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Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Our Ladder holding the Flag at the dedication of the MN Fallen Firefighters Memeorial.
http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphoto...15128430_n.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
hey guys just to give you a heads up I put my D90 body and a lens up in the WTS section.
Re: Photography Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Sunset out my window.......http://www.cigarasylum.com/vb/album....pictureid=7384
Ok, here's a thumbnail since I failed at adding photo to post :sh |
Re: Photography Thread
1 Attachment(s)
this morning
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
well done.
Re: Photography Thread
Camera on Woot today:
Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18MP Digital SLR and 18-55 IS II Lens Kit http://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net...ab4cdc4a57.png http://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net...d3d4db4ab9.png |
Re: Photography Thread
I guess this is also a thread for rants. I had finally found a camera I really liked. It was as
high end as a point and shoot gets, it was the Fujifilm S200EXR. Granted, it is a reasonably OLD point and shoot, as good as it gets, but it was too good for it's own good, I guess. The camera wars are ongoing as fast and furious as ever, and things are obsolete in a year. So I take it to get it repaired, since it died in New Orleans from getting FAR too moist. (never WET) So the repair shop has it for 23 months. When I finally holler, they say its a Sandy thing, the NJ facility is hanging on by a thread. So the next week they tell me that there will BE no DC-DC board forthcoming, Fujinon is offering me a direct swap for a re-furb. I am thrilled. I love the camera and dfon't care how another one gets into my hands. So I go to pick it up when they call me in, and Fuji has at the last minute, flim-flammed me and substituted a HS20EXR for our agreed deal. And they AREN'T coming off it. The guy at the shop is telling me that I am crazy not to be thrilled, it's "Such a great camera, with MUCH better specs and blablabla". It's a CMOS sensor. I gave up a virtually NOISELESS CCD-based camera for stupid-a55 CMOS-based noise creator. And you know what? You CAN'T hurt these companies. They absolutely do not care. And it's ALL OF EM. It's Canon first, though, they are really a55holes. But now Fuji just made the list, Francis. I can't think of a single way I can hurt them. SO I wrote an angry email to them, then copied and pasted into a text document and saved it. And everyday I am going to send the same email to tech support. |
Re: Photography Thread
Rant on their Facebook? I know a few people that have gone this route and had success with other companies.
Re: Photography Thread
You have to be a member of Facebook to do that. I would never join Facebook...NEVAH!
Besides what is done is done, there is no getting my broken camera back, and where would it get me anyway? There are supposedly no parts available, or no DC converter boards available. I just hate what they gave me. I liked what I had. Now I get to hate everything about them for as long as I can continue to be interested in doing it. Its like computers, I know people who hoard computers with WindowsXP on em. Cameras turn over far too fast in that segment of the lineup. "I want more zoom!, I want HD movies, I want angry birds..." Its a FU(&ING still camera, people....why you gotta mess me up? |
Re: Photography Thread
The wife and I were greeted with this on our Christmas evening walk. It was so cloudy 15 minutes before this that we were headed back to the car because I was convinced it was going to be a grey and bland sunset.
This is the .jpg straight out of the camera and the only thing done to it is imageshack's resizing. http://imageshack.us/a/img407/7818/img3049qb.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
Nice pic - great sunset. Looks like Point Loma shot from Coronado
Re: Photography Thread
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Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: Photography Thread
I need to find the one of the 5 year old smoking the BBF at the Bacchus Parade a few years back.
NOW THAT was exploitation. I am not talking about HOLDING the BBF, girl was SMOKING it. Her dad grinning nearby. Fun day. |
Re: Photography Thread
Hey boys and maybe girls....I have too many cameras, BUT naturally I am always shopping for another one.
I never buy anything new, and B&H Photo always has a nice selection of used cameras. Since I can't in good conscience BUY this camera, maybe someone out there in the halls of the asylum CAN. It is not a outstanding camera by any stretch, but it reviewd pretty good back in the day, and it offers full manual controls in a compact body, still has a very respectable megapixel count, you know, before everything got out of control and people started thinking more always meant better? And I guess about the only thing out of date on this camera is the fact that 12x zoom on a 'super-zoom" is not all that super anymore. But for $75?? You could do A HELL OF A LOT WORSE. Maybe you need a glove-box cam, or have a child whom you'd like to see become a shutterbug, just not using YOUR 5hiT, lol....it is a condition 8+, which on their scale means it has a few scuffs and maybe some of the coating is scratched on the LCD screen, but once the light comes on, that is meaningless anyway. but if they are selling it, it works fine and again, its not a bad lil camera. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...al_camera.html If you buy it, drop me a quick PM....I'd kind of like to know someone here got it. |
Re: Photography Thread
Too late...I broke down.
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
I have no comment on a photo that wacked over with effects, Justin, lol.
I will say that it is always best to just go with your first instincts though. It was an hour after I ordered that used $75 camera before I found out it didn't have a diopter adjustment wheel. What the hell is a viewfinder guy gonna do with a viewfinder that's only good for young folks with good eyes? Use the LCD?? Come on. :r |
Re: Photography Thread
House Finch by MemphisBrad, on Flickr] Cropped it unbalanced for some reason. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Ok guys. Sold my rifle to get back into photography. Ammo prices are stupid right now and will be for a good time to come. So I'm back.
I'm looking at a couple used bodies right now from Keh. I previously had a Nikon D90. I'm torn between another D90 ($415), Canon 50D ($465), and Canon 60D ($619). What says the hive? |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Also do not forget to check B&H at bhphotovideo dot com, since they have a large used section and good prices
on new stuff as well, and take it from me, they are extremely fair at grading used gear. Bought at least 7 used cameras there and if anything, sometimes they grade harsher than they should. Anything they say is an 8 or higher is likely to be a good buy in good condition. The price is never "cheap", but always very fair. And in general I find that you can shop all OVER the internet, but apples to apples, if they aren't the cheapest, they are within 5-10 bucks. Smart timing on a gun sale, prices are right. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
I built an AR15 for $750. Managed to sell it for $1200 cash and 180 rds of some hard to find 12ga ammo worth at least $1/per round. |
Re: Photography Thread
What is a decent camera for someone that wants an easy to use rig with a lot of lens options.... ?
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Haha... not much.... I would rather get a decent 2 or 300 dollar digital rig that can take a BUNCH of old school lens... this is just idle thought tho... I'm just in the R&D phase...
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
hmm... sounds like good advice... IDK anything about cameras... to be honest... I LOVE my iphone 4 Camera... its really simple and easy and the results are predictable... I want a camera like that that takes other lens because changing angles and depths to me are what makes photography magical... Perhaps you know of a simple digital that has a lot of filters and options that gives this kinda feel...?
Re: Photography Thread
You're not going to be able to get the shallow depth of field with your average P&S like you can a DSLR. You can get it but not to the extent.
Shallow DOF example for you. See person in focus and the background is way blurred out. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7245/6...10d9c77c_c.jpg DSC_3363 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
This is the P&S i have right now but in black.
http://www.adorama.com/ICASX260GN.html I like it alot it takes good pictures and has several built in filters to use. If you want I can mail it to you for you to try out as long as you get it back to me by the end of March. |
Re: Photography Thread
Nice Picture... :tu
Yea my old roommate had a d-60 that I used to play with... It was really complicated... but with a few tries I could get a decent picture and I loved the array of lens he had for it... like 7 different ones... I like a fisheye occasionally... a lens for panorama... and a good telephoto... he also had some wide angle close up lens that took some great shots... unfortunately it wasn't and HD rig... |
Re: Photography Thread
NOW, onto my own advice. If it is true what you say, I would sell the old school lenses and buy yourself a really nice
digital bridge camera to get you out of the compact point and shoot range and into the 'trying hard to be a DSLR' camera. Some of your lenses you could likely sell here, and some you might had to work harder at, or trade them at the Point of Sale for your new camera. Here are some deals from the only place I shop, (sorry)... These are all used items. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...al_camera.html (This sucker is F2.8 at BOTH ends of the long lens...amazing for a P&S) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...era_Black.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...era_Black.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...al_camera.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...al_camera.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...al_camera.html Keep in mind that outside of the Lumix FZ200 and that Sony Cyber 100v, these are not cameras that I would necessarily say are the best non-DSLRs out there, they are simply the best ones in the used department at B&H right now. There are other choices, maybe even better ones, but these are GOOD cameras every one. ALMOST any one of those would be a great camera to rebuild your photography skills and give you almost everything you need in hand to tackle any photographic situation. Do you really want to change lenses to achieve your photo- graphic vision? A lot of people REALLY DO. They want that big sensor, they want the stunning results. But keep in mind, stunning results do not come automatically dispensed from the cards out of these DSLRs. You still have to do most of the work. So if you do not know what you are doing, you can get crap out of the best camera, and spend an awful lot of money trying to get there. I do not reject anyone's DSLR dreams out of hand. I stay JUST under the line with decent, used, large-body point-and-shoots with full manual controls. I would love to have a DSLR, but I love owning cameras too much. I need to have a bag full of CAMERAS, not a bag full of lenses. And even then, I do not buy the latest cameras that pop up used. I stay a generation or two behind, just like with my desktop PCs. The links I gave you there are for the most part VERY recent cameras and in good condition. The Panasonic FZ150 might be the loner in the group, being a decently OLD camera, but still VERY functional. Have someone here evaluate your stash of lenses, see if there are a few you REALLY need to keep for a possible upgrade in the future, and sell the rest. Get a good bridge camera and re-learn some tricks and tips that maybe you used to know, make all the mistakes first, then make a jump up to the dusty-sensor-having DSLR, lol. I am still holding out, and I couldn't be happier with my current lineup of cameras....except that $75 used Fuji I bought last week. I can order pizza between pressing the shutter and the pic being taken. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
I agree...its all about what you know about how it all works.
You get the source to subject distance right, find yourself in the right F-stop, you can pull this off. Maybe not always that level of blur, but to me that's almost too much blur right there. To my own eye, there is a threshold that is obviously not the same for everyone, but I like a little, but not too much depth of field blur. But if I had access to a superzoom P&S with a APS-C sensor and a nice, long, manual zoom lens, I would prefer to have the larger sensor for sure. Like I said, to me its about having more cameras, so a DSLR is definitely wrong for me. I can only shoot one at a time, and mostly only TAKE one with me on any shoot, but I like the buying and the owning as much as the shooting, haha. |
Re: Photography Thread
I need to check Adorama....I have been seeing that name since I have been buying cameras,
and have never even LOOKED there. I am so loyal to B&H since that is where I buy all the gear I use at work. I like to be loyal, especially when they are SO competitive on price. But for used gear, I guess being 'competitive" on the latest gear is really not as much of a factor. I DO need to look at their site. |
Re: Photography Thread
While there are things you can do to achieve bokeh with a P&S, you simply can't compete with a full framed DSLR at f1.8. The glass is better and the aperture is wider than any point and shoot can get. |
Re: Photography Thread
But I disagree with your last line. The fully blurred background makes for a different shot. But of course if you took it to a magazine, one photographer might get paid and one would not. That's just entrenched subjectivity, lol. |
Re: Photography Thread
I also need to re-state what I droned on and on about earlier. What I meant is that if you have the right lenses,
and you do not know a lot about the science of how light and cameras work together to do what they do, then a few decent lens sales would give you the money you needed to pick up a good used bridge camera, a good tool to learn on while saving you your best lenses and also perhaps a great deal of money, leaving you cash and lens assets to employ if you decide to migrate to a camera with a larger sensor and maybe a better lens. Or you could get a DSLR tomorrow. :) |
Re: Photography Thread
Here are a couple from my pictures from our vacation to New England in October of last year.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8383/8...b9863904_b.jpg IMG_1317 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8388/8...d4c53cc9_b.jpg IMG_1547 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8105/8...4bc90e2b_b.jpg IMG_0910 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
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