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ActionAndy 02-18-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by smokin5 (Post 240362)
All the time.
Probably half or more of my exhales are out the nose,
at least in part. And much of my mouth exhales are
done as a "French inhale", also.
It's the only way to truly taste your smoke in its entirety.

You folks who don't do this are missing most of the flavor.
You DO mean when we're smoking, & not all the time, right?:ss

I get some smoke through my nose on almost every pull. I have to consciously try to only smoke with my mouth.

rizzle 02-18-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 242170)
It is my belief that forks are made to be used however the owner pleases, but it can be argued that they're intended to be pushed into food so that it can be delivered to said owner's mouth.
Call it tradition. :)
Goes the same with cigars. Tradition hopes that we'll smoke cigars in a fashion that we can appreciate them at the level that the devoted and inspired maker intended.
It has nothing to do with good or bad, wrong or right.
If I'm dating Tyra Banks and decide that we're just going to kiss, there's nothing wrong with that at all. It sure ain't bad. I'm gonna miss out on some treats, though. :D
That's why brothers share custom. So their friends can experience the pleasures they've found.
It's all good. :tu

I think I agree with what I think you said.;)

But I will say that a left handed fork is used differently than a right handed one. Now excuse me, I have to run out to the auto parts store and buy a bucket of compression.

Addiction 02-18-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by shvictor (Post 240638)
I'm gald its not just me. I gave my 15 yr old son a few puffs from my cigar the other day and I look over and he is blowing smoke out of his nose like a chimney. I coulda smacked him. I'm so jealous :D

I don't know anyone who nose exhaled on their first try. Maybe he just inadvertently gave you a clue to his hobbies lol.

Addiction 02-18-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 242123)
It is my belief that all cigars are made to be smoked how the owner of the cigar pleases regardless of where the tobacco was grown. Just because tobacco was grown on one island versus another doesn't mean it should be smoked differently. That is an argument that makes no sense.

And I'm not directing this at you Andy. Your post just summed up what I think Klugs was looking for.

I don't speak for Klugs but I don't think thats exactly what he was looking for.

Before last years shak I didn't nose smoke. And tho I'd made a concious decision to move heavily into CCs I still smoked and loved an occasional NC. Then I learned to smoke and some curious things happened:

1. I saw the flavor of a lot of cigars, or rather what I thought was the flavor, be tremendously expanded.

2. I later found cigars that I thought were great were actually not so great.

3. I also later found the inverse to be true, lots of cigars I didnt appreciate as much became real stars via snorking.

I might not phrase it that CCs were made for snorking, but it does allow the smoker to really see what people mean when they talk about the depth and complexity that CCs offer over NCs. If you don't snork, I don't know that you'll ever really see this.

rizzle 02-18-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 242302)
I don't speak for Klugs but I don't think thats exactly what he was looking for.

Before last years shak I didn't nose smoke. And tho I'd made a concious decision to move heavily into CCs I still smoked and loved an occasional NC. Then I learned to smoke and some curious things happened:

1. I saw the flavor of a lot of cigars, or rather what I thought was the flavor, be tremendously expanded.

2. I later found cigars that I thought were great were actually not so great.

3. I also later found the inverse to be true, lots of cigars I didnt appreciate as much became real stars via snorking.

I might not phrase it that CCs were made for snorking, but it does allow the smoker to really see what people mean when they talk about the depth and complexity that CCs offer over NCs. If you don't snork, I don't know that you'll ever really see this.

I do snork. I feel ya.

shilala 02-18-2009 10:20 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 242185)
I think I agree with what I think you said.;)

But I will say that a left handed fork is used differently than a right handed one. Now excuse me, I have to run out to the auto parts store and buy a bucket of compression.

Left handed cigars can get tricky, too. :tu
See if they have any bulkhead remover while you're there. :)

shilala 02-18-2009 10:37 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 242302)
I might not phrase it that CCs were made for snorking, but it does allow the smoker to really see what people mean when they talk about the depth and complexity that CCs offer over NCs. If you don't snork, I don't know that you'll ever really see this.

I have always found a lot more depth, flavor and complexity out of nc's, as a whole. By a longshot.
I'd be willing to concede that cc's deliver more "complex subtleties" than nc's, as a generalization.
Mind ya, this is just how I feel, but I find cc's as a mild alternative to a good cigar. I don't mean this disparagingly at all. I enjoy a number of cc's now. I smoke them when I'm not in the mood for a cigar. :)
I smoke strong, sweet, spicy maduro nc's mainly.
To put it in perspective, I feel like those nc's are a big steak dinner and cc's are a salad. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a salad, ya know?
I find all my cc's so similar that if I was forced to only smoke them, I'd probably quit smoking from boredom. There's not the vast difference between a nic puro and dominican puro. I enjoy that big difference, the big range.
Ultimately I think it's awesome that there's so many different origins, and so many different blends. It's what gives the whole hobby spice.

One last thing and I'll shut up...
Nose a two year old JJ Maduro and there's an absolute mind-blowing richness, huge range and complexity at a 10 on the Richter scale.
Nose a 10 year old ERDM Lunch Club and it's like going to the ballet. With a dress on.
It's whatever you're in the mood for, baby. :tu

SmokeyJoe 02-18-2009 11:17 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by jledou (Post 240333)
I will usually try at least once or twice on each cigar, but I don't do it frequently or the majority of the time...

Pretty much my feelings. I do like to exhale that way three or four times with a cigar... preferably when the smoke is fairly "cool." :ss

livwire68 02-18-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by smokin5 (Post 240362)
All the time.
Probably half or more of my exhales are out the nose,
at least in part. And much of my mouth exhales are
done as a "French inhale", also.
It's the only way to truly taste your smoke in its entirety.

You folks who don't do this are missing most of the flavor.
You DO mean when we're smoking, & not all the time, right?:ss

:tpd: The only way to go!

eboniknight 02-18-2009 02:26 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Sometimes but only when I make a conscious effort to do so just to get a different sensing. Too much irritates the nose.

Raralith 02-18-2009 02:43 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I just looked up French Inhale and it looks pretty cool. Do ya'll inhale the cigar smoke though? I can barely inhale a draw without choking so I don't know how people could inhale the whole thing through their nose unless they usually inhale.

shilala 02-18-2009 02:52 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Raralith (Post 242800)
I just looked up French Inhale and it looks pretty cool. Do ya'll inhale the cigar smoke though? I can barely inhale a draw without choking so I don't know how people could inhale the whole thing through their nose unless they usually inhale.

You just meter how much you accept up your nose.
If I'm getting too much I just turn my head. I release it from my mouth very slowly, kind of by just closing my mouth real slow.
I'm sure I look ridiculous, but it's a whole 'nother sensory experience.
It's especially fun with flavored cigars because they taste totally different snorked, mouthed or french inhaled.
Add to that smelling the raw smoke off the end of the cigar and smelling the drawn smoke that wafts out of the back of the cigar after a drag, and I get five very different experiences from the smoke.
Six if you count the smoke burning my eyes, I suppose. :D

Jimbo14 02-18-2009 10:44 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
It burns my nose. I have done it several times and it feels terrible so I dont do it anymore.

However I will often 'nose inhale' the second hand smoke from the cigar to really enjoy the aroma.

Waynegro1 02-19-2009 06:58 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I used to consciously think about it. Now I do it with every cigar without even thinking about it. It's the best way to pick up all the flavors and really enjoy what a cigar has to offer.

TOB9595 02-19-2009 07:15 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Yes. This is a normal way for me to experience the tastes of the cigar. I also chew the with chewing bring out flavors that I may be missing otherwise.

Scottw 02-19-2009 07:27 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 240759)
that's some funny chit Scott!

Gracias my Asian Amigo!!

shilala 02-19-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Jimbo14 (Post 243757)

However I will often 'nose inhale' the second hand smoke from the cigar to really enjoy the aroma.

I do that, too.
Did ya ever notice that the burning end is sometimes really nasty but the smoked end is always nice? It's interesting to me how much stuff gets filtered out by pulling the smoke through the cigar.
I notice if I take a haul and hold the cigar with the tip angling down that the smoke in the cigar will sometimes weep out real slow so I can get a nice long "look". :)
I have to be real careful smelling the burning end cause that smoke is usually very strong and burns my eyes.


Originally Posted by TOB9595 (Post 244004)
Yes. This is a normal way for me to experience the tastes of the cigar. I also chew the with chewing bring out flavors that I may be missing otherwise.

I chew my cigars like they're scrap chewing tobacco. I get so gross sometimes that the slobber runs down the cigar and puts it out. :D
I've been making a conscious effort to "clean it up" when I'm smoking with other people so that I can share and try their cigar. When I get it wet I roll the cigar on my pantsleg to dry it up.
I'm still not very good at it. :r

PeteSB75 02-19-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I didn't for quite a while when I started smoking cigars. Then a friendly BOTL enlightened me as to what I was missing. So I started trying it, and now I do it on every draw. It's like learning to smoke and experience those flavors all over again.

Hardcz 02-19-2009 08:56 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers
most of the time when I try, it burns and I stop.... There are some sticks that are great and actually don't suck when doing this though.

Powers 02-20-2009 07:58 AM

Re: Question for NC smokers
u have never fully enjoyed a cigar until u have exhaled it thru ur nose......try it and rediscover all ur favorites!!!! :ss

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