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BSB 02-24-2012 10:56 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1569338)
El Salvador Finca La Montanita Bourbon
I love this stuff, wish I could still get it.

With 3, WOW! Now I know what you are talking about, awesome cup. The dry aroma, on the grind, was fantastic, knew it was gonna be good.

Blak Smyth 02-24-2012 10:58 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by BSB (Post 1570891)
With 3, WOW! Now I know what you are talking about, awesome cup. The dry aroma, on the grind, was fantastic, knew it was gonna be good.

I had another cup this morning! What a great cup about a day past it's prime though, can't remember the roast date! Glad you liked it also, means I am not crazy.

oooo35980 02-24-2012 10:58 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
At work, drinking Folgers, at least I'm the one who made it today so it isn't 3 spoonfuls of grounds for 12 cups.

BSB 02-25-2012 10:08 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
El Sal, with 4, just fine, extra fine :cf1

Chainsaw13 02-26-2012 07:08 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Just had a cup of the Mexican Chiapas I roasted yesterday. Very nice cup. Light body, which surprisingly held up well to my breakfast of a spicy lamb fritta. Actually had some flavors of cinnamon come out as I ate the fritta. Not a flavor associated with this bean, but I"m guessing it was due to the mix with the lamb/spices.

Now onto a cup of the Burundi I roasted yesterday. So far nothing that interesting. Will see as it cools.

Can't wait to try these tomorrow to see how well the extra day of rest does for them.

hammondc 02-26-2012 07:14 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Charbucks Dark Sumatra. LOVE it.

thebayratt 02-26-2012 10:06 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Community "Louisiana Blend" fresh ground and French Pressed.

big pete 02-26-2012 04:26 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Blue Bottle - Three Africans roast

Chainsaw13 02-27-2012 05:55 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
More of the Mexican Chiapas, now with 2 days rest. I really like this coffee. I wish it had a bit more body, then it would be perfect. But for my first ever roast I'm impressed.

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 05:56 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1573077)
More of the Mexican Chiapas, now with 2 days rest. I really like this coffee. I wish it had a bit more body, then it would be perfect. But for my first ever roast I'm impressed.

Congrats brother, there is something very satisfying about drinking your own roasts!

I am drinking Black Market Espresso that ApexAZ sent me!

smitty81 02-27-2012 08:48 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
I'm drinking some sinful delight that Prefy sent me in a NST. Good stuff!

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 08:54 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Zombie Blend #2

Ethiopia Limu Jimma & Guatamala Antigua 50/50 mix with 4.

smitty81 02-27-2012 09:01 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1573289)
Zombie Blend #2

Ethiopia Limu Jimma & Guatamala Antigua 50/50 mix with 4.

What is this?

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 09:07 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1573296)
What is this?

Everytime I have leftovers of green beans, I combine them to make a "Zombie Blend". This blend I am drinking now is Ethiopia Limu Jimma & Guatamala Antigua mixed.

BSB 02-27-2012 09:52 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Colombia Tolima Felix Guzman Microlot :cf1 Roasted 3 days ago to FC, drip, silk. SWEET!, So good. Of course, a limited purchase, 2 pounds. I don't even know if SM still has it. Not that I need any more Colombian :D

jorgea 02-27-2012 12:40 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
I drink a kona gourmet blend. Tastes great each morning. I wonder how many members here at enjoy kona.

Mr B 02-27-2012 12:52 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Guatamala Bourbon Finca San Deigo Buena Vista at FC+.
Very nice. Juicy w/ some light citrus. Good Chocolate and cinnamon.

timj219 02-27-2012 02:00 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Burundi from the Gacokwe cooperative. American roast. A great balance of acid and sweet. A unique profile IMO. Don't know why it's so outstanding but I've been drinking it for a couple weeks now and I think my local has enough for a couple more batches so I'll be getting more. I didn't think it was possible but this stuff has pulled me away from the current crop of Ethiopia Harar Oromia which IMO is the nicest Ethiopian I've had since a sidamo a few years ago that made my whole house smell like blueberries.

BSB 02-27-2012 03:39 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by jorgea (Post 1573596)
I drink a kona gourmet blend. Tastes great each morning. I wonder how many members here at enjoy kona.

Too mild for me and not a good value. But I do make some decent coin selling it -(P

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1573604)
Guatamala Bourbon Finca San Deigo Buena Vista at FC+.
Very nice. Juicy w/ some light citrus. Good Chocolate and cinnamon.

Chocolate and cinnamon? Man, that sounds good. I don't know if I have anymore of that. Recent purchase?

Mr B 02-27-2012 05:06 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Ya within the last 2 months I believe.

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