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cleggstore 06-19-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by thebiglebowski (Post 348585)
typically where in walmart are they?

They are near the register closest to the cigarettes.

I always keep some for give aways but my 3 local walmarts have been out for sometime. I might have to buy direct from ronson.


Cigary 06-19-2009 04:08 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by jbo57 (Post 424403)
We love Ronson's so much that we even sell the ones that don't work! :D|294%3A50

Hilarious,,,just when you think u have seen it all something else catches your eye. Selling a Ronson that doesn't work for more than a new one,,,wow!:r

DPD6030 06-22-2009 03:50 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 431594)
Hilarious,,,just when you think u have seen it all something else catches your eye. Selling a Ronson that doesn't work for more than a new one,,,wow!:r

I guess they consider it "Vintage" :r

bookman 09-15-2009 06:58 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
Got 4/$25 on Ebay. Ebay also has the more econimcal 12/$50.

captain53 09-15-2009 07:09 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by bookman (Post 551456)
Got 4/$25 on Ebay. Ebay also has the more econimcal 12/$50.

$2.96 each at my Walmart and $3.00 at Big Lots, bought a few last week.

Cord 09-15-2009 07:54 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
I finally found some at CVS.

bookman 09-15-2009 08:45 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
I can NEVER find em at CVS or WM!! All I find are the cheap Ronson plastic ones.


SkinsFanLarry 09-15-2009 09:16 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by JimmyPeaches (Post 352509)
I would like to publicly thank Col. Kurtz for so graciously mailing me a ronson jetlite and a few selected sticks to come along for the ride. I am thoroughly surprised at the generosity of the members of this board from my short time here.

I'll have to get pics up later.

sticks included:
601 Black Conn. Robusto
601 Red Habano Robusto
5 Vegas Miami Robusto
Slow-Aged 826 by Perdomo

these smell and look amazing, i can't wait to break the lighter in on one when i have some downtime. Thanks again Col.!

The Colonel is good people....and he's from North Carolina too!

(Yeah, that's right, he's part of the NCCM)

captain53 09-16-2009 05:47 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by bookman (Post 551710)
I can NEVER find em at CVS or WM!! All I find are the cheap Ronson plastic ones.


I have never seen them at CVS myself but some otheres have. Many of the Super Walmarts either don't have them, can't find them or don't know they have them..... but if they do have them they will be around the checkout at the Cigarette holding area. You will have to search them out yourself though. I have a steady supply from a local old style Walmart in a very small town nearby, they have them behind the counter on the cigarette checkout. You have to search them out though the employees have no idea what you are talking about.

They can often be found at Big Lots but once again they don't know what they are either. There you have to walk along and check all the register aisles, they hang them with the crap on the pegboards there, often only on one register aisle though so check them all.;s

bookman 09-17-2009 04:58 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
Just found 2 at CVS today!! $4.50 each. They are behind teh counter by the tobacky.

Kreth 09-17-2009 06:27 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
They're $2.94 at my local Wal-Mart. They have at least 2 different designs: a brushed metal, and one with a grooved art deco kinda design on the sides. I picked up a couple for backups, and I'd be happy to snag some more if anyone can't find them locally.
Posted via Mobile Device

paris1129 12-02-2009 08:09 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
Has anybody in the Columbus, Ohio area been able to find these anywhere? I haven't had any luck yet, but I will keep searching!

Namerifrats 12-03-2009 01:49 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
I find them quite regular around here at Wal-Mart. Of course, I have 12 WM Supercenters within 30 minutes of me. May do something I done on CS to earn a little trader feedback. They are $3 each, and cost about $2 to ship including the envelope, etc. I may pick a few up and let them go for $5 on here if anybody would be interested. Not trying to make anything on them, just cover my cost and pickup a little feedback.

captain53 12-03-2009 06:02 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
My local Old School Walmart ran out a month or so ago and now says they have been discontinued.:td

14holestogie 12-03-2009 06:20 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
Check out EEEE-Bay. I picked up 12 back in May for $40 with free shipping.
Still on there this morning for $49.95 buy it now or make an offer.

paris1129 12-03-2009 08:28 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
I may end up going with the bay, but will keep looking locally. Maybe a few will turn up!

Namerifrats 12-03-2009 10:37 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
I used to sell them on ebay myself over a year ago. It was for a small profit though. I would list them $8.50-$10 each, Buy it Now, free shipping. Sold probably 30+ on there in just over a month.

captain53 12-03-2009 05:59 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?
Had a little luck today, stopped at the country Walmart on the way home to pick something up and went down the smoke aisle to check out and holy cow a new peg with 1-dozen Jetlites hanging there. Now there are only 6 left hanging. The lady that works that area has been there a long time and she said that so many people were asking for them the manager put them back in stock and she just hung them up this afternoon.:tu

T.G 12-03-2009 06:04 PM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

paris1129 12-04-2009 08:36 AM

Re: Where to find Ronson Jetlite?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 667245)

No, seriously, where can I find these? :D

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