsity (Post 925375)
We used the empty cases as furniture until the end of the semester when we would do a mass return to the liquor store.

Talk about an invitation to German Cockroaches!! I bet you guys had em running all over the place.

Snake Hips 08-12-2010 08:09 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
College beers? High Life, PBR and Coors are still commonly seen in my fridge.

JDTexan 08-12-2010 08:13 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 924993)
Lonestar Longnecks From Deep In The Heart Of Texas!:banger

Oh Yeah!

St. Lou Stu 08-12-2010 08:15 PM

Re: Cheap College Beers
Coors and anything Seagrams.
My buddy's dad owned the distributor. :tu

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