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pnoon 12-06-2009 10:03 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 670882)
Am I that big an asshole,

I'm thinking . . . .

:D Welcome home, Tom. I missed you, Brother.

icehog3 12-06-2009 10:15 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 670883)
I'm thinking . . . .

:D Welcome home, Tom. I missed you, Brother.

I missed you right back, Peter. :r

SvilleKid 12-06-2009 11:10 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 670882)
Oops, didn't see this before I posted my previous response.

Am I that big an asshole, or p@ssy, that I would not come in and give the 'Bama fans their due? :confused: :r Would have posted yesterday but I watched the game from my hospital bed where I was laid up for 5 days.

Actually, I will still be rooting for the SEC to retain the National Championship, as hard as that may seem to believe.


I still believe in you! Regardless of your insistence on rooting for the Gators!! Oh well, could be worse, you could have been rooting for Auburn!!!:D:r:r But, of course, you know I'm kidding! And any Auburn fan that knows me also knows I like Auburn, except for that ONE Saturday in November (and I like most other SEC teams, except when they play Bama - Tennessee excepted). That's very much like you are, root for your team, NOT against the other team. Makes much better fan base.

I have to say that I'm not a big Tebow fan. It has nothing to do with his religious beliefs/activities. I just think that he showed a total lack of class when he broke his verbal commitment to Alabama by waiting until the Bama coach showed up and meeting him at the door wearing Florida hat and jersey. That was a total embarrassment to the Bama coach, and no apology has ever been issued that I know of. I understand why Tebow changed his mind, and I don't have an issue with that. I have an issue with how he chose to convey that information to Alabama! From Tebow's standpoint, he made the correct choice, because there is no way Bama would have built a team totally around him like Meyers did. Bama has never been a "one person" program. I do not think Tebow would have the recognition he has today if he had played at Bama instead of Florida.

I have to say that I am very disappointed in anyone who takes glee in the fact that he was crying after the loss!! That shows a total lack of class, IMO. Anyone who is as big of a football fan, as Tebow is a Gator player, has to recognize the emotions that go into the game. Especially for players that are oftentimes still in their teens or early 20's! I would have expected a great show of emotions if Bama had lost. Hey, that's SEC football!

I do wonder what the Gators are going to do next year. They returned all but one or two starters this year, but won't have that luxury next year. It'll be interesting watching the recruiting this year.

I have to say Roll Tide, or else I wouldn't be much of an alumni or fan, now would I.

As to the doubts of ANYONE about Tom's trustworthiness, GET A GRIP/LIFE/CLUE (take your pick).

And Tom........ Get Well Soon. Better yet, get out of that hospital ASAP. People die in those places, even if they are not sick when they enter!

ir13 12-07-2009 12:20 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 670877)
Congrats to the Alabama team and its fans, they totally outplayed the Gators and deserve the right to play Texas for the National Championship. :tu

Joey, I will pay up on our bet as soon as I am back on my feel, congrats to you as well. :)

Thanks, no worries, your health is more important than getting cigars in the mail.

Get well soon my friend.

longknocker 12-07-2009 03:48 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 670877)
Congrats to the Alabama team and its fans, they totally outplayed the Gators and deserve the right to play Texas for the National Championship. :tu

Joey, I will pay up on our bet as soon as I am back on my feel, congrats to you as well. :)

Thanks, Admiral!:) The Gators And Tebow Are A Class Act, My Friend. Fl. Will Be Back!:tu

G G 12-07-2009 05:54 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
Hope you are 100 percent soon Admiral.

floydpink 12-07-2009 09:56 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by ggainey (Post 671059)
Hope you are 100 percent soon Admiral.

Me too Tom. Probably missed it somewhere else, but didn't know you were laid up in the hospital. Speedy recovery to you brother.

As much as I love the Gators, I saw this coming.

icehog3 12-07-2009 10:58 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
Thanks Joey, Pete, Cliff (great to see you!), Greg and Greg. :)

Now, back to our regularly scheduled SEC Banter:

Anybody else wish the BCS National Championship game was on Jan. 1?

rizzle 12-07-2009 01:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 670666)
Hehe, not to worry for sure. How do you think I FEEL, I am a LSU Tiger fan, lol. But I have always loved the Tide,
since i was a kid. I USED to be a Tulane fan back then, which meant you hated LSU. In reflection, I also forgot that Texas is
not Indiana, or Kansas where you don't get much super football. Texas is as much about football as Florida is. The great players grow like weeds.
Now that I mentioned it, I think Mac Barnes used to COACH Tulane.
But I digress...after a month off, it's a toss up. Texas is fully capable of pulling it off, and BOTH of these so called
great teams from the SEC were beatable EVERY WEEK this year, at least by SEC competition

Don't know that I'd go quite that far, but I understand your point.

rizzle 12-07-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
Thanks for the well wishes gators, and congrats to my fellow Bama fans. :tu
I had said I liked our chances before but I certainly didn't see it playing out quite as it did.

You know, people can say what they want about Dunlap, but you just don't lose a guy like that under circumstances like that and it not have an effect. Just look what happened to us when we lost Andre Smith the week of the Sugar Bowl last year. And I'm smart enough to know that that wasn't the sole reason we won the game. But distractions hurt you man, and the gators had them everywhere last week. Dunlap's DUI, Meyer to ND, Strong to Lousiville, and then quite frankly, I don't think Florida thought we could beat them.

This team plays with a purpose though. They just bring it. And for a long time fan and alum they're a joy to watch. It's been a hell of a ride this year and yet I somehow don't think we're done.

So...welcome to the fray horn fans. And don't forget that we owe you guys one too. Actually, we owe you about seven. Hopefully we'll get the first one back January 7th.

Roll Tide!


Powers 12-07-2009 02:23 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 670941)

I have to say that I'm not a big Tebow fan. It has nothing to do with his religious beliefs/activities. I just think that he showed a total lack of class when he broke his verbal commitment to Alabama by waiting until the Bama coach showed up and meeting him at the door wearing Florida hat and jersey. That was a total embarrassment to the Bama coach, and no apology has ever been issued that I know of. I understand why Tebow changed his mind, and I don't have an issue with that. I have an issue with how he chose to convey that information to Alabama! From Tebow's standpoint, he made the correct choice, because there is no way Bama would have built a team totally around him like Meyers did. Bama has never been a "one person" program. I do not think Tebow would have the recognition he has today if he had played at Bama instead of Florida.

I haven't heard that story before about Tebow breaking his commitment. I remember his choice of Bama or Florida being live at his high school and covered by ESPN.

We definetly use Tebow a heck of a lot but i think its a little far to say Florida is a "one person" program. Meyer has consistently said, and shown on the field, that he builds his spread offence around his players. When we had Leak at QB in 06 it was very different. Last year we utilized Percy, Tebow and Murphy. This year we have relied on Tebow more because other players on offense haven't been able to take over games. Despite great years by TE Hernandez and WR Copper.

In short, when any coach has a player of Heisman caliber, that team will naturally look "one person". :2


Powers 12-07-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
BTW don't get too cocky Bama fans, ya'll bet us in every facet of the game but one:

Our punting was far superior! :r


floydpink 12-07-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
Tell ya what; Mark Ingram was unstoppable for Bama...

OLS 12-07-2009 04:31 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 670882)
Oops, didn't see this before I posted my previous response.

Am I that big an asshole, or p@ssy, that I would not come in and give the 'Bama fans their due?

No, it was a joke, given your staunch support of Tebow and the gators so far this year. I knew you would
be in here as soon as you found time. You know there is not a shred of bad in my opinion of you.

longknocker 12-07-2009 04:36 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 671557)
Thanks for the well wishes gators, and congrats to my fellow Bama fans. :tu
I had said I liked our chances before but I certainly didn't see it playing out quite as it did.

You know, people can say what they want about Dunlap, but you just don't lose a guy like that under circumstances like that and it not have an effect. Just look what happened to us when we lost Andre Smith the week of the Sugar Bowl last year. And I'm smart enough to know that that wasn't the sole reason we won the game. But distractions hurt you man, and the gators had them everywhere last week. Dunlap's DUI, Meyer to ND, Strong to Lousiville, and then quite frankly, I don't think Florida thought we could beat them.

This team plays with a purpose though. They just bring it. And for a long time fan and alum they're a joy to watch. It's been a hell of a ride this year and yet I somehow don't think we're done.

So...welcome to the fray horn fans. And don't forget that we owe you guys one too. Actually, we owe you about seven. Hopefully we'll get the first one back January 7th.

Roll Tide!


Well Said, Ritchie!:tu Roll Tide!

OLS 12-07-2009 04:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by ggainey (Post 670684)
Dude you don't have to be a jackass every minute of every day.;)

my post had nothing to do with religion, I was referring to CA members and more specifically the ones in this thread.

If you want bash the three things you consider the downfall, go ahead and I could prolly agree with you on some things. In answer to your offer to PM me I'll pass, I already get all of your opinions I can stand.

It seems to me that you spend a lot of time trying to provoke people into an argument, most folks ignore you and after this post I shall go back to doing that myself. I prolly shouldn't have even got drawn in in the first place, but I did. So I M done.:tu

Why put a wink smiley in there after calling me a jackass if you think I am an a$$hole and you get all of my opinions than you can stand?
Is it so you look like a good guy for putting a wink in with a bash rather than just bashing? You should feel
free to bash me full on without the pretense if you feel that way about me. In fact, if you are going to bash
me, do it without the BS smileys, so no one is confused.

rrplasencia 12-07-2009 04:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
roll tide!!!!!!

OLS 12-07-2009 04:57 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 671534)
Don't know that I'd go quite that far, but I understand your point.

It ws a quick way of saying the following teams had a legit shot to beat FLA straight up, and let their foot off their necks:


OK, I see YOUR point, lol That leaves Vandy, MS State, UG-AY who got taken behind the woodshed.
But the other 4 just failed to retain focus, or UF could have had 4 losses without any real stretch of the imagination.

OLS 12-07-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 670941)

I still believe in you! Whoa, whoa, whoa...Like I just reminded GGainey, don't smileys mean anything?? Tom is not untrustworthy in my eyes, I was having a laugh over his hard-core support for UF all season.

I have to say that I am very disappointed in anyone who takes glee in the fact that he was crying after the loss!! That shows a total lack of class, IMO.
You got me there, I don't like him, and I lauged out loud when I saw him crying. Mostly because I am in TV, I am not affected by advertising, cause I make it and know it is a big show. I also am rarely affected by television generated drama. So while most people see Tebow in tears as this great once-in-a-lifetime glimpse into the soul of the vulnerable athlete, I see it as "take camera 3...gimme a slow zoom in on his face...oh, we're gonna win an emmy for this." Plus I don't like the guy at all. I know, i am one in a million. I am allowed my laughter in the midst of his suffering.:D And on top of that, I have had to hear a non-stop UF love-in for 10 weeks, and now I am having MY moment, which I do not apologize for. Furthermore, when Cincinnatti hands them their a$$ again, I will have another.:banger

As to the doubts of ANYONE about Tom's trustworthiness, GET A GRIP/LIFE/CLUE (take your pick).

Please refer to line 1


Not giving you a hard time, I respect you Kid, but you misunderstood a common bit of knowledge, that I love Tom. Derh.

The Tebow stuff was added so that you can see that I have every right to laugh in the face of his tears. And I mean that with all due respect to your feelings about his tears. I also know that you know it is my right. I just had to refute some of the points you made. I lost some cigars to my dislike of UF this year, and I am not shy about the fact that I do not like their team. I have dealt with LSU's internal combustion. This thread is a friendly cookpot of rivalry and emotion.

OLS 12-07-2009 05:27 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by ggainey (Post 670684)
my post had nothing to do with religion, I was referring to CA members and more specifically the ones in this thread.

AND I was saying that I understood that no one cared,
and that I had taken pains (and too much time)to edit myself to be cognizant of the fact that there was no room
in the thread for a long explanation of why I dislike zealots. For some reason you took that to be some kind of
challenge to you. I only said that you were welcome to hear it in private if it interested you, but that I intended
to shut up about religion. I only replied so that your comments could be addressed. Did I react angrily in that reply
to you capping on me? no.

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