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thecatch83 03-26-2011 06:28 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1217782)
Awesome pickup Anthony!!


Now let's open that coffin now, shall we?

Patrick B 03-27-2011 02:22 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Yesterdays shopping extravaganza - Smokehead Islay scotch, Weller 12 year, 2 different barrels of Weller Antique, Russels rye, KBS, box of Illy 68s, box of Cain Daytona corona, 5 each of NHC natural, maduro, and Tatuaje Tattoo.

kelmac07 03-27-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Quite the haul Patrick! :tu

EricF 03-27-2011 02:45 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Looks like everyone has gotten some real good deals!!!

Nice grabs by everyone!!!!

Slow-N-Steady 03-27-2011 06:21 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

thecatch83 03-27-2011 06:24 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Very nice additions!

maverickdrinker 03-27-2011 06:27 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
nice looking pickups everyone.
Did a trade today and got

(12) fuente opus X fuente fuente and (12) fuente opus X Perfection X with 3 years of age on it.

RevSmoke 03-27-2011 07:26 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by maverickdrinker (Post 1218679)
nice looking pickups everyone.
Did a trade today and got

(12) fuente opus X fuente fuente and (12) fuente opus X Perfection X with 3 years of age on it.

Like your enthusiasm, but did you read the title of this thread??? :sl :r :r


thecatch83 03-27-2011 08:17 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Talking about Opus content + no pics =

maverickdrinker 03-27-2011 09:28 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
sorry rev,

wife's away and has the camera.....

RevSmoke 03-27-2011 10:01 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1218739)
Like your enthusiasm, but did you read the title of this thread??? :sl :r :r



Originally Posted by maverickdrinker (Post 1218839)
sorry rev,

wife's away and has the camera.....

That's been posted concerning me before.

I was doing it more for comic relief than to really complain.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

kelmac07 03-28-2011 04:43 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Todays new addition to the STUFFED vinos...Issues (Tony) gifted me one of these as Epic III and it was a fantastic stick!! It has taken me this long to find some.

DiFazio Maduros (2 Double Robusto/5 Robustos)

whodeeni 03-28-2011 04:45 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
a "little bit of this....." and ______

thecatch83 03-29-2011 02:56 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Didn't Bryan do a review of those Difazio's over at his site? Good looking smoke!

Skywalker 03-29-2011 07:53 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Some mighty fine pick ups in the last few days!!!:tu

kelmac07 03-29-2011 02:45 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
A few more 5ers for the now OVER STUFFED vinos...

La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Magnificos

5 Vegas Gold Maduro Coronas

kickerb 03-29-2011 02:47 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
damn MAC! was there some giant sale going on? you have been stocking up one some serious smokes!

MurphysLaw 03-29-2011 02:52 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice haul Mac, I gotta try to remember to try the Mi Amor, I loved the LADC i picked up, been meaning to snag a few more of those one day

thecatch83 03-29-2011 10:49 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Mac has been very active lately.........tasty!

Devanmc 03-30-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1216873)
A few more 5ers for the vinos...and these smell devine!! But damn if they aren't tiny little things.

Viaje Skull 'N Bones WMD

Viaje Skull 'N Bones MOAB Torpedo

im really gunna have to pass on these now, it wasnt enough im broke but im not gunna pay 10bucks to smoke something that size...:sh

though they will probly be very good

thebayratt 03-30-2011 01:06 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Got a few Viajes today.

Cornrow_Wallis 03-30-2011 01:34 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Got my skull and bones fix.:ss

hscmit 03-30-2011 01:40 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
nice pickups guys

N2 GOLD 03-30-2011 01:41 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Very nice... :dr

maninblack 03-30-2011 01:50 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Damn fine pickups gents!

Bill86 03-30-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Damn lots of Viaje pickups lately :tu

EDIT lets see some reviews when you guys smoke them new S&B's. Also I seriously hope no one only smokes them to the band :r :r :r

cobra03 03-30-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice pickups by all :tu

whodeeni 03-30-2011 01:52 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1221401)
im really gunna have to pass on these now, it wasnt enough im broke but im not gunna pay 10bucks to smoke something that size...:sh

though they will probly be very good

If you bought any of the Holiday blend Petite Robusto's Devan there's not much difference..
I guess you're not as much of a "Viaje Whore" as I thought you were....
You're officially being "demoted" to the rank of "Viaje Ho"!:r:r:r

Skywalker 03-30-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Sweet hauls Shawn and Rob!!!:tu:tu

hscmit 03-30-2011 01:57 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1221790)
If you bought any of the Holiday blend Petite Robusto's Devan there's not much difference..
I guess you're not as much of a "Viaje Whore" as I thought you were....
You're officially being "demoted" to the rank of "Viaje Ho"!:r:r:r

I think the proper term is a viage-tramp

whodeeni 03-30-2011 02:00 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Ummm where are you guys finding older Skull & Bones at?

neoflex 03-30-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Serious, where the hell are the older S&Bs coming from? I got a handful of both sizes of the new one but didn't go to nuts just for the reason you mentioned Devan but I knew if I didn't get any I would kick myself once they were gone. I'm funny like that plus they just looked to damn nice sitting on the shelf and I'm a sucker for pretty cigars.:D

whodeeni 03-30-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1221793)
I think the proper term is a viage-tramp

:tpd: What he said Devan... You've now been officially demoted to "Viaje-Tramp"!:sl

Zeuceone 03-30-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
thats where the viajes went... nice pick ups/

kelmac07 03-30-2011 04:06 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice grabs!! :dr :dr

MurphysLaw 03-30-2011 04:35 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice buys! Looking forward to my first Viaje tomorrow :tu

Cornrow_Wallis 03-30-2011 05:20 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1221796)
Ummm where are you guys finding older Skull & Bones at?

I got the old S&B from a guy on a different forum, they just got here at the same time as the new ones.

maninblack 03-30-2011 06:16 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Scored another box of these beauties today. Like them much better than the Camacho triple maddies.

This my third box in 3 months. I got a sickness.

kelmac07 03-30-2011 06:19 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice grab Kevin. I'm with you....these are a tad better than the Camacho Triple Maduros (and cheaper). :dr :dr

maninblack 03-30-2011 06:24 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Alot cheaper and not as in your face as the camacho's. I've had a few that were pretty harsh.

WyGuy 03-30-2011 07:43 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Nice buys everyone. Those Viajes look tasty! :dr

lyle23 03-30-2011 08:36 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1222055)
Scored another box of these beauties today. Like them much better than the Camacho triple maddies.

This my third box in 3 months. I got a sickness.

Im yet to have one of these. Noone this way has them or even heard of them, yet. Being the maduro man that I am, I loved the camacho triple maddie. But just too expensive to smoke on the regular. I have to grab some of these and give em a shot.

bscottskangum 03-30-2011 08:37 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Some nice pickups lately, jealous of all the Viajes

emopunker2004 03-30-2011 10:04 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
well this is not my pic but these will be in the mail to me tomorrow :noon:banger

MOW Puro Authentico

Bill86 03-30-2011 10:05 PM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Went to a local B&M smoked a Cain Daytona Corona and bought a Litto Gomez Americano 2009. I heard these were good, so we'll see. That's the best I can do for NC purchases :r

emopunker2004 03-31-2011 02:02 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Bill you're such a CC whore. Post 500 btw :wo

thecatch83 03-31-2011 05:04 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1221785)
Damn lots of Viaje pickups lately :tu

EDIT lets see some reviews when you guys smoke them new S&B's. Also I seriously hope no one only smokes them to the band :r :r :r


These have been out for a while, and no reviews! I got a fiver coming in so I will definitely be posting up a review.

RevSmoke 03-31-2011 06:33 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1222339)
Went to a local B&M smoked a Cain Daytona Corona and bought a Litto Gomez Americano 2009. I heard these were good, so we'll see. That's the best I can do for NC purchases :r

So, how was the Daytona?

As for the LG Americano, don't expect anything reminiscent of CCs in it.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Neens 03-31-2011 08:31 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1221785)
Damn lots of Viaje pickups lately :tu

EDIT lets see some reviews when you guys smoke them new S&B's. Also I seriously hope no one only smokes them to the band

I have smoked a few and can tell you I really like them. It wasn't overpowering and the flavors were great. I'm not much of a writer and wouldn't know where to start for a proper review. All I can saw is that I like the singles from a 5 pack so much I picked up this.

Got my guard dog watching it just incase anyones got any bright ideas.:D;)

CoreyD 03-31-2011 11:47 AM

Re: Show your latest NC purchase II!
Got this last week

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