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SilverFox 01-14-2010 11:57 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 719404)
How many people take their camera every where they go incase of that photo op?

I had been away from it but now it is with me most times.

JaKaacH 01-14-2010 11:58 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 718676)
Have been following this thread again and you all have me carrying my camera everywhere again.

Nothing jumped out at me yet but here are a few other of mine that I really like.
And this one was just capturing an amazing moment on film - my daughter dancing to her own internal music. I had lowered my shutter speed for lighting but like how the soft blur helps to show motion.......but then I am biased

Great shot Shawn. This is one of the best pics in this whole thread.:tu

Wolfgang 01-14-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I was at the camera store today picking up some film. I saw something on the shelf and i just had to grab it. Too many good reviews and recommendations to pass up.

Shot with my 50mm 1.8

Wolfgang 01-14-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Roland of Gilead (Post 719282)

I like these Mark. The contrasting colors of the cutters themselves and the bg. I realize the back is supposed to be out of focus but I would like to see more of the front in focus.

Im currently looking at highschool AP photo classes and all I see and hear is bokeh, bokeh, bokeh. I bugs the hell out of me that so many new photographers (not directed at you in any way) use the technique to mask the fact that they cannot take a picture that is in perfect focus. Ansel Adams is rolling over in his grave as I type this. ;)

Roland of Gilead 01-14-2010 08:41 PM

Re: Photography Thread
What are Moms for?


Wolfgang 01-14-2010 08:44 PM

Re: Photography Thread
ooooo fun Mark!

First photos with new light diffuser. Tree Fetish :lv

spectrrr 01-14-2010 11:15 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 719733)
I was at the camera store today picking up some film. I saw something on the shelf and i just had to grab it. Too many good reviews and recommendations to pass up.

Shot with my 50mm 1.8

An alternate viewpoint for your consideration. AS ALWAYS, shoot what you like and like what you shoot! (yup, ripped that off from cigars, buts its applicable!)

I ditched my FongDong a few years ago. Relegated it to the occasional wireless 2nd flash usage before it mercifully got lost.

Save the packaging on yours, head to walmart and give this thing a try. I shot entire weddings with it for the last few years.
That's the website and the ORIGINAL bounce card that I have, use and love. It look's like he's done a lot of renovations in the last 3 years and turned it into a business. He used to just show you how to make them. Feel free to peruse the site, but HERE is the video on how to make it yourself.
(disclaimer: he rambles, have patience)

His rubber bands work really well (I have one), but you can use a couple of those colored wristbands every charity and cause organization in the world sells for a $1. I haven't tried any of his commercial products, but they look quite good and I swear by his original version.

Rubber bands + scissors + walmart + flat-packing = win

This was almost certainly done with that card - note the complete absence of raccoon eyes, and that was very much a spur of the moment shot with ZERO setup.


Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 708054)

The Professor 01-15-2010 07:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Really just a series of snapshots rather than a proper photo. Shot at ISO 3200, f/2.8, 42mm, 1/125-1/160, AI Servo AF, aperture priority.

Wolfgang 01-15-2010 10:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Scary! Is this multiple set ups or did your lens auto focus between shots?

The Professor 01-16-2010 07:12 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 721594)
Scary! Is this multiple set ups or did your lens auto focus between shots?

hehe ... an artist never tells. ;)

okay, I'll tell. it's actually two setups. first two shots are one take, second two are a second take. notice how well the camera stayed focused on the cue between 1 & 2, though the subject (cue) distance changed from 3.97 to 3.19m. those were shots 2 & 3 of a continuous shutter setup; but my batteries don't have their best charge (been running on the same charge for over a week with a lot of shooting) and the high ISO slows things down a little, so I missed the landing. At its best, though, this camera will only capture 3.x/sec -- and we're talking under a full charge and optimal ISO & lighting.

it's a fun series, no? :D

longknocker 01-16-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I'm Out Of Everyone's League, Here, But Here Are Some Pics Of My "Mancave".

My Patio With My Black Cat Smokin' Buddy "Oshman"

My View Of The Golf Course From My Back Yard.

CC Welcome! Thanks, All!:tu

Wolfgang 01-16-2010 12:19 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Looking good Greg. :-D

longknocker 01-16-2010 12:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 722195)
Looking good Greg. :-D

Thanks! Not As Crisp As Your Photos, Bro. Any Suggestions?

The Professor 01-16-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 722223)
Thanks! Not As Crisp As Your Photos, Bro. Any Suggestions?

good start greg. it would help if you were able to retain the exif info, Greg -- that way we could see how the photo was shot (lens, focal length, aperture, shutter speed, etc.).

the first picture looks soft; but it may be camera shake. the second picture is over exposed in the foreground, probably from the flash going off; but it looks a lot sharper.

PS, I wanna herf on *your* back patio. :D :tu

longknocker 01-16-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 722239)
good start greg. it would help if you were able to retain the exif info, Greg -- that way we could see how the photo was shot (lens, focal length, aperture, shutter speed, etc.).

the first picture looks soft; but it may be camera shake. the second picture is over exposed in the foreground, probably from the flash going off; but it looks a lot sharper.

PS, I wanna herf on *your* back patio. :D :tu

You're Welcome Anytime, Bro!:D I Inadvertantly Had the VR "Off" On My Nikon Lens, So I Probably Did Have Some Camera Shake. I Usually Have That Problem. The Shots were on "Auto" Mode, just About Daylight. Thanks! Anything Else I Should Work on?

The Professor 01-16-2010 01:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 722275)
You're Welcome Anytime, Bro!:D I Inadvertantly Had the VR "Off" On My Nikon Lens, So I Probably Did Have Some Camera Shake. I Usually Have That Problem. The Shots were on "Auto" Mode, just About Daylight. Thanks! Anything Else I Should Work on?

Something that's made a HUGE difference for me (as far as I still have to go/grow) is this: take the camera off "auto" mode. If you have it on auto, you don't gain a sense of what different apertures, shutter speeds, and ISOs do to the image. Ricky/12stones threw me into a whole new world when he was up here for our her in October. I was running the auction and needed someone to take over the shooting. He immediately took it off auto, turned the flash off, adjusted the various settings, and I was totally shocked by the results. I don't know that I've used "auto" more than once or twice since then.

Sure ... you'll get a lot of crap shots; but that's part of the learning process.

Another thing: shoot in RAW and use the Nikon RAW processing software or one of the Adobe products (Lightroom or Adobe Camera RAW, which is part of Photoshop/Bridge). Aside from snapshots, the JPEGs aren't as useful. With RAW, you have a lot more control over your image in post-processing and are able to correct things that wouldn't be possible with JPEGs.

Finally, join a good photography forum. I'm becoming a fixture on a Canon one. While I can't recommend a specific Nikon one, I know there are one or two out there (because I've heard them mentioned by Nikon folks). :)

Have fun!!!!!

longknocker 01-16-2010 04:16 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thanks For The Tips, D!:tu

spectrrr 01-17-2010 01:22 AM

Re: Photography Thread
woohoo, found some of my London pictures on the webserver. I was there for 6 weeks shooting, with a week in Prague mixed in there. That was 3 1/2 years ago, my post-processing routine has improved A LOT since then....

A few "just for fun" images:
Outside the London Bridge
Lockerbie, Scotland
Random guy on the street in Cardiff, Wales

And some portrait work:
(both shot in the same studio and same day)

spectrrr 01-17-2010 01:28 AM

Re: Photography Thread
And a few from the week in Prague:

spectrrr 01-17-2010 01:29 AM

Re: Photography Thread
And two more from Prague:

ok, done now, more in a few months :tg

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