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Starscream 01-12-2010 06:15 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 717681)

You're kidding, right? Of course steroids gives the user a competitive advantage over the non-user. Not everyone "has a choice" because not everyone is morally wired the same. To suggest that the non-user had a choice to use them is silly to me. Morally, they had no choice. (I hope that makes sense! :r)

I don't buy that. Some people think that baseball is immoral (Lou Gherig's mother). They can't even play the sport b/c of their morals. So those of us who think that baseball and sports in general are not immoral have an unfair advantage over those who will not participate based on their morals b/c we chose to play over those who chose not to play.

And even the most morally sound people make bad decisions.

hotreds 01-12-2010 06:31 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......
Uh, by the way; it's "Maris." Thank-you. Not surprising MM used the juice- I imagine a majority did. You're talking about enormous sums of money to be earned, and if the juice helped you get it.....

The sad thing is that kids are taking them because their heroes did, too. And, bottom line; they do work. When you're 25 and ready to sign for $100 million, the fact that you might die of cancer when you're 50 is far from important on your list.

I remember asking my doc if he thought andro might help me build muscle- "Yeah, but you'll also build liver cancer." No thanks. I do wonder if more juicing is still going on than generally acknowledged.

Remember Brady Anderson coming out of nowhere and having a 50HR season- and then basically vanishing? Hmmm....

AD720 01-12-2010 06:49 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......
Every time I see the title of this thread I think:


Ok, carry on, sorry for the interruption. :)

Starscream 01-12-2010 06:51 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 717908)
Every time I see the title of this thread I think:


Ok, carry on, sorry for the interruption. :)

He makes steroids out of a ball point pen, two pieces of twine, and a bent paper clip.;)

Starscream 01-12-2010 06:54 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 717893)
The sad thing is that kids are taking them because their heroes did, too.

This is my beef w/ why they take steroids. Not the unfair advantage part. Steroids are bad for your body, just ask Eddie Guerrero. And when the big guys do it, the young ones who look up to them think that it's ok to abuse their body. But the same can be said about Darryl Strawberry and cocaine.

AD720 01-12-2010 06:58 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 717910)
He makes steroids out of a ball point pen, two pieces of twine, and a bent paper clip.;)

Could you imagine what he would have made if he was on steroids???

Or maybe he was. :sad

Starscream 01-12-2010 07:40 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 717917)
Could you imagine what he would have made if he was on steroids???

Or maybe he was. :sad


yourchoice 01-12-2010 07:47 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 717873)
I don't buy that. Some people think that baseball is immoral (Lou Gherig's mother). They can't even play the sport b/c of their morals. So those of us who think that baseball and sports in general are not immoral have an unfair advantage over those who will not participate based on their morals b/c we chose to play over those who chose not to play.

And even the most morally sound people make bad decisions.

Everyone makes bad decisions. No doubt about it. Everyone breaks the law to some extent (speeding for example). But what I interpretated from your statements is you feel everyone has a choice to do roids to compete with their counterparts since they are doing it. I think that's extremely unfair to those people who won't do them, be it for moral or future health reasons. Then you go on to say "the young ones who look up to them think that it's ok to abuse their body". Maybe I'm misunderstanding your first point, because on the one hand you're suggesting everyone can do it because they have the opportunity, then on the other hand saying it's a shame the young ones look up to them. Based on the first point I would have assumed you thought it okay for the young ones to do it too if everyone else was doing it. :confused::confused:

Whynot 01-12-2010 11:06 PM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 717975)
Everyone makes bad decisions. No doubt about it. Everyone breaks the law to some extent (speeding for example). But what I interpretated from your statements is you feel everyone has a choice to do roids to compete with their counterparts since they are doing it. I think that's extremely unfair to those people who won't do them, be it for moral or future health reasons. Then you go on to say "the young ones who look up to them think that it's ok to abuse their body". Maybe I'm misunderstanding your first point, because on the one hand you're suggesting everyone can do it because they have the opportunity, then on the other hand saying it's a shame the young ones look up to them. Based on the first point I would have assumed you thought it okay for the young ones to do it too if everyone else was doing it. :confused::confused:

Saying someone has the means to do something is totally different than saying it is right or wrong.

Whynot 01-13-2010 02:20 AM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 717618)
Dang Yankees haters. Always boils down to that.:r

You don't have a Yankees player breaking a record such as that of Marris or Aaron. I think that is clearly what has brought light to the three names you mention. I bet if a Yankee was in their place, breaking said records, on steroids, the same outrage would hold true.

I think that as a diehard Yankees fan since 1967, I have exhibited that outrage in this thread.

I have to tell you, I just got a good laugh reading through your tips on alcohol and smoking on cruises. After your replies in this thread, I had you picked for a straight and narrow type. I think baseball may be one of the fews things we disagree on.:D:r
And Go Cards!!!!!!

kugie 01-13-2010 04:05 AM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......
The only thing is that the pitchers were doing it and he crushed the balls they threw at him. There was no testing back then it was against the law of the United States not baseball. If he gets in to the HOF it is because The rest of the legue was doing it as well. IMO
Who cares about the past, move on.
PS he won't get in to the HOF for one reason, he only did one thing, he did it well mind you. He hit home runs. BA below 270, fielding was ok at best one gold glove That about sums it up. IMHO

Starscream 01-13-2010 05:48 AM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 717975)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your first point, because on the one hand you're suggesting everyone can do it because they have the opportunity, then on the other hand saying it's a shame the young ones look up to them. Based on the first point I would have assumed you thought it okay for the young ones to do it too if everyone else was doing it. :confused::confused:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-steroids, I just don't buy into all the outrage that people feel about players in baseball using them. The Olympics, yes, but pro sports, no. I am against steroid use b/c of health reasons, not the unfair advantage reasons.

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 718230)
The only thing is that the pitchers were doing it and he crushed the balls they threw at him.


Pauly Walnuts 01-13-2010 06:00 AM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......
I was about as surprised to hear this as the time Clay Aiken admitted he was gay.

mosesbotbol 01-13-2010 11:25 AM

Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 718230)
There was no testing back then it was against the law of the United States not baseball.

That is not true. The only crimes these really committed were taking perscribed drugs without a perscription. If they (all the players in question) admitted to that alone, Congress would have little to charge these guys on.

In the end MLB is just entertainment. Many make out to be something more than that, but it's not really.

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